
Requoting myself for emphasis

 As I continue to say, if this atrocity to the rule of law, to common sense, and to what we fossils used to call “The American Way” is allowed to stand, what is NOT possible, now?  What could Biden NOT do?  The “mandate” is not the vote going his way, but the System writ large being willing to turn a blind eye to his patent and large, unmistakable crimes.

And I would add: have the Democrats as a whole not been given a mandate to lie, cheat and steal by the ongoing failure of our system to punish any of them for anything?

At what point do any remaining honest men and women have the courage to stand up and say NO, NO MORE?



 Let us suppose that Democrats, as some allege, control the voting machines.  Where electronic voting ALONE is going on, 100% of those votes, in principle can be assigned to the Democrat.  The number of votes has to equal the number of people who showed up, but every vote can be for the same person, and without voter ID or verification, people can show up and vote many times.  And even if they voted Republican, they could still be made to vote Democrat.  But all those votes, of course, are also for the Democrat.  None of this can be detected.  There is no risk.  Apparently with most of these machines even the audit trail can be tweaked, so no record of alterations is left.

But when you have paper ballots, they can be looked at, and counted by hand.  You have to be careful with those, because if you set off any red lights, if you run into, say, a Donald Trump, and an honest judiciary or legislature, you might wind up getting counted out; and if you get counted out, the fake ballots–at least some of them–will be found.  The votes can be compared to the voting records, to the register of eligible voters.

And as I continue to believe, in many counties Democrats “won” there will be found to be more votes than eligible voters.

So how does this work?  I am thinking out loud.  You can’t give 100% of the votes to your person, even if you control the machines.  Nobody will believe that, and you risk inspection.  

And AGAIN, I will note that to my knowledge no serious audit has been done in recent memory of any election, with the possible exception of the 2000 Florida recount.  

When I say audit, I mean bean-counters going over literally every ballot, making sure it was not tampered with, and not put into the system by an ineligible voter.  And where I live, each ballot is assigned to a person.  They can pull out MY ballot and see how I voted.  This is in principle a violation of voter secrecy, but at the same time a vital means of protecting, again in theory, the integrity of my vote.

This is the level of audit I am talking about.  Each ballot, each person, to a 100% or 99% match.   That is the ONLY way we can REALLY know that all our elections are not being tampered with, which has to be put forward as a very serious possibility.  If Democrats will cheat anywhere, why not everywhere, at least everywhere their relentless propaganda does not give them an insurmountable edge in every election?

And as mentioned, in THIS election even in the States where they had electronic voting, a very high percentage of the votes cast this year were still on paper ballots, ballots which can be validated.

So go back to Pennsylvania on Election Night.  They likely have this science down to the point where they have a reasonably good idea how many points they can “shave” off the Republican and add to the Democrat without setting off any alarm bells they can’t deal with through lies and mean spirited and disingenuous misdirection and attacks by the press which does whatever they say.  

Let us say it is 5 points.  And they are thinking, going in, that even though they showed in the polls Biden having an 8 point lead, that they secretly think it is 2%.  So they plan to do their thing: if Biden comes in at 52%, they bump it up to 57%, and if Trump comes in at 48% they drop it to 43%.  And they KNOW that the mail ins will favor Biden, and if they are off by a couple points, they can just throw enough in surreptitiously to make it up.  Landslide.  Bada bing bada boom and Bob’s Your Uncle.

But what if Trump comes in at 57% and Biden at 43%?  That’s too much.  They can’t swing that.  They panic.  They shut down counting.  They make a series of feverish and panicked calls all around saying “We need 200,000 Biden Ballots NOW”.  Hundreds of people stay up all night in Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Philly, and elsewhere, and complete their work about 3am for delivery at 4am.

And the Next Day NO Republicans get to watch any of this shit show.  They–the people running this RICO worthy mass fraud–don’t know what the hell their people did in the middle of the night, and they sure as hell don’t want a hundred ballots in a row filled out only for Biden getting viewed by anyone who might blow the whistle. 

None of this is thought through very well.  All of it is VERY risky, and they KNOW it.

As I continue to say, if this atrocity to the rule of law, to common sense, and to what we fossils used to call “The American Way” is allowed to stand, what is NOT possible, now?  What could Biden NOT do?  The “mandate” is not the vote going his way, but the System writ large being willing to turn a blind eye to his patent and large, unmistakable crimes.


Truth on the COVID-19 pandemic

 If the United States government, the sundry State governments, and the sundry county and local governments had done NOTHING–and I mean nothing, not one single solitary thing–we would have finished with this pandemic back in August, the way Sweden did, and everything would be back to normal.

We would have had some bad periods.  May and June might have been pretty bad.  Perhaps a hundred thousand people might have REALLY died of COVID-19.  Legit.  The number that will eventually die of it in any event, but vastly less than the number of people who will die of causes related to the lockdowns over the next five years.

But to say that if the government had done nothing, that nothing would have been done, is to be stupid in that peculiar way which characterizes all Leftists.

People who were scared would have stayed home.  Most nursing homes would have developed strict access policies.  Hospitals would have shuffled their business around to make room for more patients, if they came.  Schools, each in their own way, would have changed things, some a little, some a lot, some not at all.

And we would have TALKED about all this.  We would have compared notes.  We would have had forums where Best Practices were discussed.  HCQ and early treatment would have been identified early on as major palliatives.

In my view, in the end, HALF as many people would have died as we are being told died “of COVID”, and we would be DONE.

It remains true, by and large, that as Reagan said “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help” are among the scariest words in the English language.  I continue to think of Bob Hoskins and “Central Services” in Brazil.  Here is the first visit:  [take a moment and enjoy and experience the cognitive dissonance of completely inaccurate subtitles.  Everything is food.]



Healthy nationalism is simply a collective version of health self respect.  As a general rule, nations and individuals with healthy self images are kinder, more generous, more reasonable, and more effective in all areas of life.

Just as people can be narcissistic, abusive and mean–like most of the Left now–so too can nations, and nationalism can be one banner around which those unhealthy sentiments collect. But ANTI-nationalism serves the same purpose, as does–OBVIOUSLY–supposed anti-fascism.

I continue to believe more and more strongly each and every day that anyone unable to see the darkness and evil being perpetrated on this nation cannot be an emotionally healthy person, not at a deep level. They have simply locked out their inner darkness and shadow and decided to live their lives pretending it does not exist.


A Vedantic Hindu perspective

 When you pray for x, y, or z to happen, what you are really saying is “Maya, please grant me more pleasing illusions.”

This thread is present in idealistic Buddhism, for example that of Nagarjuna.


OK, here’s my conspiracy conjecture

 Like many, I got excited when Steve Piezcenik said that arrests were underway, that we knew where all the ballots were, and could PROVE the fraud that had taken place.  He clearly said this: he said it to Owen Shroyer at InfoWars.

But no arrests seem to be taking place.  Not yet.

So I ask myself: was the guy lying–and if so why–and if not, what happened?  

Here is my first conspiracy conjecture: the story of the water marked ballots was perhaps destined to come out at some point.  What Piezcenik did was a Limited Hangout–I think they call it–such that the story got into the public domain, but in a place and way where everyone from the mainstream would ignore it.  This would make it easier for everyone else to ignore any rumors they might hear as well.  

That may be total bullshit, but it’s one idea.  Piezcenik may also be working for the Deep State, and just trying to bamboozle the rest of us into silence and inaction.  I have no idea.  These people are smart.

But I choose not to believe that.  There of course remain the options of the things I haven’t thought about, and the facts I don’t and can’t know.

Looking up ballots, though–trying to get some handle on how possible his claim might be–they seem to be contracted for by States from private contractors.  If Trump was able to insert identifying marks of some sort, or blockchain ID’s as alleged, then most likely it was not for all ballots in America.  But he would not need all of them. The States he would have worried about would have been Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and perhaps a couple others.

For my part, I will be greatly disappointed if Trump failed to take measures to deal with something he KNEW was going to happen.  If he failed in this respect, I have to wonder if perhaps I have wasted my hope on him, too.  That would be disheartening, but I suppose at some point losing hope entirely might be liberating in its own way.  If there is nothing you can do, there is no need to worry, or at least to feel guilt that SOMETHING ought to be possible, if you could figure out what it is.

But think about this: Democrats seem to control the machines.  They seem to be able to program the software to flip votes.  Given this ability, the more digital, and untraceable, the votes, the better.

This is why it is ironic that mail-in ballots, as fraud-prone as they are, actually DO create a paper trail.  It is very likely that in this election, relative to 2016, we had many more paper ballots.  Perhaps 2-3 times as many.  And these ballots can still be counted and examined and tracked, even without blockchain.  I think it is when that realization hit them that Democrats started advocating again for in-person voting.

And I think they were surprised on November 3rd just how strong Trump’s showing was.  They had the fraud ready, and they are good enough at it and smart enough at it, that they make things close enough that people think their person almost won, when in fact they may have clobbered the Democrats, but none of us ever get to see the real numbers.

But they can only manipulate the number of ballots cast.  They can’t add votes. And Trump was winning much more than they anticipated.  They not only make up fake polls, but they delude themselves–being mostly narcissists–into thinking they have vastly more support than they really do. [I’m not sure this paragraph makes sense.  I will need to think about it.]

So on Election Night they had an Oh Shit moment, where they realized they were going to have to cheat bigger, faster, and–to the point–much more transparently than they ever had to before.  I personally think if we ever get an accurate tally, that ten million votes were forged for Biden and perhaps 2-3 million Trump votes discarded.  I think it was that one -sided.

What we don’t know, of course, is how well Republicans have REALLY done in the past.  This pattern has been present for a long time.  Acceptable Republicans are sometimes allowed to win, but Trump, again, surprised the living shit out of them in 2016.  He did it again this year.  They figured that with COVID-19 and 4 years of continual bombardment, that they would have softened up his support.  But they didn’t.  He actually GAINED support in the last four years, growing in particular among minority voters.

And here is the last and most important point I will make:  what Republicans need to do is show MASSIVE, significant, result changing fraud.  It can be anywhere.  It can be only one location.  Because the block to common sense voting reforms, to using our brains and 20th century technology (we don’t need 21st, but that would work too), is the objection THERE IS NO EVIDENCE.

As I have pointed out, this is a self reinforcing loop one sees often (for example among “skeptics” who say psi is impossible but who, when questioned, have not spent five minutes examining the scientific evidence) wherein someone states something does not exist, but also prevents an investigation.  There is no way to say there is not a cat behind the curtain until you look.  And if there is a cat in the house, and you can’t find it, that is never an unreasonable guess. 

Likewise, we see all sorts of petty irregularities EVERY ELECTION.  Most Republicans just assume there is nothing we can do about it.  But in reality, it is the Uniparty which does not want to do anything about it.  It’s a perfect system.  It’s a theatrical production, where we are told we matter, and they then do whatever they want, and claim a mandate for it.

Hope right now makes my stomach hurt.  Literally.  It hurts.  But it is not unreasonable to suppose that Trump planted what would amount to poison pills on enough ballots in battleground states that it will shortly become IMPOSSIBLE to deny fraud took place on a scale clearly much larger than needed to sway the national election, and presumably some State elections as well.

If we can get sound voting in place, the  Democrats are DONE as a national party.  Kaput.  And they KNOW IT.



 This really is a fascinating time to be alive, to feel alive, if you can get past the abject terror.

That’s a high bar, but not an impossible one.



 1.  If the media was capable of supporting impeaching Trump for an innocent and perfectly legal telephone call, then why would they hesitate a moment to “call” an election they know perfectly well was riddled with fraud?

2.  I fear a civil war vastly, vastly, vastly less than I fear the on-going, slow contraction of my liberties.  The most maddening part of all this is the continual gaslighting, how sane people are continually attacked as insane and vile, by the most insane and vile people.

It takes a great deal of determination to see clearly any more.  We live in a sea of lies.


Return of Captain Obvious

 The media is not being reckless. They are not being shameless. Those words would only apply to people capable of moral reasoning and sufficiently self reflective to realize when they were transgressing their own principles. Neither condition applies.

No they are being AUDACIOUS. They KNOW the elrction is not over, but they also know that the longer they act as if it is, the more pressure they will be able to bring to bear on the judges who could, even. ow, do the right thing and award the election to Trump, who plainly won it.

It cannot be overstated how violent voter fraud is to the principles underlying our system. The importance of this SPECIFIC form of corruption cannot be stressed enough, since it enables all the rest.

If you have, say, a crooked judge, that judge can be identified and prosecuted. But if you have a corrupt SYSTEM, then EVERYTHING is wrong. The wrong people are in office. The wrong judges are overseeing them.

As I continue to say, voter fraud has almost certainly been a large issue for a very long time. NOW—this week, this month, this moment in history—is the time to deal DECISIVELY with it. No half measures. No compromises. If we dont then violence directed AT the system is inevitable. Some people want that, but no sane ones do.


A smarter prayer


Please help me find the wisdom to use whatever happens today to grow spiritually.