

You know, this thing is run by self important and truly, breathtakingly ignorant kids, whose “plan” more or less consists in demanding–in the same way and with the same tone as a spoiled child–an “allowance” from the government.

The smart play, I think, will be for Trump to declare that group unlawful terrorists, and that anyone supporting them in any way is in violation of the law.  He can cut off Federal funds to Washington.  He can seize the bank accounts of anyone providing them money or food or assistance in any way.

It won’t take long for it to most likely first get ugly, then for most of the kids to quit, since it won’t be fun any more, and will quickly get boring.  The barriers will last a while, but even they will most likely be pulled down at some point.

Vastly easier to take the wind out of their sails, than to assault them directly.

And the example will be set: support terroristic criminals–and seizing a section of the city clearly violates many laws, over and above what they are most likely doing to people in that area– and you will pay the price.

As always, it’s important not to panic.  I never thought Trump would be elected, but he was.  It seemed unlikely he would prevail in all his battles, but he has.



As I understand it, they have also been deporting “undesirables”.  They have also formed a de facto police force. 

It’s almost like the received wisdom and common sense of thousands of years exist for a reason.

Here’s another phrase: “Check your aggression.”

If you are worked up over something abstract someone else said, it’s quite likely you are being manipulated.  How so many people believe so many stupid things is a social and psychological problem, but the short answer in some measure must be that they aren’t looking very carefully or very long, at what they are being told.  The interval between hearing and repeating and then yelling is very short.

As I posted a day or two ago, the social media giants seem to be more or less less harnessing anger addiction for both profit and illicit and logically indefensible political purposes (once you factor in their one-side censorship).


Are you starting to figure out what time it is?

It’s quite late.

Here is one aspect of all this.  Masses of people should and WOULD be out protesting these ludicrous, probably illegal (I think in pretty much all States the legislature should be needed to ratify measures this damaging and draconian, but few of them seem to be asserting themselves, betraying yet one more example of the generalized failure of moral courage) shutdowns, if the black people were not more or less being given precedence.

Would-be protesters know they will be shit on by the corrupt Globalist (anti-American, anti-Constitutional, Fascist billionaires) media if they go out now.  So California, Oregon, in large measure Washington, and I don’t know where else, but presumably Democrat bastions like Illinois, New York, and New Jersey, all continue to rot.  More businesses fail every day.  More people hang themselves and put bullets in their heads and jump off of bridges.  More people overdose, or drive drunk into trees or other cars.  Children are terrified by their terrified and arguing parents.  They are depressed because they can’t see their friends.  They CAN’T EVEN PLAY ON THE FUCKING PLAYGROUNDS, EVEN THOUGH NOT ONE YOUNG CHILD ON THE PLANET HAS DIED OF THIS.

If you can stand to read most of what I write, you get this, but it can’t be underscored too much; AMERICA IS BEING DESTROYED. 

And to repeat, it’s not white America.  The Left attacks white America, but nearly everything they do, supposedly to punish white America, hurts poor blacks too.  It hurts Asians, and Hispanics, and Native Americans.  It hurts everyone but rich Democrats who live in safe gated communities.

I’m not worried about losing a world of white privilege.  I’m worried about losing a world of AMERICAN privilege.  The Left, given a choice between trying to build the world up, and tearing the most successful part of the world down, unhesitatingly and enthusiastically chooses the latter.

Trump is the only answer we have.  If he fails us, I don’t see how we have any hope short of violence.

Let’s all pray today.  Pray for his success, and the success generally of sanity and restraint.


Heuristic on race

Place yourself in MLK Jr.’s private imaginings back in the 60’s.  Let’s say 1965.  Where do you think he hoped black people in America would be in fifty years, which is to say 2015?

Look in your mind at any large city.  That’s not it, is it?

What happened?  All those people have been voting for Democrats since the 60’s, at least.

And I will comment that I’m personally not aware of any blatantly racist Republican figures.  Most of them are more like Barry Goldwater, who helped cofound the Arizona NAACP (if memory serves).

Racists are people like Woodrow Wilson, who resegregated the Federal government after either Taft or Roosevelt (Teddy, the smart one) desegregated it.  And he screened “Birth of a Nation” at the White House.  Or FDR, who worked to make sure all government work went only to union contractors, nearly all of whom did not allow blacks as members.  THAT is systemic racism. 

But that is not, and never has been, how Republicans roll.

We get a bad reputation–well, allow ourselves to be the victims of successful propaganda offensives–because we are not telling them, each and every election, that voting for us is practically like a guaranteed winning lottery ticket.  We say “we want all people to succeed” because we actually want all people to succeed, blacks among them.

The Winning Lottery Ticket people are Democrats.  They run pretty much all major ghettos/slums in the country, and have for some time.

And I will comment too that the Democrats really only need the blacks for one more major national election.  If they can win the White House and Congress, then they can legalize everyone here illegally, vote them tons of benefits, and count on their votes for at least a decade.  At least until the system crashes, and even the former illegals realize they got screwed too.

But all that will fuck the poor black community completely.  And it seems to be the plan.


Loneliness and COVID

I’m on a 30 day Facebook break, mostly.  Well mostly I’m still checking it a little, and responding to messages, but not pontificating daily.  That is close enough to a break, and certainly an improvement. 

But I love posting articles I find interesting (I started to type interesting articles, then realized I was speaking from a problematic cognocentric perspective: after all, not everyone thinks), so here you go:


Worth the watch, and the perhaps relisten

And this classic, from Malcolm X:

“A Dixiecrat is just a Democrat in disguise”

Water flowing downhill

Any society based almost entirely on abstraction is bound to lose touch with the springs of honest morality, which are empathy, and grounded connection.

The wheels leave the road.  The track is lost.  People no long know where they are, no longer have any honest reference points.  Everything points back to them, their own words, their narcissistic delusions.

Empathy requires that there be a continuous energetic connection from your feet to your head, and back again.  Not just a connection, but moving energy.

We are literally hearing people say, more or less verbatim “I can’t be racist: I only hate white people.  Besides, I’m white.”  No grounded human being would be capable of such atrocities to basic reason.

Reason, in turn, must be grounded in sincerity.  It too requires an emotional background to operate properly.  There is no rational reason to think any of the protests going on right now will fix the truly salient and most urgent problems facing the black community.  With respect to police violence, white people have roughly the same reasons, to the same extent, to complain.   We might not as much to fear Driving While Black, but we also commit crimes at perhaps a third of the rate of the black community.  If two out of three crimes you see are committed by people wearing blue hats, you too would start to look at them differently, if you were a cop.

All of this stuff going on is planned distraction.  Some small good might come out of it–like banning no-knock raids (which might also reduce the volume of policing done, since they do make sense in a very small number of cases)–but overall, very little.



National polling  data will be meaningless until the majority of Americans realize that this labor lockout–this massive, 3, 4, 5 month trauma–was unnecessary, and that Democrats in particular pushed it far, far beyond what was needed.

Deaths were about the same percentage wise in places that did severe lockdowns as in those who more or less encouraged people to stay home if they were sick.  That is really all that was needed, and strict controls in nursing homes, and wherever elderly were living.
And most of this was reasonably clear from the get-go, even though as I’ve said the Left will, as always, try to rewrite the history of the past six months in whatever way seems like it will show them in the best false light.

Warhol appended for 2020

We will all still get our fifteen minutes of fame, but most of us will also sooner or later be cancelled.  And once cancelled, you can’t get uncancelled.

You think you are safe?  Most of the dissidents in most of the Gulag Archipelago were once ardent or at least passively compliant and non-objecting Communists.

Take Solzhenisyn:  As he himself makes clear, he did not question the state ideology or the superiority of the Soviet Union until he spent time in the camps.

This guy fought, and fought bravely, for the Soviet Union.  How was he rewarded?  Well, it turns out he wrote quite a bit about it.

And of course people like Trotsky and Zinoviev were central figures in the Bolshevik conquest of the Russian Empire.

No one is safe in a world where safety depends upon continual conformity to continually evolving and changing standards.  It is not even enough to slavishly chant everything you are told to chant.  If you retain any personality, any individuality at all, sooner or later you will find yourself microscopically out of step with the masses, and that is enough.

Actually, I will append that claim: the only safety is power–and the violent service of power–and that safety is relative, since others are continually vying to replace you.  But if you spend all day denouncing others, you can keep the spotlight off yourself for a long time.


I love the Babylon Bee