
Obvious point

 No one who has been trying to “get out the vote” can possibly be satisfied with anything less than a full validation of the process.  There is no reason to ask me to vote if my vote can be nullified, easily, and with no consequences.

All sane people know that the Democrats scream what they want to scream, when and how loud they want to scream it, all with no regard for logic, common sense, principle, history, or dignity.  If it’s their person who lost, then months of lying about non-existent fraud is the course of action.  If it’s their person they want to claim won–despite HUGE issues in half a dozen States–then that’s what they do.

I have not unfriended the Democrats I know on Facebook yet, but I am close.  Here is the thing: anyone can be wrong about anything, sometimes for a long period of time, simply because they have had no cause to challenge their own assumptions.  I get this.

But the awfulness of the Democrats, the stink, the darkness of lies and hatred and completely unprovoked violence is on the front page of whatever version of the papers people read every day.  It cannot be missed.  Only sloth, vanity, and a genuinely unprocessed thirst for violence and authoritarianism can, now, rationalize for ANYONE what is being done, in the open, on the national stage.  It is staggering how stupid you have to CHOOSE to be to fall for any of this.

And that is the point: it becomes a CHOICE at some point, and people can and should be judged for their choices.  Being a Democrat, now, is a moral decision.  It is to stand with lies, with hatred, with politically motivated divisiveness, with cheating, with fraud, with treason, with pedophilia, and with disgust for America and white people.




No, not feeling it.

South, then?


A circle?  

Yes.  I like those.  

They are just as long as lines, 

and you 

always know what’s around the 


I was reading a bunch of poems this morning, selected by some Poet Laureate or other, and realized that there is no reason at all I can’t write and self publish a book of poems, making me a “poet”.  I might even buy a beret.  I already know how to look down on people.



 That is the word for what the media and Joe Biden just did.  They are trying to get this whole thing done before too many discoveries are made.  Obviously, Trump can’t let them.

It has been obvious for 4 years that this election would depend on Trump preventing voter fraud.  If he is the 4 dimensional chess player we are told, then I hope to hell that what Steve Piezcenik is claiming is true.  This was a train wreck obvious from January 2016.


Addiction to parenting

 It occurred to me the other day that we need better arguments for adulthood.

Part of the problem faced by people who had unhappy childhoods is that they have unmet emotional needs fir understanding, love, hugs and a sense of safety.

But when you offer these things to your own children, you also offer them in part to yourself. It feels good giving them what you did not get.

But absent a conscious effort, this shades EASILY into a desire for them to remain needy all their lives. Your “giving” becomes your taking, and addiction is not too strong a word in my view.

Expressed politically, it shades easily into a malignant paternalism with a smiling benignant face.

Much of the work of making sense of the world consists in separating the lies people tell us about who they are, from the true reality.


Blago would know

“Coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment, I know how they operate,” he said. “They control polling places, they stop votes when their candidate’s behind, and then in the wee hours of the morning, in the dark of night, the stealing starts.”

“And we’ve seen that in big numbers, in unprecedented numbers, in this election in Michigan, and in Philadelphia. It’s outrageous.”

Blagojevich then stated that the Democrats are being so brazen about their fraud because they know they have the support of the media.

“And the fact that they’re doing it with the impunity they’re doing it with is because the media is simply looking the other way because they have their corrupt mainstream media that’s not interested in protecting our Constitution or the rule of law. They just want to beat Donald Trump at all costs.”

“And they’re not just stealing from Donald Trump, it’s worse than that. They’re stealing from us, the American people,” he added.


Not a bad analogy

 Wearing a mask is like wearing a mesh condom to prevent pregnancy.

It only takes ONE viron to infect someone.  Recall that the nature of “illness” is the after-effects of viral reproduction using the energy of your body.  So just as one sperm can create a baby, one viron can cause COVID-19.  

And these things are a tenth or less the size of any mesh, even of a good mask.

The video I posted a couple days ago remains worth the watch.  Masks were really created to deal with Tuberculosis, and they work well with that illness, since most of the infection does pass out in large drops, typically from coughing, I believe.  But they don’t work with smallpox, which killed more people in the 20th century than all our wars put together.  And they don’t work with the flu, which has killed tens of thousands of Americans yearly for a century or more.

Surgical masks are designed to prevent contagious body fluids from flying into the mouth or nose of the surgeon or assistant, and to prevent them, in turn, from inadvertently spitting or sneezing on the patient.

This whole thing is madness.

Every week–in some cases every day–for the past 12 years or so, there has been news of some most recent failure of courage of our government, of the people we appoint to protect us.  When does this end?  Is moral courage a thing of the past?  Will they have exhibits of people like Gandhi and Frank Serpico as examples of unacceptable rebelliousness and failure to conform?  Will brownnosing become the acme of virtue?  

I continue to be puzzled and disheartened every day.  But I’m used to it.  


The case for the Supreme Court rendering a binding decision

 Let us suppose that voter fraud has been happening in a dozen or more States on a large scale since the 1950’s.  These are all Blue States.  Such states use fraud to elect the people who supervise the elections.  They use voter fraud to put the people in office who nominate the judges they want, and use voter fraud to have legislatures who confirm them.  It is a seamless system, and one likely to remain undetected as long as those doing the inspecting exist within the system.

In theory, the FBI could investigate, but patently the FBI is corrupted, and acting as a defensive shield and active legal cudgel for the Democrats.  When obvious fraud was reported to them in Minneapolis, they had nothing to say.  Those exposing it had to go to the media, and as of this moment video accounts of fraud have to my knowledge gone uninvestigated.

So you have a self perpetuating system, but one which AFFECTS the whole nation.  In and of itself fraud in, say, Illinois, would in theory only affect those living there.  But in national elections it affects ALL OF US, since the votes are not reported accurately.

But even in Illinois, those whose votes are nullified with fraudulent votes are being denied Equal Protection.

Our system would in theory have a legislative remedy, one proposed as a law by Congress, ratified by the Senate and signed by the President, but again, if the system is self perpetuating, then those benefiting from the system will never willingly pass a law which might place it in jeopardy.  And so patent and long term law breaking goes unpunished and–because uninvestigated–undetected for the most part.

I literally think a case could be made that where fraud is concerned the crime being committed is no different in kind or in scale from the Jim Crow laws in the South which made it impossible for blacks to vote.  And given this scale, I really think a major Supreme Court decision is the only thing which will help protect the integrity of our system.

In my personal view, a top down audit of EVERYTHING needs to be done, and a system devised which is worthy of the most powerful, in theory most advanced (at least in the machinery of democracy) country on Earth.  Right now, we look like a bunch of idiots, and it is because of the knots Democrats have tied in the system.

I will prepare myself emotionally for all eventualities, but in my view the Supreme Court justices have to realize that in important respects the integrity of the court itself is on the line, in the near term.  They could and will be turned into a rubber stamping approval factory for a corrupt elite.  That consideration could and certainly should play into their own deliberations.  They have to protect the system itself for any other principles to matter.



 It occurs to me you can ground yourself in fear and anxiety, as well as in calm confidence.  The key element, psychologically, is constancy, and constant fear can become a trusted companion.  Fear has survival value, and no one can deny it.  It simply kills emotional and spiritual life.

I felt clearly yesterday how life would be so much better if I were much braver.  But I felt the bravery, and I think it is coming.  All of us, in some respects, have to live all the time knowing we might be sucker punched at any moment–in recent years sometimes literally–but to live well, calmly, and confidently, ANYWAY.  This is the first good trick you can play on life, and the first useful and interesting rebellion against the ridiculousness of our condition.

As I have said often, I believe the preponderance of scientific evidence militates for the belief that we have souls–that we ARE souls, spiritual butterflies–and that something essential in us survives the collapse and failure of our biological machines.

Having said that, we are–most of us, most of the time–blind to anything, blind to anything but hunger, the possibility of physical and emotional pain, to stress, to the needs of our lives.  You cannot step away from any of this and see it clearly without balls.  It takes courage to slow down, to relax, to contemplate honestly, and to FEEL.  Feeling clearly and sincerely is what is most missing in our society, in our time.  Abstraction we have mastered, although even there as I have often argued logic still depends on emotional clarity and the absence of compulsion.  Logic, in some respects, remains an aesthetic act, whose proportionality is in important respects equal to its useful truth.

I look at Jack Dorsey, say.  He may well be dropping small hits of acid all day long.  Much of Silicon Valley is.  He has his logic, but it is not a proportional logic.  It is not a truly Liberal logic, as the word would have been understood back when people had or took the time to think clearly using principles they could articulate and defend.  

No, Dorsey is feeling his way to a conclusion.  He is on a slippery slope, but it feels flat and stable to him.  He is a logical guy, he tells himself, and there is NO WAY they can let Trump get a second term.

And what I think most of these people are kind of pushing is the notion of  the “nudge” as articulated by Cass Sunstein, who does not really seem like that bad a guy, until you really start to think about not just where his ideas lead immediately, but where they are likely to wind up not far down the road.

The idea is that people can and should be manipulated, like cattle, in the direction of their “own good”, as understood by the cattle herders.  They are not compelled, so much as tricked, and ideally at a level below the level of consciousness.  Again, for their own good, as understood by the cattle herders.

But perfected, is this not a method of teaching people to be cattle?  Is this not what we are seeing, in a world where tens of millions of people are capable of voting for a man who has taken bribes from many governments whose agenda is at odds with our own?  Who is senile, and very unlikely to last four years, and who will be replaced by an open and proud Marxist?  How is this possible?  Nobody in 1965, or 1975, or 1985, or 1995 would have been equal to this.  Biden would not have had a shot at the nomination–and indeed this is his third try, after two miserable failures.

Propaganda changes people.  They evolve to comply, to react reflexively.  The use of propaganda for herd management is anti-Liberal in the extreme.  Honest, good people would be trying to change society by making people SMARTER, not dumber, more INFORMED, not more ignorant.

In the end, the captains of Silicon Valley really could not defend their positions and decisions in a truly principled way.  They exist in an emotional sickness, one which cannot easily be healed.  Looking up an old quote, which has apparently been misquoted and misattributed, I find this:

Hemingway: I am getting to know the rich.
Colum: I think you’ll find the only difference between the rich and other people is that the rich have more money.

Jack Dorsey is an above average IQ guy, but he is not moral or intellectual genius.  He is just a guy, in effect, who took some gambles on some good ideas, worked his ass off, and struck gold. That is it.  He  is not that much smarter than most of the people in the coffee shop he goes to, for his Bulletproof Coffee.

None of these Silicon Valley people were elected, and none of them feel accountable in any way to the truth, to this country, or to moral decency, which is likely a term they laugh at, associating it with 1950’s prudery of a sort which is still the rule on most of the planet.

And on that note I can’t resist commenting that if memory serves, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by a guy who came to this country in the 1950’s and found the practice of men and women who were not married or related dancing with each other utterly repugnant.

There are no discussions where added context does not make them richer.  Context is the primary deletion in all fanaticism.

Oh, that is my digression for today.  I need to go do my Kum Nye practice.  I am trying to learn to ground in calm.  That is new for me. 


The Constitution and voter fraud

 It occurs to me that I am equally disenfranchised if I am not allowed to vote AND if my vote is invalidated by an equal and fraudulently cast vote.

The difference is that many ways to vote legally exist, and quite obviously most of our mass media has been taking great pains on helping people navigate them.  But there is no legal means to prevent my vote being invalidated through fraud.  That I can’t do.  My government–the police and legal powers of my governments–have to do that for me.

Think of it this way: after blacks got the right to vote in the South, would it have made any difference if for every vote they cast for a Republican, a fraudulent vote was cast for the local Dixiecrat?  Not allowing voting, and allowing voter fraud, are practically equal.

It seems too much to hope for, but there would seem to be some cause, some valid legal, Constitutional cause, for the Supreme Court to weigh in.  Fraud amounts to a violation of the Equal Protection Clause, and perhaps other clauses as well.  It is a structural inequality, and an affront to the notion of equal justice.

And fraud is OBVIOUSLY happening.  It does not take good eyes to see lightning.


Idea on dealing with voter fraud

 The foot soldiers are in general true believers, but I think many if them would feel a strong tug of moral ingenuity if Trump or the RNC offered a $10 million reward and a pardon for anyone who steps forward with evidence that they engaged in voter fraud. A dozen or so would suffice to render a next and new step necessary. That is a lot of money, but there is a LOT at stake.