
Usable Trauma

Whoever is behind this pandemic and the response to it seems to have many threads going at the same time.  I read that the CDC–which as far as I know once had a reasonably good reputation, such that most normal people were not unjustified in taking at face value what they had to say (but that was so 2019 and before)–is saying kids have to wear masks.

This is, in my view, psychological torture, and contraindicated both medically and psychologically.  They are at more risk from the flu than COVID, and the masks won’t stop either.  AND WE KNOW THIS.  THE CDC KNOWS THIS.

Nobody can plausibly claim ignorance.  Nobody.

So my view is that they are trying to traumatize the nations children, with the intention of building a generation of compliant Americans.

Here is the thing: these mandates are tiring and infuriating, but that does not mean the mass of people will blame the people pushing this non-existent “science”.  No: it is as or more likely that the more the CDC tortures America, the more ignoble assholes like the people steering Joe Biden will be able to blame the REST OF US.

Get that?  They CREATE a problem, then blame it on us, and SOME PEOPLE BUY IT.

So this is a dual thread, one with a short term objective, and one longer.  Short term, they want to create more psychological tinder for the political bonfire of the dissidents they want to commit.  Longer term, you create angry children, whose anger can be CHANNELLED through relentless indoctrination consisting in only enough truth to help the lies to go down.

Where are the sane people?  Where are the brave people?  Where is the mass outrage?



Habit is a sort of personal assistant, isn’t it?  It takes care of things without you having to worry too much about it.  It is perfect for menial, simple, repetitive tasks that still need doing.

In my bedroom, I have two switches.  The left one controls the overhead light, and the right one the plugs for lamps and the light.  But in my case, I have a wake clock plugged into it, so if I turn the right one off, my clock resets.

No matter how long I live somewhere, I still get confused sometimes.  My hand may remember, but sometimes my brain gets in the way.  So I put a label over the right one.  Now I will never screw that up again.

Now, you might say, as I said to myself, that is so simple that should not be necessary.  I won’t say that sentiment is wrong.  But my brain, as you may imagine, is always whirring, and I was able to put that particular mistake out of the range of possibility, through a simple expedient.

As William James wrote, over a hundred years ago, in his outstanding book that I think everyone should reread (and which as I have commented, warrants reading several times, particularly his extended phenomenological treatment of the Self/Personality/Sense of I), no one is more miserable who has to make the same decisions over and over across a lifetime.  Habit allows you to delegate the unimportant.



“When I use the word “Science”,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make that word mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

I may have made some slight alterations, but Alice in Wonderland is a better metaphor than most for the time we are being made to live through by unscrupulous people preaching effectively to an ocean of idiots.


Labor, Capital, intellectuals and robots

The classic “class struggle” is an heuristic articulated at greatest length and with the most imagination by Karl Marx.  His argument was that no balance was possible, that Capital was so rapacious that they would abuse the workers more and more and more, such that at some point it was “historically–no, Historically–Inevitable” that a revolution would occur.

It seems reasonable to suppose this was his projection, based on his own rapacity, his own greed, and his own lack of inner balance.

But balance was struck, was it not?  As the rich got richer, so too did the poor.  Everyone benefited.  Standards of living rose and rose until kids who don’t get supercomputers by age 7 feel “oppressed”, a word which used to mean hunger, crapping in the road, years without bathing, and beatings and arbitrary imprisonment.

So we got a Yin/Yang between Labor and Capital, to the profound chagrin of the haters and aspiring tyrants.  So they have had to be creative in creating new victims, and new prisms by which to proclaim an “oppression” to which they can claim to be the solutions.

But if you look at it like this, the real Bidirectionality is between the INTELLECTUALS–who call themselves “revolutionaries”, but who are simply greedy opportunists who lie even to themselves–and EVERYONE ELSE.

And there is NO balance in this relationship, as it has been practiced historically.  There were limits to the greed of factories.  Greed has limits.  If you kill the Golden Goose, you cut off the gold.  You can become fabulously rich FASTER in most cases if you have relatively happy workers.  Ford figured that out quickly, and made a lot of money with that idea.

BUT THERE ARE NO LIMITS TO THE GREED OF INTELLECTUALS.  They want everything.  They are not balanced by either prudence or goodwill.  They want everything and everyone under their absolute control.  And it does not matter to them that they could have more of all the stuff, more money, more opportunities to do anything–like sail around the world, or go to space–if they were not so focused on CONTROL.  Power is what they are truly greedy for, and their lust in this regard is insatiable.

Seen this way, the intellectuals are the REAL “Capitalists”.  They are the enemy in their own drama.

And without going deeply into it, where do robots fit in all this?  They would seem to be the enemies of labor.  Are they the potential servants of the intellectuals, who would be happy to destroy a working class they never really wanted or needed to achieve their true ambitions?

The robots are coming, whether we want them to (I don’t, of course) or not.



I may make a series of posts on this.  As my understanding–standing under would mean what I see overhead, I suppose, what covers me and defines me–evolves, what I see are endless seeming tugs that we call opposites, that we have to balance to live well.

Imagine two force vectors going in opposite directions.  Balance would look like the one going to the right curving upwards, and then back.  The one going to the left curves downwards and then back, both of them following the universal principle of balance, which embeds their opposite within them, and brings them back.

You get the Yin and Yang symbol, and one energized in continual motion.  Imagine that symbol not as static, but as continually spinning within approximate bounds, and spinning now a bit to the left, now right, now up, now down, now forward, now back.  And conceptually it should be three dimensionally.  I can’t see that in my mind.  Perhaps the third dimension is Time, although that is normally the 4th.

I am speaking out loud, saying words whose inner reality I cannot fully see.

But this is a Bidirectionality, too, isn’t it?  Sometimes you see something then say it; sometimes you say something then see it.  Both are needed.  Perhaps a proper balance is MOSTLY seeing then saying, but you still need the other represented on the scale.

Hegel and then Marx spoke of Dialectics, of Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis.  Practically, Marxists at least think of Synthesis as the victory of Thesis over its Nemesis.

That makes this a destructive, unbalanced mode of thought.  It seeks the opposite of a dynamic balance, and in terms of FEELING this is perhaps why the static, unchanging hellhole becomes the reality.  Look at Cuba.  It’s like a Time Bomb hit and froze it in 1962.  Time passes, obviously, but little evolves.  Fear has transfigured the land, and turned a spontaneous, largely happy people into quiet people, frightened people, submissive people, who eat their beans and rice if they can get it, and while away their days with little to do, to hope for, or to live for.

I woke this morning thinking of the Bidirectionality that one should always pursue the path of courage and duty, however one conceives this.  The balancing consideration is that we all have limits.

Myself, I would have thought I would be farther along emotionally by now, but then I get in my feelings to what I felt as an infant, and it becomes obvious to me it is a fucking miracle that I am alive physically at all, and an even larger miracle that I am emotionally alive, that I did not disappear fully into a fully neurotic intellectualism; that I did not become completely cold, mean, detached, and to what I will call an English extent, ruthless while appearing kind.  That is a common malady there,  I think.  They are a cold people, and as I have said before, that is why they took over so much of the world.

But I think I will make more posts on these things.  It’s of course not a new discovery–the Yin/Yang goes back at least to the 1960’s, right?–but as I have said often, sometimes putting new words on things–repainting them–allows me to see subtle contours of a larger reality that were previously invisible to me.

And here is another one: sometimes what we are “seeing” we are projecting.  There is a Bidirectionality between what is going out, and what is coming in.

I suppose the balance, the ideal, is projecting out possibilities, and allowing in what is actually there.

The opposite, then, is projecting out a delusional reality, of seeing only what you want to see, which is not there; and denying the existence of everything that does not match your desires.

That is more or less exactly what most Leftists do.  To call it a mental illness is to ignore how much choice there is, or at least could be, in all this.  They are habits of perception, chosen continually.

Habit and freedom is another Bidirectionality, or Habit and Spontaneity.  I don’t think any of us could function without habits, but at the same time if we are fully defined by habits we are functionally ants.  As I have said before, habits are functionally acquired instincts.

That will do for now.  My little brain has been busy, but I just haven’t been feeling like writing.


Read this

It is not just possible, but likely, that the “Delta” variant–and all future variants–are not just not prevented by the “vaccines”, but FACILITATED by them.  It is literally like the world has been turned into a lab designed to evolve, all on its own, much more lethal and much more transmissible versions of what started out as a not very dangerous disease that could easily be dealt with by the immune systems of healthy people, generating relatively permanent resistance, if not full immunity.

If you wanted to get conspiratorial, I have NEVER bought the arguments that these injections were intended for global depopulation, as many conspiracy theorists would have it.

HOWEVER, by insisting on as close to universal vaccination as possible everywhere, what IS possible is that, sooner or later, we truly WILL get a global pandemic of a truly devastating and unstoppable disease.   This experiment is being played out in real time, and the likelihood of such as disaster is being increased, wittingly or not, by the policies being chosen to “combat” this not very dangerous–yet–disease.

We KNOW, for sure, that you can still get COVID if you have done as your government and pharmaceutical companies asked and gotten this experimental medicine.  This makes the argument for Antibody Dependent Enhancement quite compelling.

The “vaccines” are making everything WORSE, even by the metric by which they are supposed to help.  Add to this the deaths caused BY these injections, and this is a perfect storm of murderous and idiotic and anti-scientific policy.

The whole thing is madness.  This cannot be said too often, although I am up for trying.

From the article, which discusses the views of the French Nobel Laureate who discovered HIV:

Montagnier details that the mutation and strengthening of the virus occurs owing to the phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). ADE is a mechanism that increases the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease. ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.


In America, routinely recommended vaccines do not cause ADE. If they did, they would be removed from circulation. Phase III clinical trials of new vaccines are designed to uncover frequent or severe side effects before the vaccine is approved for use. Typically, it takes 2-4 years to assess whether a vaccine is safe, but with COVID-19 vaccines, manufacturers are spending around six months or less for testing.


According to the Cambridge University, ADE occurs in SARS-CoV-1, MERS, HIV, Zika, and Dengue virus infection and vaccination.

Data from around the world confirms ADE occurs in SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, says Montagnier. “You see it in each country, it’s the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths. I’m following this closely and I am doing experiments at the Institute with patients who became sick with Corona after being vaccinated.”


Brief (for me) obvious comment

I stand with the people fighting for basic freedoms in Europe, that most people in their wildest dreams never thought they would lose, again.  Not this way, not with this disease, which is a bad flu for most people IF THAT.

As I have likely shared, I have changed my own life as little as possible over the last year.  I work with people at close distance not wearing masks, hang out in bars where no one is or has been wearing masks, and feel ZERO fear–none–of this disease.  If I were not reminded every day by my media, I would–and often do–forget about it completely.

I have not been sick five minutes in the past year.  I take my prophylactics every day (Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin C, and Magnesium to offset the D), and otherwise view–if I’m honest–with contempt the people who have bought all this bullshit.  I feel like yelling at people wearing masks who don’t have to, particularly if, as seems obvious, they EVEN NOW think they protect them, even though Fauci himself never said that.  That would have been one lie too far, even for him.

And I will comment that the time to fight–and by this I mean civil disobedience, protests and the like–is at the beginning of tyranny.  Once it becomes institutional, once the functionaries develop the habits of power, once the police and armies become used to supporting fundamentally irrational, arbitrary, unnecessary and unaccountable abuses of power, then there is no magic moment after that.

In America we are used to the Deus Ex Machina, a phrase used to good effect in Donnie Darko.  But that is not how the world works.  Most of the time the cavalry ran out of food and water, and can’t be expected for several days.  Most of the time the people who have planned to win, who are willing to lie, cheat, steal, kill and abuse to win, win.  That is history, which is filled to overflowing with destroyed cities and plains filled with the bodies of soldiers and civilians alike.

As a corrective, I would encourage you to watch a film called “Ashes and Diamonds”.  It is about, at least as a back story, although of course there is more, the–very brief–Polish effort to resist Russian Communist Imperialism at the end of the Second World War.

It doesn’t end well, although it could have been worse.  But I think Americans need to remember that the director and most likely all the actors lived through first Nazi occupation and then Communist occupation.  No doubt all of them suffered.  No doubt all of knew a lot of people who died in ugly ways.  To the extent they were intellectuals, many likely knew victims of Katyn.

The movie is a kick in the balls.  But I think Americans in particular need MORE kicks in the balls.  We have forgotten history, which is filled with ugly people doing horrific things to innocent and guilty alike.

Don’t expect happy stories from people who lived through war, famine, personal loss, and tyranny.  Learn from it.  Learn from it.



Shame based culture

It occurs to me as well that we are regressing to a Puritanism based on everyone being focused solely on what we CAN’T do, rather than on anything good or positive.  It’s everyone looking around angrily, constantly on edge.

As Mencken put it: “Puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

Somewhere, there is some guy deciding whether or not to keep wearing his Cleveland Indians hat.  And somewhere there is some Leftist worried that he will.

The standards are enforced ruthlessly, pitilessly, because the Inquisitors believe they are GOOD.  They see themselves, as did the Nazis and Bolsheviks, and Maoists and Japanese Imperialists–and for the matter white Christian missionaries and colonialists–as inherently right, and everyone else as inherently wrong.

This is one more iteration of their Essentialism, which it was supposed to be the task of the Academy to eliminate, not distil and propagate, as has in fact happened.  Progress was undoing that sort of arrogance, by making it impossible in the light of the critical thinking and self awareness Liberal educations were supposed to make common and reliable in their administration.

But the book burners have taken over the universities.  They don’t need to subject ANYTHING to critical scrutiny.  They simply use social and political and even physical violence to silence the speaker, without ever even HEARING the ideas.  All they know about the ideas is that they were different.  All they know is that they hate THAT sort of diversity.  They can’t deal with it.  They are like Christians without faith, and without the comforts the positive aspects of that religion reliably provide when practiced honestly.



You’ve heard of Driving While Black.  The intent of Communistic Racist Teachings is to create an analogous and much wider category of Existing While White.  It is literally equal to considering all black people inherently and irredeemably inferior, but inverting it and applying the same racist logic to all whites.

And I was involuntarily subjected to a Left wing Democrat propagandist speaking on a loud TV at lunch the other day.


Here is the thing: I heard about the KKK in grade school.  I would wager you did too.  I would wager most European kids know about the KKK, and perhaps even many Asians.  There was no doubt they were white, and we discussed their motivations and crimes at some length maybe around 7th or 8th grade in my schooling.

CRT is not about teaching history.  It is about teaching a version of history that is quite similar to what the Nazis would have taught if they had won the Second World War.  CRT aims to be about as fair to whites as the Nazis would have been to Jews and Slavs.

All of this is being pushed to divide the country, and to prepare a Left Wing Cult for actual violence, which they can rationalize only by engraining demented caricatures of ordinary folks doing nothing more villainous than watering their lawns, doing mostly good work at their jobs, and rooting for their sports team (which almost certainly includes many persons of color).

1930’s Germany was another world.  The professors at the Universities taught biological racism as science.  Ordinary racism was still very common everywhere.  FDR only gave Federal contracts to Union contractors, and most or all Unions were strictly Whites Only, and openly so.  It was no secret.  This was the era of huge KKK parades in Indianapolis.

So it is reasonable to ask: even though professors at top Universities are STILL teaching racism, how is it that people, TODAY, are buying any of this bullshit?

Most likely, they aren’t.  It’s the same people pushing CRT as pushed Nazism.  Nazism started, remember, in universities, and most of its early and most ardent advocates were German students.  It seems reasonable to suppose that if you were a student of Heidegger–or any of the top professors of biology–you probably wound up a Nazi.

And if you are a student at most “top” schools today, you will most likely graduate with the idea that whiteness is evil.  And if you are white, you can only react to that with self loathing and the rage at everyone else which you spit out in the spirit of hate, but in the words of “justice” and “progress”.

Churchill called Nazi beliefs “perverted science”, which of course they were, but from the inside looking out, that science had the same authority in Germany that the “science” of Anthony Fauci does today.

All recipients of advanced degrees should be taught that PEOPLE LIE.  They believe this, no doubt, when it is applied, say, to Donald Trump, but it is INCONCEIVABLE to them that their own people lie too–much less that they lie more and bigger.


The great virtue of the accusation of racism

“Racism” is invisible.  It is a thought crime.

If someone were to be accused of theft, or murder, or rape, or arson, or any other actually prosecutable violation of the law, then there is a process in place for examining evidence, and making a reasonable effort at establishing, as well as the facts will allow, relative guilt or innocence.  And in America, when we are unable to establish guilt beyond reasonable doubt, then the person is acquitted and effectively declared innocent.  There is no stain on their criminal record.

But if I were to accuse you, at this moment, of thinking about pink flamingoes, how could you refute me?  And if I hired on a gang of people to support me in that accusation, how could you defend yourself?  Simply stating your innocence?  That you were not thinking that?  No, of course not.  You can’t prove what you were thinking.

ONLY THROUGH ACTIONS CAN WE BEGIN TO EVALUATE THE MOTIVATIONS AND THOUGHTS OF OTHERS.  If someone can be shown to have committed a murder, then obviously at some point the THOUGHT of murder crossed their mind.  And in establishing degrees of guilt–1st degree, 2nd degree, etc. which you know from the many crime shows you’ve watched–we are roughly estimating how much and how long this person thought of murder.

And if it was carelessness, we don’t necessarily call it murder: we call it manslaughter, or negligent homicide.

But racism, as the accusation is used today, is a crime without consequences.  There are no segregated movie theaters.  There are no “we don’t hire blacks” signs.  No separate drinking fountains (although they seem to be making a come-back).

As I have said, even the use of words, of a racial epithet in public, is most likely sufficient to make national news.

So how do you construct a crime without evidence?  How do you accuse someone of thinking something they most likely are NOT thinking?  You concoct a cloud of meaningless words, which cannot be validated or examined in any careful way.  You speak of “systems”.  You speak of “privilege”, and apply it even to the illiterate children of coal miners.

And obviously, again, the WHY is important.  Why concoct crimes, in pursuit of agendas rooted in lies and which benefit no one but those leading the Inquisition?

And obviously, again, the motives are as old as human history.  They are greed, self importance, the need to express emotional dysfunction through hatred, the need for tribal membership combined with the observation that shared hate builds communities, and of course the lust for power and control and dominance and never having to say you are sorry.

History comes in waves. The waves are all water.  They are all composed of human emotions that flow naturally from our biologies, personal histories, and the cultural history of humankind.  The exact mix varies continually, but the primary colors don’t really change.

We are born for happiness.  Our biology is quite equal to making us live as contented animals, and spiritual aspirants on this planet.  But we fall very, very easily out of balance, and once balance is lost, then the water sloshes back and forth for a very long time.

It is possible there was global peace 15,000 years ago.  We don’t know.  There is no real record of that time.

Doris Lessing, in the most important book in what she considered her most important accomplishment–the Canopus in Argos series–wrote in Shikasta of a favored planet, that lived in harmony, and which at some point was shaken out of harmony some thousands of years ago, and which continues to try and return to both the ways of life that were lost, and the knowledge that was lost.

Critical Race Theory is a viral bad idea.  It is a disease of very old origin.  It is painted and polished hatred.  It is a creed of dominance, envy, bad luck (in the energy it puts out), and at root laziness.

They do not make a list of existing problems they seek to fix.  Just as the crime is invisible, so too will be their results, outside of ruining the lives of mostly good people to no purpose.