Month: December 2020
Thrive 2 is great too
Take this test
And study the areas you come to realize you don’t understand at all:
This is great. This is an intelligent, well educated, well intentioned and well funded guy saying all the crazy things that I myself came to believe also some time ago.
Vaccines and Snopes
This story seems to have been deleted by Snopes. I can’t find it, in any event. It is vastly more informative when they memory hole things than when they leave them up.
I will remind you they did that with the story that Barack Obama’s mother posed naked for Frank Marshall Davis when she was still a teenager. As I have said many times, it seems likely that Davis is Obama’s real father. This world is insane.
[I will actually wonder aloud if, if Trump gets the justice he deserves, a formal background check could be made on Obama–and for that matter Michelle– such that we find out his real history, who he really is. We very certainly do not know now.]
Here, in attempting to refute the “conspiracy theory” that the vaccines were designed to sterilize women, they point out that the literature only says it is “possible”.
Bill Gates, as you should know by now, pushed vaccines in many countries around the world which had hidden agents in them that produced sterilization. Certainly, he was accused of this by Bobby Kennedy Junior, who still seems to have retained integrity into his old age.
If you might forgive me for belaboring the obvious, permanent sterilization is hardly a mild side effect, and if it is even POSSIBLE this vaccine should NEVER be given to any premenopausal women. It should, in my view, not be give to anyone under age 55 AT ALL. The disease is just not that dangerous. This whole thing is a money and power grab.
The vaccines are in my view very, very, very likely to fuck more people up than the disease. This whole thing is political, and it is political because the vaccine makers have bought our politicians. It is worse than that: the vaccine makers themselves are run by the aspiring Masters of the World (not sure how “aspiring” they are, but let’s put it that way), who have put on this whole shit show.
The world is even now for sale at a steep discount. Everything and everyone is on sale. Mega-corporations are so happy they can hardly count (you feeling any of this, Roger Waters?), and the small businesses that in my view make life better in all ways are dying.
You would think the “Buy Local” people would get this. The “Keep Austin Weird” people. But none of them do. They are too fucking stupid.
Here is the thing: you have never, ever, ever REALLY done your job giving someone a good idea. If they can’t think, if they don’t know WHY it’s a good idea, and how to derive it from first principles, they are just parrots. If they were literally saying “Polly wannacracker” it would have roughly the same MEANING.
Don’t ever allow rules in your life that you don’t understand. And don’t ever view any rules as sacrosanct–which is to say, to be clear–sacred in a quasi-religious sense.
As I have no doubt said many times, I have a basic principle: it’s OK to break the rules, if you know why the rules exist. Most of the time the rules don’t really exist for you. They are to make you more convenient to manage for someone else.
But if, say, you run a red light in the middle of the night with no one in sight, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t wear a mask when you are not sick, it doesn’t matter. You can’t infect anyone with a disease you don’t have. This is so obviously true that it takes work and substantial social conditioning to fail to grasp it immediately.
All the foreclosures that are happening, the evictions, and in general all the bad news.
All the suicides, the business closures, the true rates of clinical depression (to the extent they can be determined), the hospital failures, the restaurant failures, the lost wealth and prosperity, and the true unemployment rate. Etc. This is a short list.
The plans was and remains to focus all year on a pandemic that Trump never had any chance of controlling–which for all we know may have been released covertly in dozens of cities at once.
[That actually reminds me of a story. I was talking with a guy in a bar a few weeks ago that was on one of the last flights out of O’Hare before the lockdowns started happening back in March or so, flying to the southeast. He sat near a very sickly looking, emaciated, and sad looking Chinese guy who looked like he had not changed clothes in months. He looked like a homeless person, as he put it. And he smelled horrible. This was right at the beginning of the worry about the pandemic. Everyone around him flagged him as a potential carrier, and the guy I was talking to said he literally thought his job was to infect people, since there was NO WAY that that guy bought a ticket around the world. This guy figured–and he was bright enough, but this was a bar and beer was involved–that the Chinese likely pushed this thing everywhere that way. Given what we now know about our intelligence agencies–that most or all of them are not working FOR us, and that most of them likely supported this pandemic–why would anyone have said anything about a planned biological attack?]
The plan is to blame Trump for the pandemic, then to blame him for the effects of the lockdowns, so he gets it with both barrels. They focus on the pandemic–on rising numbers, on the oh-my-God the positivity rate is whatever it is–then once Biden is in office, they blame Trump for what THEY did in response. They will say that all the negatives that came from closing schools, shuttering businesses, putting an 80 pound weight on all restaurants, and in general pushing fear without science, reaction without intelligence, and global restrictions in freedom all ALSO are to blame on Trump, even though he has been opposing most of that bullshit for six months.
This whole thing is unconscionable. As noted in the documentary I posted yesterday, there is no low that is too low. The world’s elites would most likely consider a hundred million deaths from starvation a good start. One of their goals, as he says, is to depopulate the world, to make it easier to control, and “for the good of humanity.”
Movie worth your time, in my view
Our world is run by a handful of banking families–and you could add Bill Gates, and George Soros (who really isn’t that rich by their standards) and others–whose plan is global control. This point really can’t be disputed, if you look at the totality of the evidence.
There is always fog on the mountain
Hunter Biden
I read he is being investigated for something to do with taxes. This, when on numerous accounts graphic pictures of him having sex with under aged girls were forwarded to the same Delaware police.
This is most likely a white wash. It is a headline to give hope to those desperately needing some sign that our country has not been handed over to crooks and psychopaths, but it will most likely disappear reasonably quickly. Unless something major happens, we HAVE been handed over to crooks and psychopaths.
If the crooks can keep all the good people of America thinking someone else is taking care of the problems, then the problems will never be solved.
Facebook Jail
This comment got me a 24 hour ban. I did use the word stupid, but I think the obvious larger problem is I publicly questioned Big Brother, and the official story line as to why it is proper for the governments of the world to torture their people to no purpose, and why it is something other than nauseating that Big Media has memory holed the Frontline Doctors, such that only people like Alex Jones are willing to host their videos.
YouTube refuses to allow it. Are you really so silly that you have failed to see what sort of world we live in? That if I were an Antifa terrorist I could use it with impunity, but YouTube will not allow a surgeon who has been active for forty years to comment? YOU could make a video and they would leave it up, no problem. She is actually an EXPERT, though, and they take it down. Are you so stupid, REALLY–and I’m asking honestly–that you can’t see the problem? And as she points out, mind control starts with small, petty, seemingly trivial demands. I have shown you that Sweden has better numbers without masks, and I have posted a link from an expert talking about WHY masks either do nothing or–more likely–make things worse, and all you want to do is laugh and pretend this is not a deadly serious situation requiring honest, good people to use their brains. You are not using your brain.