“Unless we do something about this [busing], my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.”
Ponder in this regard, too, that Biden was politically active in 1977. That was 43 years ago. Carter was in office.
Month: June 2020
Channeling my inner Churchill
If you watch the excellent movie “The Darkest Hour”, Churchill himself came close to reaching the same conclusion. But he didn’t. And history is infinitely better for it.
We are waging a culture war. What is daunting is the sheer volume of imbecility, ignorance, hatred, violence, and thirst for social and perhaps eventually physical blood. Most of us are afraid to speak our minds. Most of us KNOW that we are articulating the winning arguments, and that the little demons opposing us are hurting the very people they claim to be helping, and that every “advance” they make dims all the human spirits they touch just a little bit more.
And in this culture war, what should be our policy?
You ask, What is our policy? I will say; ‘It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.’ You ask, What is our aim? I can answer with one word: Victory-victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.
How does one wage culture war by sea, land and air? This is a logistical question, is it not, and logistics the proper domain and concern of professional generals?
I think step one is we need to establish as a strategic goal the reestablishment of sanity in our public domain. This goal is actually logistical, since it is a necessary rallying point for all our thought and effort. I have seen many commentaries on why and how our educated elites have gone mad, but never, that I can think of, the goal set forth clearly that our end aim is the restoration of a genuinely liberal and informed temperament in our public domain.
We have set as our goal losing more slowly. That is not an acceptable goal. The goal should be full victory.
And full victory looks like the disappearance of lunatic Communist propaganda, and the reinstatement of reason and fact as primary tools of public discourse.
Full victory looks like intelligent policy that, among other things, FINALLY works to enable the black community to rise above its recent past.
What are our tools? The most obvious one is speech: clear, well reasoned speech. That is what I try to provide here.
Our opponents–the opponents of reason, rationality, effectiveness and genuine decency–have of course taken control of most mass media. Their lies echo and multiply everywhere, in precisely the form in which they were crafted, across the world the moment they release them, where they are then amplified by reliable ideological parrots.
This is a powerful weapon. Here is Jonathan Swift:
Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…
We need to understand that our opponents are skilled at what they do. Mass deception is their specialty, and they spend much time and effort getting better at it. This truth, itself, is vital. It is vital to grasp that their lying is conscious, considered, and intended as a weapon of influence. Self evidently, their propaganda targets do not grasp this. In this interaction, obviously, there are the liars and those who believe the lies. One factor which helps them is ginning up large quantities of induced emotion. This is the point of Agitation Propaganda.
One tool it seems to me could be used to greater effect is arresting people for Sedition. We have the right to free speech in this country, but not the right to call for violence, and specifically not the right to call for the violent overthrow of the government. People who do this should be arrested and put in prison for amounts of time suitable to changing their minds. Perhaps they should be made to read and pass tests on a variety of books written from a sane historical and economic perspective, which would be quite different from the forced labor and recitation of meaningless slogans of Communist psychological torture camps. Perhaps they should be made to meditate, to calm their agitated minds. Unquestionably they should be offered mental health resources like Neurofeedback, and Audio-Visual Entrainment, and Cranial-electrical Stimulation. I would generalize this, actually, to all prisoners for all crimes.
And this is an obvious point, but we need more moral courage. More people need to speak their minds, and be protected by their leaders when they do so. Presidents of companies and universities need to stop being such fucking cowards.
Courage is really the simultaneous presence of fear and the overcoming of fear. The opposite is simply asking what fear wants to buy another hour, and giving in to it without hesitation.
I continue to believe that a Manhattan Project of sorts should be convened on the topic of the after-life, and our native interconnections on a spiritual level. I think the root atheism, and to be sure in many cases root demonic energies of the Left will wilt in the face of SCIENTIFIC evidence both that we survive death, and that evil has terrible consequences for its practitioners.
Many of the elites pushing global government led terror on us seem to undergo two Black Communions. First they drink from the cup of Communism, and then they drink from the cup of the openly Demonic. I may lose some there, but that is my honest opinion. I myself have been attacked by demons many times.
At some point, Trump needs mass arrests, of all the people trying to undermine and destroy this country and breaking the law in so doing. It may need to wait until after the election, but it needs to happen.
And there needs to be mass disclosure of all the rottenness and evil that has been going on. It needs to be so large, so well documented, and so obvious that people cannot ignore it, and ordinary people regain the upper hand in shaming those who doubt it. Right now, lies have advanced to where they can shame ordinary people of good will and common sense.
Joe Biden is a senile, imbecilic, pedophilic, racist rapist. He is also a number of years older than the oldest President we have ever elected. If you might permit me to state the obvious, he is a terrible, terrible candidate.
Donald Trump will only lose, in my view–particularly once the full cost of these shut downs starts to trickle into public awareness–by cheating.
He tweeted the other day that he thinks other nations–China being the obvious candidate–plan to help Democrats cheat by forging mail-in ballots. I don’t even care if this is true or not. It is OBVIOUS beyond any doubt they plan to use forged or stolen ballots to cheat.
I think he would be within his rights to issue a National Security Finding, or Executive Order, mandating either that mail-in ballots not be used, or that they be confined to those who used on in the last national Presidential election. 2018 pretty obviously had a lot of shady shit happen, where four major elections were decided at the last moment by bags of ballots somebody conveniently “found” after the other candidate had taken the lead.
This alone would be devastating to Democrats. I think as well that if he can invoke the potential interference of other foreign powers, then he may be able to issue an Executive Order mandating Voter ID, to prevent foreign agents from influencing our election. After all, the Democrats, on forged evidence, spent three years tormenting Trump over similar claims. They can’t now claim they don’t care about foreign agents influencing or swaying our election. Well, they can–many Americans really are that stupid–but it is a battle Trump can fight and in enough cases win, that it would be worth fighting.
But more than anything I will say grasp and value and even cling to the truth as you see it. Grasp and hold your own individual perspective. Allow yourself to ask if what someone is saying makes sense to you, and if not, what the actual truth may be. Allow yourself to see that most of our national media has been taken over by people who mean America no good, who do not love this country, who do not care about you, and who plan to destroy the legal protections afforded all of us by the Constitution at their earliest opportunity.
This does not mean there is no media out there telling the truth. And the core, obvious truth you need to always remember is that Trump stands in the way of powerful, entrenched elites who want to submerge the entire planet into a technocratic tyranny, where your every last move is known, evaluated, judged, and when unacceptable, punished. They want the opposite of your happiness and well being. They want you unhappy and fearful, and they want this for a very long time.
Our modern Blitz is the news. Every day more attacks on everything good come. Every day our nerves seem to frazzle a bit more. And the preparatory work of separating us emotionally and socially contributes to this Blitz. We lack the consolation the Brits had of one anothers company. If you are reading this, you still have the internet. There are still those of us out there who refuse to accept the notion that these evil lunatics are destined to rule the world.
Keep the faith, as well as you can. Tell the truth, whenever and wherever you can. Wear a mask if you have absolutely no choice, but don’t forget that in nearly all contexts it is worthless, and the national intent that of breaking us down as faceless herd animals still further.
Britain cannot have been a happy place, anticipating a land invasion by one of the most powerful militaries every created any day, and being bombed nearly nightly. It is easy to give in to despair.
But don’t. Keep your chin up, figuratively and literally, and keep the faith. It may all turn out well even now.
I feel this most recent Blitz fading in power. They cannot keep the press going indefinitely without push back. And even Californians might be wondering why they felt the need to topple Cervantes and Francis Scott Key.
There is hope, whether you can see or feel it through this manufactured mist of fear or not.
Ask yourself: if the media is not applauding this, whose side are they on?
Is there anyone out there still capable of thought who has not figured this out?
Mask wearing
However, what needs to be factored into all this is that COVID-19 represents almost no danger whatever for anyone under 55, and that part of living in a free society is determining the level of risk you are willing to accept.
I personally think that people who feel safer wearing masks should certainly do so, but that the rest of us should be allowed to take our chances.
We KNOW what the “typical” person looks like who will die from this. They are suffering from multiple chronic illnesses, and their “insides” are already compromised in many ways.
And as I think about it, we ALSO need to factor into the death rates all the people in effect murdered by putting them on ventilators.
Remember ventilators? They were the reason for “flatten the curve”, and “flatten the curve” was the reason our governments told us we no longer had freedom of work and freedom of movement three months ago.
“Flatten the curve” was a period of roughly two weeks of staying home which was going to allow the hospitals to ramp up for a flood of cases, and was designed to prevent them from being overwhelmed, and to get a sufficient supply of ventilators and PPE.
The flood never came, causing a massive financial hardship to most hospitals, who cancelled everything else (which was tragic for many, and likely caused and will continue to cause a lot of deaths and misery. I personally know someone who really, really needs a hip replacement surgery to continue working, but who can’t get it because of the fucking policies in place even now), and the ventilators turned out to weapons of mass unnecessary death.
If you are not mad yet, why the fuck are you reading this blog? It’s not written for fucking idiots.
Further thought on COVID
The overall death rate from COVID appears to be about .4% among all infected.
This means that for an average person under the age of 55, their chance of dying from an exposure to COVID is, ON THE HIGH SIDE, .07x.66x.004
7% of the deaths are under the age of 55, hence the .07. 1 would be 100%
.66 seems to be the percentage of the population which CAN get it. Again, 1 would be 100%
And .004 of course seems to be the overall death rate, but if 1 is 100%, then .4, as in a bit less than one half of one percent, is I believe .004.
Math is not my particular thing, but I was competent at the basics at one time, and believe my numbers hold.
Multiplying this out, I get .0000085. If I round it up to .000009, then that works out to–I am going to work this out typing. If 1 equals 100%, then .1 equals 10%, .01 1%, .001 one in a thousand, .001 ten thousand, .0001 100,000, .00001 1 million, and .000001 10 million. A 9 in ten million risk. Rounded up, let’s just call it an even one in a million.
For comparison, in the most dangerous State for driving, Montana, your risk annually of dying in a car accident on an annual basis is 1 in 4,433. The safest “State” is Washington D.C. (where public transit is common), where the risk is 1 in 32,333.
Thus driving in the safest “State” in the country is very roughly 100 (32,333 times ten is 320,333, and times 100 3.2 million) times more dangerous than COVID-19, for anyone under 55.
And I say on the high side, because being EXPOSED does not mean getting infected. These would be the risks of dying if someone under 55 were INJECTED with it. 1 in 3 would still not get sick, and only 7% of .4% would die.
Finally, if you are HEALTHY the risk also goes down. All the young people I’ve seen reports on who have died of COVID-19 had risk factors like obesity, diabetes and the like. If you exercise, get plenty of sun, take Vitamin D and C supplements and have a healthy weight and blood profile, you could likely reduce this number by another factor of 10.
So this disease represents virtually ZERO risk to anyone under 55. There exists no valid reason not to open things up 100% to all such people.
And all those young people need to really, really start asking what the fuck just happened, and for some inexplicable reason continues to happen.
The first liberation
We all participate in the continuation and daily recreation of this world. We can’t help it. You can’t do otherwise, until you have at least one foot in something different, which is the essence of the spiritual task.
The first step of the spiritual path is realizing you are insane, that everything, or nearly everything, you were taught as true is at best only partly true, and that nearly everyone is speaking about things they don’t really understand. As one obvious example, when I hear someone talk about compassion, I assume that some part of them is cruel and mean. This is not always true, of course. Good people do walk among us. But I would say it is nearly ALWAY true when the speaker is a political leader of some sort.
So the first liberation is realizing you are surrounded by complacent lunatics, who are overlooking nearly everything that would make logical sense, given our situation on Earth. Nearly everything most people value is worthless.
The second liberation is finding a way to become getting a little bit less insane every day. I think this process continues indefinitely, although there is a period where life eventually starts to feel good.
Black folks
As is always true of the demons behind this political horror film, the truth of the situation is the precise opposite of the picture being painted. This is WHY it can’t be discussed. This is why anyone who tries to discuss it–white or black–is bullied and marginalized and threatened.
Untitled Post
Here is the thing: most of the people talking about racism, and using it as a cudgel, are white. They don’t care about blacks and by and large they don’t UNDERSTAND blacks. They don’t need to. Nothing they do is intended to do anything but create tools for them to punish and marginalize everyone who opposes their Communist agenda, which in the end will hurt blacks at least as much as anyone else, and which is currently–in the forms of riots that destroy their neighborhoods, policies which prevent the solutions to real problems like poor schools, and very, very importantly in terms of the labor lockouts they support so enthusiastically–hurting blacks disproportionately. Much more of that sort of “compassion” and it will slide into overt genocide.
He said back in 1969 that the Communists want a race war, and don’t care how they get it. It seems obvious to me at least that this is what they are trying at this very moment to generate.
Ponder people who use such means, to achieve ends which are themselves based on lies.
Around here, many restaurants are allowing even their workers to ignore the mask rule, and even though they are common in supermarkets, more and more people are ignoring this ridiculous protocol.
But do this: wherever you live, figure out how people die annually, divide it by 12, and then compare it to the COVID numbers. If you are still scared, you are an idiot.
Take Texas. 183,000 people died there in 2014. That’s 15,250 a month.
2,182 people have died thus from COVID-19. Texas has about 29 million residents, so that works out to about 1 person in 13,000. Nationally, about 1 in 113 people, I think it is, will die in any given year. Do you think 2,182 deaths over three months would even be visible on an annual graph showing deaths from all causes? I don’t.
And even the 2,182 number is likely misleading. EVEN IF everyone in that number died OF COVID-19, and not WITH COVID-19–which is clearly not a safe thing to assume, given how politicized all this has become (ponder that, you government trusters: public health numbers, being used to sway voters)–the global pattern is clear: by and large it kills the elderly and already sick. It seems about half the people who die from COVID-19 were going to die of something else soon anyway, so those numbers really shouldn’t be counted, since this disease is not taking too many years off of those lives. It would be people under 60 or so dying that matter the most, and particularly young people dying, which they are not at all.
Here is the CDC Table, which we can VERY safely assume has been massaged. Of the listed 103,339 deaths, 95,733 of them were over the age of 55, which is a few years past the age you can qualify for AARP. That works out to not quite 93% of the death.
So of the 2,182 dead in Texas, if statistics hold there, 2,030 were over the age of 55.
But there remain government bureaucrats telling people they can’t work, and can’t stand next to each other, or go out in public without a facial covering that does nothing.
Unbelievable. The whole thing boggles my mind. It’s not even the fact that the government did this to us–which is bad enough–but that ANY Americans are so stupid that they can’t understand they are being played for fools.
But many of us ARE fools, no?