Month: October 2019
Bon mot?
Supplementary thought
This would explain why it is so hard to change pedophiles, since what they are actually addicted to is particular form of power.
Here is a proposition and and conclusion:
Power elevates testosterone, presumably in both men and women, although likely much more in men. Testosterone, in turn, helps counter feelings of shame.
Conclusion: those who seek power over others do so because it is a sort of drug which muted their chronic feelings of shame. Power is, as they say, a drug, and as a drug, like all drugs, it numbs unmanageable emotions.
If this is true, shame based societies will tend to be inherently violent. We (I) tend to think of Japan’s China in this way easily, but I would add at least Russia, Britain and Germany. In all, losing face is losing status is losing testosterone is a de facto attack and processed as such by the limbic system.
A clear corollary is that the “natural”, default moral code needs to be empowering, not emasculating. It needs to be possible to conform and still get your needs met in publicly acceptable ways. If you have a public and a private face, then the system is unintelligent which is forcing you into hypocrisy.
And in my view, a hypocrisy which still sees people getting their needs met somehow is better than one in which the saints feel constant biological pressure which is never properly and directly resolved.
But what farmers discuss at breakfast, in small cafes, at church: this to, is culture. This is the invisible culture, as seen from the big cities. The big cities forget and denigrate these people, the little people. But they are who put Trump in office.
In large measure the shock of his victory came not just from intentionally distorted polls, but from a false vision of what “American Culture”. The elites want to conflate it with their regressive, violent visions. They want license to hate those who are different, and the charge of bigotry gives them that. But by and large this charge is a lie, and while it rallies the dancing munchkins around the communal bonfire, it alienated and polarized the very people whose opposition kept them out of power.
I will comment, too, that it seems a reasonably robust empirical sociological finding that most people are happier and more relaxed living with people whose culture, whose thoughts and behavior are consistent and shared. Jews living with Jews. Blacks living with blacks. Polish immigrants living with Polish immigrants.
If you think about it, shame is our main signaling emotion. If we are doing everything right, and are u traumatized, then we feel little shame. We are happy, by default.
But in uncertain waters, where the “right” thing to do is unclear, then low grade shame becomes a constant companion and breeds, I think, a passion for conformity. This is the power of political correctness, in that it proves a template, not really to avoid shame, but to channel it as anger, and as a part of a group. This is a psychic balm whose cost is emotional independence, and a more or less formal renunciation of any chance of ever feeling completely calm or complete as a person.
Monetary Reset
It occurs to me I could call my proposal (read text, then click on picture) a monetary reset. What I do call it is a Blueprint for a Capitalist Revolution. It has more zing, but it does amount to a do-over, a monetary Mulligan.
More than that, though, obviously, it is rectification of wrongs, and a taking of power from an unelected, covert elite, and a redistribution of that power–as found in wealth–to a much larger number of people, a democratization of wealth, if you like, two chickens in every pot, and all workers able to afford the cars they make. The sort of thing Leftists have always claimed they supported, but which they are uniformly much too stupid to actually enact, or even intelligently plan for. The extent of their planning is taking Danny’s favorite bunny rabbit and giving it to Johnny and calling it just, all using intermediaries like secret police so they never get their own, personal, hands dirty. When the bunny rabbits run out, they blame everybody but themselves, even though their own policies more or less directly inhibit in the best cases and indirectly prevent in most cases the manufacture of more bunny rabbits.
With regard to my proposal, I am not hung up on any specific details, and as I’ve said before, would write that piece a bit differently today. I don’t care about the gold aspect. Gold is psychology. That is what people have to understand. If everyone has faith in the system, then no backing is needed. As they point out, faith is what sustains our current fiat currencies, which can be created in unlimited quantities at the click of a computer, if the computer resides in the right place in the “supply” network. It’s unbelievable, if you really grasp this. How could thousands of economists be so fucking stupid? It’s the forest and the trees. They come into the party after the monetary system is in place. Their JOB, as most of them see it, is to manage the problems CREATED by the system. Without that system, they would have no jobs. So like people “researching” global warming, they NEED the system, because otherwise they would have nothing to do; or at least much less. They would be what would amount to philosophers of business.
I am tempted to call my proposal brilliant. It isn’t, though. There are economists out there with much higher IQ’s than me. The needed quality is not genius. What is needed is audacity and courage. All I did–literally all I did–was sketch out accurately the logical foundations of the system, then reason my way to obvious conclusions. That is it.
But that is seemingly more than several generations of economists and political leaders have been able to do, or at least willing to speak about publicly. No doubt the beneficiaries of the system are VERY cognizant of how the system works, and how it could easily be taken from them. They see it every day.
But for most people, these things are mysteries which they don’t even realize exist. Ford was right some 100 years ago that a revolution would happen immediately if most people understood the structure of our financial system.
I continue to hope that good people read my proposal, understand the broad stroke intent–a massive redistribution of wealth and power without violence, in effect returning that wealth and power to their rightful owners–and that some of them exist in places where they can do something about it.
We need to end both central banks and fractional reserve banking. The latter was proposed, in large measure, as the Chicago Plan back in the Great Depression. In that plan, though, as I understand it, the power to create money was still allowed to reside with the government.
No one should have the power to create money. This is inherently abusive. A fixed amount of money needs to be created, once, then that power permanently eliminated. If we are in the end reduced to gold and silver coins–or certificates which are maintained diligently on a one to one ratio with the physical specie (a one ounce note corresponding to an actual one ounce somewhere)–then I am OK with that.
I see visions. I see how we can peacefully and thoroughly remake this world into one which is peaceful, harmonious, happy, thoughtful, and prosperous.
I also see psychopaths and idiots. Everywhere.
All I can do is what I can do. I write here. I work on myself, and eventually some of my plans I can take into operation locally, and then see where it goes from there.
My biggest dreams, such as my financial plan, are beyond my ability to do anything about. I could write a book, but my experience is that people do not listen. My ideas are much too strange for them. The groundwork has to be laid, and I don’t know how to do that.
China and Brazil
And it HIT ME, just now, that the scene when Johnathan Pryce is brought in to be tortured by Michael Palin, where the guard says “don’t hold out too long or it will affect your credit score” is LITERALLY—and by literally I mean literally—what they have built in China.
There, if someone suspects you of something or other, and they arrest you, and they interrogate you, failing to confess a crime—even one you did not commit—could literally be a strike against your social credit score. What may be termed Hyperconfessionalism is a key element in Maoist Bros washing, and there is zero reason to suppose it does not survive even today, particularly behind locked gates and tall walls.
And I will emphasize that, even though formally and dogmatically atheist, Communism as an ideal still had what might be termed a spiritual component. It was going to improve humanity, right wrongs, usher in peace, harmony, happiness and pervasive well being.
But don’t you just KNOW that Chinese women married to powerful men are just as obsessed with beauty and plastic surgery as the women were in Brazil?
50 plus million dead, and the dominant national ideal is compliant plastic people without original thoughts of any sort, trained from birth to work, consume, submit, and die.
How could any intellectual who retains a residual belief in ANYTHING not consider this ludicrous?
I remember the 80’s, any way, with the punk and post punk anger at thoughtless consumerism, the exportation of the suburban cultural ethos to everyone. This ethos is now, as far as I can tell, State dogma.
”Don’t do anything we do anything we don’t like”, the State tells the people, “or you won’t be able to buy tickets to see your favorite pop star.”
Seek freedom. Not just political freedom, but mental and emotional freedom. See the cage you built to protect you so long ago, and open the gate and walk out. I don’t know what will happen, and neither can you, but it WILL change you.
Paradigm Shifts
The point is that it was highly accurate, other than some seemingly small details, which could be, and largely were, swept under the rug.
What if our own notions of quantum and macro physics are like the Ptolemaic model: highly accurate, but missing some fundamental piece?
As I understand String Theory, for example, it only has one type of “particle”, which is a sort of filament, which can manifest in many ways. The math can be made to square with Relativity. Conceptually, it simplifies a lot of things. But it cannot be tested. It remains–and is likely to remain–merely a very aesthetically pleasing possibility.
But it’s not unreasonable to suppose when you take something like Wave/Particle duality–one of the best tested facts in science–that we are missing something important.
For important discoveries to take place, you have to clear ground. You have to have a place holder for “Something big that we missed”.
To me, the obvious examples that most physicists seem to devote little energy to are the Zero Point Field/Quantum Vacuum, and the seemingly related Higg’s Field. We found the Higg’s Boson. The field exists. Now what? I don’t know. My understanding is that work is underway on the next big particle “Lab”, which will no longer quite be an accelerator.
But at all times, in all areas of life–work, romance, driving, creative projects, religion/spirituality, parenting, etc.–you always have to have a place holder for “Something big that I missed.” That enables the process of perception to happen much more smoothly.
In my own case, I alternate, if I may say so (and nobody is stopping me!!!), brilliance, and profound stupidity. My brain works in odd pathways. It leads me places nobody else I know goes, but it also sometimes fails me completely, leaving me blind to obvious facts literally everyone but me sees.
So I have considerable first hand experience of missing big things. I could tell some funny, to many incomprehensible, stories from my childhood. I was severely dissociated. I lived in my own little dream world, and there is no reason not to suppose that is still in many respects true, although I am vastly, vastly better now even than I was ten years ago.
Best Guesses/some rambling
Maybe we are extinguished when we die, or so radically changed that we are no longer recognizably us. I can’t say from personal experience or with certainty this is not the case. Atheism is not an inherently irrational position, merely DOGMATIC atheism. That is irrational, because it makes the simultaneous claims that it is scientific, and that it possesses an absolute and immutable Truth. This bespeaks an emotionally rooted and willful misunderstanding of science, which always makes merely provisional claims, always subject to added evidence and the conclusions to which that evidence leads.
Last night, as I continue to fly in the face of all the anxieties this world throws at me, it was robots. Robots and some deeply complex personal myth I’m still sort of sorting out.
Robots are coming. You can’t stop it. They may be good, bad, or most likely both. The Marines are already deploying remote controlled and also, I think, vaguely intelligent .50 caliber gun platforms. Little guns on wheels, with targeting computers.
The Buddha had sickness, old age, and death. We have robots/AI, also, and perhaps also the philosophical conundrum if you are still you if it proves possible to upload SOMETHING to an electronic world. If is worth it? If death is certain and final, maybe, I guess. It’s not an inherently illogical position.
In the end we are left with our beliefs. I think all of us would get on much better if we all always remembered the provisional nature of our guesses. We do “have” each other. We can see one another, hug one another, shoot one another, eat meals with one another. That much is as close to an established fact as any other that we have. This much we know, to the extent we can know anything.
And if you think about it, there is something solipsistic, or perhaps narcissistic–although I’m not quite sure that is the word–about anyone losing themselves in a computerized universe, in video games, artificial reality, recorded music, recorded drama (movies being to live productions what records are to live performances). One could sit in a man or woman cave, work remotely, and be surrounded by what amounts to relics, records, of human activity, which nonetheless FEEL present. But they aren’t. This is an important point.
I am tempted to say there are countless madnesses, which reminds me of the Sufis who counted many types of Idiot. I’ve been told by a number of women that I think too much. The sort of stuff you see here is not something most men or women really want to live in.
And it is true that I, too, am sitting in front of a computer. But I am interacting, I would say, with my Self. I am trying to learn what hidden caves and continents are hidden within me.
Last night, as one example, I dreamed of a hidden cave, with a hidden lake in it. This is, or was, walled off emotion, things hidden. For me, water is nearly always emotion.
The goal is emotional transparency, where you are hiding nothing. I am no longer hiding my fear of robots, which I have dedicated very little waking energy to. But it’s there. It’s definitely there. But you face, embrace, and create a place for fears. I think that is what you do. You can’t make it go away, if it is rational–as this one manifestly is–but perhaps create a place for it, and plant it like a little seedling, and give it sun and water. And it may never get any bigger, precisely because it doesn’t have to. You haven’t forgotten it. I haven’t forgotten it. It does not need to signal to me that there is a possible danger–I am giving it the attention it needs.
Maybe this is the best peace we can get: a thousand small anxieties, all kept within very manageable size, coupled with a sense of wonder at the light in this world, the colors, the odors, the positive feelings, and the awareness that only those who choose to be are truly alone. You can always be your own kind companion, and if you can manage that, you will always be welcome among others too.