
Worth the watch in my view

They deal with Marina Abramovic (sp?) about two thirds of the way through.  If you do watch it, or forward to that section, where they talk about charming quirks of hers like throwing dinner parties where the food is painted and sculpted to look like dead human bodies, please do so while considering Microsoft’s decision to use her to peddle a virtual reality platform.

Why would some small segment of our populace not want to do virtual Satanic rites?  Or perhaps even participate remotely in actual ones?  The internet is a big place, and the dark web enables things like that.

I’m having serious questions at the moment about Bill Gates moral sanity.  Who is he, really?  


Maybe we need infection centers

Somewhere you can go to get a scratch of this thing, then back the next day for a shot of zinc and vitamin C. It would be quite useful for accurate clinical data.

We could go in waves. 


Comment on a Kentucky website

The asshole governor really did use his State Troopers to take down license plates of people who attended church, and intends to more or less put all the people associated with them on house arrest. Unbelievable, in the United States. It’s time for the lawyers to start waking up and suing the shit out of everyone.

I honestly think Beshear should be impeached and removed from office for this. He is enforcing arbitrary rules in an arbitrary way, with no legal, logical, or historical backing behind them or his policy. The right to assemble peaceably is in the First Amendment, and there is no historical precedent to quarantine people who are not sick.

And here is the logic many of you won’t, but can’t refute because, unless I’ve missed something, and a rarely do, this logic is irrefuteable: most of us need to get this thing to make it go away. Let me repeat, with greater specificitiy: 60-80% of us MUST GET THIS DISEASE.

There is no other way. Let me repeat: THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

Think about this: there are seven types of coronavirus. 4 of them cause the common cold. The remaining three are MERS, SARS, and SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.


Let me repeat: THERE ARE NO VACCINES FOR ANY OF THEM. Not for SARS, not for MERS and God knows not for the common cold.

Given this, a vaccine is not a viable likelihood over any time domain.

And while it would appear Zithromax, hydroxychloroquine and Zinc act in tandem for many as a cure of sorts, they can only be applied to people who are already sick.

No prevention means the only way out of our houses and back to work is Herd Immunity, which is how ALL OTHER pandemics have ended.

As I say, you all may not like this. Most of your are stuck in the Denial and Bargaining stage of grief, in which you pretend that you don’t have to get it, and in which you pretend you can just hide away at home indefinitely.

You can’t. Let me repeat: you can’t. Everything will start falling apart very soon. Nothing will be left standing economically, and the government cannot feed us and clothe and no honest American who deserves their freedom would want them to anyway.

This thing only kills about 1 person in a thousand, and for every 2 people it kills, one of them was going to be dead in a year or two anyway. So worst case this thing kills 1 person in 2,000 who didn’t already have one foot in the grave.

We have plenty of beds in our hositals. Ventilators kill 4 people out of 5 who use them, and create permanent problems for the fifth. Smart doctors are not using them any more. So that is no longer an issue. PPE is out and about, and again, even the frontline health care providers need to get this thing too.

It is the only way.

If someone wants to attempt to refute me, have at it. I’m not wrong. I’m just seemingly one of the only people I know who is not in a tailspin of terror induced panic.


Thought experiment

One of the underlying assumptions, I think, for much of the “we have to rebuild history” movement–you know, the people edging their way to calls to tear down the Washington and Jefferson Monuments–is that if they had lived then, they would have thought, then, as they think now.

This seems ludicrous to me.  Certainly, no final answer is possible without doing the experiment.  But I would suggest this: being radically anti-slavery in the Antebellum period was an unpopular position, by and large even up North, and nearly unheard of down South.  Holding contrarian, unpopular views takes courage, and it takes the capacity for independent thought which courage provides.

What evidence could anyone offer me that the current crop of Leftists–the tearers-down–possess the slightest shred of moral or even physical courage?  There are controversial ideas now–such as that this notion of government mandated social isolation is necessary and leading to a better outcome than business as usual for all but the sick and elderly–which NONE of these people are capable of thinking, much less holding, much less articulating and defending in public.

If they can’t think out of the box now, if they ask how high every time the government tells them to jump, why would they have been any different 150 years ago?  Answer: they would not have.  Cowards exist in every age, and it is not uncommon for many of them to think themselves brave.  I call such people squirrel tamers, after the Monty Python skit. [actually, I rewatched it, and it is ant-eater.  I still like squirrel better]

As I think I commented here, many of these tearers-down are the precise people calling the government to report cases of insufficient obedience to the dictates of this ludicrous pushing-apart.

“Yes, hello Government?  I would like to report a father playing catch with his kids in his back yard.  Yes, they are outside, and seem to be smiling and laughing.  Can you send someone right away?  It is causing me terrible anxiety.  Thank you.”

This is an interesting time.  So many good and so many bad things may happen.


Point of law

In my view, quarantines really need to be ratified by the relevant legislative body. In the States, the State legislatures need to sign off on it; in the cities, the city council. Nationally, both chambers of Congress. A simple majority would do, but there needs to be oversight and conversation.
This is WAY, WAY too much power for any one person to wield in a supposedly free country. Yes, “emergency”, I get it. Do you think this is the first emergency ever? We’ve had many objectively much, much worse ones. The principle remains the same.
We are being played for fools and sheep. I really think the plan is to push this and push it, then get it close enough to November that the Dem’s can possibly, maybe, load their guy in a cart and carry him over the line with mail in cheating.
All this, with no regard at ALL to the catastrophic cost to many, many Americans, many of them formerly loyal Democrats, and some of them still asleep.


I wonder how many of you have stopped to consider that at this moment, in most of America, it is considered a rebellious, possibly illegal, and–dare I say it–SUBVERSIVE act to have a MEETING?
In my State our little thug is banning Easter services.
If this whole thing does not spark an enormous and vital discussion on civil liberties and how and in what ways governments can and should be prevented from just ordering us to do things we don’t want to do, then our freedoms are doomed.
As Franklin, I think, said, roughly, those who would sacrifice essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor security.
Given all the people calling hot lines to report violators of the social isolation guidelines, and given how robust the hysteria and panic appear to be EVEN NOW, after all the predictions have been wrong, it would seem our experiment is on its last legs. I hope I am wrong.

Spy novel level conspiracy theory

Imagine the missing woman–I won’t try and remember her name–is actually a NWO agent, and that she was moved to a safe location by agents of the NWO after infecting her colleagues, and that the CCP itself is either in on it, or thinks she is dead because that is what they were told.

Bill Gates is helping nothing both by–reading headlines–calling for a national lockdown when things are nearly at a standstill already, both disease and work-wise; and by calling that no mass gatherings should be allowed until we have a vaccine.

Again, there is a tried and true, reliable, works every time remedy: Herd Immunity.  It is something we can get in the next month or less if we open up the gates.

Here’s a good link on that, if I haven’t posted it:

His argument is more or less the one I’ve been making.  Let the young and healthy (diabetes, being really fat and some other things even in the young present issues) go back to work, then let everyone else out a month later.  If they wind up in the hospital, we can deal with it.

But that globalists are USING this is to my mind beyond argument.  The only real discussion–which is really an impossible discussion, since we lack sufficient data and likely always will–is whether or not this thing was planned.

But we need to grow the balls to ignore people like Gates, and Ezekiel Emmanuel, and accept that we will nearly all get this, and then move through it.


Simple observation

If we slow the spread of the virus to a virtual standstill, with empty medical centers, we are getting the WORST of all worlds.  It is textbook stupidity.


OF COURSE the plural of anecdote is evidence.  An anecdote is a story, something that happened to someone.  A lab report is a carefully annotated and documented anecdote.  If enough people see the same things and say the same things–tell the same stories–we call it evidence.

If 5,000 doctors report a particular finding, then that categorically is evidence.

But here is the relevant point, at this moment in global time: the plural of “expert opinion” categorically IS NOT evidence.  Why?  A guess about the future is not evidence and can never be evidence.  Only things which HAPPEN, which are seen and described, can EVER be evidence.  This is the case no matter how many “experts” are singing in the chorus.

This is the same scientific problem with global warming, as I’ve pointed out over and over: hypotheses are being treated as facts, as evidence.

I keep getting told what is “going to happen”.  I’ve been called a “dangerous person”–those exact words–three or four times on the internet in the past week.

But this fact is basic, vital, and irrefutable: a hypothesis–a model, to be perfectly clear–is not evidence, and if the hypothesis is not falsifiable–if nothing can happen which would cause the person proposing it to say “I was wrong”–then it is not even an hypothesis: it is a raw conjecture, which is literally a synonym for an unscientific guess.

By and large, in this COVID-19 crisis, it is my view that conjectures are being treated as established facts, and used to upend hundreds of millions of lives, largely to no purpose.  A few lives will no doubt be saved, but a larger number will be lost in the economic flood to come.  We learned recently that ventilators seem to do more harm than good, so their potential shortage can no longer be used to keep the world locked up.

This whole thing is ridiculous and getting worse by the day.  Two weeks ago everybody was scared.  Now, the scary scenario, the scary model, the scary HYPOTHESIS, has been falsifed.  Our ER’s and ICU’s are not filled, and we now know that treatment in the hallway or even in a tent somewhere will be nearly as good as in any other scenario.  It’s the drugs and the drips.  Those we are not, as far as I know, short of.

And I would hazard a guess that at this moment suicide and overdose deaths are at 2-3x their normal rates in all countries where those are a problem, and certainly in America.


Another obvious point

What happens when you lay a campaign of social distancing on a reality of social isolation and loneliness?

To speak heartlessly and to the point, what happens to the immune systems of the already lonely?

As I’ve said elsewhere–I can’t remember if I’ve noted this here–if suicide rates had DOUBLED nobody would be reporting it.  Sociology was in some senses invented by Durkheim’s seminal treatment of the topic, and a robust finding was that knowing other people are killing themselves leads to more suicides.

But what happens to the people who were on the edge when this STARTED?

Is it not a reasonable question: what is the fucking PLAN to end this?  Vaccination?  Go fuck yourself.

And if not vaccination, then it is a cure or Herd Immunity.  The latter is the only thing we can RELY on.  I say get it on, among the young at least.

And our “leaders” need to be telling us SOMETHING about what to expect.  Leader that he is, Trump wanted this to end in a week.  He may renew that call as the massive nation wide policy failure continues over the next 7 days.  He is surrounded, it seems to me, by idiots.