

What if the reason we land on Earth with amnesia is that learning, itself, is the greatest pleasure to be had here?  If we landed knowing everything, that would ruin the fun.

Or what if learning how to learn, the metaskill, is the main point?  That nothing we learn here applies elsewhere, other than the ability to get better and better at living generally in all contexts?

What if the universe really is an unsupervised playground, and all is allowed?  What if our minds create our realities, directly and immediately, in all realities except the physical universe?  What if it is a incomprehensibly slippery ice, so slick that you cannot learn to skate on it?

What if the physical universe is a massive triumph, created by a team of creators many eons ago, as a solution to this problem, which they also faced?  No God, but what amount to gods, working together, some more intelligently than others?  What if some sections of this universe were created by committee, as David Hume–half in earnest, half in jest–once suggested?

And I wonder: what if the universe, in its first iteration, WAS purely material?  All matter and form flowed through, from beginning to end, in a purely mechanistic manner, precisely of the billiard ball sort that Einstein hoped to recover from a physics which had killed his Spinozan God.

BUT, at some point, disembodied spirits–spirits who did not KNOW what a body was–stumbled on this universe from another, and realized they could inhabit–IN TIME, no less, which was also a new form of awareness and following representable concept–the robots, the mechanistic things, we call human beings (and squid-like intelligences on a distant planet, and conscious gases on another), and change them, alter them, move them.

And what if these beings, now confined to this universe, can occupy any being from any point from the beginning to the end (with the failed experimental Tralfamadorian hyperdrive, of course), and experience what they experience, and change that experience, such that the future changes, and all futures have their relative pasts changed?  What if our mechanistic universe is being altered continually in both directions?

Here is the point I will make: most people lack the imagination to realize that all religions may be mostly or even completely wrong.  “Science”, certainly–understood here as the default assumptions of hard headed, inconsistent, dogmatic, and unimaginative drones, by and large but not universally–is wrong.

All options are on the table.  The task is to use REAL science to start figuring out what is REALLY happening–if for example, what is happening depends on what we think is happening, or can imagine happening–in an interesting way.  That would be a good use of everyone’s time and lives.


Overindulging in the rhetoric and getting drunk

You know, it is one thing to posit that progress and eventual relative victory–understood I suppose as a recognizable qualitative, quantum leap from one state to another–is possible, and another to actually pursue it.

Nothing in life happens as well without a plan as with it.  Not in the long run.  Your plan might be to be spontaneous.  That is still a plan, a default judgement.

For those of us thick with trauma, the plan needs to be simple.  Complexity is lost when every day feels like a fight, and when most of life feels like an attack. It is like an acquaintance of mine Tony Blauer teaches: your body, and your emotions, have a mind of their own.  You can count on it.  Learn to lean into what is going to happen anyway, and form your plan from there.

I have over time suggested many possibilities.  Absent anything else, I think yoga, a really solid yoga practice done daily, is about as simple a plan as I know.  Emotions will come up.  Let them.

And one of the real long term virtues of Kum Nye practice is that over time you learn to feel your body, feel what you are feeling, and learn to embrace and allow it.  I can go months without actually sitting on my meditation cushion and still do this.  Once you get the idea, it stays permanently, and even when I get pulled into abstraction, I feel that too.

I have some specific things I have been doing I may share another day.  I keep trying to improve my waking and evening routines.

What I have discovered is that the sex pattern holds generally.  What I mean by that is that in sex first your sympathetic nervous system is aroused–that is what gets women wet and men hard–and then in orgasm it is the parasympathetic.  Tension followed by relaxation is a natural pattern.  The contrast teaches you something, if you pay attention.

As I say, I will share specifics at some point.



It occurs to me that for the same reason they reject the idea of the Self, Buddhists need to reject the notion of a singular Dharma.

There is no Dharma.  The dharma which can be articulated and exposited upon by thousands in a hundred universities is not The Dharma.

We posit a path, but this is not really a fully valid metaphor.  There is merely always a next step which is slightly better, and one which is slightly worse.  And with every step, the past fades, the ground disappears, and a next decision presents itself.



Most of us, most of the time, and at all ages, when we speak of “life”, or “the world”, or “people”, are channeling emotional tones we assimilated–by osmosis more or less, since this was the milk in which we swam and floated–from our childhood homes, particularly from our mothers, but also from all other individuals who had an influence, which would include those of both a present and an absent father.  Gaps have feelings too.  Absences can become abscesses, hidden in the dark.

Commission and omission.  Most people see the first easily enough, but it takes time and patience and observation and contemplation to feel the second.

Everything you need to be a complete human being is there.  The parts and pieces are lying on the floor.  They await an organizing wind, and light, and attention.

It remains a source of wonder to me how emotionally stupid you have to be to embrace most of the Left wing cult, how cold, how distant, how nascently cruel, how loveless and uncaring.

If the world looks to you like violence and oppression, reread my first paragraph.  It is likely YOU are the perpetuation of something which could and should stop, stop soon, and stop with you.

Be the firewall; be the impenetrable barrier that you lacked.  Stop the flow of death from one Life Chamber to the next.

Do what you can with what you have, do it now, do it here, and do it as well as you can.



I haven’t decided yet if I am going to go through a David Lynch watching period, but this movie has shown up in so many places, on so many lists of one sort or another, I thought I should give it a go.

Preliminary thoughts:

First, it occurred to me watching this how Surrealism, in a way, is to reality somewhat what comedy is, but in an unpleasant and yet perhaps more instructive way.  It does mean, after all, more less hyper-Real.

What I mean by this is that much comedy takes something quite real but absurd, and exaggerates it just enough that we laugh at it.  Laughter is a way of releasing social tension, and “comedy” is what creates that tension, allowing the release.

Here, we see real human interactions, and actions, taken to the extreme, past what is possible, and into the directly representative.  As one obvious example, most parents at times view their babies as little monsters.  The first thing I did when I finished the movie was look to see if Lynch had had any kids when he made this movie.  Yes, he had.

How much of a true transformation does it take to turn a real baby, which is constantly emitting body fluids of one sort or another, constantly crying, constantly needing something, to a little monster?  How often do parents feel the urge to kill or crush their children?  As I have long said, no parent is telling the truth, in my view, when they say they never, ever had the urge to strangle that little thing that woke them up every two hours for months on end.

And how often do we see madness?  Have you never seen the smile of that father when he visits his girlfriend?  It was one of the creepiest things in the movie, on purpose.

And animals bleed, do they not?  Their bowels have be pulled out of them before they can be eaten, do they not?  I was reading, in fact, that many farmers on septic systems consider that chicken intestines work well to feed the bacteria that make septic tanks work.  And I sat next to a guy who grew up on a farm on an airplane a few weeks ago, and he said he killed and plucked and gutted a couple chickens a week every week for most of his childhood.  He also worked in a pig slaughterhouse for a summer, which definitely bothered him more.  He shared some details of that.

And he has many shades of women, does he not, which even if we reject Freud himself can easily come to stand in for varying relations with his mother?  The crazy young woman, the crazy older woman, the femme fatale, the women with the insane grin and inappropriate childishness?  As I think about it, she was the scariest of them all, in some ways.  I have seen this madness before, the regression combined with suppressed rage, Pollyanna with a pickaxe.  The insane grin, and sweet little girl smile, while crushing little babies, and singing eventually of heaven.  He nailed that, I think.

And is that monster baby not an image–as we could now view it, I think, although much of this theory was not worked out yet well in the 1970’s–of developmental trauma?  When he looks across the hall, and his neighbor looks back at him, and sees a bawling monster baby, is that not what is inside him emotionally?

And in terms of the title, the baby displaced the head, did it not?  And the role of the head was to erase.  To forget.  To distract.  To make disappear.  And to do so rationally.  With his pocket protector, Henry must have been an accountant in spirit.  His accounting was emotional erasing.

I doubt very much Lynch articulated to himself all this.  But he felt it  That’s what good artists do.  And I strongly suspect all this MUST be in him.  It is certainly in me.  That is how I see it.

I cannot honestly say this movie was cathartic for me.  It was too raw, and in some respects too real.  But it was a useful watch.  And the way my brain works, I will be seeing these images for several weeks.  I suppose I am like an emotional cow, with four stomachs.  But I do tend to digest things quite finely, over time.


Honest question

Can you think of ONE movie where the Communist Chinese appear?  Chinese?  As Communists?  In the modern era?

Are they are any movies showing Mao in an honest light?  The Gang of Four?  The Cultural Revolution?  Maybe.  Perhaps I am not aware of them.

But I was thinking of Stranger Things, and their effort in the third season to inject the Russians as bad guys into the consciousness of 2019 (or whatever it was).  They WERE the bad guys in the 1980’s, but it is not unreasonable to assume latent propagandistic intent in the series to support the anti-Russian narrative SOMEBODY–and I would suggest the  Chinese and their supporters are the logical best guess–is pushing so hard.

And I think of some of the stupid things David Harbor has said, then ponder that he chose to play Red Guardian, which is the Russian counter-part to Captain America, and I assume a sort of Communist equivalent in comic-book-dom to the Red Skull.

Think of any magic show you have ever seen.  If you want to see ANYTHING, you have to develop the habit of looking everywhere BUT where your attention is being directed.

Ask yourself, today: what are you not seeing, but should?  What questions are not being asked?  To whom is attention not being given, and who is actively being hidden?


What would you think if our military were teaching that blacks or Jews were inherently evil?

Nazism by another name.  I stand by my claims.  I rarely feel or see the need to retract or even modify statements I have reasoned my way into.  It’s not that I can’t be wrong–I often am, and when I see it I admit it promptly–but in this particular case the IDENTICAL political and social and psychological pathogens are being injected into our military–which is a captive audience–as were injected into the German people by the Nazis.

To be sure, our nation should prove much more resistant to this disease than the Germans did, who were undergoing terrible economic difficulties, had suffered within the easy memory of most a catastrophic defeat in war, after a catastrophic effort, and most of whom were already inclined to embrace to some lesser or greater extent a racism that was at that point perhaps a thousand years or more old.

But that the EFFORT is being made to create violent racism in the middle of the people we are trusting with all the best weapons and training, should concern all sane people.  The history of the perverted and politicized military is as old as the history of standing armies.  Armies have ALWAYS been used in the service of kings and conquerors.  That is why our Founding Fathers did not want a standing military.  We did not have one worth mentioning, in my understanding, until after World War 1, and even then it was weak, underfunded, and poorly equipped.


The Habit of Lying

Consider for the moment that a good chunk of the journalists who have done so much to destroy the reputation of their profession and craft (I honestly, literally, consider prostitution a more honest and respectable profession than journalism as it is has been practiced by most in recent years) thought they were doing so for the “public good”, however they understood it.

Yes, they were fudging the truth, but the emergency demanded it.  The people needed to be “nudged” because otherwise as a dumb herd they were too dumb to see the danger.  Then they needed to be nudged again.  Then again.  You know, because for some fucking reason they never stopped liking Donald Trump, who was an obvious disaster.

And what is interesting is the liars read each other.  The New York  Times reads the Washington Post, when the editorial boards are not actively collaborating on headlines, which presumably also happens both directly (NYT head calling Bezos and asking “how are you going to spin this?”) and indirectly (as a result, for example, of private “journalistic” forums, which we know exist.)

What I wonder is: “does the spell ever end?”

Let us say, for example, that in their youth they decided to wage journalistic war against Big Business.  Well, Big Business runs one of the main newspapers running the sorts of stories they report.  How does that work?

I really strongly feel like lying is a habit, one that once you get started, proves hard to stop.  You lie, then you lie to cover up the lie to yourself, then lie about that, then accuse any truth tellers of lying.  You build this relentless fog around you, moral hauteur, a necessary impatience, and quivering and quixotic moving about and around continually so you never come down from your continual truthy sugar high.

How and when do you say “I fucked up”?   Are there any journalists who ate the shit disguised as sugar capable of fessing up?  Of admitting they have handed the country over to the Very Large Corporations they said they were opposing?  That war has become MORE, not less likely?  That the common people are suffering, and that things are likely to get worse, and never better, except as an exception to the general rules in place?

Our President would not be competent to run a hot dog stand.  He would continually forget the orders, let the hot dogs and buns burn, run out of condiments continually, and insult anyone who objected to his incompetence in any way.  Perhaps he would be even more creative than “dog faced pony soldier”.  I literally, truly believe this.  As President, he is surrounded by and guided by and shut up and silenced by a small Army of handlers.

But what sane Democrat would prefer Sleepy Joe to, say, John Kennedy?  As bad as he was–and JFK was bad in many ways–he still wanted the best for this country.  Joe doesn’t and never did.  He just wants to be Joe.  He wants attention, fame, power, money, and probably back in the day lots of coke and hookers.  I don’t think Hunter invented that predilection.

As I have said before, Biden reminds me a lot of the President discussed but I don’t think ever seen in the movie Spartan.  It has been a decade or more since I saw that movie, so I am going off the feelings I remember of corruption and abandonment.  Ethically, he would be quite equal to the behavior in that movie.  I have no doubt of that.

But I honestly don’t think Biden makes any decisions any more.  He is there to read statements, after being pumped full of doses of Feelgoodandstayawakefortenminutes.

How could any morally sane journalist justify any of this?  At some point, you have to look at outcomes, at results, and actually getting something DONE other than electing people who are disasters.

One of my continuing hopes is that people who have been asleep will wake up and realize what they have done, and SPEAK OUT.

We have to assume, all of us, that success is possible, that the rule of law and the habit of common decency can be resurrected and placed back in the village square.  I don’t know if this is true, but it is absolutely true that we all need to assume it is possible, and work for it daily as effectively as we can.


The Trump Years

Every day it was something, wasn’t it?  Every day our media–the collaborationist traitors to everything good that they are–were ginning up some new scandal, some new ridiculous charge, some new supposed atrocity, making every day under Trump seem like a crisis, and his whole Presidency a massive failure and terrible threat to the American people.

But IN REALITY he was quietly–or perhaps not so quietly–building the best economy we ever had, peace abroad, a rational tax and regulatory structure, and the basis for sustained generalized well being of both the American people and many nations abroad.

All of this was destroyed by Democrat treason.  Let us consider a few accusations and realities.

Claim: The Election was stolen.  Trump was accused of “Russian Collusion”.  There was NEVER any basis of this accusation, but it was daily fare on multiple networks for virtually his entire term.  It was always ludicrous, but a Special Prosecutor–a CORRUPT Special Prosecutor–was appointed, whose main outcome was demonstrating that if anything Trump was vastly MORE honest than perhaps any President we have had in the modern era.

Biden reality: the number of governments who are credibly accused of directly altering votes on voting machines, which were nearly everywhere connected to Wi-Fi which was itself connected to the internet, may run into the double digits.  China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba: virtually every enemy we have, or nation which despises its people and the rule of law, may have directly contributed to getting puppet Joe Biden elected.

Our Supreme Court failed us, the FBI failed us, most Governors and Secretaries of State failed us (from both parties), most legislatures failed us, Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell failed us, and obviously our Congress failed us.  Nancy Pelosi failed us, but obviously she views that as her job.  She certainly did not fail herself.  That she rarely does.  She will die unmourned and unloved, but I think she long ago decided that fear, money and power were the best she would get in this world.

This is a major scandal.  Voting machines were accessed directly.  Algorithms were introduced to add up to 5% to all Democrats. Photocopied ballots with only votes for Biden were introduced en masse in the middle of the night after the ballot deadline.  Single Biden ballots were run through hundreds of times.  The names of dead people and people who had moved out of State were harvested for fake and illegal votes.

Every trick in the book was used, and THIS IS A MAJOR SCANDAL that the media simply will not cover.

Claim: Trump did something inappropriate in asking Ukraine to clean up their act before the United States gave them a lot of money.  The reality is that the text of the telephone call was released by Trump nearly immediately.  There was nothing inappropriate in it at all.  It more or less amounted to the demand that before you lend money to a friend that they stop using drugs and check into rehab.  Perhaps not even that much.  It was basic, basic, basic.  But Trump was indicted over it–which is what an Impeachment amounts to–and simply acquitted by the Senate.  The whole thing was ludicrous, manufactured, abusive to common sense, democracy, the rule of law, simple decency, and the public good.

Biden Reality: Biden is hands down the dirtiest politician we ever allowed near the White House.  The so-called Big Guy got a billion dollars from the  Chinese, via his son, in the form of investments in a company seemingly created for the purpose.  He got–or so his son claimed in a private email–half of everything his son made using his influence.  His son made millions working for Burisma, shortly after he was fired from the Navy for crack cocaine use.  He knew nothing about the energy business, business in general, or the Ukraine.  But the people who hired him got the prosecutor fired, according to Joe Biden because he asked for it.  Nobody wants to touch this thing with a ten foot pole and asbestos gloves.

It is very likely that were an ACTUAL investigation launched, there would be bribes across the landscape, all across Biden’s career.  He uses his son as his proxy, then extorts his percentage out of him.  Small wonder Jr. is a drug and hooker addled mess in the rough print of Charlie Sheen, and so is his daughter.

Donald Trump was impeached the second time for allegedly inciting violence.  He asked for protest–and all this is on video you can watch–which is legal, but PEACEFUL protests.

And why not?  The ELECTION WAS STOLEN.  It is the largest single public crime in American history.  Nothing remotely that obvious, that bad, has ever happened, and the lack of investigation is a crime EQUAL TO THE ORIGINAL.   It is every bit as bad that the FBI (and Supreme Court) demonstrated once again that it CANNOT be trusted, as that unmarked trucks showed up in Detroit, Philadelphia, and a number of other cities in the middle or the night after the election deadline; or that–in complete violation of national election law–all the voting machines were on the internet the whole time.

And for Trump’s whole term numerous Democrats–damn near all of them–were agitated for violence, preaching violence, and hoping publicly for the murder of our elected President.  Maxine Waters said to follow people into restaurants.  Both Pelosi and Schumer publicly supported people with masks (before masks) and baseball bats bulling people in the streets.

This whole thing is madness.

I could go on, but these are some obvious points.  If I went into detail, I could spend half the morning here.

What I want to emphasize is that Trump did a GREAT job.  Nearly everything he was ALLOWED to get done by a Congress filled with traitors and corrupted politicians even on the Republican side WORKED.  Everything was getting better after the Obama years.

Now, it is being reversed, and the media does not want to cover it.  We have violence in the Middle East–after Trump was nominated for two Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating peace treaties with nations which has been in a declared state of war with Israel since 1948.

We have gas lines, when Trump got us energy independent and dropped the price of gas precipitously.

We have inflation, because of the amount of money created to deal with a “crisis” which was never truly a crisis, and which could have been dealt with scientifically.  Anthony Fauci–because the world listened to him–will kill with his intentionally bad advice more people than Adolph Hitler and the Nazis.

Trump’s main failure’s were failing to deal decisively and quickly enough with patent traitors by omission, if not active commission, like Chris Wray, Gina Haspel, Elmer Fudd, and Bill Barr.

That, and championing the vaccine.  The “vaccines”, so called, were never really needed.  We are inflicting a global game of Russian Roulette on the world, for no defensible scientific reason.  WE ARE SMARTER THAN THIS.  We seem to be facing a combination of the corrupted and the cowardly in the scientific world.  What we are seeing much too little of is honest and bold expertise.  And in any event, our contemptible media is combatting and ignoring the few honest people there are out there, like Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorff, the latter of which was recently banned from Twitter for offering a professional opinion at odds with the Needs of za Partei.

Pinch yourself.  This is all still there.  It is all still fucking there.  It’s a rhino crap in your living room, gathering flies.


L’art pour l’art

L’Ecriture pour l’ecriture

Mot pour mot

Idee pour idee.

I dont speak French, although I did sneak into a French class for a week or two at Swarthmore many years ago, in what I taken to calling my blue period, which I guess makes me an education thief.

My meaning should be clear enough.