
Another way of putting it

“Antifa” really amounts to adult supervised historical CosPlay. Yes, they are really committing acts of violence, but not (yet) on a large scale, and as protected wherever they thrive (like Portland) by a wall of police. If they were facing actual historical Nazis many would now be dead.

For those vulnerable to silly symbolism they get to act out the conflicts between Communists and Nazis, and in so doing reinforce the lie that National Socialism was the opposite of Communism (Nazism bad therefore Communism good, in two year old logic) rather than a rival street gang that was equally violent but with a slightly different agenda intended once it too won complete control and it too eliminated “stupid” democracy, which was the goal of both gangs.

Here is the thing: in this simplistic political morality play—where substance and symbolism have become hopelessly muddled and intermingled by these half baked fools—they get to play the part of Good, which is a hard role to find in a world where their people have deleted as well as possible all stable, traditional and common sense rules.

Nothing is good or bad, but Antifa is good and their opponents are bad. They define themselves as “Anti-Fascist” thetefore OBVIOUSLY anyone they attack must be 1) guilty; and 2) Fascist. To claim otherwise as even POSSIBLE is to put at risk the whole show, which is absolutely inconceivable for masses of people with unstable petsonalies and who are unable to cohere at all without a fixed unifying enemy.

Ask them: would you have been a Nazi in the 1930’s?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! comes the answer. All well and good. In their oen mind they would have been warriors to the death (or at least until it stopped being fun and unopposed).

OK. How about this: would you join a group which viewed a particular race as uniquely evil, and uniquely responsible for everything wrong with the society, a a society which was otherwise good and praiseworthy?

They already HAVE joined that group, haven’t they? We already see public fantasies of mass murder, don’t we?



Like all bullies, Nazis felt THEY were the ones who had been wronged.  All the violence they inflicted on the Jews and on Europe generally was not proactive aggression in their eyes, but reactive retribution.  They believed that THEY had been wronged by the Jews, that the Jews were secret oppressors of Das Deutsches Volk, and that far from simply attacking them at random and for no reason, that they were simply righting a wrong, rectifying an injustice, just giving them what they deserved.

Critical Race Theory is no different in this respect.  What its proponents WANT to do is punish innocent people because of crimes they did not commit.

I say again: CRT is Nazism by another name.  Same mobs in the streets, same irrational and mouth frothing violence, same demonization and radical polarization, same inability to see their chosen enemies as the ordinary, fallible, and mostly but not invariably reasonable people they are.

I will append the comment that even when Hitler was speaking of Lebensraum, the latent assumption, and certainly feeling, was that the rest of Europe had encroached on them, was crowding their space, confining and constricting them, and that it was both their natural right and even DUTY to stop this aggressive bullying by the rest of the world.

Here is the thing: if you do not do your emotional work, you are a fucking imbecile.  And if you happen to be a highly intelligent imbecile, then you are dangerous to everything good.  Such was the case with everyone of whom I am aware in the Frankfurt School, and such is the case with anyone CAPABLE of taking their BS seriously today.

I will not say everything they wrote was stupid.  Some of their critiques of modernity were on point.  Some specifically Marxist critiques have some validity.  But to diagnose a problem is very different than proposing an intelligent and likely effective solution.

As I have said often, such “thinkers” are what I call Thought Aesthetes: they love painting in their minds, and really don’t give a shit if any of it does any good in the actually existing world.  The process of painting–which involves a lot of discussing, and not infrequently being idolized, as Theodore Adorno, as one example, seemingly was in California (I am not widely read here, but this is my superficial impression)–is the whole aim.  The aim is the words.

And for anyone who criticizes such a solipsistic and at best useless enterprise, more words, OBVIOUSLY, are the answer.  Not effectiveness: dear God, not that.

Never forget that Sartre hated engineers more than nearly anyone.  I think he hated them more than the bourgeoisie as a class.  That is what I recall reading.  What could be worse than a practical outlook, and the capacity to create things that work in the real world?  How could that but remind the useless of their uselessness?  Add vanity to the useless thinker, and “make something work” is fighting words


Further thoughts on Completely Racist Teachings

Little Jewish kids–or Gypsy kids–had favorite foods.  They had foods their mother could not get them to eat.  They had friends and feuds at school.  There were husbands who were cheating on their wives, wives who were cheating on their husbands and couples who were utterly in love.  Most were somewhere in the middle.

Today, white kids–especially white boys–born to well adjusted–or for that matter clinically insane and abusive–parents are ALREADY racist.  They are ALREADY being condemned, already subject to censure and State sponsored ritual abuse, if the Left gets its way.

How is that any different than judging a little black baby at birth?  It isn’t.  No difference at all.  The main difference is the intellectual gymnastics which require that racism be USED to condemn racism.  That is no easy task.  Words have to be perverted.  Foundational lies have to be accepted so deeply that they cannot be questioned.  The focus must be placed outside the narrative such that no one looks at it carefully–with, shall we say, CRITICAL eyes.

I see madness everywhere I look.  It most likely would have been the same 100 or 1,000 years ago, for me.  But the DIFFERENCE today is that we have evolved GENUINELY GOOD IDEAS, such as universal tolerance, equality before the law, and the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of our own conception of happiness.

People who speak of “Progressivism” are a cancer on everything good we have built.  I fully support progress.  I simply oppose turning the clock backwards, bringing back everything bad, and then slapping a rhetorical dab of paint on it and calling it good.

These people, rather than seek the ACTUAL public good, seek platforms from which to seek attention, and to proclaim their own personal virtue, which they have not begun to earn, but think they can rationalize through words alone.  It is a bad magic trick, a deception, and large scale exercise in collective psychosis.

And again, behind it all lie opportunists fully aware that in others stupidity lie mountains of gold and thrones of the sort from which they were cast some time ago.



I postulated somewhere a couple weeks ago that anger is the psyches social immune system.  It keeps out what is unhealthy naturally and spontaneously.  It works much faster than our brains, even if it sometimes makes mistakes (which I suppose makes chronic anger a sort of social autoimmune disorder, in that it attacks what might otherwise be healthy).

Today I would like to assert that sadness means something is lacking.

It is not unreasonable to assert that our natural state is happiness and engagement; that people who are truly happy and truly fully engaged seem rare in our own society–at least as I see it, and perhaps I myself am being stupid, which is a strong possibility–does not mean that if we get what we need emotionally, that health and happiness is not a spontaneous and quick result.



We all have stories.  We have parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends.  We went to at least some school.  We ate lunch with people.  We made trips somewhere.  We had good things happen, and bad things, perhaps terrible things.  We have all felt happy, sad, upset, angry, perhaps traumatized, sulky, moody, arrogant, inferior.

We all watch media, or most of us.  Those of us who don’t perhaps have the best stories.  We have preferences, usually which we discuss with friends, if we have any.

Here is my point: the more or less official viewpoint of the New York Times, as emblematic of American media generally–with far too few exceptions–is that conservatives do not have stories.  We do not, as individuals, have context.  We do not have personalities.  If we do have stories, they amount to a continual and incessant desire for malice.  For racism, beating up homosexuals, rejecting transgenders, for bullying women.  That is all we do all day.  All we think about.  We refuse to drink at the well of wisdom, and spurn all goodness.

That this is cartoonish and ludicrous does not mean it is not happening.  It is.

I would comment specifically that the Frankfurt School, which is in my understanding generally what is being referenced when Critical Race Theory is being discussed, came out of the same culture which created the Nazis.  I would even argue that it articulated an equal and opposite racism, with just as much hate, just as little nuance, and just as much blind assumption made about large heterogeneous groups of people as the actual National Socialist German Workers Party did.

People who are not in touch with their emotions do not see color and texture.  They lack the ability to ferret out specific forms from the masses of people in their brains.  One person stands in for all.

Max Weber–also of course a German–came up with the idea of the Ideal Type.  But he intended it as an heuristic, the boundaries and limits of whose usefulness he erroneously assumed intelligent people would naturally see.  OBVIOUSLY all individuals differ in their goals, histories, ambitions, understandings and daily moods.  This is common sense.  This is why racism is inherently prejudice and cannot be seen otherwise.  It cannot possible hope to encompass all possible individual stories.

Critical Race Theory is therefore Nazism by another name.  I truly believe this.  It is the same morphologically, and the same in its utter lack of humanity and emotional intelligence.


Election Audits

What sort of world do we live in, where the frantic efforts of Democrats to prevent ANY kind of rational and honest audit of the 2020 election are not seen BY ALL as de facto admissions of guilt?

When someone is screaming “there is nothing to see behind that curtain” you need to look behind that curtain.  This is common sense.

If the Democrats themselves REALLY believed Joe Biden won (and that all the down ticket Democrats REALLY won, also), then they would open everything up.  Here, take a look.  Take your time.  Here are the pass codes.  Here are the ballots.  Just film everything and lest us know when you are done.  We want America to realize and understand that Trump is over and the American people wanted and will get change.  We want confidence in the system.  We want confidence in us.

Self evidently, they are doing the opposite.  They are closing everything they can, stopping all investigations, impeding access, spending huge amounts of money on lawyers, launching personal attacks.

And literally EVERYWHERE any investigation has happened serious irregularities have appeared.  In Arizona, they are refusing to give the passwords to the servers and routers that, for all intents and purposes, BELONG TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.  They also seem to have done their best to delete the databases that were on them, to OBVIOUSLY prevent any possible audit trail.

I am sure most Americans wish one of their options with the IRS and local agencies–for both their personal taxes and corporate taxes–was just to burn and delete all their files and say “there is nothing to see here”.  But you know what happens if you do that?  You go to jail.  At a minimum, you get grilled, and they make every effort to recover everything.

And until those responsible for this massive fraud start facing jail time, they WILL KEEP DOING IT.  Why wouldn’t they?  Ethics are not a concern, and unpunished crimes are not really being treated as crimes, are they?

Here is the claim we are supposed to believe without question (and of course we are racist if we fail in said belief, because fucking ice cream and bicycles are racist, if it serves some transient left wing purpose): Joe Biden, who lacks charisma, comes across as a hack bullshit artist for anyone with a shred of perceptual ability and life experience, has a long term habit of saying stupid and actually racist things, who was older on day one than Reagan was on day Last, who is patently suffering from dementia, who barely left his house during the whole campaign season, and who struggled to deliver coherent speeches to sparse audiences when he did, GOT 15 MILLION MORE VOTES THAN OBAMA DID IN 2012.  66 million to 81 million, or a about a 22% INCREASE, for a candidate for whom the best argument was that he wasn’t Donald Trump.  This, while Trump was filling stadiums with screaming and enthusiastic supporters around the country.

C’mon man.

Look at our Capital: our friends and family and neighbors are having their lives interrupted to protect our government from the people it is supposed to govern with their consent.  None of this makes any sense, and this point is OBVIOUS for anyone who has not voluntarily had their brain cells ground into a fine powder and scattered to the four winds.


Seeing with magical eyes

I was doing my evening routine last night, and the possibility hit me of seeing with magical eyes, of–if my German works–Wiederzauberung, relative to Entzauberung, which of course is a Max Weber reference.

He said our collective destiny was iron cages.  Certainly, the cage production business has been brisk for at least a hundred years (read this book immediately, by the way:, but perhaps also for most of human history.  We know there was a time people believed in leprechauns widely, but those times also included many abuses, as we would now see it.  We want the magic, but not the oppression and actual injustice (the words are so abused they have become nearly useless cliches).

Magic is connection to the Godhead.  It is, so I read, a common outcome of the use of psychedelics.  At some point, I need to make that trip, but the time is not quite right.  My own inner work remains productive, and I want to be relatively intact before I intentionally shatter the rest of me.

But this is what we really want: a sense that life is beautiful.

I bought that movie, by the way, for $3 somewhere, and found it, if I am honest, a bit tedious and derivative.  It was an agglomeration of bits held together at the end by emotional manipulation.

But it was a huge hit in Hollywood, precisely because they seek and seek and seek this felt sense that life is beautiful, but never find it.  They find experiences by the score, no doubt–experiences that should fill them with something, but which never finally do.

And consider the magic of acting: YOU ARE PAID TO BE SOMEONE ELSE, to occupy another skin, another soul.  You get paid to not be you, to escape you, to run, run away, and your hiding gets you awards and recognition, if you do it well enough.

This is not really magic, though: it is skillful fraud.  At its best it is a useful fraud, one which induces in the viewer new emotions and insights that lead to renewed magic in their own lives.  The magicians all seem to be looking to the West, though, wondering, pining, and finally frustrated and angry.  The ocean does not want them, any more than the eye of the needle wants a camel.


Off the beaten path ideas

Consider that Q is a planned PsyOp.  The functional EFFECT has been to radicalize a percentage of Americans, who are rightly terrified among other things by a blood drinking pedophile elite  Who would that serve?  Would it not be anyone who wanted to sow division in the United States?  I have suggested the CIA, but it could equally be the Chinese, the North Koreans (who I suspect are not allowed enough freedom to be that clever), the Iranians and others.  Perhaps even the Russians, although I am tired of hearing about them.  I think they have been guilty perhaps 1 or 2 times out of the 662 million times they have been accused.

I actually think much of the anti-Russian rhetoric is CHINESE PsyOps, since conflict between the United States and Russia, particularly pointless and self destructive conflict, serves the Chinese well.

But contemplate the possibility that the Georgia Stones were placed, not by a rich American, but by a foreign government.  Is that not possible too?  The Chinese perhaps?  Or perhaps even a rich global oligarchic class which CONTROLS the Chinese government, but in the purpose of creating another bone of contention, another source of engineered conflict, distraction, and divisions which make eventual political conquest easier?

And if, as I say, the calls for Communism AMOUNT to a call for the return of the Tsars, just with more power, and less restraint on it (recall that Lenin killed more political prisoners in his first year than all the Tsars had in the previous 100 years), then why would the richest richy rich people of the world not ABSOLUTELY support it?  They get control.  It is almost comical to contemplate that they would care in the least the rhetoric used to create the new reality (recreate the old), or to destroy the previous one it replaced.  They likely think this is all hilarious themselves, and honestly in a way it is.  It is breathtaking and astonishing to contemplate how fucking stupid most of the human race is.  We are not just falling into the trap, but marching in singing the Marseillaise, as if that has ever done a fucking bit of good.

It is like the Geico (controlled by a member of the power elite, clearly) commercial on bad decisions in horror movies:

I am not really an ironic distance, detached kind of guy–quite the opposite–but I have to admit feeling for whatever reason a momentary relief just contemplating the RIDICULOUSNESS  of all this.  It is literally making me laugh a bit.  I guess laughter is better than crying.

But wake the fuck up.  Seriously.


Return to Cloward-Piven

Remember this?

This is Marxism by another name.  Guaranteed income to the poor for doing nothing, “paid” for by the Federal government, which can only make those payments by borrowing from the present, borrowing from our future, or taxation of actually productive people.

Ponder where we are and where we were.  Last February we were approaching full employment, businesses were starting everywhere, consumer confidence was at extremely high levels, and even though Federal expenditures were more than receipts, there was every reason to think Trump in a second term could begin to balance at least the annual budget again.

Now, expenditures are through the roof.  People are being paid to exist, as in the plan.  We went from full employment to a world where the government is paying people NOT to do jobs which exist.  We have people getting fat on what amounts to welfare while restaurants and other places find it difficult or impossible to get help for jobs they desperately need to fill.

Most commentators, looking a the Cloward-Piven plan, concluded it was intended to collapse the economy and force in rationing and a totalitarian government, like they have in Cuba and Venezuela, which are both pits of miseries that amoral, anti-social, and hateful narcissists like Cloward, Piven, AOC, Bernie and others still idolize.

Psychopaths like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have just always admired their ability to do whatever they want with impunity.  Nothing is too much.  Pulling anyone they don’t like or who disagrees with them off the street and putting them in jail for no other reason indefinitely is not just child’s play, but a routine occurrence.

What do you think the Federal, State and Local debts will be when we finally end this thing?

I honestly don’t think Biden’s people intended to get rid of the mask wearing social control this early, but as one Republican leader pointed out, they desperately needed to get headlines off the $7 gas prices.  I said some months ago they were trying to bring back the 1970’s, but I meant stagflation and an America held in contempt around the world.  Even I never anticipated gas lines.

A power elite is using a pandemic which they may or may not have created, but which they are CERTAINLY putting to USE, in order to destroy our nation, eradicate as quickly as possible the rule of law and Constitutionally protected freedoms, to enact general censorship, initiate political oppression controlled at the highest levels, and in general roll back every good thing, every advancement, ever achieved by the generations of great Americans before us.

We are not now, and perhaps never will approach being perfect.  But we are a LOT better than China, Cuba, the Soviet Union, and all the other horrific criminal regimes which are the role model for these retrogressive lunatics, who more than anything want a return to humanities long history of oppression, injustice, differential privilege, slavery, and what is perhaps mistakenly called inhumanity.

To do this they have convinced several generations of soft headed imbeciles the value of slitting their own throats in pursuit of the common good.

Here is the thing: as I have said before, not even the illegal immigrants they are importing will in the long run benefit from what they have planned.  There is not enough to go around.  Blacks will suffer.  The poor will suffer.  The middle class will suffer.  Only perhaps 10% of the population will not see vast negative changes, and only their own 1% will actively benefit and thrive with what they have planned.

This is nothing less than a return to monarchy, to the Divine Right of kings, to courts and sumptuous fountains, all while the peons and plebes labor in the literal or figurative fields to feed them.

Or perhaps they don’t even want or need us, as some commentators have suggested.  Then it is death for most of humanity.  Ethically, this would be easy.  The difference between the murder of one innocent person and 100 million is really infinitesimal if visible emotionally at all.  And 100 million and 6.5 billion–the amount needed to get to the numbers on the Georgia Stones, which do exist, even if we don’t know the full or even partial story–are just numbers, right?

All I know to do is keep telling the truth as well as I can.  I don’t know what else to do that has any chance of success, as done by me, with what I know.


Perhaps a useful metaphor

I was commenting somewhere earlier, and called the mRNA treatments “effectively biological nanobots”.  I think that is reasonably fair.  If people want to object to the term “gene therapy”, fine.  Not all genes are affected, at least as far as we know.

But the GOAL is to send in little devices that enter healthy cells and turn them into unhealthy cells that look to your immune system like intruders, to that your immune system can learn to fight them.

And it seems clear that the natural immune response, as most of us would have assumed, is VASTLY more protective than the vaccines.

The plus side may be that this conversion therapy, from healthy to spiky, only happens briefly.  But if so–and we should all devoutly hope this is the case–that means that the treatment needs to repeated at regular intervals.

As I have been arguing for something like a year now, the simplest long term solution is for all healthy people to contract this illness, in conditions of nutritional immunosufficiency, fight it off, and most likely receive in the bargain T Cell immunity that might last as long as the rest of their lives.  This is cheaper, easier, and safer.  It was and remains the prohibitively most intelligent solution.

Bodies are complex systems.  The largest and best supercomputers cannot predict outcomes even in aggregate, because the inputs necessarily are imperfect. They are best guesses.  There remains a LOT we don’t know about the human body.

I continue to believe all this is stupid for most of us.  I continue to wonder how all this is even possible.