

Even now, even at this chaotic, seemingly late moment in time, all of our problems have good solutions.  All of them. 

But the solutions require balls. They require fortitude.  They require people willing to risk the condemnation of lunatic assholes who are busily trying to break everything in this country that will bend.

They require common sense backed by determination.  Both seem to be lacking.  I feel little but contempt for the bulk of our leaders at all levels.

If you go back on this blog, I was an early, early supporter of Trump.  Why?  Because he had the balls to point out that Obama’s birth certificate was a farcical joke, an OBVIOUS farcical joke, but one which everybody else dutifully at least said publicly that they accepted.

We still haven’t sorted that out, but the best guess by far is that the actual father was Frank Marshall Davis, who was about 30 years older than his mother, who was 19-20, and who most likely posed nude for one of Davis’s pornographic magazines.  That guy–whose father was a literal card carrying Stalinist–was our President for two terms, and none of this came out.

That is why Trump was and remains so essential.  That is why he is so hated, so opposed.  They had a plan–a good plan–and they got sloppy and arrogant before they had finished it.  Now he is undoing decades if not generations of work, or at least making a noble effort to.

We all need to pray he is able to see this massive regeneration of America through.  None of us want to live in the fascist state men like John Brennan and Bill Gates want for us.


This may be the time for Charter Schools

I read a large swathe of teachers are threatening to strike if they are forced to do their fucking jobs this fall.

This may be a good time to convert many traditional schools to Charter Schools.  Charter Schools–at least the one I personally saw–involve individual learning on computers with a circulating instructor or two that you can ask questions of.  The same job could be done better at a fraction of the cost and without the need for the teachers. 

En masse, our teachers have been failing us for at least fifty years.  There are no doubt some admirable and even saintly individuals in their masses, but the overwhelming average is depressingly low, and that lazy idiots are allowed to subsist at the expense of our kids, our collective future, and taxpayer expense is really beyond dispute.  


Perhaps my final take on masks

Given the devastating effect the lockdown is having on the psychological, economic and social health of America–consider as a rough metric that someone locked down and unemployed is probably at roughly twice the risk of all diseases they would normally be, and multiply this by 25 million or so–there needs to be an articulated end game with a schedule.  Our leaders owe us that.

No vaccine has ever been developed for any coronavirus, despite the fact that coronaviruses cause the common cold.  No cure has been developed for the common cold.  Many palliatives exist, like zinc supplementation, but no cure, and no vaccine.

Normal vaccines take many years to develop and test for safety.  5 years would be on the low side. 

This means that there is ZERO, ZERO, ZERO reason to think a safe vaccine CAN be made available in the next several years.

This means that to return to life as normal, where we are not all traumatized daily by the loss of most social contacts, the inability to play sports, to watch sports, to go to movies, to relax without worrying some fucking asshole is going to yell at us about some stupid shit, we need to move to Herd Immunity as fast as possible.

Dr. I am a fucking douchebag Fauci–who needs to be fired, since he is no friend of America–says we can’t get to Herd Immunity.  Why the fuck not?  That is how EVERY EPIDEMIC IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND HAS ENDED.

The thing has between a .02 and .4% death rate, across all ages, and much, much much less than that for healthy people under 55.

My take: all people under 55 should be encouraged to socialize without masks for the next two months.  Sporting events, movies, bar hopping, etc.  COVID-19 cases will spike a LOT.  But death rates will not, or not by much.  Most of the most vulnerable among us have already been killed. 

Everyone over 55 needs to stay home just a while longer.  They are in any event older, less active, and less in need of work.  And if we need special payments to take care of them, I support that.

Roll around July and August, by September both infection rates and death rates will plummet, and we can go on with life as normal.

What is OBVIOUS is that the Left does not want this.  They hate all of us. They hate themselves. 

But they don’t have to win this fight. 

So my final take is that for the under 55 mask wearing means you hate America and want this pandemic to last as long as possible.  That is only mild hyperbole, as I see it.


Idea for Trump

Order a disclosure of the suicide and drug overdose numbers during this lockdown.

I would get the numbers, talk it over with someone I trust, but if they have more than doubled, then we all have to ask WTF we are doing, pretending we are saving lives by locking people in their fucking homes where they are shooting and hanging themselves, and getting sick from diseases which stem from despair.

One day we will look back on all this, I hope, as a gray haze from which we always had the ability to escape, but within which far too many of our leaders chose to keep us confined.

Look at Sweden.  They are doing fine, and much closer to the end state of not worrying much about this disease at all.

All we needed, and all we need now, was two weeks for the hospitals, then a general suggestion to go out a bit less, to stay home if sick, and to work remotely for a month or two if it wasn’t too inconvenient.

We needed HCQ to not be torpedoed by a Deep State funded strawman, and we need Dr.  Fauci on a beach somewhere lamenting his lost job, and perhaps his lost fortune.

We need kids back in school, everyone back at work, and Federal government funded fireworks shows around the country to celebrate our grand reopening.  We need hope, and we need leaders who don’t hate us.


Is this torture?

Well worth the watch:

There are truly evil people in this world.  History is replete with examples.  It is easy to feel helpless, and all these things are making it worse.

Trump will be our saving grace, I hope.  I really believe that is possible.  All the evil is in the street.  It’s in the open.  None of the basic facts are really deniable any more, in my view, by anyone with a conscience, a heart, and a brain.



It’s not what you watch, but THAT you watch that most dulls your mind.

But having said that, much programming cannot but stupefy–I intend here both making people dumber, and numbing them into insensate imbecility–people.

Do people still sing songs?  Can anyone recite poetry?  Can anyone who is not a professional still perform?  We have outsourced “cultural production” to people we don’t know.  This is a bad thing.


The end game of Identity politics is the eradication of identity

I’ve probably said this a dozen times or more, but this formulation popped in my head

I’m reminded of Lao Tzu’s comment that “when virtue disappears people speak of virtue.”
So with identity.  The irony is that the people so busily eradicating people’s identities are desperately seeking them themselves.  They topple statues because they are lost, not because they have a genuinely better alternative.

Black is not a tribe

I got drunk last night.  I still do that from time to time.  This morning I woke up and found I posted somewhere “why don’t the blacks just move back to Africa?”

I deleted this, since it’s probably not unreasonable to view that as actually a bit racist.  I say actually since the word is mincemeat, and can mean somebody wore a shirt that didn’t match their socks.

But think about it.  Logically, if white oppression is the problem, then living in a black majority nation should fix it, right?  Living in Kenya?  Ethiopia?  Sudan?  Nigeria?

I think we all know this idea is farcical.  First of all, there is 10x the opportunity here.  This is why more black Africans have moved here voluntarily than were ever brought as slaves, and it seems safe to assume half the continent of Africa would move here tomorrow if they could.  Their standard of living would jump immensely and immediately, even if they found themselves in urban ghettoes.

But to the point, black Africans are as, or more, bigoted than anyone else.  They speak something like 75 languages in Ethiopia alone.  Everyone there has a tribe, and if you are not in their tribe, they may be courteous, but you are not one of them, or so I would suppose.

In the world, and in human history, ONLY white people have been so eager to enfranchise the “other”.  Only us.

I honestly think that if there was only one black person in the entire Black Lives Matter movement, that would be sufficient for most of them.  The whole thing is an excuse for bullying, and for politics which allow for eventual bullying on a larger scale and on a larger stage.  The live of ordinary blacks are lost entirely, opaque to the leaders, and a matter of complete indifference.


Thinking politically

You know, there is a lot of wisdom in letting a lunatic branch of the Democrat Party run roughshod over the more moderate segment.  Both are crazy, but one takes it to the next level.

Wherever BLM is really causing trouble and damage, Democrats are allowing it.  They are allowing it at the city level and allowing it at the State level.  How is this Trump’s problem?  Those people were voted in.

Trump’s silence has been taken for indifference, but I think 1) what should he do?; and 2) there’s a lot to be said for letting people who created the stew simmer in it.  Let the radicals get what they want.  Let crime rage on the streets.  Let every semblance of order disappear.

The local leaders are not lacking resources.  There is nothing Trump could provide they don’t have, other than a backbone.

By October this summer, or much of it, will have been forgotten.  What will not be forgotten is the damage, and NONE of that can be blamed on Trump, and I think even rank and file, ordinary, CNN watching drones will figure that out eventually.

Does he have the right, as President, to tell Democrats not to act like Democrats?  Does he have the right to tell them they can’t fail in their duties and let down the people who elected them?  I don’t see it.

But what Trump DOES need is a clear plan to speak to black America.  Thinking about it, Great Schools and Great Jobs is a good start.  I said good in a post a week or two ago, because that is what is realistic, but Great sounds much better, and Make Black America Great Again sounds good too.  Do people want to say that blacks were never great?  They have endured so much, and for so long with dignity and restraint.  Trump can and should focus on black accomplishment, not on black failure.  To say whites are keeping them down is to say they are helpless, and when stated clearly, that is bad politics.  And it is racist.  Very, very racist.

Specifically, plans are needed.  I think Federal funds should be withheld from all jurisdictions that fail to allow Charter Schools to be implemented, and ideally in tandem with some sort of Voucher program, at least for the poor.

Further, a “Rebuild the Inner Cities” program should be proposed, in which Federal money flows in generous quantities to businesses who choose to locate inside ghettos and lower income, crime ridden areas.  Trump can promise to rebuild what was just destroyed, rather than let those places languish for fifty years like the Democrats did.

And at some point, it should be considered declaring BLM a terrorist organization.  Certainly, wherever they appear shit gets broken, people are terrorized, and no good comes out of it.

Failing that, arrests still need to be made of people involved across State lines in organizing violence.  THAT he can do.  THAT he should do.

Timing is everything, but that Antifa has some people who are directing “operations” at a regional level seems obvious.  We have the technology to figure out who, and to document it.  Those people need to be cuffed and to spend some quality time in Leavenworth.

Again, this may not be the right time.  The radical, violent, and nihilistic anti-Americanism of these people is still being revealed and shown to the American people.

There is every reason to be patient right now, I think.  And I find Maxwell’s arrest very encouraging.  I really, really hope that thought has been put into how to protect her, and in how to turn her into an asset in the war on the evil psychopaths who seem to have paraded around her everywhere in her life.  She is as good as Epstein, or nearly so.  After the first arrest, you will be able to hear a pin drop in large segments of Washington, I suspect.

And personally, I want everyone who is guilty arrested.  Not just Democrats.  If they did it, put them in jail, party affiliation notwithstanding.  All of them that we can get cases on.


The pandemic’s first and by far most destructive phase, at least, is over

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It is larger if you open it in another tab.  The orange line is the CDC established level at which something becomes a pandemic, which is when it reaches a certain percentage of overall deaths.  We dropped below that line several weeks ago.

Here is the thing: the way these things seem to work is cycles.  We not only flattened the curve, but we eradicated it. This chart does not mean there will not be another surge in death when we open the gates, but THAT we need to open the gates, and do it NOW, is really beyond dispute in my mind.  The only reasons not to do so are purely political.

And if you didn’t know this, why not?  This has been my gut, obviously, for some time.

And I think most of the higher reaches of this graph contain large quantities of bullshit.

The question remains: WHY did we react to this pandemic differently from every other one in the history of the world?  I don’t really think the answer is conspiracy theory, so much as reasonably obvious conspiracy FACT.