
Obvious questions

Why do most of the richest people in the world support the Democrats, almost exclusively?

Why do most of the largest corporations in the world do likewise?

Is it because they are just generous and good natured by heart?

Sure, kid, sure.

So why would Democrats take care of small business?  That’s not where their bread is buttered anymore.  Main street is not their brand or style.  They don’t need them, and a good many of them voted for Trump anyway.

So who DO Democrats stand for?  The rich, large corporations, and anyone who wants to work at cut rate wages.

Remind you of any stereotypes?



I just watched this video:

It is the first I have seen to name names and provide some sort of REASON for 9/11.  But it’s impossible to know how much, if any, of what is said is true.

So I wanted to make a brief comment on disinformation.  This entire video could literally have been created by the CIA itself, and be 100% accurate, and IT WOULD NOT MATTER.

Our media won’t touch stories like this.  Because the CIA or whoever controls the CIA, controls the media?  That’s certainly a good guess.

But it is my understanding an old intelligence trick is to hide the truth in the open, then give it some competition, then throw a few lies or some stupidity or some craziness in the mix, and everyone gets so confused and frustrated they give up on the whole thing.

Then they’ve won.  And I think they win a lot.

In truth, most of our future depends on the honest people remaining in these agencies, to take control and steer things in a better direction.  It is fantastic Trump is our President, and it is possible things may improve.

It’s hard to be sanguine, but as I say often, there’s a reason they play the game, no matter the odds.  And there are always odd unexpected things that might come flying in out of nowhere.  Hell, maybe literally UFO’s.  Hard to say.


A good question for public intellectuals, if we still have any

What are the proper limits of safety? How safe is too safe? Is there not a point where people just get stupid, weak minded and reflexively obedient even to the stupidest orders?

And have we reached that point?

The Israelis have a national habit, I guess I will call it, of encouraging their kids to play with found objects, which may in some cases literally come from trash heaps.  Can you not see the genius in this?


Not quite what I think but I like the symmetry

Healthy people take weak experience and make it stronger; unhealthy people take strong experience and make it weaker. That’s why they need more and more of it.

The first group finds a quiet life peaceful; the latter, boring.

Ponder this song, relative to my last few posts:


Message from my gut

A mass extinction was planned.  It did not go the way they hoped.  They picked the wrong bug.

I like to think I’m intuitive, but sometimes I’m just wrong.  That certainly may be the case here, but I think that it is worth pointing out, if you study the lives and minds of successful dictators, of successful oppressors, most of them are not anywhere near as smart as they think they are.  Most of them are sociopaths, and like all sociopaths, they are narcissistic.  This means that they are not without intelligence, but that they make stupid mistakes at times because they are arrogant and at times impetuous.

And if you look at, say, the Nazis, or the Bolsheviks, most of them were individually pretty dull people.

Here is the thing: life and its creative energy spring from life, which can only exist in relaxed, playful moments and days.  How COULD anyone who is wound up by fear and hate every day become genuinely interesting, genuinely original? 

Such people get control and power only because they are obsessed with it, since only that soothes the pain they feel each and every day.  The rest of us, of course, are then left to deal with the consequences of their emotional ailments.

I like this line, so I will repeat it: Leftist politics provide a morality for narcissists, a means for sociopaths, and a rationalization for those with Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Joe Biden, by the way, is clearly the second.  He is a sociopath who has never cared what the truth was, but who lately can’t even remember what the truth is.



We are having one of those pleasant spring days where the wind is blowing through in periodic heavy gusts, the sky is overcast and the clouds scurrying along.  The trees are hissing the breeze as it trots through (yeah, I am trying to be vaguely literaryish).  I love days like this.  They always feel pregnant with possibility.

Looking out my window, at the tree outside my window, it occurs to me how hard it has been, all my life, to feel–to ALLOW myself to feel–relaxed happiness.  The alarm bell is always ringing, and even if I forget it in powerful moments here and there, the screech of the damned thing always finds its way through.  The moment ends, and another moment–one not all that different, really, than the moment of disaster that one finds in many sci-fi video games like Half Life–begins, and continues.

Pleasure requires relaxation.  This means people who cannot relax, cannot really find authentic pleasure.  And thinking about this, I realize that the alternative, the worse alternative, is to find STRONG experience, since at least that constitutes a break from the status quo.

I think this is the root of sadism.  It represents an escape from trauma, for a time.

The deeply traumatized have really two continual demands made of them by their nervous system: fear, fight, and feel shame, by the amygdala, and feel nothing, by what I will call the lizard brain.  Feel dead.  Look at your life through a window or perhaps even an open door, but never go out.

And as I think about it, perhaps what the lizard brain SEES when it looks out the window, as I referenced yesterday, is the amygdala.  Why feel, when what you get to feel is painful?

So it is emotionally logical, if one accepts the SYSTEM as a whole–if one accepts that the fight, flight, shame and dissociative responses will never disappear, to create moments where they can at least be held back for a moment, where the person can at least rest, while waking, for a few brief moments.

And if you can make OTHER people feel fear and shame, then that accomplishes that.  If you can make other people feel intense pain, then it pulls you out of your own dissociation, and reconnects you, briefly, with the world.

Here is a simplistic sounding but I think utterly true statement: the future of the world depends on all of us learning how to relax deeply.  There is no more important priority, and nothing more intrinsically and necessarily spiritual than deep, deep relaxation.

And I will reiterate, as I do from time to time–if I were counting, it might be a rererereiteration–that Kum Nye postulates three levels of relaxation, and this makes perfect sense to me.  I’ve experienced the first two a lot, and gotten faint whiffs of the third here and there.

Getting a good massage is the first level.  Sociopaths can easily reach the first level.  Bill Gates no doubt has some means of reaching the first level daily, if he even has an affective pulse and reacts to anything with emotions.

The second is what therapists using, say, neurofeedback, want to allow, but limit, which is that level where all the shit is stored in the dark.  All the painful emotions that you dealt with by allowing them to disappear become visible.  They pop up like balloons held underwater.  This level can last a long time.  This work is inherently spiritual work.  Getting through this level is the main point of Kum Nye.

The third level is, properly, meditation.  It is finding, within a relaxed state, energies and thought forms that are positive, and slowly allowing them to build and grow, through focused attention.  This is not Kum Nye, properly speaking.  Kum Nye is intended just to get you ready for something bigger and higher.  But it is already much more than most Americans will ever see or be exposed to in their lifetimes of worry, consumption, doubt, fear, and eventual death.

In most of those lives they will become alienated from their children–in no small measure due to buying into the American Dream propaganda of nicer houses and bigger better cars–and wind up old and not very wise.

Growing old without growing wise is really a sort of abomination against nature.  Part of the problem is that we are taught to value science, and you don’t learn science as a human growing old.  You grow to learn how life works.  So our priorities start out a big skewed.  But in my experience, particularly for people who live comfortable, unchallenging lives, you can get old without knowing much, without having much useful to say about life to anyone.

Oh, I need to roll.  Few thoughts for a Wednesday morning.  Wotan’s Tag.


Government as autoimmune disorder

It really seems to me that the metastasis of government, the use of government to solve all problems, and really particularly the overuse and abuse of government to solve what I think will come to be seen by all as a largely nonexistent problem–COVID-19–amounts to an autoimmune disorder.  The entity responsible for protecting us is destroying us.

And to be clear, I’m in the camp where CLEARLY some people are dying unpleasant deaths, and clearly some people–like Sturgill Simpson–are suffering highly unpleasant infectious illnesses.  This is not to be doubted.

What can and should be doubted is the wisdom of locking people up for six weeks and counting, where their stress responses are slowly climbing through the roof, where their businesses are failing and savings–if they even had any, which most Americans did not–are disappearing.

And while all this is going on, the illness is seemingly petering out.  Poke your head out the door.  The sun may well be shining and the birds singing, and two weeks from now you may be healthier than you are today.

Kids seem completely safe, and healthy adults under the age of about 65 seem to be largely safe.  Pretty much no one is dying who was not unhealthy.  This means at least two thirds of Americans could and in my view should go back to work tomorrow. 

The number seems to be about 1 in 20,000 people die from this thing in an afflicted population.  That’s a number we live with every day.

About 2.8 million people die in this country each year.  Our population is about 330 million.  2.8 million goes into 330 million 117 times.  That means about one in 117 people in this country die every year.

We have reached the point where I think even fearful people need to start to understand the main disease from which we are suffering is the government response.  It is chosen and planned, needless and harmful intervention, for which our leaders should be blamed.  To some extent, even Trump should share a tad bit of blame, but I have no doubt at all that if Obama had been President he not only would have done what Fauci and Birx said, but never would have had the audacity to question it, as Trump has. 

As I continue to say, Trump has outstanding instincts, and I think he has been a great President, and absent successful mass fraud, see no reason at all he can’t beat an imbecilic, senile creep like Joe Biden.  We are very lucky to have him.

Fauci is a de facto enemy of the people.


More? I think so

If you invariably only see what you fear when you look out your window, you are looking in a mirror.

Words of wisdom that floated by my mental window just now

If you ain’t lyin’, you ain’t getting caught.

Waking up

I keep having dreams about the two career paths I was considering when I was young: cop and academic.  I considered both seriously.

I see now that both would have allowed me to keep my shell.  Both would have rewarded me hiding behind an unemotional, inauthentic facade.  Both would have more or less demanded I hide all my emotional wounds permanently.

Some part of my unconscious seems to think I am still 20.  I have lost so much of my life to dissociation.  I just wasn’t there.  I participated, and looked like I was there, but some part of me was absent.

All I have been able to think clearly all my life is “I need to get well”.  I didn’t know what the problem was, but I knew there was a problem.  It took me many years to even be able to think about it accurately.  This is the problem with dissociation.  You could have a figurative broken arm or broken back, but you can’t feel it clearly.  Everything is numb.

And related, I think, is that I will sometimes find myself reliving video games I’ve played.  I’ve asked this before, but will ask again: what is the quality of a life spent playing video games?  What is the value of the lives spent in front of the TV?  Whose memories come to you when you die?

It sometimes seems to me–and I will suggest this as a possible accurate general hypothesis–that our whole world consists in means designed to desensitize us, and that desensitizing basically amounts to induced dissociation.  Dissociation, in turn, leads to depression, alienation, and all the signs our society is failing to accomplish the basic objectives of finding places for people, purposes for them, and emotional support for them.  Families are failing. 

Even many parents who do their best are competing with various dissociative events and competing counter-narratives.  Violence in media jades their kids prematurely and disconnects them emotionally, and there are always kids on the internet who seem to have more freedom, more stuff, more fun, and just more, more, more. 

I continue to believe it is a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE idea to allow kids to have their own TV’s and video games in their rooms.  I’m personally in the “no electronics before 12” camp.  Age appropriate movies, yes, but mostly books.  Lots of books.  That’s what my own kids did, and it’s worked out well.

And if you want your kids to read, then read yourself.  It’s no use telling any kid what to do, if you don’t do it yourself.  If you’re telling your kid not to smoke with a cigarette in your hand, they will be stealing smokes soon enough.

But returning to myself, it seems to be the case that our brains contain many places to project narratives and stories.  None of them, ultimately, are real.  The task is to get behind all that, to find the Wizard running the show.  This is all real spirituality is.  I think.