
My Vote

 Without really knowing what true options are open to President Trump to protect our Republic from a de facto invasion by China and others, I will assert that my vote would be to pursue the avenues being recommended by General Flynn, and perhaps Sidney Powell.

It is unclear, but it seems there may be a power struggle between them and Rudy Guiliani and others.

I admire Rudy.  He is doing a yeomen job putting all the evidence together, and has worked HARD trying to get it in front of sympathetic legislatures.  I hope he succeeds in convincing them to do their fucking jobs and certify Electors that represent the actual will of the people whose interests they supposedly defend and protect.

But signs are not good.  The cowardice and corruption seem to be too deep.  50 years ago, I don’t think the people of America would have been deceived for a moment.  There would have been screaming and yelling.  I like to think there was a less complacent and less stupid time, in any event.

And Rudy Guiliani, perhaps more than anyone else–with the possible exception of President Bush–is associated with 9/11.  He has never commented on the evidence that the Towers were brought down by explosives, and specifically the CLEAR and UNDENIABLE evidence that Tower 7 in particular was.  He has toed the official line.

Obviously, there are many potential reasons for that, and I am making no claims about his honestly.

But what is needed now is audacity, and Rudy seems tired.  He is doing the prosecutorial work he has done ably much of his life, but the courts–Justice, writ large–seem closed for business.  I really hope I am wrong, but he seems destined to fail, and to get an Attaboy from the few historians willing to speak even approximate truths.

If there is a larger, more audacious, and perhaps more risky path, that seems to me the one most likely to succeed.  Who Dares Wins.

My two cents, spoken from a deep hole of logistical and tactical ignorance.



 So I never really quit anything.  I am a passionate man, and am driven by them.  It is good and bad.  It is both something to be managed and something I accept.

Here is my latest idea: given that it seems OBVIOUS that China interfered in our election in a number of ways– from perhaps direct vote changing via connected machines, to buying off politicians and journalists, to paying Big Tech to enact censorship and manipulation–could Donald Trump use his own Executive Order to cancel all of the national  debt held by China?  They hold a LOT of it, perhaps $10 trillion or more.  This might precipitate an economic downturn in China that could change everything.

It would of course affect the dollar too.  This idea would need to be evaluated by people who know more than me.  But it would be an audacious stroke.

I think everyone needs to understand Xi is not solidly in power: he is CLINGING to power.  He is an horrific leader, and his people in rebellion more or less continually, or at least they were until recently.  They have protests and riots and demonstrations and acts of violence that they just hush up and make disappear.  When the Tibetans were setting themselves on fire in desperation, when they could think of nothing else, the Chinese solution was to put squads of soldiers on permanent stand-by to put them out and hustle them off the street within an ideal of five minutes, no matter where it happened.

Why not counter-attack?  Why grant China more power than it has?  It is in fact a fragile, weak nation, filled with people who loathe its government.  And why not?  They are ruled by hateful, loathsome crooks and psychopaths.

And while I am at it: as I have stated numerous times, American money is not real.  Why not use the “Stimulus” to pay down the individual debts of American citizens and small businesses?  Why not create a website where people can go as individuals to cancel up to, say, $10,000 in personal debt?  Businesses under $20 million in revenue, perhaps a MILLION in debt?  

All of this shit, all of this $900 “Stimulus” is, as far as I know, being created for the purpose by the Federal Reserve.  This means it is a tax in the form of inflation that we have not paid yet.  The inflation will not show up until money starts moving again.

And on that note, I will comment that this is a near ideal situation for the people who control our money, and who have used that control to become essentially infinitely rich.  They want to buy up the world with created money that is given to them in the tens or hundreds of billions.  What they have done is engineer a situation where large sums of money are being CREATED, but not CIRCULATED.  This means the money supply has increased, allowing them to buy up America cheap, but the EFFECTS of that money creation have not yet appeared.

And I will say again: if and when hyperinflation appears, it is not hard to solve.  What we need to do is create enough money to pay off all debts, public and private, then revalue the currency and either fix it’s quantity permanently using some form of technology–my vote–or tie it to gold, which is at least something.

All of our problems have relatively simple solutions, which amount to not allowing psychopaths to create unnecessary problems in the first place, and then prevent their solution.


Further comment

 There is no real moral difference, in my view, between the following three statements:

1) You have to do it because it is God’s Will and I am God’s messenger.

2) You have to do it because the Science demands it, and no science flows to the people but through me.

3) You have to do it because otherwise you are a racist.

Do you see the problem here?  Can you?


The self similarity of true moral order

 I was in the grocery store today, buying a few things.  I am very fond of fermenting things, and bought the ingredients to make some more beet kvass and some kimchi.  I have a pot of sauerkraut, too, that has been bubbling and which I have been pulling from from time to time for six weeks now.

And I was looking at all the people wearing masks.  I was the only one without one.  Most of those people have been taught since childhood “you have to be nice”, and if you don’t wear a mask–we are being told this time around–you are going to kill someone’s grandma.  

Unless, that is, wearing masks makes infection rates HIGHER–as I believe–in which case objectively I am the ONLY one worrying in an intelligent way about grandma.  The rest of them are following bad science and ignoring their own natural repulsion to such an unnatural practice as covering your face.

But I was thinking: they are TRAINED.  The people running this society are trying to change SOCIETY by changing our collective habits, and the way they are changing our habits is through indoctrination both in regard to specific habits and in regard to the perceived need to conform generally.

In building a better society, you can always start from two places: the “society” itself, which does not exist, or the individual, which does.

Classical Liberalism is about giving individuals the freedom and moral training to learn to judge events and people locally and specifically.  Classical Liberalism is about diversity of thought and opinion and behavior, all of which are integrated through reason, through dialogue, and through principled tolerance.

Classical Liberalism can maintain borders, thresholds, lines which should not be crossed, all while allowing for considerable and indeed nearly unlimited variety short of those borders.

In Classical Liberalism you teach people HOW to think.  You teach them moral reasoning.  You put them through scenarios.  You ask them “what do YOU believe, and why”, and you allow a wide range of answers, as long as they are honest and not obviously pathological.

All of this is reversed with what we have today, with the propaganda being deposited on our children in our schools.

With Leftism you teach people WHAT to think, and if they want to know why, you accuse them of being an outsider, which depending on context might be a racist, or redneck, or homophobe, or xenophobe, or anything else that tickles your fancy.  You just have to shut down the thought, and teach them shame at being different in the process.  That is the main goal.

With Leftism you build HABITS, but these habits are paper thin.  People act a certain way in public, without necessarily having ingested and digested and UNDERSTOOD why, as one example, racism is wrong.  They are simply taught THAT it is wrong.

This is how people can easily and generally deploy the same bigotry and stereotyping that make racism wrong, and NOT EVEN REALIZE IT, if they are deploying it against an approved group.  What is being taught is not that bigotry is wrong, or that viewing individuals by perceived and largely inaccurate traits you assume about the whole group they belong to is wrong.  You can’t say anything about “blacks” because that is “racist” but you can talk about “whites”, or “white men” all day long, in the most bigoted, prejudiced, hateful way imaginable and no bells go off.

Again, this is because our kids are taught WHAT to think, not how or why.  They literally have NO IDEA what it would have been like to receive a traditional Liberal education worthy of the name.  They just know that they get praised for saying the “right” things and condemned and ostracized both for saying the wrong things, and for not saying the “right” things fast enough or loudly enough.  

It is Orwell’s Two Minutes of Hate, writ small.

And here is the point I would make: when you create a seeming peace through conformity to paper thin virtue, you have not created a happy or good society.  You have taught people the habit of ignoring their own latent impulses towards anger, and hatred, and tribalism.  You have not taught them to process and transcend these things, but to SUPPRESS them.  You have, in the end, created an attractive billboard with a cesspool reality behind it.

You have created what we see in most mass media.  You have created the zombies and vampires and werewolves and serial killers and endless dead bodies, mutilated in a thousand ways.  We are not a happy nation.  We are not an emotionally open nation, no matter how much self disclosure people are taught to throw out at the world.  You cannot confess something you can’t honestly feel, and most of us lose that ability in the endless desire to conform, to not stand out, to be “good” in the only way we were ever taught.  

We have not done the work to become better as individuals, and our society is actually secretly getting WORSE, as we lose all possible touch with our personal emotional realities.

The core truth is that the individual is the only POSSIBLE locus for any perception, for any social betterment that is lasting and real, and for any action.  Psychology, not sociology, is the doorway.

In an ideal society–and I think much of America used to be like this–the moral codes of most of the individuals correspond well to those of each larger group, even if perhaps less and less as the scale expands.  The family fits into the community, the community into the city, the city into the State, the State into the nation.  And if we are ever to build a world peace not based on Hitlerian oppression, the nations in turn need to form a congruent whole with the “world”, which is to say with each other.

Every part of a fractal contains the whole fractal.  Every part of a hologram contains the whole hologram.  Morality needs to be like this.  And to be clear, never exactly the same, but broad stroke, and particularly in terms of principle.

Why is racism wrong?  Because it is unfair.  Why is it unfair?  Because all individuals differ in their morality, their intelligence, their diligence and other attributes, and all people deserve the chance to be judged based on who they ARE, not on who we assume them to be based on the accident of how and where they were born.

These are Liberal principles, ones which assert that everyone gets a chance.  This represents an ideal which is the peak of an arc which is even now declining again back into humankinds ancient history of tribalism, hatred, and group based violence.

Literally everything the Left is pushing is intended to return us to the bad old days, but with modern technology.  Our morality is declining even as our abilities to destroy and control one another are growing exponentially.  

Every day I wonder how all this ends well.  Every day I wonder how so many smart people can be so fucking stupid.  Every day I wonder how EVEN WITH the effective indoctrination so many kids get that they can’t think their way out of the patent and ridiculous lies they are told.

People’s impulses are towards the good, but they are being TRAINED to aim for the bad and call it the good.

All of this is very hard to watch.  Very hard.  None of it is necessary.  All we need are good people to wake the FUCK UP and start opposing all this bullshit.


One benefit of the Alamo objections

 It may be that Mo Brooks is utterly destined to fail, as is Tommy Tuberville, if he does the same in the Senate.

HOWEVER, 2 hours of debate is required, and that would create the window within which to unleash all of the collected evidence of fraud into the Congressional Record, making all Senators and all Representatives potentially criminally liable for certifying patently illegal elections.

The sundry Secretaries of State may be so liable now, although it will require criminal investigations no one is presently conducting.  We stand abandoned by law enforcement and the courts equally.

And that may not be how it works.  I don’t pretend to know the law that well.  But that is an idea.  I think everywhere–on every wall, on every website, in every government depository, every place records are kept–we should stamp as indelibly as possible all evidence of voter fraud.  If we cannot get justice, we need to make every effort to claim history for truth.

Fight for what you can get.  Partial victories are always better than surrender, much less abject appeasement to the disgusting, illegal, and destructive.  We have far too many Quislings as it is.  I would love to see a dozen or more of our national leaders make their stand, even if defeat is foreordained.  Getting that debate, putting that evidence in a legal and public forum, would be worth something, particularly if it is two hours PER STATE whose Electors are patently illegal and invalid.

We should never grant to the Left their version of events, their on-going wiping of history, their purposive destruction of memory, their attacks on everything good.

Remember: those who destroy history are those who intend to repeat the worst parts of it.  This is the alternative meaning of “What’s Past is Prologue”: by deleting the past, you delete its lessons.  They want no warning, no context, no understanding.  Those may all complicate their plans.  It is as logical as it is evil.



 I will suggest, as a word play I have not thought through too carefully, that the Fear of Missing Out is roughly equal to the Fear of Moving On.


Alternative media and Trump’s options

 It was apparently a truism in the Soviet Union that, whatever the truth was, it lay outside the official news sources.  This seems to have generated rumors and conspiracy theories in large numbers, many of them patently ridiculous, but mostly still more palatable than the official “Truth”.  

This seems obviously to be the case in this country too.

I’m a bright guy, but the first place I go most mornings is InfoWars. This, because even though they are often wrong, if there IS a story that is true and worth knowing, it will appear there first, or somewhere like there.

Even farther down that path is Natural News, whose links you cannot share on Facebook.  That, to me, is a tacit endorsement.  Certainly, I have read things there that I have not read elsewhere, that seemed well validated, like the claims made by the 305 Military Intelligence Battalion that they CLEARLY saw foreign interference in our elections in the only form that really matters, which is direct access to our voting machines.  

If it does not terrify you that that can be advanced as a credible claim by a credible witness and that claim made to disappear, then you are a fucking imbecile.  Stop reading here.  You are wasting your time.

Here are what they are claiming as Trump’s ten possible paths to securing justice and victory: 

The ten pathways to a Trump victory

These are ten feasible pathways to victory. They do not require magical thinking or miracle interventions.

1.    Declassify everything and expose Joe Biden as a criminal, treasonous puppet of the CCP, then arrest him for treason or offer him a pardon in exchange for Biden to concede.
2.    Invoke 14th Amendment to strip electoral votes from states engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.
3.    Appoint Sidney Powell special prosecutor, and allow her to issue subpoenas / search warrants and issue indictments against treasonous actors. Then acquire confessions.
4.    Activate the Insurrection Act and deploy the military seize ballots and voting machines, then conduct a recount under military authority.
5.    Invoke the Pence-Raiklin Maneuver: Have Pence reject electoral votes from states that certified fraudulent, illegal votes.
6.    Use the 2018 Executive Order on election interference to seize Big Tech and the legacy media, while arresting Biden and all complicit operators, charging them with treason. This would nullify the election and force a re-do.
7.    Roll out all the evidence of cyber warfare from China, declare the election an act of warfare against the United States, declare new elections to be held under military authority. (We the People Convention.)
8.    Invoke the National Emergency Broadcast System, seize control over the treasonous media, broadcast all the evidence of vote fraud and urge the American people to demand Congress vote for the Trump electors on Jan. 6th.
9.    Convince state legislatures to revoke their Biden electoral slate, and by exposing irrefutable voter fraud, have those lawmakers certify a NEW slate of Trump electors.
10.    Achieve victory with SCOTUS in the Pennsylvania case, and then invalidate fraudulent post-Nov. 3rd votes in all the swing states.

My own hope, I will admit, is fading.  What I need to see are not tweets, not claims, but action which affects the outcome, or is likely to.

As I say, Trump can go down as one of the greatest Presidents in American history, or as our failed last best hope.  I may be wrong.  I tend to exaggerate, but that is my feeling.  Joe Biden will not be Obama’s third term, but Hillary’s first, and one started on the basis of an already simmering and beautifully articulated division in our country.  It will not be hard to provoke the resistance needed to justify yet more severe constrictions in our liberty, and this may well have been the purpose of allowing Trump into the White House in the first place.  This may all be scripted.  Maktub. 


January 6th most likely won’t matter

Here is how I understand it: UNLESS courts–via declaring the election fraudulent–or legislatures–by doing their FUCKING JOBS and certifying a legitimate slate of Electors–in relevant States certify the alternate slates of Electors, Joe Biden will be President.

If Mo Brooks objects, as he says he will, then it goes to a two hour debate–either total, or per State to which he objects.  At the end of that process it goes to a majority vote.  Democrats control the House.  This means that in every case, no matter how egregious the fraud, Democrats will win, and their slate will be selected, despite how odious and patently illegal this is.

Same with the Senate.  It is unclear if anyone will object, but for their objections to success they would need a majority of Senators to have the balls to call bullshit on this nonsense, and nobody anywhere outside of a few like Rand Paul have shown the slightest courage whatsoever.  As I continue to say, they may all be bought and paid for, or at least blackmailed and controlled.  

Jeffrey Epstein, I will remind you, was murdered in a maximum security prison, during a time when nearly all watchers were expecting him to be murdered, and the murderers got away with it scot free.  No serious investigation was done and the FBI quashed it.  The FBI works for the same people who just conducted the foulest, most illegal election in American history.  This is undeniable.  President Trump has taken to using the US Marshalls service since the FBI is traitorous and vastly worse than useless.

I see no way out other than for President Trump to take drastic action.  I do not know what form of action is possible.  I don’t think he would risk being arrested and I don’t think he would risk his physical safety.

His Executive Order of 2018 really only gives him power to impose sanctions, and he is already doing that.

Within our broken system, I see no means of rectifying this wrong, no means of defending America, no way of stopping what is coming.

And we need to be clear: where we are heading is a world where someone whose sole crime is disagreeing with the government on some petty matter could be shot down at noon on Main Street in any city, and the internet could be made to make it disappear.  Only those who witnessed it would know about it, and they would have no means of reporting it.  All electronic communications of all sorts can easily be brought under control NOW.  And for that matter, it is impossible to know what should be getting reported but it getting suppressed.  

I will do my best to keep my courage up, to have faith that all this has some purpose, that in the end–in this life or the next–things will work out, but I am astonished and disheartened at the general mediocrity of my nation, of our leaders, of all of the people who should be doing their fucking jobs but too fucking afraid to do so.  It is disgusting.  Contemptible.

Why did we fight in all those wars, just to give up now?  Just to hand our freedom and prosperity over to psychopaths?  



 It is worth reiterating that about 200 people, in a planet of 7 billion or so, are turning what would and could and should be a bright future into a hell for most of us.

They are consciously turning us against one another.  They are paying for the media to do this, our colleges to do this, our leaders to do this.

They are suppressing spiritual science, non-materialistic science.  They are preventing the emergence of what we KNOW about the operation of psi, and what is strongly supported in the realm of survival of death, into common knowledge.  It is scarcely to be found at any university anywhere.  Duke, the University of Virginia, and possibly the University of Arizona are the only ones I know.  And despite the importance of these issues to human life, they are poorly funded and scarcely noticed by most.

They are suppressing natural and easy remedies for many illnesses, and suppressing natural and easy preventatives.  Where, now, are the people recommending from high places Vitamin D to prevent COVID-19 complications?  The few I see are being censored by the self important and awful tools of Big Tech.

They are in my view suppressing available and world altering new energy sources using Zero Point or Free energy.  This, while they are pushing a global destruction of wealth production in the name of preventing a Global Warming which can only come from oil based fuels, on their own account.  If we used something infinite, free and clean, then none of this global warming nonsense would last a minute longer.

They are preventing the spread and democratization of wealth.  They are hoarding money and power and wealth to an extent no sane person can begin to comprehend.  People who are worth tens of billions want to be worth hundreds, and people who are worth hundreds aspire to a trillion.  I really believe this.

Their model is the successful returns to monarchy, as found in China, and Cuba and North Korea.  Their souls are empty.

In the world, where are the people willing and able and POSITIONED to stand against them?  We can build a beautiful future.  All the blocks, all the tools are there.  But we cannot do so while under relentless attack by nihilistic lunatics.  We need protection.  I don’t from whence it will come, but manifestly not from most of our leaders, not from our courts, not from our politicians, nearly all of whom seem to be corrupt.

We are SO CLOSE.  That is what drives me crazy.  None of this is needed.  We have the technology to eliminate illness and poverty the world over, and to free people from oppressive governments.  And the power elite is trying to herd us all back into cages, back into the past, back into the worst of humanity, rather than trying to build the best.  It is pure evil.


Communism simplified in context

 If you think about it, Communism is really nothing more or less than a means of returning monarchy to the world, but under a technocratic rather than a theocratic basis.

You have a ruler, you have an aristocracy, and you have a priesthood, all of whom rule absolutely over serfs who have no say and no rights. As in, say, medieval Europe the priesthood is limited in what it can say and do–and heresy is still punished–but it serves the role of supporting the rulers and validating them in their claims to power.

Small wonder it is so attractive to our aspiring rulers.