Month: October 2020
Im a bit solipsistic in my posting since I get no comments.
Eben is a magnificent German word that practically says “I told you so.” It means roughly “exactly”, but with a tone.
I was contemplating the other day that of the languages I am aware of, German and Japanese seem to have the most words that compress a lot of meaning into small spaces.
The Japanese have words for dying alone, and for collecting books you know you will never read, as well as ikigai, kintsugi, kaizen and others.
As for the Germans, they have Verworfenheit, Weltschmerz, Fernweh and others I really like.
What English is rich in is the sheer volume of descriptive words. In my understanding English has by far the most words of any language.
I said that the people OK with wearing masks forever are Biden voters, who are pretty much “if the government says to do it, it must be good”, you know, just like having actual panther in your cologne.
Whats ironic is being a rebel used to be a feature of youth. This crowd of kids makes the suits of the Fifties all look like Marlon Brando in “The Wild Bunch”. They cannot WAIT to do anything they are told. It’s unbelievable, and a matter for psychosocial speculation I have no time for now.
American Fabianism
In Britain, the most lunatic ideas imaginable were to be proposed genteelly, at cocktail parties, by men and sometimes women in full dress attire, with tuxedos and suitable evening gowns, and the Queen’s English. Oxbridge men, speaking in robust tenors, expecting agreement, and making everyone who failed to agree immediately feel they had committed a serious faux pas.
In America, this whole thing is encoded in the cult of niceness, which I have written on from time to time. Niceness is not a moral code. It has no content, and specifically, no means of self defense. If you are walking down the street eating an ice cream cone, and someone walks up to you and asks “can I have your ice cream?”, many Americans would say yes, and hand it over. They don’t want to be thought mean.
Niceness is slippery ice. Once you understand the system, these people are defenseless. They can be made to say or do anything, because they don’t want to risk seeming rude, or unprofessional, or somehow out of touch with the crowd.
Mask wearing, in my view, is an obvious example of niceness gone wrong. The data supporting it is very weak, at least for people not showing symptoms, who in any event should be home, and non-existent where any amount of physical distance is present or the people involved are outside or even alone.
But you see these people, so proud to be able to physically demonstrate their niceness, their kindness, their consideration, and so happy to agree that non-mask wearers must be some sort of dark, dank, awful human being. Such are the vapid lies that fill empty minds.
But this rot is deep in many souls in this country, and the cult of niceness can be and is being used to implement a regime of sadism, violence, repression and death.
To take one example that pisses me off every time I think about it, the Dalai Lama travels the world preaching the doctrine of kindness while Tibet is being destroyed, and nuns, in particular, gang raped in Chinese prisons by the thousands if not tens of thousands. He has not a word to say about any of this, that I have seen. Anger is often an inherently moral virtue. It is what tells us something is wrong. It can and does mislead us often–making the application of reason an important corrective–but people who lack this instinctive sense really lack the foundations of honest morality.
And of course, anger can also preceded morality. You are angry first, then find something to be angry about. Most of the Left is like this. This is why there is no content to anything they claim they believe. What they hate in one moment they ignore in the next. The anger is the inner reality, not any innate sense of propriety.
All of this is enormously complicated, but by their fruits you shall know them. The Dalai Lama is, in my view, not an honest man.
Tech titan calls for mass murder
These guys are donating hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrats, who in turn are promising to subvert the Constitutional protections afforded Americans for all of our history, and to implement single party rule.
If you think this guy getting what he wants is impossible, I would suggest you read some history. He won’t do the shooting–he is most likely an all-talk pussy.
But people like him can find people quite equal to the task of mass murder. I don’t doubt this for a second.
If you are not afraid, you have not understood the situation.
And to be clear, black people who disobey will be treated exactly like white people who disobey. There is no concern for minorities, for gays, for the trans community, or any of the other groups they have used from time to time as hammers on the glass of public opinion and even public sanity. There is no concern for anyone who is not in their elite, small tribe of truly insane radicals.
There is no morality, no compassion, no common decency, and nothing remotely intelligibly humanitarian in any of this. It is the creed of anger, hatred, violence and rage, which I have labelled Cultural Sadeism.
Tucker speaks my mind
Well worth the watch: Tucker Carlson on the debates
What I feel
This country has been run by roughly the same 100 families for at least the past one hundred years. And some time in the 60’s and 70’s all of their children got radicalized. They grew their hair out, marched against the war in Vietnam, and have never since changed their views or ways, and have brought their kids up the same way.
Their parents were infuriated and disgusted, but that did not prevent the graduates of Exeter and Harvard from going into “public service” and filling the highest echelons of our government with their fellow travelers.
And for these people, Trump’s greatest sins are that 1) he isn’t one of them; and 2) he is gauche; he lacks style of a sort they recognize. He is vulgar, and even if he has principle, he lacks class, and class–in all senses of the word–is all they care about. Where you come from, who you know, how you dress and speak and carry yourself. If you merely enact great policy, that scarcely excuses the crime of being blue collar and unelite. Trump carries himself as nouveau riche. That will not do. Simply will not do.
These people have benefited greatly from an American system they nonetheless despise. And even though they have zero intention of relinquishing their control of it in whatever they want to come next, they nonetheless want to be known for their sense of Noblesse Oblige, which in their case is a farcical sense that the people they are killing and ruining through malignant neglect and bad policy somehow benefit from their ministrations.
And these people, plainly, are willing to cause global starvation and to inflict major psychic and economic wounds on the world in order to pursue their aims. That they have tea parties and receptions with the Communist Chinese seems obvious to me. Xi must seem to them their sort of fellow. Most of them, of course, are insane. Most ridiculously rich kids are. David Rockefeller, Jr. thought Fidel Castro was one of the coolest guys he ever met. But if you think of Cuba as a prison, and Castro as a prison warden getting rich on the system, you’ve come very close to the reality. Think of the warden in Shawshank Redemption, except that he was never caught. He lived a long and prosperous life, able to deliver 6 hour rants to audiences too terrified to pretend they were not interested.
But this is the world we live in. Nobody will write about it, because only the people inside of it really understand it, and they are taught from an early age to look out for members of their class, even if some of them wind up as heroin addicts on the streets somewhere.
I feel this. I can’t see it.
I would be happy to help the Trump campaign in any way I can. I donate $250/month, but if I might cast aside any false modesty, I think I am pretty good at framing issues and coming up with one liners.
If there is anyone out there from the Trump campaign reading this who might have an interest in my offering unpaid consultancy, let me know. I will try and check the email listed here for the next few days. I don’t normally check it at all.
I am saying this, since I am getting really close to not blogging any more for a while. I like to think I have some influence somewhere, but I have never seen any definitive evidence of it, and although writing is a labor of love and mania, it is time consuming. More importantly, it is distracting.
Donald Trump, his money and fame notwithstanding, has always struck nearly everyone as an ordinary guy. You could have a beer with him–if he drank–and not feel like he was looking down on you, no matter who you are. I am very sure the same could not be said of Joe Biden, who mainly looks at people in terms of what they can do for him, and how he can use them.
Trump was upset last night. He walked onto the stage mad. He knew Wallace almost certainly would be unfair, and that the rumors were likely true that Biden had both been fed the debate questions, and not scanned for electronics, even though he had apparently consented to it.
He knows that he was set up early on, and that lie after lie after lie was concocted by members of OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, by the media, and by the Democrats generally. He knows that all his accomplishments mean nothing to them, and that the most vapid, old, and idiotic stories will be listened to eagerly by millions of people who hate him for no reason other than that he did not toe their line.
We are told, by commentators–most of whom have never accomplished anything meaningful in most of their lives–that the President should “act Presidential”. Well, if history is any judge, “acting Presidential” means selling your principles down the river, cheap, at the first sign of trouble. We know Romney would have done it, because he HAS done it. Same with John McCain. And I think most will now admit that George W. was a RINO.
Trump is a professional business man. In business, it is results that matter. Appearances count for nearly nothing. But politics is the EXACT OPPOSITE, and Joe Biden is a politician who has been at it for so long that the average American man his age is dead. All you have to do is smile, lie with confidence, and change the topic when you are caught. Joe is a slimy human being, but he is a good politician. Yes, that was a redundant sentence.
But Trump is human first. He really wants to help people. He really wants to do good things for the world.
I can only imagine how nauseating that spectacle was for him. He feels that Creepy Joe will ruin everything good in this country if he somehow insinuates himself into the White House. He sees it. It is his job to stop it, and he is opposed by nearly everyone with a platform in most of the media. Most celebrities oppose him–at least publicly–the NFL, NBA, most academics on most college campuses, nearly all media, etc, etc.
He’s certainly not alone–63 million Americans, I am quite sure–are glad they elected him, and the number of his supporters is likely growing. But the guy is human. He reacts honestly, not in some practiced act. You know what he is feeling most of the time.
And in my view, this IS Presidential. We don’t need another actor in the White House. We need a Mensch, and that is what he is.
Moving forward, though, he needs to practice his “why me” story. This is basic selling. You memorize the list of accomplishments, and point out the pitfalls of your opponent. The stock market already dropped after that debate, because Trump did not do that well, and Biden did not have the attack of dementia, which many of us were hoping for. I don’t think anyone with a brain is in any doubt that Biden getting elected would be a economic catastrophe, with a full blown Depression a very real possibility.
There are lots of smart people out there quite capable of giving Trump good advice. For my two cents, I kind of feel like the people who would be perfectly OK wearing masks the rest of their lives will vote for Joe Biden, and those who are tired of this bullshit will vote for Trump, their public support for Biden notwithstanding. What goes on behind closed voting booth doors is your own business.