Now that appeals to my sensibilities. That is the sort of summation I love.
Month: July 2020
Winning Argument
But IF illness does not convey immunity, THEN no vaccine can be developed either.
In general, this argument seems to be used by those who want this shutdown to last forever, as a means of arguing against the obvious case I have made often for pursuing Herd Immunity at full speed, damn the torpedoes. They say we need to wait for a vaccine.
Well, a vaccine can’t be developed for a disease against which no lasting immunity can be built. Period. Full Stop. This is HOW IT WORKS. You inject a dead version of the bacteria or in this case virus (how does that even work? Viruses are not even technically alive to begin with; perhaps this is one of the major technical problems: how to kill something that isn’t alive to begin with), and the body develops an immune response without being subjected to the full disease.
As I’ve said, I think injecting this virus, rather than inhaling it, may well accomplish the same thing. I’m the only one saying this, but that’s nothing new.
It is astonishing to me how many people more or less openly are hoping for an open ended continuation of this economic and psychological devastation, which is causing an absolutely inconceivable amount of pain, anger, hardship, and grief. 125 MILLION people are at risk of starvation, and it is safe to assume some percentage of them will slide over that precipice, absent major aid efforts, from nations which have made themselves less secure food-wise with these idiotic lockdowns.
Wake up. We are being led by terroristic demons who feed on our pain.
That is only mild hyperbole. Actually, I’m not even sure I meant that as an exaggeration. Certainly, they are in no hurry to ease the suffering they are inflicting. That much is painfully obvious. They seek out reasons to continue, as does their media. They are not looking for hope, for cures, or for good news. Not in the least.
Should anyone really need to know anything else?
Homophobia and its uses
Some time ago I read that in college Bill Ayers made his girlfriend have sex with a black friend/associate/acquaintance of his. It was not quite a rape as I recall her describing it, but not quite not a rape either. That, by the then-standards. Today, almost certainly. She was treated as chattel property for political reasons, and using political rationalizations. Not to have had sex with him would have made her racist, even if she was deeply uncomfortable with the situation, not in the mood, not attracted to the man, and profoundly resentful that her lover could be such a sociopathic asshole.
The path to political hell is paved with reflexive good manners.
The suicide of good manners
You can’t wage a culture war with good manners. Our opponents USE our good manners against us, to always push just a little more, just a little further, until in 2020 we have Mitt Romney, Target, Joel Osteen and many others supporting a group which SAYS it is Marxist, which ADMITS it wa founded by “trained Marxists”, and which wants to destroy our Constitutional protections in pursuit of a fascist tyranny vastly worse than that of King George.
I have commented on Fabianism from time to time. Another take might be “a nihilistic creed seeking to over turn and confuse all historically rooted culture using the usually correct assumption that most people are not assholes, and that even those who are do not want to be PERCEIVED as assholes.”
How did so much of Corporate America flip into bad ideas that will destroy the lives of most Americans if implemented?
Good manners. They do t want to rock the boat. So if you tell them they are bad people if they do t let you fuck them up the ass, well, off come the pants and Ben Dover makes his appearance.
Trump is not as asshole. But he is not afraid of being called one. This makes a huge difference.
With some people there is and can be no negotiation. The time to stop appeasement is NOW, since yesterday is taken.
Take being called an asshole, by assholes, as a badge of honor. It means you are not being their useful little bitch.
But in principle, it seems to me that all Emergency Authority granted to any Executive anywhere, from the United States President, to all our Governors, to all our Mayors and Sheriffs, ought to be have a time limit. An expiration date.
Yes, you can react forcefully and quickly to something which requires it. But after thirty days, it expires without express legislative authorization and empowerment.
This whole pandemic has exposed a serious and perhaps one day fatal flaw in our system. Hitler was not elected Supreme Dictator. He had all sorts of controls on him when he was first made Chancellor. Paul Hindenburg was his boss, among other things, or so I recall. Hitler needed the Reichstag to authorize most of his actions.
But then (as most believe) he set fire to the Reichstag, blamed internal enemies of the State, and arrogated to himself emergency powers. He may have even described them as temporary at the time. I don’t recall. Just give me this, and I’ll fix all your problems, he no doubt said.
10-12 years later (I forget the exact dates), Berlin was in flames, and another generation of German men was dead.
I don’t know the remedy. It may vary State to State. But we all need to plug this leak while we still can. Far too many governors have shown far too much sexual excitement at their newfound ability to play S&M games with us.
And in that regard, aren’t you just CURIOUS why Andrew Cuomo has his nipples pierced? Do you think any of us really want to know that back story? I don’t. But I do. You know the drill. You’re a rubbernecker too.
Our Framers knew human beings are prone to depravity and ill will. They knew the worst among us tend to be the ones most interested in power. But we need leaders. Their negotiated solution was power, but power with limits: legal limits, time limits, and spacial limits.
There is no goodness there.
Further obvious (now) thought
The argument we all bought back in March–remember March?–was that a two week break in normal social and employment circulation would help to get the hospitals time to get ready for the flood of cases, both by cancelling existing scheduled medical work, and by getting PPE and ventilators (remember ventilators, which we were told were essential to people’s hopes of not dying, and which turned out to be death machines?).
Well, that time period came and went. The hospitals told the people who were going to get cancer screenings, and stress tests for their hearts, and hip and knee replacements, and a host of other things: sorry buddy, but the wave is coming. Don’t know when we will be back.
Then nothing. Nothing. Half empty hospitals. Cheating by miscoding cases as COVID so as to defray the holding cost of large numbers of empty beds and laid off healthcare workers.
But who DID show up in the hospitals? Old people. Look at that chart. Scroll over it to get the meaning of the lines. The hospitalization rate for the Over 65 is presently 301 per 100,000 population.
For 50-64 it is 151, which is half that.
For 18-49–which includes college age kids, certainly, it is 60.
And for 0-17 I’ll call the average 5.
Here is my point: not only is there a quantum leap from the category Over 55 to Under 55 in DEATHS, there is also a quantum leap in HOSPITALIZATIONS.
So if we just opened up the gates to the young, the hospitals would not overflow. No doubt some would be hospitalized, some may even die, just as some people die every year from vaccinations, or infections in hospitals, or medical malpractice. But opening up would quickly be good for 99% of us.
There is no excuse to continue this shut down for the under 55. No reason for masks, no reason to ban mass gatherings.
And every reason to encourage people to live healthy lives, to get enough sun, to take Vitamin D, to exercise, and to lose weight if they carry too much.
This is what I don’t get
They love puppies. They love children. They love sunsets and bird watching. And if you tell them the pandemic is bullshit they grow fangs and hiss at you. If you tell them you love Trump as a President their faces turn red and nothing good comes out of any further conversation at that point. A transition happens, a transmogrification, from something seemingly benign, to something nigh on demonic. I’ve seen this happen more than once, in front of my eyes. In general, I forestall it by lying.
But how is this happening? Why is this happening?
What is stupefying to me, horrifying, and unbelievably frustrating, is that the world could be saved NOW. We could secure for the next 100 generations prosperity, freedom, comfort, and peace. We could become a planet where most people spend most of their time on spiritual pursuits. We could make all of our public lives, and all of our social lives beautiful. We could build beautiful towers in the sky, vast swathes of flowers. We could built heaven on Earth.
But I would guess at least 100 million Americans have fallen under the sway of ideas which will take that future away from us all. It will take it from them, and from me, and from my children. They work every day, tirelessly, in the pursuit of ugliness and stupidity. They work in the name of the Good for the reality of the Bad, of the extreme, of the hideous, bound, and terrified.
Why? Have demons infiltrated our world and filled them like so many body snatchers? Why are they so fucking stupid? Why can’t they pause for JUST A MOMENT and realize what they are doing so blindly, so compulsively?
It is a question for the ages. Why do humans build Hell so assiduously even when given all the tools to build Heaven. We have not been left without resources. On the contrary.
Good people: can you please wake up now? It’s much too late to be sleeping. And if you insist on sleeping, you are not good people, are you? Sustained stupidity can and should be viewed as willful.
And I would add that, almost by definition, cowards cannot be truly good people. Goodness requires bravery.
162 total deaths ages 15-24, which pretty well covers most college students. That is out of 112,000 supposed COVID deaths, and 1.276 million overall deaths in this country since Feb. 1 2020. And that is out of 12,369 total deaths in the 15-24 demographic. This means not quite 1 in 700 deaths from COVID is in that age group. It also means that ONE PERCENT of all deaths in that age group were from COVID. ONE BLANKING PERCENT, in the middle of a pandemic so horrible we have to stop the economy, traumatize a generation of kids, flip we don’t know how many tens of thousands of people into massive depression, suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse and related deaths. This is a disease SO BAD that at least half the people who have it don’t even know it. Here is a newsflash: if you don’t want to kill grandma, stay away from her. I’m not telling you to rub every surface in every bathroom, spend days drunk in a bar, then go hug and kiss your grandmother and have an intimate conversation in close proximity to her that lasts for hours. Nobody is saying that. You people are just being obtuse because you are SCARED. Is courage even a value any more? The masked people seem to think attacking old people with walkers while massed in groups is brave.
From here:
I will add that if I add up the WHOLE of 0-24 I now get 191. Since Feb. 1 22,585 people in that age group have died of some cause or other. Cancer for many I would suppose, and car accidents, accidental drownings (I wonder if those are up?), falls and that sort of thing.
191 divided by 22525 is .008. .1 is ten percent, .01 1 percent, so .008 is 8 parts in a thousand. Out of all the kids who have died since the world losts its fucking mind, 8 out of every thousand have died, we are told, of COVID-19.
Why would not Gates as an individual and the CIA work together? Gates doesn’t even really need the money, and even if greed and ego dictated money change hands, above board, regular deals could be negotiated.
Is Gates spying for a power elite? Is he a private outsourced NSA who is accountable to no one? It’s a reasonable question.