My intuition tells me it is time for me to focus on calming myself, on managing fear, on finishing a long process of dealing with fear.
The broad facts are in the public domain. The Left has taken off its mask, and we can see the fangs in the street. If you can’t see it now, you won’t see it ever. No words I can say at this point will make much difference, if indeed they ever did.
But I remember the 2012 election. I felt strongly Mitt Romney would win. Then some awful dark mist floated in from the ocean–it took the visible form of a hurricane, but it was much worse than that–and Obama won, despite being horribly unpopular. Looking back at the things James O’Keefe uncovered, fraud has to be considered as one of the key elements.
My point though is that the most important fight is spiritual. That is where the true struggle is.
As long as people are living in fear–and everyone across the spectrum is feeling exaggerated fear now–then the math works most for those who live in and deal in fear.
It doesn’t matter that some of this fear is rational, and most of it is not. Trump is not a horrible person. He’s a genuinely decent person, and we are lucky to have him. But that is not what people are being told to see, and far too few people are realizing that what they are being told to see is not what is actually THERE to see.
Hordes of people were tricked into the delusion almost instantaneously that the simple, obvious solution to police violence is no police. That this is horrifically stupid doesn’t matter. That this will hurt persons of color the MOST and the fastest doesn’t matter. Nothing matters any more for many but the Narrative, and the Narrative is whatever emotionally unhinged people with clinical Personality Disorders tell them it is, and it varies day by day. The goal is daily fear and daily anger. The Narrative is whatever, in their judgement, will push in those directions, and away from careful, moderate, thoughtful consideration of real problems. No thinking allowed. No problem solving allowed. No perduring principle based behavior allowed.
In the face of such madness, my best recourse, I feel, is to cultivate my own sanity. I’m not immune to any of this. I am angry and afraid, but for reasons I quite obviously can and do articulate at length regularly, here and elsewhere.
I need to go into the dark, where the demons live, and confront them there, harry them there, make their efforts difficult there.
That is my intention. I may not post for a while. I am going to try not to, although I am a profoundly compulsive person, which is to say I am often bounced around by emotions I have not yet figured out how to regulate.
But those who can see, see. Those who cannot, will not. A better argument for those without ears is an exercise in futility.
Trump understands what needs to be done: a good campaign, the prevention of cheating to the extent possible, and at some point mass arrests. The lunatics have names. They have addresses. And they don’t want to be in jail, so the whole network, if ever attacked HONESTLY, will unravel quickly.
And as with Khrushchev, the sins of those who came before can be publicly aired, and their defenders publicly chastised. If we are to survive as a civilized nation with a functioning and trustworthy government and system of laws, this MUST happen.