Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana, The Life of Reason: Five Volumes in One
Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana, The Life of Reason: Five Volumes in One
This, on the destruction of historical context and reference through the renaming of buildings and destruction of monuments
It seems increasingly clear to me that the end game of destroying the past is reenacting it. The rhetoric of the present Left is atavistic and of a sort we KNOW reliably leads to violence and injustice. You want people to forget the ideas and rhetoric of actual white supremacy precisely so the young and ignorant do not notice how similar it was to the things you are yourselves preaching in 2020.
The essence of the anti-Liberal left wing agenda is defining people by their birth, race, sex, sexual orientation and the like. Individualism is rejected. Moral autonomy and personal responsibility are rejected.
The spirit of racism survives only in those accusing everyone elsr of it.
I would suggest that to the extent honest science remains viable and some degree of free speech possible over the next couple of years that it will become undeniable that nearly the entirety of this present clusterfuck—the masks, the lock downs, school closings, restaurant curtailments and closings, and even the vaccinations—was misguided and on balance harmful.
Among professionsls there will be a curve of adoption. You have the people who never stopped talking science, like John Ionnidis, Harvey Risch and Simone Gold, but soon you will have more and more people leaving their fear induced stupefaction and scientific incoegence and saying the same obvious things. Early treatment with zinc and HCQ and Ivervectin works. Everyone should have been supplementing Vitamin D from the get-go. Our hospital capacity was never at serious risk, and would have been at even lower risk if we had encouraged people to take Vitamin D and do early treatment. 2-3 people are dying from the stress from the lockdown for every COVID death, and most of the COVID deaths are either not COVID, prinarily or AT ALL, and most of the COVID deaths were unnecessary. The disease could not be stopped but it never amounted to more than a bad flu. None of the measures taken were needed or helpful and on balance made everything WORSE in all ways.
In my view all people who claim to be professionals need to start admitting the obvious. No person on the back end of this curve will have any credible claim to be considered honest.
Im dealing, for the manyeth time in my life, with a specific physical, logistical problem that scares me and which I have to tackle alone.
Heading off to meet the day the phrase came “ novelty is what allows you to create, and embracing novelty is what allows you to grow.”
Because the obvious needs a lot more allies than it seemingly has: voter fraud is the ULTIMATE voter suppression. Millions of people had their votes revoked in the middle of the night between November 3rd and 4th.
What people like Maxine Waters are doing in using their rhetorical tricks is imply that anything less than a Democrat victory—one obtained by any means necessary and. certsinly including planned and pervasive fraud—disenfranchises blacks.
And the latent claim behind THAT is that black power can ONLY come through Democrat politicians. She is more or less literally saying “I am the Way, the Justice, and the Enfranchisement. No power shall come to any black but through me. If you oppose me you oppose all those who are helpless without me, and that makes you a racist.”
Suffice it to say that with “friends” like that the KKK has nothing to add, particularly given how many blacks murder one another each year in the status quo Maxine Waters is perpetuating.
Without attempting an exact symbolic match it feels to me like the sick relationship the Democrats have built over the years with the black community is in emotional tone similar to that in Pink Floyds song Mother.
There are all sorts of latent anxieties in the black community. But the men try to be tough, and the women seem to try and find strong men. What is needed in my view is less talking ABOUT the black community, less doing to and for them, and more understanding and listening and learning.
And the worst thing that could happen to Maxine Waters—from her particularly brutally selfish perseprctive— would be fair elections and a black community steadily growing in knowledge from good schools, and prosperity from a robust economy.
I will note that on thus account John Durham is part of the system. And if he was aware of this, how can we possibly trust him to do an honest investigation of Hillary that involves FBI entrapment that they back peddled to use as blackmail leverage on Hillary, for use by whoever controls Obama?
Durham would seem to be a crook just like the rest of them: just like Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Hayden, Obama, Strozk, McCabe, BIDEN, and I forget who else. The whole fucking thing is a Mafia operation.
This thing is still not done. There are options and time. But decisions need to be made, risks considered and accepted, and the future of America and by extension much of humanity, chosen over convenience, personal advantage, and simple greed.
There was a time when a “typical American” was a hard working farm boy or girl, who went to church every Sunday, and who knew the basics of world history and English literature.
What is a typical American today? We continue to grow in diversity but I tend to picture fat slobs who eat pizza three times a week and spend their days in front of computers at eork, and in front of a TV, computer, or video game at home. There is no earth there, no clean air, no fire, and little conscious nuance of emotion.
This can all be rectified, but we need to stop the attacks.
As just described the vampire and werewolf represent relatively primitive levels of advancement and, far from being terminal never ending conditions, can and should naturally be transcended in the course of natural and spontaneous evolution and growth, if such evolution is not stopped by people unable to imagine anything better, and who, in this failure, desperately desire to drag all the other crabs back down into the barrel.
Wisdom and wealth are not quite antitheses, but their relationship is inevitably difficult, and in the long run a choice must be made.
In movies and literature, being a vampire is a permanent condition. They are Undead and the only other option is dead. I am unaware of any movie or book which reversed this condition to normal life.
And for the same reason many of us are fascinated by serial killers vampires are attractive in an horrific way. They are not infrequently even protagonists, as in the Twilight and Underworld (I think it was: vampires versus werewolves) series.
I was reading a quote from Jack London the other day about how ALIVE the wolves in a wolf pack feel in a hunt. They have a blood lust and all their senses are alive. Most hunters will describe something similar.
Vampirism, to me, is unprocessed gut energy, both in the literal physiological sense of latent tension in everything touching the unmyelinated vagus nerve, and in a subtle energetic sense. The two are obviously connected.
This is true of both werewolves and vampires. And both exist in the night, which is to say our deep unconscious, in our Shadow.
Vampires feel continual mild hunger, whereas werewolves feel periodic intense rage and hunger.
Both of these are emotional conditions in which trauma overlays primitive biological urges. I certainly would disagree in most respects, but it has been said that our bodies and brains exist as chassis’s and protective matrixes in service of our bellies—survival—and our sex—our reproduction.
Vampirism and Werewolfism are thus natural to us. They are the substrates upon which we are built.
Here is my point: psychically all unconscious myths can be entered in dreams and meditation, and perhaps drug induced altered states, and RELEASED.
It is a curse to feel emotionally hungry all the time. There is no other way to put it. The solution to vampirism is communion, is a deep and fulfilling emotional connection to others. This sates that hunger, and the Undead become alive again.
It seems to be the case that there are no permanent fates in this universe that we do not choose perenially.
I do not believe the media lid is strong enough to keep most public health experts from concluding, once all the numbers are in and crunched, that the response to thus new flu was anything but incompetent, unnecessarily violent, and ultimately counter-productive.
We should— and I perhaps overestimate the diligence and integrity of many people—see mea culpas and rants about lack of data and the exigencies of a global pandemic.
& Etc.
& Etc.
But maybe they will whitewash it, cover up their mistakes. We will see.
I had a dream last night of a world without masks. It was nice.