
Vitamin D

I posted this the other day, but now I am actually listening to it. Some takeaways:

1) High Fructose Corn syrup seems to interfere with Vitamin D directly. It more or less deactivates it.

2) Seasonal flu epidemics can be explained nearly entirely by a lack of sufficient access to the sun, and following Vitamin D deficiency. Everyone North of the 35th parallel cannot statistically get enough sun, making supplementation a must. And with specific respect to COVID-19, nearly all the death is to the north and to the south of the northern and southern 35th parallels.  To my mind this raises the OBVIOUS question why Vitamin D supplementation was not recommended several decades ago as a means to reduce flu death.  Old people who are Vitamin D sufficient–which is not many of them, but which is a problem which could be easily rectified–seem to fare as well as anyone else with COVID-19.
3) Vitamin D deficiency has been correlated with large increases in risk from severe acute respiratory illnesses (like pneumonia) since the 80’s, at least as a suspect.
4) People who are obese tend to be Vitamin D deficient since it is fat soluble and the more fat you have, the more diluted it is. You can be sufficient and fat, but you need to supplement more.
5) As you get older, your ability to synthesize Vitamin D from the sun decreases, and is about half at, say, 75, that it was when you were 25.
6) There are racial differences in the ability to synthesize Vitamin D from the sun. Broadly speaking the darker the skin, the harder it is to make Vitamin D. This alone could go a long way to explaining some racial differences in health outcomes, particularly as it concerns COVID-19.
7) The list of COVID-19 characteristics and those of Vitamin D deficiency are nearly the same.
8) Smokers are at a slightly LOWER risk, in his view because nicotine is an anti-inflammatory and because smoking produces nitric oxide, which is beneficial.

I’m about halfway through. I’ll listen to the rest later but thought I would share.

Edit: I finished it.  He goes through the existing data in the rest, and it is compelling. He himself takes 5,000 I.U. a day, and says that toxicity absent a few specific conditions he names, like renal problems, is nearly impossible to find. One interesting fact is that Finland has almost no D deficiency, and has the lowest rate of COVID I could find in Europe. This whole thing is madness. We have a simple, cheap solution which we knew about last March, which will not just help with COVID but the flu, regular pneumonia, and all infectious diseases.

Here is what I will propose: SOMEBODY can do an expose on all this and get a lot of attention.  I’m talking the Atlantic, Rolling Stone, the New York Times, especially if we get Xi Lite into the White House.


 Thinking is really not separable from emoting.  Thinking exists in an emotional context.  We tend to try and call abstract scientific thinking impartial and “objective”, but of course it always happens in emotional spaces of relative comfort and discomfort.  People who enjoy abstraction enjoy being the ones able to do certain sorts of math better than most.  It is a domain where a lack of emotional skill and intelligence is not punished, and where in fact it is not just rewarded professionally but socially.  Nerds of a feather flock together.

Here is the problem: people like this, faced with logically compelling abstract conclusions that are UNFAMILIAR TO THEM, which cause them anxiety, can and will find spurious reasons–seemingly logical–to reject them, if they lack the emotional openness and flexibility to integrate them into new, more accurate world views.

You cannot perform abstraction honestly and competently over a prolonged period of time without developing corresponding emotional skill.  It cannot be done.  You will hit flexion points where a lack of flexibility will push you into error.  

This is why, as Schopenhauer pointed out:

“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

Edward de Bono pointed out that “arrogance is a mistake in the future”, and I would submit that arrogance is a form of rigidity, which is to say a lack of emotional intelligence.

What made me think about this was my daily Lumosity.  I am in general quite good at it.  I’m in the 99.3 percentile of my age, which is pretty good, particularly considering that I am only being compared to people also using Lumosity, which is likely the top third or so of IQ’s in the country and world.

But some games work for me at a more emotional level than a perceptual one.  Some of the pattern matching ones, and short term memory ones, I find myself clinging to what just came and not attending to what is now present.  I find emotions interfering.  This makes Lumosity for me a sort of brain practice, but also a sort of meditation where I am probing and finding my points of emotional fixity–clinging would be a relevant word–and giving them a bit of a stretch.


Spiritual wages

 Mustard-seeding–as I am coming to call it in my own life–pays in life.  It pays in light.

There are wages of life and wages of death.

Money, itself, is an illusion, particularly now.  It can be waved into existence and waved out of existence in unlimited “quantities”–nothing is really there for the most part–and the whole game depends on the collective stupidity of most humans (this problem exists to varying degrees nearly everywhere).

And if you think about it, what we want material things for is the EMOTIONS they bring.  For the greedy power mongers, it is usually a sense of relative safety, in the face of a neurotic and continually nagging fear.

We value things for the feelings they bring.  Pride is one emotion, but it is pride in the sense that you have MORE than someone else, not the healthy pride of honest work well done.

Money buys experiences.  It buys sex and drugs and boats and planes and amazing vacations.  The net effect of all of these?  Emotions.  Feelings.  

Here is the thing: feelings do not DEPEND on things.  You can be happier with the proverbial bowl of gruel than with a personal 3 star Michelin Chef. Contentment is the best seasoning and sauce is I think a proverb.

Much of spirituality comes from finding riches by seeking out the emotions directly that are desired.  What we REALLY want, what are really satisfying, are purpose, connection, gratitude, joy, tranquility, and a sense of loving and being loved by people who truly understand us. None of these depend on objects.

One of the many truly awful things about Leftist dogmatism is that it works to impoverish most ordinary people while ALSO denuding them of all the latent means by which process and appreciate their diminished lives.  Means specifically like religious belief, and honest ethical theory, both of which are explicitly denigrated in Leftist ideology.  Some music and dance is perhaps allowed to remain, but little else.  Their culture–which exists to provide these props and aids–is largely destroyed.  Leftists take not just physical wealth, but spiritual and social wealth.  It is not hard to see all this as Satanic in tone if not in explicit intent (which is also possible).


John Durham is the swamp

 The evidence in the public domain alone was and remains enough to arrest most of Obama’s people, probably including Obama himself, and certainly Hillary.

He could and should arrest Joe Biden before he is inaugurated, but don’t expect that to happen.  Don’t expect any of that.  He is most likely a crook.  Do you think he has not been offered essentially unlimited money–or whatever he values that money can buy, which is just about everything but a clear conscience and a spiritual life–to just let everyone slide?

I expect this thing to end in a quiet fart, some time in March.  It will stink up the room, but not amount to anything.  Fuck that guy, unless I am missing something major and he becomes the one fucking guy who actually did the stand up thing.  Everyone is rotten now.

And I add, as far as Q, could that not easily be seen as a Democrat/CIA run operation designed to keep armed mobs from staging what would have amounted to a revolution while Trump was in power?  Trump would have been on their side.  They would have been trying to help him root out corruption.

Those same armed mobs under Biden will give them the opportunity and motive to begin their end game, which is a gun grab, and even tighter surveillance and control.

Think about it: “Trust the Plan” (which you can’t know, and which you as an individual play no part in), and “Don’t do anything without us.” (WWG1WGA).

I would love to be wrong, but any more cynicism is the only honest coin of the realm.



 The idea that the Vice President can dictate–and that is the word–the outcome of the election by simply ignoring any Electors that do not favor his or her party, is a bit terrifying.

Maybe every party in every election sends an alternate slate of Electors, if their party did not win the vote.  This would mean that in EVERY ELECTION the sitting Vice President, and the party they represent, would infallibly win, no matter who the people of America voted for.

If this is Mike Pence’s fear, it is a valid one.  That is a horrible, horrible precedent.  That is the path to dictatorship, in short order.

However, I would suggest this; I am no legal scholar, but it seems to me the law is pretty clear that slates of Electors specifically validated and certified by the various State legislatures are clearly valid.  There is no legal reason to reject them.

What has happened, though, is that over the decades and perhaps centuries–the two that we have, which is not much in world historical terms–the State governments have gotten lazy.  They have turned what was intended to be a LEGISLATIVE function–the will of the People being most directly, reliably and accountably conveyed through that single body in which our Founders intended most power to inhere–into an EXECUTIVE function.  The Secretary of State, rather than the legislature, certifies the votes, and the Governor then rubber stamps it and off they go.

This means–and I made this point a month ago–that we need not fear this becoming a ritual to be endured every four years, where partisan politics trump what is good for America.  No: it may well be a path BACK to the way the system was INTENDED to work by people who well knew how dishonest, power mongering, corruptible, and stupid people in masses tend to be, especially with the passage of time.

Governors run every four years.  Parts of the Legislature stand every two years.  That means relatively rapid accountability.

I think ethically and legally Mike Pence can render justice, and prevent Joe Biden’s fraud from ripping our public fabric even wider, and turning our nation over to a crook who committed a massive felony to get there in the first place, and who deserves for that and obvious corruption to be behind bars, not running the nation.  Joe Biden could literally be arrested NOW, with the evidence found in Hunter Biden’s laptop.  He certainly does not need to have his senile hands on the nuclear triggers.


Further thoughts

 I really think the overarching aim of reacting to a Biden Presidency is to turn this whole thing into a Pyrrhic victory, one in which the whole structure of voter fraud comes crashing down publicly and loudly, in which the Democrats are shown to be crooks, and one which begins FINALLY to make it clear to the WORLD how badly they have been used and abused by their governments.

We had a de facto “vaccine” LAST MARCH, in the forms of Vitamin D and zinc, both of which would have been made better by HCQ and Azithromycin, and eventually Ivervectin.  But with Vitamin D sufficiency on the front end, most people would not have gotten sick enough to need much else.  If the world had taken 1,000-2,000 iu daily from the get-go, it would have amounted to an average flu.  Perhaps 40,000 people would have died in the US, nearly all of them elderly, as happens with all other flu epidemics.

We need people to GET THIS, and to get that vastly more people died from the lockdowns than have even died of COVID with the higher number we reached without breathing more than a whisper about Vitamin D.  We need public health experts to begin speaking obvious and long overdue truths in large numbers because it is their 1) JOB and 2) IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.  

And Joe Biden is an idiot.  He is a reasonably talented glad hander with a broad smile and superficial congeniality, but he is not smart.  He CANNOT be made to look truly Presidential, or like an effective leader.  Not for the months and years he would have ahead of him.

Buyer’s remorse is already setting in for many Democrats, and it will only get worse.  

With some patience, this whole thing can be turned into a wholesale disaster for the Democrats.  Once their laser beam hate for Trump disappears, more and more of them might start waking the hell up and realizing what is being done to them and their country–the one they can hate, but have to live in too.

Finally, the courts may start perking up.  They have been hiding like Meerkats in their holes, afraid of controversy, afraid of being judged themselves, afraid of being yelled at.  But if the heat is off, if the “election” is over and Biden installed, more and more of them may start popping up out of their holes, looking around, and realizing they can do their jobs again.  It’s not the ideal, and certainly not brave, but it may be the best we can hope for.  And always accept the best you can get.

And for myself, if Joe Biden does get in, I may take that opportunity to stop blogging again for a while.  I need to get across this river.  I make progress inches at a time.  It is glacially slow.  I am getting passed by snails who look like speed demons from my perspective–Lamborgini’s zooming by my Yugo, but I continue.  It’s what I do.



 Much of what I do on social media is in effect harrying, which is intended to prevent the solidification of a monolithic lie.

It seems to me less and less likely that President Trump will get justice.  Roberts seems to be a pervert of some sort or other–he is credibly alleged to have had significant connections with Jeffrey Epstein–and most of our courts seem to be corrupt or cowardly.

The objectors don’t have the votes to force a recertification of the votes in either the House or the Senate.  They need absolute majorities, and most Republicans seem to be pussies, and most Democrats seem to be ideologues and crooks.

Perhaps Mike Pence could do the right thing by America, the world, and God, and fail to open or count the bullshit slates of Electors, but I don’t expect him to have the courage and audacity to do that.  He may be a Mitt Romney, or he may be a John Roberts, and he may just not want all that hate dumped on him, but I fully expect him to fail us too, like everyone else.  It has become depressingly reasonable to assume the worst of everyone.

Getting evidence in front of the world, and SHOWING the Congress what they are rubberstamping in a nauseatingly supine and craven way, is useful.  I believe it should be done regardless, and the more who participate, the better.

But looking ahead, what is the plan if Joe Biden–inconceivably–is actually inaugurated?  

Well, as Churchill said, in defeat, defiance.

All the lawsuits should continue.  Criminal investigations in as many States as possible should be undertaken regarding the voter fraud.  Investigations of Dominion need to continue, and it needs to be made OBVIOUS to all that this system CANNOT BE USED.

It needs to be shown that China and others accessed our voting machines.  All this needs to proceed.  Biden needs to be on the defensive from the get-go, even if emotionally he really won’t and can’t care.  That’s not how he is wired.  He doesn’t feel shame or guilt, so all this would amount to political problems that he will appoint people to manage.

And I will wonder aloud if lawsuits can be filed that ALL LAWS which are signed by Joe Biden are null and void, since his election was based on a massive, coordinated, RICO-worthy fraud?  He can’t be pulled out except via Impeachment and conviction, but it actually also remains an open question whether or not he can be arrested and subjected to trial and imprisonment.  That’s what many wanted to do with Trump, so the least we can do is try and return the favor.

And can the new acting Attorney General appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate this fraud?  If EVER something like that was needed this is the time.  Remember: they got Mueller appointed with bullshit evidence that never, ever amounted to a hill of rancid beans.

You don’t quit when you lose a battle.  You reconsider your tactics, then carry on.  Sometimes the battle may be a slow simmer, sometimes something heated, but you keep it up.  

And of course people are saying Trump can declare Martial Law or something like that.  I hope that is true.  But I wonder how many of our Generals–many of whom themselves seem to be on the take, as Mattis depressingly was and is–would go along?  Trump has ordered multiple things declassified, and not a fucking thing has happened.  Most of the Swamp feels entitled to do whatever the fuck they want, and by and large they have not been proven wrong.  Trump has not drained the Swamp at all, although I do give him credit for trying, or at least appearing to try. 

What he HAS done is show with absolute clarity that there IS a swamp, and that it is vastly worse than all but the most cynical and pessimistic of us supposed.  It really can’t be disputed, now, by anyone who has been paying attention.  Most of this was conspiracy theory at the beginning of his term.  Now it is obvious and demonstrated fact.

Still, some things remain hidden.  Now, admitting to aliens and UFO’s on live TV: that would be a treat.  Anything we can do to reveal the sheer size and scope of the corruption is to be desired.  Anything we can do to make them sweat even a little is desirable.

It ain’t never over until it’s over.  It’s not trending well, but as I like to remind people, the Patriots beat the Falcons when they were behind 28-3 halfway through the 3rd Quarter.  You just never know.  Keep trying.


Being Frozen

 I was sitting in a bar last night, watching Ohio State play one of the best games of football I have ever seen–I was rooting for Clemson by the way, but they got outplayed in all ways–and it hit me that most of us have frozen parts within us, lumps which form when we are young, and which in some respects get carried through every day the same way, and which can be so carried across a lifetime.

We seek routine, the known.  And the known reinforces within us our self identity, and this loop can be carried indefinitely.

This frozenness is what I think the Buddhists meant with the notion of Anatman.  “You” are the flow.  Certain essential “flavors” are carried through all permutations, but the shape, the Gestalt, will change often, if you allow it. 

I wake up most mornings fearing the day.  It’s a primal thing I am trying to work on.  Life has always been more work for me, I think, than most people.  I am afraid of literally everything; rather, my traumatic alarm is sounding in all circumstances whatsoever, so it is just a part of the background noise of my normal experience which I have to deal with.  It is like a car which veers to the right or left, but which you have to constantly correct.  It takes effort.  It takes work.  It takes focus, and all of that is tiring.

And I wake up wondering what I should have done yesterday, what I should do today, and what I should fear in tomorrow.  It is continual.  I ask God for wisdom and sight, and courage and the fidelity to stick to my job, whatever it is.

This morning I woke up and a little voice said “you are mustard seed-ing.” And I knew immediately what was meant.  I am allowing some flow in me, without knowing where it is coming from or where it is going.  I am trying just to ride the day, ride the time, and to not reject things, and not cling to tightly to anything.  This time in particular is a strange one.  It is bad time to depend on anything.  It may all change, perhaps literally overnight.

This is the faith that moves mountains.  And actually now that I think about it, I was looking at all the frozenness in me, which feels like granite.  It feels too large to ever really change.  It is fixed, solid, immutable, forever.  This is what trauma feels like at a deep level.  It is way, way beyond talking, and most of the time even beyond conscious recognition.  It colors everything, but stays hidden.  I think there must me many millions of people like me who are scarred in ways they can’t even see, and which they have never really been able to explain when they erupt in unexpected and dysfunctional ways, which would include being cold, cynical and callous.

We are not meant, I don’t think, to routinely attempt the large.  Our goal is to allow flow through us, to allow processes which happen naturally in life to do the work for us.  This is the Nye of Kum Nye, the circulation.

We do not move mountains.  Staying in the game by remaining open to experience moves the mountains.  We do not need to be saints or martyrs for this to happen.  It is a gift given to all of us, if we do nothing more than not reinforce daily to ourselves who we “are”.  

And I continue to believe curiosity is a key element in all this.  Me, I am always poking around in everything.  Every day, in every way, I am trying to see and feel and hear and smell and taste everything I can and understand it.  This is the path to learning to see life as a miracle, I feel very sure.  I get flashes here and there, but only that.  Moments, when everything expands in a joyous way.  Melting.  Maybe that is the word, melting of something hard and mean, cold and tired.



 For most of Obama’s eight years, some $50 billion was created monthly by the Fed in the name of “quantitative easing”, which could also translated as “money devaluation”–more money in circulation, the less what was already there is worth.  Simple.

We have NO IDEA who got it, other than that it was the large Wall Street banks first.  Ponder that.

Add to this huge pile of money in the present time the no doubt $100 billion or more from the several “Stimuluses” that will go to the superrich.  Do you really think all the aid to other countries makes it there?  Why would you?  The people doling it out can be corrupted like anyone else, and this would include the GAO.

Add to THIS the piles of money various foreign governments would be eager to throw into the corruption of our system, the Chinese in particular, and you get a situation where the amount of money is so large that literally anyone who IS corruptible has been corrupted  It is that simple.

They may want money, weird sex, guaranteed reelection or something else, but there are many psychopaths out there who can pay out BILLION dollar bribes and not blink.  Ten billion?  Sure.  Just make sure you keep your end of the bargain.  This is Zhang.  He likes to decapitate people for fun.  You would have an accident, though.  A serious accident that might well involve your whole family, and I think we both know who would do the investigating.

This is the world we actually live in.


America is a unique island in history

“To my mentor Fronto I owe the realization that malice, craftiness, and duplicity are the concomitants of absolute power; and that our patrician families tend for the most part to be lacking in the feelings of ordinary humanity.” 

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, written not quite 2,000 years ago.

Freedom has been rare on most of the planet, for most of history, outside of course of those places where sufficient space made central authority difficult to impose.

In general, though, it is hard to say we have been substantially better than chimpanzees.

But good things happen when you feed the good.  Our problem, right now, is that nearly no one is feeding the good.  We are feeding the banal, the spurious, the sentimental, and more than anything the vanity of most people who are too stupid to see or feel the difference.