I honestly think Beshear should be impeached and removed from office for this. He is enforcing arbitrary rules in an arbitrary way, with no legal, logical, or historical backing behind them or his policy. The right to assemble peaceably is in the First Amendment, and there is no historical precedent to quarantine people who are not sick.
And here is the logic many of you won’t, but can’t refute because, unless I’ve missed something, and a rarely do, this logic is irrefuteable: most of us need to get this thing to make it go away. Let me repeat, with greater specificitiy: 60-80% of us MUST GET THIS DISEASE.
There is no other way. Let me repeat: THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
Think about this: there are seven types of coronavirus. 4 of them cause the common cold. The remaining three are MERS, SARS, and SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.
Let me repeat: THERE ARE NO VACCINES FOR ANY OF THEM. Not for SARS, not for MERS and God knows not for the common cold.
Given this, a vaccine is not a viable likelihood over any time domain.
And while it would appear Zithromax, hydroxychloroquine and Zinc act in tandem for many as a cure of sorts, they can only be applied to people who are already sick.
No prevention means the only way out of our houses and back to work is Herd Immunity, which is how ALL OTHER pandemics have ended.
As I say, you all may not like this. Most of your are stuck in the Denial and Bargaining stage of grief, in which you pretend that you don’t have to get it, and in which you pretend you can just hide away at home indefinitely.
You can’t. Let me repeat: you can’t. Everything will start falling apart very soon. Nothing will be left standing economically, and the government cannot feed us and clothe and no honest American who deserves their freedom would want them to anyway.
This thing only kills about 1 person in a thousand, and for every 2 people it kills, one of them was going to be dead in a year or two anyway. So worst case this thing kills 1 person in 2,000 who didn’t already have one foot in the grave.
We have plenty of beds in our hositals. Ventilators kill 4 people out of 5 who use them, and create permanent problems for the fifth. Smart doctors are not using them any more. So that is no longer an issue. PPE is out and about, and again, even the frontline health care providers need to get this thing too.
It is the only way.
If someone wants to attempt to refute me, have at it. I’m not wrong. I’m just seemingly one of the only people I know who is not in a tailspin of terror induced panic.