You can’t force someone to want to be free.
You can’t force people to think.
You can’t force people to listen, to TRULY listen.
These are truly evil times. I don’t know what to think, or feel, or do.
You can’t force someone to want to be free.
You can’t force people to think.
You can’t force people to listen, to TRULY listen.
These are truly evil times. I don’t know what to think, or feel, or do.
how the people who told us theft was just and rioting peaceful, and whoo fully supported the fraud which will enable the crook and cheater Joe Biden to stain the Oval Office, NOW want to lecture the plebes about integrity and the American Way.
The American Way is equality before the law, fair play, and prompt and reliable justice. It has never existed perfectly but has continually presented an ideal to be measured by, and has certainly led us to much higher average standard than the world has ever seen in a major power.
And most of our evil—esprcially since World War 2–was commissioned and committed by the same people who just installed Joe Biden as their proxy and puppet.
And the same propaganda tools the CIA used the world over to overthrow elected leaders arr on full display now.
The intrusion into the Capital was, I am very sure, orchestrated planned and led by enemies of our Republic and their Agents Provocateurs. Those were not in the main Trump people. This is CoIntelPro stuff
is really not particularly a victory for Democrats, although that is how it looks on paper.
No: it is a victory for corruption and cowardice as the defining principles of our age. Greed, venality, superficiality, self seeking uber alles: these are what American politicians, military leaders, top law enforcement, senior judges, and most of our media stand for. Nothing is sacred but money, sex, power and pleasure.
Given just a few more principled people this fiasco could have been avoided. We would even not be locked down and forced to wear idiotic and harmful mouth diapers.
The Mike Pence and Brian Kemp—and many others— Judas behavior hurts more, but it is morally equal. Everyone whose greed and venality rule them must always betray some who trusted them.
This thing is done. Mike Pence stabbed the American people and the rule of law in the back. Even in the best case scenario, in which he honestly thought he was following the path of integrity, integrity is NOT allowing patent lawlessness to pass unopposed. There is no valid second opinion on this. He could and should have demanded that all contested elections be certified by the State Legislatures. The law was there and the moral grounds were there.
What he did was abject cowardice in the best case and corrupt otherwise. I have no way of deciding. Both are ignoble, obviously.
Donald Trump can still do a round of declassification. He can share secrets the crooks and murderers running our government do not want people to know. JFK. UFO’s. The Justice Roberts tapes, if Linn Wood actually has them.
He can put them on thumb drives, and hand them to Alex Jones and editors for the Epoch Times and the Natural News people and whoever hosts Etc.
He can obviously use normal social media but he will likely be blocked. Ponder that, if you are on any respect unclear how bad things truly are.
As President he has the legal authority to declassify anything, so this is an inherently legal activity, one he should do as quickly as possible, because the bastards are coming after him.
This whole world, from a cosmic perspective, may be little more than weight training for the soul. I suppose we should all welcome trouble. Heaven exists: just not here.
The type of faith that matters is not that which says “it will all work put if I just believe hard enough”. Many millions of Jews were slaughtered who no doubt believed harder and more fervently than any of us.
Faith is the simple human quality of showing up each day and remaining emotionally alive and responsive. In a difficult world—and our world is on general physically easy but very very hard emotionally—you grow spiritually by not dying. Take each day as it comes. This is the way to endure.
Mike Pence could, even now, send all slates back to be affirmed or denied by the most important and direct, most representative and diverse, spokespeople for the People, the sundry State legislatures. According to his stated and supposed principle, this would be the most honest course of action.
There is no precedent, at least in modern history, for this, but there is equally no precedent for installing as President a msn who used massive national fraud to “win”, and who has taken large bribes AT LEAST from the Chinese and Ukrainians.
By Pence’s “logic” all future frauds will necessarily be rubber stamped if the fraud can be used to win majorities in both national legislative bodies.
Here is the reality: many of the people sitting now in the House and Senate ALSO do not belong there, but if we hand the Presidency to an ally of the cheating that got them there we may never have an honest election again.
If Pence is jn fact an honest man, he needs to do the honest thing. And if he fails, maybe Linn Wood was right. To my mind the logic is clear, and the stakes obviously enormous.
Just send them back, Mr. Vice President, so we can get the voice and stamp of the State Legislatures. Then it is an honest vote that honest people will accept. Anything else is a travesty of integrity, democracy, principle, and the American Way.
Election fraud and money creation are alike in that both steal from people, but do so largely invisibly.
In the first case voters are cancelled out—disenfranchised—without knowing it. They read the supposed election results, and if everyone in power is telling the same lies, covering fir the same lies, they never realize that the State or National Representative, Senator, Governor or President they VOTED for actually won, but was robbed. That person, too, is robbed of their most basic right to have their voice heard, but never knows it.
How much such theft has happened in the past century? How different would our history have been if all the actual winners had taken office? What wars might we have avoided? What recessions and depressions? How many people who died might be alive? How much pain and suffering might have been avoided?
It is the same with money. When money is created—when the size of the money supply—the amount in existence—inflates like a balloon, peoples labor and savings and possessions lose value, but they cannot SEE it. Keynes pointed this out 100 years ago. It is a subtle swindle but one that is global jn scope and breathtaking in its effrct, once you GET it.
I of course support any and all efforts to prevent the voter disenfranchisement and de facto attack on democracy that voter fraud causes, and support all ideas which might achieve the actual justice of awarding President Trump the second term he won on Nivember 3rd.
Having said that I think it unlikely that if we entrust people who have already betrayed the American people once with a second chance, that anything will change.
Brian Kemp KNOWS enough fraud happened to swing Georgia, but he has already said he doesnt care. It seems likely an honest investigation into the situation will reveal his OWN guilt and complicity, and so his only good play is to side with those who also want to cover it up.
No, I think we go Old School and DEMAND all State legislatures render decisions, which I had hoped the Supreme Court would rule is the best way out of this mess.
I hope Pence just says: Im not opening anything until I know that I am reading the will of the LEGISLATORS, not the Governors.
And obviously auditing and investigations can, will and should continue. Give the legislatures ten days, and any that have not responded do not get their votes counted.
Ive always had a favorable opinion of Mike Pence. I never would have guessed though that most of even our Republican Governors and legislatures would sell us down the river like they are doing, so everything is possible. I hate it, but I hate lies worse.
IF he is honest and brave, though, and simply unwilling to break long precedent in what would be perceived as a partisan way, perhaps he could not count ANY Elector votes not certified by the legislature of that State. None of them. Not the States Trump won and not the States Biden won and none of the Swing States.
There would both practical, legal and theoretical logic to this. The main power everywhere was intended by our Founding Fathers to reside with our assemblies, with our “parliaments”, our legislative bodies.
Giving the power to dictate the “results” of elections to, effectively, two people in each State—the Secretary of State and the Governor—OBVIOUSLY facilitates fraud. This has bern made obvious in the past two months. This is too much power.
Pence could in effect DEMAND that all the legislatures of all the States go on record, and if Biden is still on top, then Trump is most likely out of good options.
But obviously the hope is that the legislatures in States with obvious fraud will do the right thing.
This is to my mind a readonable compromise that legally should not ruffle as many feathers as more or less declaring Trump the winner. It is VASTLY more inclusive than allowing Executives full control, and it consults the very bodies which were INTENDED to be the arbiters.
That things are no longer done this way most likely stems from laziness and complacency, not law or principle.
Each day pays you in Life, or takes life from you. You learn, or you contract. Learning is the baseline. If you do nothing other than show up–if you keep working your shitty job, drawing your shitty paycheck, watching shitty TV–you STILL grow as a person. Not as fast as you would with focus and a plan, but you still grow. Just living is enough. Sufficient to yesterday, today, and tomorrow was, is and will be the evil therein. No need to seek trouble out. It’s already here, embedded in everything.
So normal life pays you slowly or handsomely, depending on the quality of the life “work” you do–how attentive you are, how curious, how generous, how kind, how thoughtful. People who live this way are the meek. They are not trying to conquer anyone or anything, or to control them outside a normal range of psychological need. Sometimes you go faster, sometimes slower, but you keep moving forward most days, and in aggregate can cover many, many miles without even realizing it.
But there is a way of living which COSTS you life, where you pay with your soul. This is the life of greed and cruelty. We all know these people exist. Call them sociopaths, evil human beings, demons, the sick rich, sadists.
This is the way of life which dessicates people. These are the mummies, the vampires, and varying unDead. The juice of life is gone from them, so they have to seek it out in others.
It is unnatural to pay in life. Our world is not set up this way. It is swimming upriver. It takes effort, in the long run, vastly larger than that of living in any degree of accord with the laws of Nature.
Goodness means getting paid in life. Your account grows a bit every day. Your spiritual wealth grows a bit every day, if you do nothing other than try and show up, try not to feel too sorry for yourself, mostly try and do the right thing, and mostly try and find what contentment and happiness you can, wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Living is accruing compound interest. The rate will depend on your effort, but it happens naturally for all of us, if we do not interrupt it.
Evil means paying life. It means working hard to become a worse person. It means pissing away spiritual wealth even as it is presented on a silver or gold platter. It means resentment, anger, unhappiness, loneliness, a deep guilt which can only be suppressed with an effort even by those we call sociopaths, and an inability to truly relax for long, or be contented with anything or anyone.