
The Mandalorian

 I suppose I like Star Wars as much as most of us.  I’m not weird about it, but I’ve seen all the movies. Rogue One is definitely my favorite.

I have not yet seen The Mandalorian, but both my kids watch it.  I know three things about it: Baby Yoda, that Mandalorians never take their helmets off, at least in public, and that his catch phrase is “This is the Way”.

Subtract baby Yoda and you have a guy who wears his mask everywhere, and is extremely emotionally and cognitively rigid and dogmatic.

Maybe I’m missing something.  As I say, I have not seen the series.  Just thought I would put this out there.  I will most likely watch a few episodes in the Christmas “era”.  Few days off here and there.

Although, for reasons not too hard to fathom, I started Netflix version of the Punisher after the Supreme Court decision.  That character came out in the 70’s when most of the nations cities had fallen fully under the thrall of idiotic and cruel and anti-humanitarian left wing Mayors.

Yes: 1974.  We are heading back to 1974, but it will be worse this time.  Much worse.

And to state the obvious, all those characters–Dirty Harry being another–responded to a deep emotional need for order and justice.

The only Western on my shelf is “The Man who shot Liberty Valance”.  The brilliance of that movie–in my view– is that it simultaneously shows the importance of the rule of law, and that rough men sometimes have to do nasty things to make it possible. It really doesn’t pick a side.  You need BOTH Jimmie Stewart AND John Wayne.

And that movie encapsulates what was, I think, the common sense understanding most Americans had at that time as to the nature of justice, of right and wrong.


The best chance…

The best shot we have is if one Senator and one Representative oppose certifying a States Electors, the whole thing goes to a vote in the House, where each State has a delegation controlled by whichever party has the largest representation. On that math, Republicans have a lead of 2. Unless they betray us yet again–I have lost count how many times our own people have let us down–then the election goes to Trump.
I would be hugely disappointed if Rand Paul fails, after all this, to do the right thing. He has a few weeks to make up his mind, but the fact is the evidence of fraud continues to pile up, and he can use his own brain to evaluate it. It doesn’t need to travel through any court.

If you look at this thing honestly, it is ASTONISHING how many failsafes we have, and how few people need to act with principle and integrity to protect our system. We have a wonderful system. That is why Whittaker Chambers prediction–that the Communist cultists would prevail in the long run, since they live on rails and have no moral scruples–has taken so long to play out. We have every reason to protect freedom and the rule of law and no good reasons to oppose them, unless we are a part of the corrupt system.

We do clearly need mass arrests. Everyone with a brain knows this. Chinese and Rockefeller and God only knows who else’s money is everywhere. Mitt Romney is clearly corrupt, and the System would not have minded all that much if he had been elected. He would have been good enough to keep the caravan moving towards the cliff of oblivion.


Being and efficiency

 There is no efficient way to “be”.  Being is not doing, and you can’t “not do” something efficiently.  You can build a tree house more efficiently.  You do absolutely nothing all afternoon on your back porch efficiently.

And you could say you are recovering.  That you are resting.  That you are making next week more productive because you are allowing your body and mind to recuperate now.

That is not what I mean.  I mean being “lazy” as we latter day Europeans understand it.  

And from this perspective progress comes from doing less.  Perfection is pure awareness, without any discontinuity between you and everything else.  You disappear.

Our would be rulers seek Total Information Awareness. This is what I believe the NSA calls it.  They want to know everything about us.  Not just the contents of everything we do on any form of thing that glows and runs on power, but our social networks, our habits, our personality profiles.  They have detailed predictive indexes of any individuals they care about, as well as the masses as statistical groups.

But in all of this, NONE of these people has a clue about how to live, about what is worth living.  They are doing the job of aggregating power efficiently, but all of them–to voluntarily participate in this madness–must be lost as human souls.

If I might abstract a bit, Being must make regular appearances in the process of Doing.  If it does not, what you have is an efficient railroad track, that if I might indulge in mild hyperbole for a moment, always constitutes a personal Shoah.  Your destruction is assured by the process.

But Being requires supports of some sort too.  You have to do.  Doing is the bones of the operation.  Doing is the skeleton, what creates a something, rather than a nothing.

If you spontaneously entered into a profound mystic union yesterday at 2:15 in the afternoon, if time compressed infinitely for a moment, then expanded to the limits of forever, all between the 10th and 11th seconds of the clock, and you understood EVERYTHING, but then forgot it again on the 12th click, how would you know?  

We seem to have bodies for a reason, and doing in the pursuit of being seems to be that purpose.  I don’t really know what that means, but vaguer things have sold millions of copies worldwide.

I’m rambling a bit.  Maybe it will be useful for someone.  No, I’m not drinking.  I decided to be good tonight.



 I think a lot of the time growth consists is unplanned shifts sideways.

I and most people tend to use this metaphor of moving FORWARD, but it feels as if this is always using a train as an analogy, and a track as the path.  Progress is moving forward, to the new.

But much of finding the new is allowing it to open up to us.  It is not found by scouring, but listening, not by seeking but by receiving, by not rejecting it because is not perfectly positioned where we think our next step, our “progress” should be.

Just now I was feeling something new.  I can’t describe it.  It wasn’t what I wanted to be feeling, although I can’t honestly say what I “should” be feeling, or even what would be better.  It was new, that’s all.  

Somewhere in this process of shifting around, of going sideways and up and down and perhaps in circles, the door begins to open up, I think, and I feel.

My work continues.  



I will note that Natural News links cannot be posted on Facebook.  Not hard to see why.

Excerpt, from something worth reading in its entirety:

“Yesterday, military intelligence analyst Jeffrey Prather dropped a bombshell during his live broadcast: A military intelligence analyst code named “Spider” had filed a sworn statement in a lawsuit handled by attorney Sidney Powell. This sworn evidence was accepted by the court on Nov. 25th, and this same evidence is likely already being submitted to SCOTUS for the Texas lawsuit case which claims “irregularities” took place in the swing states.

We’ve archived and posted the full PDF at this link, in case it disappears everywhere else:

The document is one of the many bombshells — actually a MOAB — that will be dropped onto the bench of SCOTUS in the days ahead. Here’s some of what it states:

I was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. I have extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies I have employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics and OSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodes and other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities.

The document lays out the fact that Dominion voting systems had open, unencrypted passwords and remote access capabilities which were exploited by both China and Iran during the election. Through analysis of IP addresses, subdomain resolutions and other tracing techniques, the “white hat” cyber warfare expert testifying in this document was able to determine that foreign aggressors interfered in the 2020 election by remotely accessing Dominion voting machines and altering election outcomes. Some of the remote access infrastructure was also hosted out of Canada and the Netherlands, and financial support for the effort was also tied to Pakistan.”

Ponder, if you will, that this is not only not front page news, but that you have to spend a lot of time surfing the backwaters of the internet to find this sort of stuff.  It is HUGE.  

The Left and their media spent four years accusing Trump of this shit, with ZERO evidence.  We know, in fact, that John Brennan, the FBI, Obama and Biden, and Hillary, cooked it all up from nothing.  We KNOW this.

Here we have highly credible, evidential testimony from qualified people and it is suppressed.  Disappeared.  Gone.


I agree with this in principle, without knowing where it exists within the range of available options 

The final option now remaining to save the republic is President Trump’s “national security” option, which would mirror the actions of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Trump must now declare the fraudulent election to be an act of cyber warfare against America, deploy the military to key cities, and initiate mass arrests of court judges, mayors, governors, election officials, complicit “journalists,” members of Congress and everyone else who has colluded in this criminal conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.

Fortunately, this is precisely the option for which President Trump has been preparing since at least September of 2018. I have been covering these preparations in my Situation Update podcasts, which bring to light activities of the DoD, DIA, SpecOps forces and cyber warfare soldiers, all of which are preparing for Trump to give the green light on an operation that would take down America’s enemies with ferocity and determination.

Trump now surely realizes this plan is the only remaining option to fulfill his oath to defend the United States of America against enemies foreign and domestic. SCOTUS has just handed Trump the clarity he needed to carry out this historic, necessary step to defend this republic in its final hour, when enemies across the country and around the world believe they have succeeded in their suffocation of liberty and the planned demise of the United States of America.


Even the Democrats

 should be disgusted with the pervasive and egregious failures of our law enforcement and judicial systems in this last election.  If any honest ones remain.

What we are seeing is that most of our politicians–of both parties–have been bought, and Trump only chanced into office since he was already rich and vastly outperformed the algorithms they had set up to cheat Hillary into office.  He did it again this year, and their cheating had to happen virtually in the open, but nobody is investigating, officially, in a serious way, and no courts are allowing the evidence which exists to be admitted.  The corruption is both in the open and forgiven by the System writ large.  The people who matter don’t care.  The people who care cannot be granted access to the System.  And that includes at least 75 million Americans.  

I continue to say that anyone who is not feeling low grade nausea and dizziness daily right now is not awake in any meaningful way.  Deal with it, by all means.  Transcend it, transform it, by all means.  Carry on.  Don’t let it get you down.  But if you are making sense of this world based on the facade you are being given–if Joe Biden/Kamala Harris and the COVID lockdowns and masks and censorship and media political advocacy makes sense to you–you are a fool.

The system is broken because we are broken.  We are mediocrities, far too many of us.


For the record

 I could also EASILY see me taking a whip to masses of men like those who occupy our courts.  I have over time learned to manage my temper better and better, but cowardice–when human lives and human well being are depending on someone doing the right thing–and hypocrisy still really set me off.  So does thoughtlessness.  I can stand stupidity–no one can help that.  But failing to use the brain God gave you out of laziness pisses me off too.

That will do for tonight.  I will probably get drunk tomorrow.



 For all intents and purposes the Supreme Court just officially empowered all the large cities in America to cheat like motherfuckers in perpetuity.

The Democrats have paid no cost.  None.  Their media has convinced the usual drones that this is all overwrought, and our courts–by not evaluating the EVIDENCE anywhere that I know of, or more than superficially–have given them the seemingly valid but ultimately specious argument that because no court has “heard the cases” that the evidence must be lacking.  The evidence is superabundant.  It is overflowing.  It is raining from the sky.  We have statistical evidence, eyewitness testimony, machines designed to cheat that were illegally accessed with thumb drives and on some accounts even via the internet from our worst enemies.  We have ballots that were invalid, and known to be invalid.  Trucks of ballots that disappeared.  Reams of Trump votes thrown away.  We lacked the most basic steps of verification.  Almost no ballots nationally were rejected for any reason.  The books that will be written detailing the election atrocities will be a thousand pages thick if they even attempt to offer all the primary evidence.

The fraud is staggering, national, coordinated.  Who the fuck are we any more?

I cannot imagine a larger betrayal of everything America–as embodied in its institutions, of which the Supreme Court is supposed to be the most august and respectable, since it is not exposed to any political pressure of any sort–stands for than refusing to hear the Texas case.  It is a kick in the balls, and a slap in the face, and a bell tolling for our incipient failure in every possible way.

Two more possibilities exist for justice: legislatures can appoint their own slate of Electors, or the Electors can say–as individuals or groups–“fuck this.  This is bullshit.  Trump won and we all know he won.  We are voting for him.  In my view the Electors of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin should do that, and probably Arizona.  Others could throw their votes in too out of disgust at this whole charade and spectacle.  That was intended to be the ultimate failsafe.  The system was designed that way.

Secondly, it is apparently necessary for the Electors to be certified without objection in early January.  If one Representative objects and one Senator objects, I think it is thrown to the  House.  That is the best chance we have.  We already have at least one Representative, and I think the number is swelling.  If we can’t find one Senator–Ted Cruz is an obvious candidate–then I give up, at least for now.  I can focus on myself.

We are a nation of fucking idiots, at least many of us.  We have been made that way by an educational system that was more or less designed to produce stupid people with a passion for conformity.  It has succeeded marvelously.

But none of this is necessary.  All that is necessary for the triumph of the good is for people to do their jobs, whatever they are, with honesty and integrity.  The system will work fine if nothing more complicated than that happens.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds and Morgans and Schiffs and others are a cancer.  They are pure poison.  They are destroying everything good, in the name of nothing.  It is destruction as a game, power as a drug.

Yes, I am upset.  I’ll deal with it.  I always do.  But damn.  Damn.  It hurts me when my cynicism proves right, and my general contempt for most of humanity is validated.



 Lack of standing is how Barack Obama was privy to all our most classified information for eight years without the American people even being able to verify that he was legally allowed to work in this country.

We have everything we need to build a beautiful, sustainable society and we are pissing it away to psychopaths.  Flushing our freedom and dignity and warranted self respect down the fucking toilet.  Unbelievable.
