

 Obviously, I have a little bit of a Christ thing going on.  Full confession: I wonder sometimes if that was one of my lives.  That is an astonishing thing to admit.  It’s outrageous.  It’s crazy.  Yes.  All that.  I get it.  That’s why I haven’t fessed up directly.  But I don’t like hiding things, and the subtext has long been there.  And I have no memories, really.  A couple small things I am not going to talk about.

But if Christ was a stubborn, intelligent man, who saw the world through his own eyes, had radical and original ideas, cared about humanity, tried to do the right thing, and was ultimately killed for it by his own people, that is something I would be capable of now.

But you’d have to get rid of all the miracles, and the “one and only begotten Son of God”.  Those would be later additions to strengthen the power of the Church.  And honestly, if someone were to prove to me somehow that that was me, I am not sure I would feel good about it.  Has the Christian Church done more good than harm?  It’s hard to say.  I could make a case in both directions, but it is quite possible that that life was a failure on balance.

I can’t believe I just said all of that.   Seriously.  Well, most of us lunatics get the Jesus thing eventually.  As Mark Knopfler sang of Speakers Corner: “two men say they’re Jesus.  One of them must be wrong.”

All that was not what this post was about, but I wanted to finally put all that on the table.  Now it’s done.  Good.  Finito.

Here is a question I wanted to ask: which is a greater miracle: walking on water, or teaching people to love one another and themselves?  

I think it is obvious which one is more useful.  One is a trick, and one is beautiful.


Trump going full Tony Stark

 You have likely seen this story, which seems to have shown up in most major news sources:

As I have pointed out, credible people like Edgar Mitchell–an Apollo Astronaut with a Ph.D from MIT in Aeronautical Engineering, aka rocket science–have made this same claim.

Stephen Greer’s work, in my view, is highly credible.

Here is what I would suggest: particularly if Trump loses everywhere, and cannot stay in office, he should bust this whole thing wide open.  If you saw the first Iron Man–the first movie of the modern Marvel Comic Universe–it ends with Agent Colson telling Tony Stark that they can make everything that just happened disappear.  “It was a weather balloon”, in effect, and “that’s our story and we are sticking to it.”  He starts to do it, but then his narcissism gets the better of him and he blurts out “I am Iron Man”.

Here is the full scene:

If Trump said–or even TWEETED, imagine the cosmic surreality of that–that there were aliens, that they had space ships, and that we were in communication with them, that would be a game changer.  It would no longer be hidden.

I get that–on the account of this Israeli scientist, who of course may be telling part of the truth but not all of it, or part truth and part lie–the aliens want us to get better, but when will that happen?

In my view, humankind is NOT getting better, so now is as good a time as any.  What we are doing, the path that we are on, is that we are getting more TECHNICAL.  We are becoming cyborgs.  Our phones are already de facto extensions of our bodies.  But we are not getting more spiritual.  We are not getting more accepting.  We are not getting wiser.

If the goal is for us to “grow up” as a species, that does not seem to be happening.  Not from where I’m sitting.  Our best minds are unhinged.  Our best minds are lunatics, outside their specific fields.  Our science is outstanding, wonderful.  It is growing exponentially.  But as human beings, as spirits, we are shrinking, fast.

Phillip Corso, who was a highly credible man, alleged that large elements of our government exist permanently out of view.  And in his own time, they did not interact.  Did not talk with each other.  Did not know what the other people knew.  And they fought with each other, sometimes.  He had a running battle with the CIA on a variety of topics, including over his belief that as early as the Korean War they were undermining our efforts, and that they may have been behind our incomplete victory.  That was the implication, in any event.  Same thing in Vietnam.

We know that about a quarter of the Federal budget–hundreds of billions of dollars each year–more or less goes missing.  That is a staggering amount, and one more on a long list of items which indicate to me we are living in a managed reality.  The indifference regarding the report on Tower 7 is another.

It has been alleged that JFK was killed because he was going to speak of the UFO’s. It was alleged that Marilyn Monroe was killed for the same reason, that he had confided in her and she was threatening to go public.

Without getting into all of that too much, what I would suggest is that if Trump blows the lid off of all this, all sorts of things become possible.  He can speak of these secret programs, and demand investigation into them and ACCOUNTABILITY.

And I have been reading for some time that these technologies would in short order solve all the material problems of humankind.  Unlimited clean energy.

Most of history is made by individuals unwilling to back down, unwilling to toe the line.  They are often killed, and always vilified.  But they are the agents of God, if God acts on this planet.  It is the ultimate game, in my view.  For myself, I try to play.

And I think humankind would manage this knowledge just fine.  Some people would lose their minds, but come back eventually.  And people are losing their minds NOW, for many reasons.  I suspect 100,000 people will kill themselves in this country either directly or with drugs in 2020 alone, and the number may be twice that.  I think it was 90,000 or so in 2019.  

Such knowledge may be the tonic we need.  What underlies most of our mediocrity is a sort of hopelessness bred of our materialism, and a superior science would clearly have grasped the spiritual and energetic aspects of life.  On that basis, we could build a much better civilization, but not on the one which exists today.


The national rights of States and the Electoral College

 The Washington Post, I think it was, ran another article calling for an end to the Electoral College.  It occurred to me to comment that if that happened, we might find that there were a billion eligible voters in Philadelphia.  The Democrats could get enough votes in Philly to win every national election in perpetuity.  Everyone would know it was bullshit, but if no one did anything, if none of our leaders led, if none of our law enforcement officials enforced the laws and none of our judges judged, why would it not continue?  It will continue until stopped.  Obviously.  Yesterday would have been a better time to stop it, but today will work.

If you take that basic concept, and apply it to the States, where for now it resides, the concept remains.  Are we going to allow a handful of cities to grant the Presidency to a fraudulent candidate?  All it really takes is one city in each State to cheat, and every office becomes purchasable and thus for sale to the highest bidder.

And I will emphasize that point: we are wondering why our leaders are such fucking cowards.  Why is Brian Kemp obviously failing to do his basic duty, as a Governor, as a Republican, and as a human being?  The simplest answer is that he is corrupt.  It may be that to win any race anywhere, in the age of Dominion, you have to pay the counters.  You might have to promise favors.

We can’t know how long this has been going on, or how bad it is, but it is obviously getting worse.  I told someone this morning this is like watching a horror movie.  I had that same feeling when I read William Shirer’s “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”.  Hitler should have been stopped so many times.  He should have been stopped perhaps a dozen times.  But at every inflection point, someone failed.  Someone had a failure of courage, or principle, or intelligence.  None of what happened should have happened, but it all did.  And it was like reading a horror novel, whose ending you know, but which remains terrifying every time.

We are in that time now.  I feel that strongly.


Life Equivalent Units

We need a term that touches science, which is to say touches measurement, for building “life” in a society, which is to say a felt sense of belonging, purpose and pleasure; the things, in other words, which contribute to happiness when present and subtract from it, in most people, when absent.

One idea: what percentage of people in a society are glad to meet the day and go out in the world to live their lives, to do their things? HOW glad? Or how filled with dread?

Let us say an average person greeting the day with average but not enormous happiness is one LEU. That person will grow a little, contribute a little, and have a little something yo look back on at the end of the day.

How, we can ask, does any given policy affect LEU’s at large and in aggregate. Teaching people Positive Psychology, or Kum Nye, would almost certainly generate vastly more LEU’s than giving them huge raises and more work.

What got me thinking about this, and I am mostly playing, is this question: how do we measure the lost pleasure, the lost purpose, the lost connection which necessarily attend all these lockdowns, all these imposed constraints?  Saving objective lives cannot and should not be the only consideration. The Swedes have pointed this out well.

In America everything is measured. Perhaps we need an acronym that purports to be scientific to recover our basic humanity.


Watch this

This is vital to the future of America, and by extension global freedom.

China is OBVIOUSLY the greatest threat to everything we value.  I have viewed the Russia bullshit for some time as simple misdirection.  It’s a magic trick.  You get people to look one way, while you do the shit they don’t want to see in the other direction.  What better way to move the focus from China than by screaming about Russia?

In this video, the Chinese are BRAGGING about buying off Joe Biden;  

I ask again: where are our protectors?  Where are the honest, serious, sober people who love, value, respect and feel a need to defend our system?  Our soldiers I trust–at least below the General level–but everyone else seems to be not just for sale, but for sale cheap.  Whores everywhere.


Safety and intersectionality

 The more our manipulators can get us to shrink our expectations—perhaps I should say increase— as far as acceptable levels of safety, the more government they can justify.

It is a truism that the larger the govwrnment the smaller the people, but the converse, the bottom up, holds as well: the smaller the people—the more timid, cautious, confused and other-directed the people— the more they will DEMAND more government.

And it seems obvious that the “morality” our kids are being taught is that the weaker and smaller the persons, the more prestige they have. If you are a designated victim in three ways, you are simultaneously proclaiming your essential helplessness—your GREATER helplessness relative to the rest of us normies—AND your importance at the same time.

Nothing more pernicious to emotional well being could be imagined. I can’t, in any event. Being “intersectioal” is literally to be given a soapbox from which to DEMAND more government, less freedom, less responsibility, and ultimately to abdicate any chance of a healthy self respect and sense of personal agency outright. You are in the state of being “done to” and rather than rise above it you cry, like an infant, for someone to come rescue you and do to you in a better way.

It is obvious to me that most black ghettos are a wasteland of deep emotional scars. Some of them do derive ultimately from past racism, but most of them come from right now, from mothers unable to meet their childrens needs, from violencein the streets, from the ignorance that follows a failing educational system, from the lack of good jobs.

And I think much of this desire to destroy the past, among white Legtists,comes from their fear of the present. They do not want to know what people are capable of.  More than anything they do not want to know that all the evils of the past, all the inhumanity—so-called—still lives on in them. They fear the past because they rightly fear themselves.


The best rebellion

 is greeting each day with faith, with openness; by giving it a chance, and finding what good you can in it.

And what are you rebelling against?  The despair we are all prone to.  Rebellion is always an affirmation, too.  It is a definitive choice.  Rebels are people who CHOOSE, very consciously, to believe one thing, and not another.

And I don’t think this contradicts what I said yesterday.  The difference between mustard plants and human beings is that we CAN choose to give up.   We CAN choose to say: “I will NEVER grow to be a mustard plant.  It is simply too much.  The path is too steep.  That is too far, too much growth.”

Faith is hanging in there.  Rebellion is choosing to enjoy the ride, despite “all that”.

And all the better if you wear a leather jacket and ride a Harley.



 Never curse your blindness when you learn to see. Be gracious, and just accept the gift.

Humankind, I feel, is the only force in our universe with an interest in punishment. Pain begets pain, and our natural inclination is to pleasure, to expansion, to challenge, to joy and to love.



 Faith is really openness.  The opposite of faith is not doubt, but rigidity.  It is false certainty, bought at the price of  losing one’s connection with life.  It is a flimsy shelter, defended all the more violently for it.

Faith is not believing, really.  It is putting all worries from your mind and living  simply and honestly, forgetting tomorrow, forgetting yesterday, and rushing headlong in the experiences–good and  bad–of each day.

The mustard seed does not need to believe to increase in size a hundred or thousandfold.  It simply has to continue doing what is in its nature every day and, given the right climate and nutrients, everything else takes care of itself.

At the most basic level our task is to simply keep living.  That is, I think, sufficient.  Life is hard enough without compounding it endlessly with added weight.

“Sufficient unto the day are the evils therein.”

I have to say the New  Testament seems to be opening up to me a bit.


Lest you doubt

 It would not be hard to listen to all the nay-sayers now.   We have Republicans–at least people who call themselves Republicans and who used our donations to get elected–saying there is no fraud.  Joe Biden won.  Nothing to see.

I would remind all of you, in the face of this gaslighting BY OUR OWN SIDE that the media has been claiming for four years that Donald Trump got elected because 12 Russians were on Facebook.  Or something.  It’s never been clear, and they have never really cared.  

I see Moscow Mitch thrown around, which is, to throw in an Orwellianism, doubleplus stupid.  One, Trump had nothing to do with Russia, and two McConnell  had even less than nothing.  It is literally careless, thoughtless, irresponsible fools babbling in their cribs until they chance on something they like the sound of.

I will remind you that the Clintons belong in jail  for many reasons. Hillary belongs in jail for having that server, for destroying evidence after it was subpoenaed, and for handling classified data that would have put any career soldier in Leavenworth for decades.

All the Clintons belong in jail for graft and misappropriation of funds.  I think even Chelsea belongs in jail for using money intended for starving  and homeless Haitians for her opulent wedding.

Joe Biden belongs in jail for helping  frame Michael Flynn. So too do Barack Obama and James Comey.  Joe Biden also belongs in jail for taking on the order of billions in bribes.  His son belongs in jail for being a pedophile creep, and for helping with all  the corruption.

John Brennan  belongs in jail for helping with the whole Russia dossier, which amounts to the CIA Director more or less openly–we KNOW pretty much what happened–trying  to lead a coup against his own  government, which is illegal in many ways.

And Jeffrey Epstein, who had sex tapes of nearly everyone, was murdered in a maximum security prison, where he was expected to be murdered, and the perpetrators got away with it.  The FBI canned it.

You are not crazy.  There WAS an absolutely mind boggling, staggering amount of voter fraud.  The FBI no longer works for the American people.  Our Justice Department no longer dispenses justice.

I have no idea what the future holds,  but the present should always contain the truth–as much of it as we can see and deduce–to the extent possible.

I have three prayers I say daily.  I pray for the ability to see, to know what to do, and for the  courage to execute my duties with fidelity.  My future may contain little or no mercy, but I cannot see any other way to live but with fidelity and courage.  Everything else is a suicide, and I fear losing myself, my integrity, more than anything.