
Left wing Atavism

 If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, our system was designed to minimize corruption, by diluting it in many ways, the most important of which, arguably, was by offering it in time delimited and renewable ways. 

It was offered as a contract, to be renewed at the will of those offering the contract.

But when fraud is present, this part of the system is rendered inoperative. There is no check. There is no balance. As tedious as a politician who needs your vote may be, the one who does NOT need your vote is vastly worse. This is power without consequence. This is a return of Aristocracy.

And the First Amendment was intended in large measure to create an informed electorate, or at least create favorable conditions for it. . It, too, is intended to dilute power, since power unquestioned and unquestionable is well on its way to being absolute.

The practice of a power elite choosing for the people who would rule them is ancient. Even in the early days of our Republic this was the system. Most men and all women had no say at all.

These are the bad old days voter fraud necessarily returns us to. Sooner or later every evil practice the Left rightly condemns they return to and  call Good.


A further point

 I tend to focus on the ideological aspect of cheating—cheating for a supposed cause—but much of this is as banal as putting elections up for sale to the highest bidder. We are handing our country over to greedy crooks.

No: until the Supreme Court insists, in a formal ruling, that every reasonable effort be made to use existing technology fully to protect the value—the worth, the 1 and not the .75 or zero of differing forms of fraud— of every legitimate vote, bad things which should not have happened will continue to afflict the American people.

I would insist it is their positive duty and NOW is the time.


The only really good solution

 I think that until the Supreme Court establishes fair and honest elections as a positive right under the Equal Protection Clause, the problems will not be fixed. In some places cheating has been nearly uninterrupted for a hundred years or more.

And the consequences are enormous. People die who may have lived. People live impoverished, unhappy, ignorant lives, who might have flourished.

A Joe Biden Presidency may mean war with Iran—John Brennan seems to be a fan, so the Usual Suspects are involved, who have marginalized by President Trump—but not a Trump Presidency.

None of this is trivial. It is literally existential for many millions of people.

If Nixon had been inaugurated in 1960, as he should have been, it is most likely we never would have gone to war in Vietnam. If we had a avoided that war, the youth counterculture would most likely nog have emerged the way it did. And if we had not given the Communists that fertile breeding ground we may not be as batshit crazy now as we patently are.

Fair and honest elections are the single most important element of our system, in both principle and practice. They are an integral part, obviously, of the rule of law, and have been neglected much too long.

And we need the Supreme Court because Democrats have cheating well enough and long enough that they control enough power at all levels to block effective legislative remedies. There was widespread cheating in the last national election, in 2018, and before that 2016. It is an existential threat to everything, and the President lacks the power to fix it, and much of Congress would not be there without it. Mark Kelley most likely lost his race. So did Sinema.


Another curve ball

Maybe the DNC is behind Q-Anon.

This was a high level pass at the end of a long day. Ill dig more tomorrow.


COVID madness

 Like many I am marveling at, and confused by, the profound pusillanimity of so many of my fellow Americans.

It occurs to me to wonder if their physical weakness and likely literal physical cowardice has something to do with it. In American history we have never been en masse this weak. In general, most of us were strong, for most of our hustory


If Biden is inaugurated

 He will be BY FAR the least legitimate President in American history. Yes, I remember the “corrupt bargain” of 1824, but John Quincy Adams did not engage in voter fraud in most of the elections in most of the States, and was not a known crook who had taken up to billions of dollars in indirect bribes. He also did not have a drug addict son who belonged in jail for being a pedophile.

I will not stop hoping Trump can get justice, but if the Dems DO get Joe in there they may well regret it pretty quickly, for a variety of reasons.


Dealing with Big Tech

 Thinking about it Section 230 is not such a terrible thing.

The problem is not  REALLY that Big Tech is tacitly editorializing. What they are REALLY doing is playing the role of Political Action Committees. They are engaged in active political advocacy, having swung by one account 6 million votes.

So I would suggest that if they do not straighten up they should be regulated as PAC’s, and some proportion of their advertising revenues treated as political contributions.

I do not know the law, but I think a clever lawyer could make this work.

That would be both cleaner and more honest than revoking 230.


I feel good

 I don’t know why. I should be a nervous wreck. But I feel good. Im smiling a lot for me. I guess my emotional work is starting to pay dividends.


Klaus Schwab

It is worth noting that he was born 5 years into Hitler’s rule, and was 7 when the Nazis lost their final battles.  His parents were either Nazis themselves, or passive collaborators.  There really were not other options.  If they had been interned, it would be in his biography.

As I mentioned in a post I think I titled “The Little Boy who cried Fascist”, the words Nazis and Fascist have been so overused that it is understandable that people forget they have specific meanings.

And we need to remember that Nazis came, and come, from Germany.  They ruled that nation for a bit more than a decade, and there is every reason to believe that a large number of them never repented their sins, never forgave the West and the Russians, and retain many of the core beliefs that first led them onto the battlefield, and to build and operate concentration and death camps.

The Great Reset may LITERALLY be the brainchild of a Nazi, with zero embellishment or exaggeration.  I am just reading his obviously carefully circumscribed biography, and will not claim that with further reading my views may not evolve, but that is the first pass.

And the shit he is talking about sure sounds an awful like the “perverted science” that Churchill fulminated against and saw as one of their primary enemies.

Hell, with mind control, could the Nazis have simply not just fitted all the Jews with microchips?  Is this guy trying to do something other than treat all of us the way the Nazis treated the Jews?

It is later than you think, I think.


Election Coverage

 The Epoch Times is the only news outlet doing what to me is a responsible job covering both the fraud allegations, and the investigations into them.

People who have lived with Communism know how bad Communism is, so they are paying close attention, and are obviously vastly less apathetic and complacent than most of our media is.