
We need to lift the lockdowns NOW

I think most Americans are on the edge, and many are slipping over.  We are either not allowed in public, or have to go out unable to see any smiling faces.  Policies change on whims, and few or none of them are REALLY rooted in science.  Masks, for instance, used anywhere outside confined spaces.

The psychological lesions are going to be devastating.  Our kids have been scared out of their minds by a relatively benign virus for 4-5 months now.  Our adults are going to start having nervous breakdowns.

And for what?  For what?  Take California.  They have 6,448 deaths.  They have not quite 40 million people.  And according to the CDC, they had AT LEAST 203,300 deaths in 2017.  I added all the causes of death up, and will note that they seem to have changed how they do the accounting.  I know for the flu numbers, specifically, they seem to have altered their method to artificially decrease them since this whole thing began.

 I will note as well that nationally suicide is a leading cause of death, at least among those under 55 or so.  It is not listed as one of the causes of death, making it likely it is hidden in accidents and firearms deaths, which is really pretty disingenuous.  These people are crooks, and should not be trusted.  Trump figured that out.  They were misreporting the COVID deaths, so he changed the reporting system to cut them out of the loop.

But 203300/12 equals about 17,000.  In a normal California month 17,000 people are expected to die.  Every month of the year.  This means that if I multiply up March, April, May, June, and July (5 months), then the overall expected mortality will be 85,000.  6448 works out to right at 7% of that.

For that, children are forbidden from playing on playgrounds, families forbidden from visiting beaches, businesses forced into bankruptcy, the suicide rate probably AT LEAST doubled, rates of anxiety and panic and depressive disorders through the roof, and an entire society traumatized by induced terror.

Do you GET yet that this whole thing is nothing but a monstrous crime, an unfunny joke, being played out by sociopaths, for the sole purpose of damaging the first honest president we have had in at least a generation? 

Pray for Trump.  Pray for sanity.  Pray for us all.



The fact that LA/Hollywood has a restaurant or at least occasional “club” where they eat people has bothered me since I read about it.  It’s in the open.

There is a scene in this movie–

where she shows scenes of what is purportedly graphic fake cannibalism, attended by Will Farell and Lada Gaga, among others, as orchestrated as a provocative art project by Marina Abramaovic, but the idea has to be put out there that the scenes were legitimate and something out of a disgusting and unwatchable horror movie.

If they are eating human beings–and being cagey about where are getting them, with pulling homeless people, of whom there are PLENTY in LA, right off the street one of the options–then why not drink their blood?  Why not rape children? 

All of this darkens my world.  That is to the bad.  It is my task to react creatively and positively.  I continue all my work, and am trying to fill my mind with positive images and ideas.

But I really think if these people get control again–and Joe Biden is ONE OF THEM, with Obama merely having been a figure head of sorts, who was happy enough to be manipulated, but not genuinely evil himself–then there is no end to the list of awful things that will begin to happen, and relatively quickly.  They won’t risk another Donald Trump, or another Populist resurgence.  All the power they have will be quickly put to use making effective dissent by anyone impossible.

It’s a scary time.  But in the same way that I have lost 25 pounds while America has been gaining weight, I plan to calm myself down while everyone else is losing their minds.



So I got to thinking about Rocky Horror again, and wound up again with the unpleasant Meatlloaf scenes. You know, the scene where he is killed then the scene where he is eaten.

And this brought to mind a QAnon video “QAnon, the Deep State, and something”, made by a Dutch woman. I likely posted it here.

Well, she mentions something called “The Cannibal Club”.  I didn’t look it up for the precise reason that I thought it was legit.

Well, here you go:

Joke?  Not funny.

I think our elites are “hiding” in increasingly plain sight.  I think there is a bit of a psychopathic thrill in committing crimes in plain sight.  I remember watching the original Twin Peaks and the murderer had a body in his trunk. He offers to show a cop who has pulled him over his trunk but the cop decides he’s got the wrong guy.

For my purposes-and my purposes are my own sanity and goodness and those of the planet as a whole, as well as personal loyalty with few limits to those in my life—I am going to do my best to write on the future as if all or most of the people caught in these chains want and even deserve release.  Not everyone is uncomfortable with evil, but I think many wind up that way, after initial curiosity.

There has to be a path back home. There has to be a way home. I am a mercurial, inconstant wanderer, but I feel I need to support this as well as I can.


Ghislane Maxwell

Me, personally, I would trade the farm to get the tapes she supposedly has. I would grant her immunity from prosecution, certainly, but I would also PAY her hundreds of millions of dollars. I would put her in the Witness Protection Program or—if she refused it as I likely would if I were her– pay for her security the rest of her life.

She IS the house of cards. She can make the whole thing fall. That’s worth nearly anything.

Yes, of course she is a sick psychopath. So what? She’s not a senior member of our government. She is not enabling any abuse right now and quite possibly never will again.  She is a symptom. We need to target the disease.

Bottom line: I would not play hard ball. I would be Santa Claus IF she brings the names and evidence.


It was never supposed to get this far

I was thinking about the hippies and their lifestyle and ideas were really oriented around the world destroying itself, around them dying young. You live for the moment when the world is going up in flames any time now.

They were not supposed to get old. Yet here they are, trying to make sense of it. They can’t and do t want to give up their pasts, but they never gave any thought to the future. What to do? It’s a real problem, that most have manifestly not solved.

But I continue to think of the Rocky Horror Picture Show as an ideal for them of sorts. You live recklessly for a time. When the inevitable reckoning comes you go back in time and do it again. No adulting is ever needed.

And I would call the orgy in the pool Sexual Amorphism. That’s about where we are now. There is no stable, identifiable sexual energy. There is no “the love of a woman and a man”.  It’s all ephemeral, depersonalized, emotionally detached. It’s oriented around momentary sensations with people who mean nothing to you, who can come and go unnoticed. No one needs a name.

It would be a slight distortion, but only slight, to say that the whole hippie rebellion was a call for parenting, for adulting on the part of society, to set them straight. And it never appeared.  They got lost and were never found.

It’s a new world. The genuine injustices they opposed are now almost completely gone. But it’s all they have, so they keep resurrecting “racism” as a sort of patched up zombie whose only job is to remind them of when they were relevant, all those years ago, and to give them the revivified “love” now of self righteous and sanctimonious anger.

Actual living blacks are just a stage prop in all this. They need a token black here and there, but that this is a white production, being staged by and for white people, is depressingly obvious.


Masks, health and anxiety disorders

You would be hard pressed to find a health professional of any sort who did not believe that deep, calm, diaphragmatic/ belly breathing is good for you. Shallow breathing is correlated with anxiety. It reflects it, certainly, but arguably the habit supports it as well.  When I do my HRV training I take slow deep breaths and my heart rate decreases, my HRV goes up, and I am very sure my blood pressure goes down as well. There is now an FDA approved blood pressure treatment device that relies on this principle.

You know what interferes with deep, relaxed breathing? Masks. I would go so far as to call them ancillary anxiety support devices.

Everywhere you look, it is OBVIOUS that the overarching goal at least for nearly all Democrats is not to end this lockdown by ending the disease, but to prolong the lockdown by prolonging the fear.

Masks are a visible symbol saying “there is something to fear”. They are certainly that, even if in nearly 100% of the daily interactions around the world the DISEASE IS NOT EVEN PRESENT.

But they also directly support fear.

For me, if it is obvious to me I’m dealing with someone who works somewhere who just doesn’t want to get in trouble—with their employer or the State—I will wear a mask out of courtesy to that.

But I leave my nose exposed, and when possible my mouth.  I have reduced my short take to this: I’m not sick, so I can’t infect anyone. The “asymptomatic carrier” is a unicorn, Either I am coughing and should be home, or the only way I can infect you is sustained contact at a distance close enough to kiss you. And I don’t care if you have it. I don’t care if I’m exposed. I’m doing a LOT to protect t my health and refuse to live in fear of something invisible and largely harmless.

And if you want me to help you alleviate your own fear, sorry pal: not my job, not my problem.



I’m so glad Sweden stuck to their guns.

Isolation, lack of exercise, despair: all make people sick by themselves, and almost certainly contribute to disease susceptibility.

Robust health is a sort of vaccine.  Feeling like a trapped and solitary rat is the opposite.

And in New York of course they did everything wrong.


“Asymptomatic Carriers”

I’m like many people, trying to read through the literature, and acquaint myself with a field I’ve never really had much interest in.

As I understand it, a viral infection is a virus getting into your system somehow, they using your “biological energy”, for want of a better phrase, to replicate.  Fighting off this intruder takes up a lot of body resources, as does the virus, which is what makes you “sick”.

If you think about it, though, a healthy immune system that works decisively and quickly is the equivalent to a vaccination for every known disease, and most unknown diseases.

Here is what I am wondering: if someone tests positive for COVID-19 antibodies, is it really even accurate to say they “had” or “have” it?  Does that not just mean that their immune system is doing what it is supposed to do?

If you tested any of us at random for 50 different diseases, would we not have antibodies for some of them at all times, since we are fighting them off successfully?

I don’t know the answer.  


Some why not’s

Why not change the name of the Washington Redskins, even though the logo was developed proudly by a Native American, who liked the name?

Why not change the Texas Rangers?

Atlanta Braves?

Florida Seminoles?

Cleveland Indians?

Why not rename Washington?  State and D.C.?  Why not rename the District of Columbia? 

How about Columbus, Ohio?  Columbus, Indiana?  Every other one?

Jefferson Cities, and Jefferson Counties?

How renaming Indiana, which got its name from all the Indians in it? 

And what about all the cities and counties everywhere named for Indians?  Kentucky is an Indian word.  So too I think are Minnesota and Milwaukee and Michigan and Cuyahoga Falls.

Sacramento means Sacrament and references specifically Spanish Catholicism.  Look at all the wrongs they committed over the centuries.

Do you get the idea?  Somewhere you just have to say SHUT UP.  Fix something today.  Go feed a homeless person, or tutor a kid who lives in the ghetto.  Stop pretending that this stupid shit is doing anything but give you an excuse to be the asshole you were born to be.


Why versus Why not

My youngest was asking me tonight “why not wear a mask”?  It might help.  We don’t know.  It’s not that big a deal.  When she makes it, I have a hard time saying no, but as I think about it there are a lot of reasons, many of which I have articulated at length here.

What I would stipulate, at root, is that freedom means being able to say no for any reason, or no reason at all.  No hard scientific data supports mask wearing, the way it is done by the public.  It has mild utility as source protection for symptomatic people, but almost no use in preventing the spread of the disease, i.e. as PPE.  If you want to avoid the disease, your best play is to stay away from people and ideally to stay home.  Talk to no strangers in public.   That is more or less foolproof.  Everything else is a calculated risk, which includes the risk of weakening your immune system from inactivity.

And I would suggest the “why not” argument is a slippery slope.  Many people like me argued, when the first crazies started talking about deflecting attention from their long term failures with respect to the black community by destroying statues, that if they pulled down Lee or Stonewall Jackson, they would soon be pulling down Washington and Jefferson. 

We were mocked.  But we were right.

And with this mask thing, I just find them uncomfortable.  I don’t like how they smell.  My gut tells me that on balance they damage my own health.  I don’t feel as good wearing one, particularly for a long period of time.

But the road to hell is paved with small bites, small bits.  Pebbles.  Nothing large, but lots of it.  A little here and a little there, and pretty soon they are putting microchips in us.  This may sound extreme, but so too did the idea of toppling a statue of George Washington.  But now it has happened.  He was also set on fire, if memory serves.  By Communists.  Proud Communists.  In this country.

To me a mask also says “live in fear”.  It is my perception that most of the most scared people are the young, who are empirically at the lowest risk.  But they have been taught to live in fear.  It’s what they do.  They hide easily and with practice behind computer screens and relate virtually.  But that is also a virtual life.  What do you remember at the end of it but fake images, and 2 dimensional pictures of people you hardly know?

I was wondering as well what the effect on the brain is on seeing people all day, but never seeing their faces.  Surely that is unnatural?  Surely we are meant to see facial expressions?  Surely seeing featureless people all day every day activates some part of our fight or flight response, to at least some low extent?

I really feel you have to practice saying NO just because you feel like it.  Just because nobody has the right to tell you how to live your life.  If I’m not coughing, then my mask is not protecting anyone, according to all I read.  So the demand that I comfort them with compliance is really selfish on their part, not mine.