1) I had a dream perhaps ten years ago, in the middle of the Obama era, that a number of left wing radicals were making it through SEAL training, and joining the Teams.
A couple days ago, somebody posted this: https://havokjournal.com/world/we-are-the-useful-idiots-how-our-nation-divided-is-playing-straight-into-the-hands-of-our-greatest-enemies/?fbclid=IwAR1LChvafrq6lPdrqf-ZabBhu83PwQezxRc7D_36r1n89Sh8dAtVfKKSKJM
Basically, a DevGru connected operative told this journalist “PSST. THERE IS A CONSPIRACY. We don’t know who–probably the Russians, but maybe the Iranians, or Chinese, or North Koreans.”
Left out, of course, is the CIA.
Here is my thing. This left a sour taste in my mouth: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/2018/08/16/retired-admiral-navy-seal-compares-president-trumps-actions-to-mccarthy-era-witch-hunts/
Yeah, the guy was JSOC commander, all around badass. He told everyone they need to make their beds. But he was buddies with Brennan. That is a fatal flaw in my view. He supported the idiotic notion–and it has ALWAYS been idiotic, but plausible for fools, which he is not–that the Russians helped Trump win the election. He knew better. Hell, he may have provided guys to help Brennan run domestic operations. They come from somewhere. If not active duty–which is unlikely–recently demobilized and sheep dipped operators.
And that, in turn, makes me wonder if Extortion 17 was not a planned effort to take out a non-compliant Old Guard. McRaven took over August 8, 2011. The Chinook was shot down by people who were expecting it just two days before.
I am not the idiot who would want to throw dirt at all of them. It’s a small cadre, in my view, but in that environment a small number of bad apples can cause a LOT of damage.
My point is that that unit seems to me compromised to some extent, and I will believe that until I see some reason to believe otherwise. My opinion doesn’t matter, and it’s very possible I’m being paranoid to a more than usual excess. But that’s my two cents.
2) I had a dream perhaps 10-15 years ago that Bill Gates was building an enormous server farm underneath the lake next to where he lives. It was obvious in the dream that his intent was to gather very, very, very large amounts of data on people. The purpose was unclear, but now what I would suggest is that he has set himself the goal of rivaling the NSA in his ability to gather, store and analyze data. There is no reason at all not to think that literally every computer on the planet that runs Microsoft software and is connected to the internet cannot be breached easily by built in back doors, not just in the Operating Systems, but in Word and Excel and the like, not to mention Explorer.
You know, a few billion here, a few billion there, spent intelligently, and pretty soon you have yourself a thing.
I will say, I don’t want to spend my life in prison. I don’t want to be shot. And I definitely don’t want to be tortured. These are all possibilities. I get that. But they are possibilities whether I speak my piece or not. Life is an inherently uncertain process. But it is much, much worse if you spend it as a coward, hiding. I have managed unmanageable fear all my life, every day, most of every day. I don’t like it. I fight it, and that is how I choose to live.
If my journey ends early because I talked too much, so be it. In any event, that was probably the plan all along. To some extent we are all straw dogs, as Lao Tzu teaches.