

2020 should be remembered, in any honest history, as the year the governments of the world attacked their  citizens.

The disease was nothing.  Left alone, it would have done its mischief, killed a few more people than flu normally does, have killed no one in humid nations like Vietnam and the Congo, and been forgotten like a bad winter or every other bad flu season.

What is remarkable is how our governments attacked and CONTINUE to attack us.  As a very good meme put it, “two weeks to slow the spread devolved into your bank account is closed and you are under arrest.”  Only the most paranoid among us anticipated that.  As I said over and over, I did not understand then and do not really understand now how the citizens of the world could be so fucking supine and STUPID.  None of this was REALLY that complicated.  You simply had to make a smart choice between common sense and blatant propaganda.  It was more a choice between courage and cowardice.

And this inflation is CLEARLY, obviously, the outcome of policies chosen to curry sufficient political favor to initiate and continue the idiotic and absolutely destructive and pointless lockdowns.

The mental health of our children has been permanently, in many cases, been compromised.

And for what?  To create a global superstate that can prevent a global warming that doesn’t exist?  To stop an overpopulation crisis that doesn’t exist?  To pursue sustainable growth that could easily be sold to a populace opened to it by the same propaganda means used to sell lunacy?  Even if you think humanity is on a collision course with extinction, none of this makes sense.

This is the problem with schemes hatched in the dark: no one with wisdom and decency sees them, and is thus not able to point out the obvious problems.  This is also why vain idiots do not like having their schemes  questioned.  And criminals, of course, also prefer the dark, for obvious reasons.

And it occurred to me to comment that inflation will hit our elderly and poor the worst and first.  This is the normal outcome for all Left wing ideas pushed by frothy mouthed lunatics designed to help people.  They would be more open if they simply declared themselves as the means by which the weak and vulnerable were cured of discomfort by being cured of life itself.