
The complicit media

 I will broaden an earlier suggestion: I think all “news” media that is so one sided that it amounts to political agitation should be treated legally as what it is: an organized political action committee.

And to be clear, all newspapers, as one example, have always a spin. But that needs to show up in editorials, not in a blanket refusal on the one hand to tell stories that hurt their people and on the other to dramatize and obsess over trivia that hurts their ideological enemies.

Something needs to be done. Integrity and professionalism for their own sake are dead. 


The middle

 I think most of the legitimate reasons the Left has to hate America and most of the legitimate reasons the rest of us hate the Left all stem from the same power elite.

Through political control they foment wars they have no intention of winning, and through consciously bad policy they keep a sizable segment of Americans permanently down.

Through their control of education, they teach the lies that divide us, and also ensure that most students graduate at all levels less able to think than they had been. Much of “education” now consists in learning to see what you are told to see.

All of us have a common enemy. I continue to believe a coalition of the sane should be possible.


More comments

 A sin is a wound in the future.

Violence is not wrong—the Bhagavad Gita as one example is an extended justification of it—but it is a distraction.

A violent man will die a violent death because we die the way we live.

A peaceful man will die a peaceful death.

A depressed man will die a depressed death.

An anxious man will die an anxious death.

We daily choose our lives and our deaths.



 Faith opens the day, and doubt and fear close it.

No one who has retained a shred of curiosity can be called hopeless. Conversely, curiosity is a path back to hope. In anything. To any degree.

The essence of practical morality is the claim that there are degrees of refinement in pleasure and that the highest ones are in intrinsic conflict with the lower ones. 

Clarification: There is nothing unnatural in enjoying food, sex, attention, altered states, and a sense of power—we speak often of empowerment as a positive, do we not?—until they become ends in themselves.


Self Evident point

 Allowing the person to take office who has the most votes after an extensive process of fraud is the OPPOSITE of democracy, and certainly not a sample of it.

In Democracy, non-existent or dead people do not get to vote, and no individuals get to vote thousands of times.

Democrats aren’t.


Comment on Electors

 As I understand this, there is no law requiring Electors to render their votes—and I think that is in effect what they are—for the candidate who nominally won their State, but in the history of our country only a couple have failed to.

So if you were, say, a Pennsylvania or Georgia Elector, and chose to vote for Trump because of the obvious fraud, and the obvious corruption and cowardice of our judiciary, youneould be treading new ground, breaking a de facto taboo and long standing hanit.

But history will be made one way or the other. If they fail to stop Biden they will embark on another series of historical firsts: they will help usher into office the first President we already KNOW has taken bribes from our largest global rival; they would help ratify the largest and most blatant national voter fraud ever conducted; and they usher into office the oldest man ever to serve as President, and someone whose mind is already plainly in decay.

A reasonable objection might be made that if this sort of thing became common every national election would get nightmarish.

First off, the President serves four years and can both do a lot of good and a lot of harm. Taking our time to get it right is still prudent even and perhaps particularly in the era of instant and short lasting gratification.

More importantly, the Supreme Court has already ruled that the sundry State legislatures can “bind” their Electors to the outcome chosen by the people, so this need only happen once.

But if it does happen once, December 14, 2020 is the day.

If Joe Biden took bribes and cheated BEFORE he was President, and if all this was known and he STILL became President, what then would or could be beyond possible? If you empower criminals you get more crime. This was obvious no doubt to Hammurabi, and to everyone since who put a moments thought to it.


The Boy who cried Wolf

 It’s hard to know how much of this is planned–I don’t think the enemies of humanity should be overestimated–but the net effect of the Democrats screaming about election fraud, and tampering by foreign nations, and illegal collusion, and bribes and influence seeking is that we have all heard this before.

These words mean nothing any more. The Democrats have denuded them of affective substance, at least where their own base is concerned.

They just say “well, you denigrated US when we said the same thing”.  And being post-factual and post-rational, you cannot rebut this claim by pointing out that our claims have an evidential basis and their do not.  They don’t care.  All that matter are the words.  They have no interest in substance.  Appearance, for them, is reality.  Magic becomes much easier once you start down that road.


Vitamin D

Here is the thing: I was reading that Vitamin D deficiency made this thing vastly worse back in MARCH.  I have likely posted on it multiple times.

By this math, your risk of dying does up nearly 700% if you are Vitamin D deficient.  1 in 5 Americans, I read some time ago, in fact are.  There is no way to know how many of the 200,000 people who died were Vitamin D deficient, 20% of 330 million is 66 million, though.  Let us say half of them were, and that 4 out of 5 of them would have lived if they had taken a simple, small, inexpensive pill at the beginning of this.  That is 80,000 people who died who did not need to die.

And this is over and above those who would be alive if we had implemented an early treatment regimen of HCQ, Zinc, Vitamin C, and now perhaps Ivervectin.  It is literally possible that this could have been contained to an AVERAGE flu outbreak, with no lockdowns AT ALL.

Why were we not told all this?  It was KNOWN.  If I knew it they knew it.  Just like, in my view, they knew HCQ was safe and that it likely helped.

I say again: if you are not feeling a bit woozy every time you see one of our experts lie to us, every time you see some autocrat tell us these curtailments in our lives, liberty and the pursuit of our happiness are FOR OUR OWN GOOD, then there is something wrong with you.

This whole thing is sickening.  It’s not misguided: it is guided to the last detail, by people who want an end to our freedom, our demand for dignity, our right to keep and bear arms, and to vote and have it mean anything at all.  Everything that makes America good and worthwhile is on the chopping block.  All of it.  I mean all of it, at least for anyone who is not a member of the clique, and the cost for that seems to be high.  It seems to be your soul.


Getting triggered

 It occurred to me that getting “triggered” is always simultaneously a chance to let go.  But you have to embrace and accept that energy, and it feels like indigestion for a time.

If you picture a crossbow, the existing tension is a bolt ready to be fired.  Getting triggered is releasing it.  The “trigger” is pulled.  A situation pops up, and a trigger is pulled in you, releasing what was latent.  What most people then do is hold onto the bolt and keep it from going anywhere.  The energy in the system stays exactly the same, but in the most unpleasant way possible.

You can’t make it go away instantly, but building the habit over time of taking the time to live with it, even for a moment, will eventually weaken the impulse to the point where you forget that that thing ever made you that upset.


Can I coin the term Left Wing Pig?

 I think so.  Have you heard it?  No?  Then place a little white whale flag on it that has “not Vineyard Vines” printed very small.

And I will note I have read Moby Dick, but whatever allusions may exist on here are superficial.  I have not put much thought into them.  The Whale appeared to me in a dream as one of “spirit animals” as they say, and I just like the phrase “Call me Ishmael”.  I do remember he was the only survivor, though, mostly because of the Bob Seeger song, which was allusive, if not specifically referential.

I alternate what I hope is wisdom with profound sounding stupidity.  Stay awake when reading what I write, and assume nothing.  I have no interest in telling anyone anything.  I want to share sparks.  That is all.  What you do with them is what will or will not make you interesting.