
Here we go. Justice delayed is not always justice denied.…

Here we go. Promises kept, it seems.
What I will point out that is obvious is that there was NEVER, EVER any evidence Russia did more than pay a dozen guys to shitpost on Facebook.
There is apparently HUGE, empirical, eyewitness testimony that China and others worked to get Biden elected. The two situations could not be more different.
And keep in mind the Democrats and the media kept the Russian BS going for FOUR YEARS. Even a year after Mueller I see it getting cited reflexively.
If Biden winds up in the White House it will be the largest crime ever committed against the American people.
“The complaint also cites a former electronic intelligence analyst under the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, who declared that the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran to monitor and manipulate elections, including the 2020 U.S. general election.
A former U.S. Military Intelligence expert had analyzed the Dominion software system and concluded that the system and software “were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China,” according to another part of the complaint.”


 I was told to look up the word Philiast while meditating this morning.  Assume it was my unconscious.  We all believe in that.

I came up with Philia.  Here is what Wikipedia has to say: Philia (/ˈfɪliə/Ancient Greekφιλία), often translated “brotherly love“, is one of the four ancient Greek words for lovephiliastorgeagape and eros. In Aristotle‘s Nicomachean Ethics, philia is usually translated as “friendship” or affection.[1] The complete opposite is called a phobia.

Logically, a Philiast would be someone who practices brotherly or affectionate love.  It would in theory be the sort of thing implied in calling everyone comrade, which is pretty close to friend, and certainly brother and sister.

Philiasm would, I suppose, be the creed that we should love one another.

Where is the Philiasm in the world, outside of religious communities?

Is it not conspicuous, when seen from this perspective, that the Left focuses nearly entirely on phobias?  Why, to take one obvious example, would the goal be to exclude and demonize “racists” rather than to reform them, teach them, and bring them in the fold?  Why is love so conspicuously absent?  Why are the dominant emotions anger, rejection and hatred?

The obvious answer to me is that the whole thing is based on hatred, and polarizing and dividing people is a classic road to power and control.

I will comment though as well that those other words–storge, agape and eros–are good words too.  It is an odd fact of human consciousness that it can seem easier sometimes to feel things we have words for.

And is the study of love not something of intrinsic importance?  I remember agape from Sunday school but I had to look up storge.

Should we not all make an effort to take up Philiasm, now that it has been named?  Brother?  Sister?


Put another way

 If the only way you can catch fraud is while it is happening, and if the process of observation is interrupted such that the fraud can proceed without risk of detection, you cannot then reward the cheater with a presumptive victory, since they had the most votes at the end of the process.  They did NOT have the most votes, or in any event, they had a lot of fake votes that cancelled out legal votes cast by overly trusting American citizens.  In reality, the cheaters themselves may not even know who really won.  It really doesn’t matter, if they can claim victory.  Joe Biden probably did actually win many of the States he claims to have won, just not by the margins claimed.

So the only honest standard is to default the election to the person or people who were NOT cheating.  If you can’t know–if no one can know–you have to punish the people who committed the violence to the system.

Doing otherwise is ludicrous, and an open and active encouragement and enticement to continue doing the same thing indefinitely, or at least long enough to change the rules so that cheating is effectively legal, and the new law of the land.


Affirmative presumption

 Voter fraud is such a large crime, that I really think that the legal standard should be that if it can be shown to have been coordinated and organized, that the election should automatically be awarded to the person it was used against.

As I have said before, if the count is off by 1 it could be off by 100,000.  We don’t know what we don’t know, and we have few good safeguards to validate votes after they are cast.  In my view, any consistent effort to violate the rules should be prima facie evidence of fraud.  If observers are not allowed, for a long period of time, consistently, and in multiple places, that easily meets that standard.

So too does ANY period of access to voting machines by people with the tools to access votes, if there are any anomalies at all, which there plainly were.

If you look at Venezuela–which in the not too distant past was a prosperous and happy country–the fact is that the victors make and enforce the rules.  The victors appoint the judges, or the victors rig the system to make sure the judges they want win their elections.  They control the police.  They make the laws.

There are NO CHECKS possible on people who control the system through fraud, no one to investigate them, no one to prosecute them, and in our present era, few even to criticize them.  The organs of the State can easily be mobilized to persecute all remaining truth tellers.  Opposition, in our modern world, can easily be deleted from the internet.  In two years Joe Biden could literally be arresting people on the streets in broad daylight for political “crimes” and no media report would ever show up, and anyone who saw it would first be told they were crazy and then threatened.

And over and above everything else, Joe Biden plans to legalize 11 million people who in a great many cases CAME here for free stuff, and who can be expected to continue to vote for it, making even fair elections something detrimental to the cause of Constitutionalists.

This Supreme Court can save this nation, and it can allow it to fall into anarchy and misery.


Saving the Republic

 Obviously, Trump has to win Pennsylvania, Michigan and one other State–or some combination getting him to 270–either through the court system, or the State legislatures, or maybe in some scenario by getting it to the House.  He has to stay in office, which is his right, having received the majority of votes in the last election.

But more generally, we have to bring light into this fog.  He needs to expose the wrong-doings of our government at all levels in such a way that it cannot be denied.  He has failed to do that.

Yes, we all know Hillary belongs in jail.  But she is not in jail.  I have had many people tell me that if she were a criminal, she would be in jail, and since she is not in jail, she must not be a criminal.

I revisited the birth certificate issue with someone the other day.  He said, quite confidently, that if Obama had not provided a valid birth certificate, someone would have sued and won, and since no one sued and won, he must have provided a valid birth certificate.  I provided him a link to the lawsuit, which was thrown out since, in the courts view, the plaintiff’s could show no damage.  

Having a President who might not have been able to get through eVerify to be hired at Burger King didn’t count as damage, apparently.  I continue to believe his real father was Frank Marshall Davis and that he never formally repatriated after having been an Indonesian citizen.  I believe the people who say he had a Connecticut Social Security Number that must have been bogus.

But these are the sorts of things that have to be PROVEN, beyond any shadow of a doubt, to shut up all the mockers.  Such a thing would provide a large enough shock to enough people that many if not most of the lunatics might back away from the edge.  Right now, everything is common sense, but not hard data that is pounding them in the forehead.  Rather than believe it, they use it as evidence of our insanity, racism and divisiveness.

We have an insane public dialogue because over and over and over our system does not operate the way it should.  Yes, the press lies, but our government does not do its job and prosecute the obvious crimes.

Hillary just HAVING that server was a crime.  We all know this.  The FBI knows this.

The FBI needs to have at least 10% of its ranks purged, if we don’t eliminate it outright.  The CIA: a thousand pieces.

These are all pipe dreams, obviously, if Trump can’t hang on.  Let us continue to pray daily that he can.


Maybe Flynn is the Kraken


Captain obvious strikes again

 The closer Republicans and any honest Democrats get to uncovering in detail the full scope of that clusterfuck and horrific abuse of the law and common decency, the more Joe Biden and his handlers are going to scream about integrity and the rule of law and democracy.  All this, to cover up just how contemptible their behavior was, and just how OBVIOUSLY they view integrity, the rule of law, and democracy as ideas applying to other people, but not to them.

But if we screamed about flipping the Electors until December 14th, they would deserve it.  And if we then spent the next four years screaming about Venezuelan and Chinese collusion, we would do so from a much, much, much firmer base of fact and evidence.

I hold out hope  Trump will prevail.  It is not irrational, even if the odds are against him.  Fuck the odds.  He only has to prevail once.

But serious, serious consideration needs to be given to a  Special Prosecutor, a Robert Mueller, who is empowered to investigate election abuses.  It needs to be structured in such a way that Biden cannot kill it or avoid it.  That may be impossible.  Elmer Fudd could, I think, have fired Mueller at any time.  But I’m not sure.  Trump needs to leave a needed gift.

Again, though, it is quite possible he will still prevail.  THAT there was massive fraud, enough to flip the election, is obvious.  The evidence seems abundant.  We have motive, opportunity, and many, many trails of eyewitnesses, and physical evidence in the form of unexplainable vote spikes happening when observers were not being allowed, as well as presumably other forms.

We will see.  I was hoping to read something about a case by Sidney Powell being filed in Georgia.  A Twitter letter does not count.  That is neither Biblical nor KrakenonSteroids.

If I were her–given the amount of attention she has garnered from us hopeful and possibly deluded on-lookers–I would talk less and deliver more.  She said the big drop would happen this week.  If it has been delayed, let us know.

Otherwise, it’s the Boy who cried Russian Collusion.  It’s an old and tiring game I don’t think any of us have the stomach for any more.


The News

 It just occurred to me I use the news much the way horror aficionados use horror movies.

It is horrifying in many ways, but there is no reason to dwell on it to the extent I do, the way I do.


Short summations

 1. Liberalism is about the power of ideas and knowledge, deployed widely.

All alternatives—Fascism and Communism and Monarchism and Theocracy—are about the power of people, of individuals, who need not have ideas more complicated than that the world should bow to them.

2. Good people protect and honor personal integrity because without it they have no sense of self, and become permanently lost. They do this first and foremost through honesty, through loyalty to, and respect for, the truth.

Bad people, having lost their core selves, lie to protect themselves from awareness of this loss.

These are approximate. It sounded better in my mind than written here, but I share anyway, with mild hesitation.


The Supreme Court and Appellate Courts

 Trump needs these folks to understand that people who threaten them will be arrested and tried and in most cases convicted in Federal Courts.  He needs people tracking social media and arresting people trying to organize violence.  At a minimum they need visits from Federal agents.

Everywhere across the country Americans are being exposed to actual and threatened violence.  We are not that sort of nation, or we never have been.

I don’t know if William Barr is corrupt, cowardly, or incompetent, but he has been a huge disappointment thus far.

All of our problems can be fixed.  Human history need not end in tyranny, deprivation and misery.  But just as we needed courageous people to found our Republic, we need courageous people to hold their spot in the line, to do what the person to the left and right of them needs, to care as much about principle and the future as they do their present needy, perhaps malnourished selves.

No one who is sane ever feels perfectly brave.  This is a fiction, told by and to people who are afraid.  What matters is doing the job, as faithfully and as wisely as possible, despite everything, despite feelings, and despite objective and social dangers.