
Great idea: Business unions

Here is an idea I would encourage all of you to spread: business unions. Businesses banding together and agreeing to all open together, on the same day, and on their own terms. Small business is the labor in this case and tyrannical Governors are the Management, or the Man, or the Big Corporation. If they open one or two at a time they are easy to pick off. But if thousands open at the same time in, say, California, it will be difficult politically for the Governor to target ALL of them. Call it a walk out strike. Or a sit down strike. A coordinated action done on a large enough scale that it has coercive power.

The genesis of this idea is a very interesting conversation I had last night with a bar owner who more or less organized the first successful resistance to government tyranny. He got together forty other restaurant owners, and got them to sign a petition saying they were going to reopen on December 16th with or without permission. He hand wrote the thing, and got them all to add their signatures, emails, phone numbers and their business name. Eventually he had 8,000 signatures from around the State.

I asked him what he would have done if they had opened and the Governor had called their bluff. He said he would never do that. It would be too unpopular. It would be political suicide. And he was right. When you are dealing with submissive people they are just numbers, abstractions. But when you put large numbers of faces on things, the people become human again, and injustices committed against them more openly indefensible.

He also said that most of them had nothing to lose.  They are all going bankrupt anyway.

And he pointed out he was trying to look out for ordinary people who were just trying to survive, and ideally put a few Christmas presents under the tree for their kids. The Governors of this country have in large measure made that difficult to impossible.

He also said: you know how you deal with a bully? You punch him in the nose. You stand up to him. This used to be a truism that we were all raised with.

I of course agree fully. I have dealt with bullies, and that is how I dealt with them. Appeasement never works. No amount of groveling and submission is ever enough. They take what you give, then demand more. It is never ending. And with most bullies you only have to do it once. It pops their bubble. You make it no fun any more for them.

I would encourage those of you particularly in California and Oregon to share this idea. It’s a great idea and could gather steam very quickly.


Martial Law

 America was just subjected to a sustained, well organized, ruthless and illegal attack. A large and well funded, seemingly multinational attack was launched on the Will of the People, as it was intended to be expressed in legitimate voting.

What happened November 3-4, and which in cover ups and investigations which are not being attempted continues even now, should be treated with the urgency and severity we would direct towards. a physical invasion of the United States. It is that serious. If Joe Biden gets in office there is no reason to assume we will ever have AN election, much less a fair one, again. Any number of emergencies could  be created to give him what he needs to become a nearly omnipotent face of the hidden oligarchs. Assume nothing but the worst. After all, they have already shown how little they value the law and basic decency.

Having said that, Trump already has Representatives and at least one Senator willing to upset the apple cart and call bullshit publicly on the travesty that just happened. We have at least two people who matter willing to speak obvious truths in the face of egregious and unacceptable lies. 

This is the simplest and best path to justice. As I understand it, either the House can vote in delegations by State, or the alternative slates of Electors chosen by the swing states can be certified.  Both lead to Trump raising his right hand on January 20th and again swearing to uphold the laws of our nation.

Only if this fails should he consider invoking the remedy of martial law.

And I will note you cannot get peace by appeasing  mobs any more than nations. If you feed terrorism—which is what the Left is using to bully their way into power—the terror simply moves from the strrets, where it is random, to the State, where it is vastly more brutal, unavoidable and much better orchestrated and planned.

Many people hoped that once in office Hitler would finally calm the street violence caused by the SA. He did. He even had the leader assassinated.  But in their place cane the SS and the Gestapo and in the event Kristallnacht.

No bully gets anything but worse when you give in to them. That is not the psychology.


COVID control

 I have been saying for I don’t know how many months now that if we use the flu vaccines as a likely analogue, that the COVID vaccines will not confer full immunity and will likely make a lot of people sick.

This appears to be the case. Logically this means that we STILL have to get Herd Immunity and this is just one tool. This thing will continue to cycle around, perhaps indefinitely, but in waves. Farr’s Law.

The focus needs to be building people’s immunity. This has always been the case. We need EVERYONE taking 1,000 iu of Vitamin D daily, and perhaps during waves 30mg of zinc and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, both of which shorten duration and severity and alone are enough to keep most people out of the hospital.

Add to this HCQ and Ivervectin and the thing is managed, although it would not hurt to tell fat people they are more likely to die and to suffer complications. There can be no doubt that obesity will kill more people in the next ten years than COVID-19.

I would make this point, though: therr is no respect in which a national or international vaccination registry or card, or subdermal chip is something othet than a tyrranical abuse. You can be vaccinated and STILL be a carrier. You can be vaccinated and STILL get the disease if you are exposed to it. It always was and remains the case that IF YOU HAVE NO SYMPTOMS YOU ARE NOT SICK. And if you are not sick you cannot infect anyone, even if you are not wearing a mask and sneeze or cough.

It seems to me that if anything, vaccination papers (youh papahs pleaz) will increase the spread, like masks, by creating a false sense of security. And if in the process we add one more brick in the Orwellian wall separating us from freedom and personal dignity, the whole idea becomes demonstrable lunacy.

This is nearly all insanity. It cannot be said too often.


Emotional chess, aka non-violent aggression

 I started a new strategy last night. Anyone who has interacted with the Looney Left had encountered these people who I have come to realize remind me of nothing more than the big mouths some of you will recall from your 5th grade lunch table: the kid who had all the answers, who would not listen, and usually who was ACTUALLY the most ignorant one there. That was WHY they were so aggressively opinionated: feeling like they had the answers granted them confidence and a self esteem which would otherwise have escaped them.

You see these obnoxious bullies everywhere, triumphantly sounding their self important horns.

Here are some questions I am going to start asking them. These questions will fail completely with most of them but this is the sort of thing needed if we are ever going to build—or rebuild, depending in how you view the past—a sane society.

Do you think I love my dog less than you?

Do you think I love my children less than you?

Do you REALLY think that your side is 100% right and mine 100% wrong? Does that not remind you of anything in history?

Trump has not started any new wars. Obama started or greatly furthered nasty wars in Syria, Yemen and Libya. He also briefly supported the take-over of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood, before the Egyptians rebelled and pushed them out.

Is it not good that Trump added nothing and bad that Obama created million of refugees and hundreds of thousands of murdered civilians, many in nasty ways, like crucifixion or dismemberment?

Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo have talked four nations which have been officially at war with Israel since 1948 into accepting them and signing treaties of peace and recognition. Is this not wonderful? Trump was nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ultimately what is needed is a sort of meta-discussion where the question is asked directly: “is this really who you want to be? Is this really how you envision positive and productive dialogue? Do you really want to claim such a thing is impossible when I am asking you reasonable questions?


todays obviousness

 I am never sure what people can see and what they can’t. 

Point one: If President Trump stays on, as he should, Republicans will still control the Senate, even if they lose both races in Georgia. And they become MORE, not less, likely to lose both races by acting like RINO’s. If there is no real choice many people will just stay home. So the strategy is obvious. It is win/win on one side and lose/lose on the other.

Secondly, it occurred to me to comment that I am a conservative not because I love large corporations controlling the government, or because I am rich or because I do not want the best for all races, and creeds, and sexual orientations. It is not because I do not feel keenly the utter ridiculousness of people being desperately poor on the midst of plenty.

It is precisely BECAUSE I am fully supportive of most of the purported goals of the Left that I am so resolutely opposed to them.

They lie. They cheat. They steal. Governments do not provide lasting solutions to any problems. Given enough economic and cultural advancement we would not even need police or an Army.

People are lazy. There is the obvious sense that thinking is work. But more subtly there is the sense in which waking up means giving up congenial lies, such as the idea that we can trust Joe Biden, a guy who cheated his way into office.

Laziness makes people seek easy solutions, and it then causes them to tell self serving lies when reality is obviously not shaping up like they thought.

Good people cannot be complacent and lazy. And people who ARE complacent and lazy are not good. They are just there for cheap sentimentality, an easy and unearned moral high ground, and a group which praises them daily for nothing more complicated than doing and saying what they are told, and calling that good.



 Fear and disgust exist on a continuum, and I think the way out of trauma will always pass through disgust. This is what I am feeling in myself.

It seems likely to me as well that disgust and contempt are flip sides of the same coin. I am tempted to say contempt is unprocessed disgust.

And if you look at the contempt our elites seem to feel for most of us, this is logical. Most of them are severely traumatized but most are either unwilling to admit it, or fully blind to it.



 Trump will either be recorded in history as one of our greatest Presidents, or the largest failure.

He cannot lose these battles, and must do whatever it takes to protect America.



 It doesn’t take special intelligence to speak the truth when the world is lying, but it does take courage.

Trump has that courage. This is what makes him indispensable.

Could he have handled many things better? Yes. But could he have backed down on any large number if issues in the face of concentrated, highly organized and continuous pressure? Yes, but he hasn’t.

He won the election. This is an obvious truth. But most politicians would have quit in the face of this expert gaslighting, and he has not. 

What he has is what we need. If he can win justice and stay in office, though, he needs some pit bulls around him to finally start taking down this crime syndicate.



 He is a politicians politician. He is hedging his bets. If Biden gets in he is building bridges, and if Trump gets justice and stays in office Trump will have little choice but to forgive him.

I have always liked that line from Hunt for Red October: “I am a politicisn. That means when Im not kissing babies Im stealing their lollypops. It also means I keep my options open.”

I cannot make up my mind if Mitch is mostly honest or not. Neither option would surprise me. I think I can say he is not OBVIOUSLY corrupt, like Romney and McCain before him.


Dominion Game Theory

 If the claim is true that cheating is a key and planned feature of the Dominion voting machines then their WHOLE BUSINESS is a crime. The engineers, programmers, salespeople and executives are sll guilty of organized crime, that of election “fixing”, which is to planned and systematic voter disenfranchisement.

It is more or less literally like being someone whi helped design a Nazi death camp. There is no good spin possible for anyone who understood the true nature of the product and it MUST have involved a lot of people.

So their only good play—after staying under the radar, which was their main and original and good plan—is to lie thrir asses off, hope the Republicans fail America once again through abject cowardice and lack of a spine, and that Joe Biden gets in and fixes all their problems for them.

There is otherwise no good answer to the question “have you stopped fixing elections yet?”

Millions of people over the years—perhaps tens or hundreds of millions—have lost their vote because of these people. Politicians have been sworn in by the hundreds over the years who actually lost their elrctions.

The costs of all this—economic, social, political and psychological—are enormous.