
The law of the land

 If Trump cannot get justice, the law of the land will be governed by the man who cheated him out of his rightful claim to have won the election.  The next Attorney General will be a Biden appointee.  And Biden will not make the mistake Obama made and fail to fill each and every court opening promptly.

And we saw recently in Pennsylvania the sorts of people–the caliber of people–Obama DID put in office.  As one commentator noted, the dismissal in Pennsylvania looked like a partisan press release, and was no doubt consciously conceived as such.

No, nearly unlimited amounts of money, surveillance leading to extortion, and bullying are sweeping the land.  Those who are not bought or compromised are being openly threatened.  They are threatened with physical violence, yes, but also social and political violence.  Their home addresses are published, in the patent hope that some crazy might attack them; they are attacked ruthlessly in a press with no shame; and their futures in this society, run by the crazies, are put in jeopardy.

I can’t have any idea what my future holds, but I have always known that if I fail to cling to truth that I will disappear fully, as seemingly so many Americans already have.  They have evaporated, never to be seen again.  I would rather die, even though I fear both pain and death.

Lying is a suffering and a death now, and it is suffering and death I can avoid, now.  It is foolish, I think, to enter an Iron Maiden which will cut me in a thousand places, in the fear of something more physical that might or might not happen.

I do game out going to a concentration camp, to being tortured, to being broken by the moralizing psychopaths.  We can all be broken, and with modern technology it is likely not that difficult, and does not take long.  The only conclusion I can reach is that yes I can be broken, but that there is a vast difference between being broken easily and being broken with difficulty after taking my stand; and with doing my best to face my fate bravely, versus giving up easily at the first sign of trouble.

Life is not a joke.  We are not here to feel relentless tragedy, but neither are we here to pretend that life does not end, and that we are not on a small planet–in the scheme of things–in an endless soup of emptiness.  We are here to learn how to see, in all the ways this is possible.  This is my fervent belief.


Here’s a fun one

 Assuming Guiliani can get fair hearings and honest, legally sound rulings, and Trump is granted the second term he earned in the election, what if he appointed Michael Flynn the Director of the CIA, once he walks, as he should and inevitably will?  That could be fun.  They no doubt played a role in his persecution.

Grennell seems to be doing a good job, so DNI–which I recall was where he was originally placed–is likely no longer a good fit.  And it is obvious the current  CIA Director needs to be fired.  It would not hurt to have someone honest doing that job who understands intelligence.

 Biden himself, by the way, is openly admitting to breaking the same law Flynn was prosecuted with.  And it was BIDEN’S IDEA to use that obscure law.

The hypocrisy and contempt for the law could not be more blatant. I will continue to pray daily that Trump gets the victory he deserves.


Zippo’s and combat

 I have long been fond of Zippo lighters.  They are an iconic brand, and I’ve had a few over the years.  I have two now.  I just bought one in Gatlinburg, a Buddha one in a cigar store run by Indians.  There may be a pun there somewhere.  I have another one I’ve used for some years.  I like to smoke cigars on long drives.

My brain being the continuous non sequitur engine that it is–or perhaps non-obvious connection engine–I was filling my new Zippo just now and getting flashbacks to WW2, then thinking about the smells, the smokes, and the rest periods for our combat troops.

Then it hit me: for a lot of these guys, the end of combat probably feels like a LET DOWN.  Yes, it is hard, and they suffer, and they watch their friends die and get seriously wounded, and all the other things that happen in combat.  But some part of them feels let down when the orders come that the fighting is done, and they are to report somewhere to get on a plane or a ship and heading home, never to be in uniform again.

And manifestly many of them spend much of the rest of their lives remembering that time, and no doubt over some period of time romanticizing it to the point of misremembering it.

It is so hard to know what matters.  It is so hard to know what “good times” are and “bad times”.  We live in confusion.  All of us.  You have to try and not be confused, and you have to spend most of your time feeling like you have a good plan and know what you are talking about, but from time to time you need to laugh or cry or both and say “fuck if I know.”

Experience feels real.  We know that much, and that includes the experience of thinking.

I am continuing by the way to listen to William James Principles of Psychology.  It is the most “grundlich” treatment of existential or phenomenological psychology I have encountered.  He spends much time and goes into great detail trying to figure out what an ego or an I or a self is.  A student of Buddhist psychology could do worse than to read through his meditations.


A guess on Sidney Powell

 If the President wants to stay President, he pretty much HAS to get in front of the Supreme Court, and he cannot afford to be associated with anything speculative, far out, or weird.

Rudy Guiliani seems to have enough evidence within his bailiwick to overturn enough elections to win Trump a second term.

And as interesting and breathtaking as Powell’s claims are, the case she needs to bring to convince jurors or judges her version of things is accurate may take months or years, and they don’t have months or years.

It is even possible one of the Supremes called Rudy or even Trump and said “look, we will hear the late ballot stuff, the trucks in the middle of the night, but we don’t want to get into servers in Germany.  That would take months and we don’t have months.”

What is likely going on is a bifurcation.  Powell will continue her thing on one track, and Guiliani and the rest will continue on their much shorter, much more immediately and obviously evidential path.

Put another way, the optics were bad, even if the data was and remains good.  If Trump can stay in office, sooner or later Flynn will get out, and then he and she and a bunch of high powered hard chargers can start to chase the crime and rottenness out of our system.

And if Trump can’t stay in office, she can still continue her work, which does not require the approval of anyone.  She just needs a plaintiff, and those are no doubt plentiful.

As someone pointed out, if she is telling reckless falsehoods, then her career is over.  She will get sued by Dominion, lose, and likely be disbarred.  This is ample reason to believe she is on the right track, but that track is the wrong length right now.

That is my best guess.


Quote from the movie “The Plague”

I have a long history with Albert Camus, although I have not read him in many years.  He was my first major intellectual crush, although I flirted with Thoreau too.  I was an odd kid.  I spent a summer in high school doing a close reading of The Rebel, and taking copious notes.  Anything I liked I would hand copy into a notebook.  I may still have those notebooks somewhere.  Not sure.

But after some effort, I found a copy of the movie, from 1992 I think, with William Hurt, Raul Julia, and others.

Here is one quote: 

Microbes, and disease, are normal.  People think its the other way around.  There’s a little of the plague in all of us.  Some don’t know it, but others make it a way of life.  Those of us who know, have to be careful not to breathe into other people’s faces.  Not to become distracted.  The honest man is the one who does just that, avoids falling into distraction.

He is making two points here.  One is that disease is normal.  Human weakness and frailty is normal.  We act surprised when things fall apart, but should be more surprised all the times they don’t.  We forget to value the foundations we stand upon.  This is the point of history, of philosophy done honestly.

And this is of course literally true too.  We are surrounded by viruses and bacteria all day every day.  Many, many people do not want to hear this.  They want to be protected from the very world itself, and everything in it.

But I think he is specifically speaking metaphorically.  The quarantine of Oran–I think that is the city–was intended to reference the Nazi occupation of France, the restrictions of life, the metastasizing bureaucracy, and in specific Camus’ separation from his wife, who was still in Algeria while he ran–as a doctor specializing in treating disease of sorts–an underground newspaper, Combat.

Evil lives in us.  Violence.  Anger.  Hurtfulness.  The honest man–or woman–is the one who does their best not to forget this and thus infect others.

And in this present time it is interesting how literal the comparison can be made between the “occupation” the disease has made possible, and the actual, literal historical Nazis.

Even in this movie they dragged people from their homes and threw them in concentration camps–the one William Hurt visits is in a soccer stadium–and Hurt asks them if they are not infecting more people this way than leaving them at home, and the bureaucrat in effect says “collateral damage, and an acceptable cost.”

I will likely have more to say.  I need to reread that book.  I read it in high school, and I am a very different person now.


The Great Reset and the psychological underpinnings of Communism

 I’m reading George Faludy’s “My Happy Days in Hell”.  He has the unique distinction of being the only articulate man I know of who managed to get thrown into gulags by BOTH the Nazis and the Communists.  I was told about him by some random guy named Zoltan I met in a pizza place frequented by hard core rock climbers.  He was a Romanian/Hungarian/Transylvanian.  Which word you used would depend on what part of his life you were looking at.  It was an interesting story.

In any event, I wanted to quote a couple passages that just scream (to me) to be shared.  The context is Faludy is having conversations in Paris with another Hungarian ex-pat who had done time in jail for being a Communist.  Faludy makes a point of his physical ugliness.  It is odd how beauty seems deep and ugliness superficial.  We all tend to do this, I think.

In any event, here goes:

He explained that he realized he had been driven to the communistic party by his ugliness, his loneliness and his yearning for a family; by the ideology only insofar as he could not exist without some universal ideal that imposes order on the affairs of the world.

“Something that settles the affairs of the world once and for all?”, I asked.

“Once and for all,” Havas said.


It was not only love that led me into the communist party, but also hate.  Not hate against the rich.  It is the disorderliness, the haphazardness, the incalculableness of the world that I hate.  I have always had an irresistible desire to settle the affairs of the world, outside as well as inside, in my soul.  I searched for a direction to follow, for a light that would lead me out of the chaos of my own thoughts and emotions.  Because basically I am a religious man, who must believe in something.  

Can you see how these sentiments lead obviously to tyranny, and the imposed structures it seems to be able to impose on man and nature?

Can you see why people who feel like this would WANT the Great Reset, where everything and everyone is put in its place, a human plan hatched for the future of the world, and all resistance and alternatives destroyed as viciously as necessary, and certainly thoroughly?

Later, after he admits thinking Faludy must be a communist because he was a devout anti-fascist, Faludy says to him: “He who denies fascism must a priori deny also communism”.

And keep in mind, whenever conversations about Fascism come up, how Mussolini defined it: Everything inside the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.

Obviously, Mussolini created Fascism, so he had the right to define it, and in any event, it is an accurate definition.

Ponder all this.  What we are seeing is atavistic.  It is very old.  As I have commented from time to time, what is seemingly intended is Pharaohonic, without the wisdom and sane philosophy.



Left wing Puritanism

 It occurred to me that the emotional basis behind the emphatic support the Left has for lockdowns and mask wearing has to be related to their instinctive Puritanism and self loathing.  The lockdowns and mask mandates give them an excuse to express their hatred–of all things and people–generally; to take their own arbitrary self constrictions and inflict them on all of us.

Maybe one day those of us who hate masks and generally refuse to wear them will not only have to wear masks, but wear scarlet A’s, for “anti-mask” in public, so that we can be shamed by the masses.  That is the emotional tone I am seeing.

There is no love in any of this.  “Love” as such people see it, is an insincere performative act.  Same with compassion and joy.  There is no humanism there, no humanity.  It is misanthropic to the core.

I have been reposting this article from time to time for ten years.  It remains very relevant.  This is the emotional and to some unknown but clearly important extent the political and “scientific” background to all this:



We are coming up on three weeks after an election Donald Trump clearly won. What I feel the need to point out now is that the Democrats, in 2016, NEVER stopped failing to accept the election. First they tried to upend the Electoral College, then they ran with the Russian collusion narrative for YEARS. They appointed an Inquisitor to dig into every last aspect of Trump’s life, in an open ended search for dirt, and came up empty. Then they seized on a telephone conversation that Trump put in the public domain, since it was legal and innocent, and tried to force him from office.

All of this with no evidence. We know, now, in fact, that the Russia story was concocted out of whole cloth, “evidence” fabricated, and that the guilty parties were most likely some combination of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Brennan. James Comey provided legal cover for everything.

In contrast, in THIS election, we have counts favoring Trump being stopped, truckloads of ballots showing up in the middle of the night, and statistically impossible Joe Biden numbers instantly shooting him from a loss to a lead. We have senile Joe Biden bragging about voter fraud. We have a senior guy at the company that controlled the software running the election bragging about how he fixed the election to make sure Trump would not win. I could go on and on. It’s a long and sorry list of obvious crimes.

Assuming Rudy Guiliani and Sidney Powell are telling the truth about the volume and relevance of evidence, Trump will be inaugurated for a second term in January. That is how the system SHOULD work.

Don’t forget all this. The media is trying to gaslight all of us again. You are not crazy: THEY ARE.



 Antifa, if it rioted nightly for the next four years, would do less damage to our nation than Joe Biden would.  He has sold his soul to our enemies, to enemies of freedom, of the law, and of common decency.  He will give China and others everything they want, and be protected fully by a media which is very close to a complete informational monopoly.  Orwellian levels of censorship and suppression exist today.  The massive evidence amounting to proof of voter fraud across the nation has been memory holed by most of our media.  Even Fox is being a little wobbly on it.

Here is the thing: no matter who is declared the winner there will be violence.  Yes, of course the usual hysterics will take to the streets if our system functions properly and Trump is sworn in for a second term.  But if Biden, God forbid, manages to subvert every rule of law and decency and get himself installed as President, there will be violence too.  Most clear eyed patriots will lose hope in the system, and there is every reason to think their brand of violence will be exponentially worse than that of Antifa.  

At the end of the day, anyone who cares about the future of our nation, of our children, and in many important respects the world, MUST want justice done in this case, no matter the cost.  If our courts do nothing but stick to the facts, and the law, then that is all we can or should ask of them.

And at some point, we need to do something about the political threats of violence.  That is not OK.  It is not OK to threaten witnesses.  It is not OK for Whitmer to threaten payback to the Republicans who refused to sign off on blatant fraud.  We need to change the landscape so that sort of thing is punished with jail time–quickly, reliably and publicly.

And in Whitmer’s case, I of course heartily support her impeachment and removal from office.  If it is in fact a Republican legislature, I have no idea what they are waiting for. 

And our maximal goal obviously is fixing our system of elections so that sanity has the firm footing it should have had all these many years.  We have the technology, but have lacked the political will, to create fair and honest and secure elections.  If we do that, the Democrats–in the radical form in which they exist today–are done.  

They know this, so they will pull out every trick in their thick book of nastiness to prevent this from happening.  But anyone with love in their hearts, anyone who wants to see the suffering of the weak and vulnerable lifted, anyone who values decency, goodness, and yes the American Way, MUST see this thing through.  We have to get justice now, or it will be extinguished.  

If this fraud is allowed to stand, we will never have an honest election again.  This is where we have to hold the line.  This is where Trump and his team must do everything they can, by hook or crook, to get this thing won in the courts, and our system of elections fixed permanently.


Strange times

 Even assuming Guiliani and Powell get the hearings they deserve–that we the American people deserve and that Donald Trump deserves–and even assuming they get the verdicts which are right and just and Donald Trump is rightly inaugurated a second time on January 20th, as he should be, we STILL will live in a world where massive cheating can be done, can be reported on in some detail by the sitting Presidents lawyers, and ALL OF IT can be made to disappear by nearly all media outlets, and most Americans are none the wiser.

Until most people see this pea soup fog we live in, nothing is safe, none of us are safe, our world is not safe.  Everything is possible within this blanket, within this darkness.  Nothing–and I mean nothing–is beyond the pale.

At least half of America needs to unlearn things it has come to take for granted, things which were always lies, lies crafted intentionally by people with a plan whose operation we are now seeing in some detail.

And if our courts fail us, if they inexplicably (there will of course be the two obvious possible options of corruption and cowardice) fail to do their JOBS with diligence and integrity, the curtain which has been pulled back momentarily will return, and the normal programming will continue to tell us all is fine, will share local sportsing gossip, violent and insipid movies, and a small fraction of  the truths they all know or should and could know, seasoned liberally with integration propaganda and useful fictions.