
Follow up

All lies would count as counter-hegemonic narratives, would they not? Anything but the present, anything but what is accepted?

The Prince of Lies

I continue to find ways in which Leftist is connected to Satanism.

If you think about it, a lie is in no respect a positive affirmation, when you know you are lying.  You are merely contributing, if we want to use that word, an alternative version of the truth, one which you know to be inaccurate, but also know to be different from the currently accepted, or most obvious, one.

A lie, in other words, is a subversion of the truth.  It is something which serves to obscure the truth.  A lie, in Gramscian terms, might be termed a “counter-hegemonic narrative”, if we understand the dominant “hegemonic narrative” to be everything which a given society has always understood to be true.

And perhaps the most structurally important lie being told nowadays is that there is no truth.  Of course there is truth.  Jim, for example, might reliably be shown to have shot Sally last Tuesday in their apartment after a fight heard by numerous neighbors.  It is always possible to be wrong about the truth, but that something happened is epistemologically a certainty as long as we grant this world exists, which all of these nearly universally atheistic materialists do.

And one can assert that the Notre Dame Cathedral is beautiful and the Centre Georges Pompidou is ugly as well.  By and large, the people who will oppose you are those who oppose everything which was.  And they do this by lying.  They do not lack aesthetic taste, but, rather like the Underground Man, find themselves compelled to embrace everything ugly.

Certain truths are found in silence.  Certain truths emerge from deep waters after long contemplation.  These truths become impossible when people will not stop talking, will not stop lying, will not stop pushing.  This is our current situation.

I am not entirely sure I am thinking clearly here, but perhaps there is something of use to someone.  I have to run.


Reflections on Notre Dame

First, that Marxism–and we are dealing everywhere with Cultural Marxists, irrespective of what name they give themselves–is inherently anti-culture, particularly on the Gramscian account.  What was, must no longer be.  What was, was the power, so the new power must reject what was.

Notre Dame, on this account, is inescapably a symbol of patriarchy, monarchism–indeed, feudalism–theocracy, and more than anything else, white males.

It is, or was, ugly, in other words, by the only criterion allowed left wing radical lunatics. Its burning should be celebrated.

Lost in all this, is that the only beauty is in conformity, and conformity, by any other standard, is mediocrity and ugliness.  As Mark Steyn pointed out on Fox last night, we can look to the Centre Georges Pompidou as the logical expression of anti-culture and anti-beauty, aka a Gramscian ideal. It subverted the dominant paradigm that public buildings should be pleasing, and even inspirational.

The second point I wanted to make is tangential.  I was reading an account of atheism a month or two ago, and they pointed out that atheism was important for radicals in France and Russia particularly, since the Church and the Monarchy were so closely connected.  This was not as true in England, and obviously not America, since the absolute power of the Pope, in the case of France, and I guess the Tsar for the Russian Orthodox Church, had already been subverted.

This led to me wondering if culturally there is a connection between Catholicism and Fascism and other authoritarianisms.  Has this played a role in the many strong men and dictators of Latin America, for example?  Symbolically, political power can be seen as a secular analogue of spiritual/religious power.  There is, in other words, nothing wrong with it, as long as we accept the model of the Pope as an absolute ruler not accountable to the flock.

Then it occurred to me to wonder if it is significant that Hitler first rose to power in Munich, in a Catholic stronghold.

Just thinking out loud, there.


I see idiots

I think I have found a solution to my nightly torture.  As usual, it has required ignoring received wisdom, ignoring the experts, trusting my intuition, and saying “fuck all these people”.  This should not be necessary as often as it manifestly is.  I wish I were an idiot whisperer, that I could get people to listen to me, but most often I antagonize people.  The smarter people are, they think, the less they want to hear how stupid they are being.

I want to make sure.  I will post more in a week or so.

289, I remembered, and I had a large pizza (anchovies, Canadian bacon and olives) but no booze.  Taxes, which I always postpone to the last minutes because I ALWAYS owe (why should I loan my money to this fucking government?), and which stress me out.  If average Americans had to pay the way I do, with full knowledge of how much money I could have kept, and would have kept if we had not been trained like beasts of burden to accept the theft of a third of our income, then I think we would have a much larger tax revolt than we already have.

Let’s say you make $50,000.  $7,500 of that is taken for Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid (you only see 7.5% because your employer pays the other half, but that is money which competition for employees would otherwise cause to go to you, since it is a fixed expense either way), and you have NO RIGHT to that money.  You pay this year after year after year, and when you hit 65, if you die, your wife gets none of it.  Your children get none of it.  Because in reality, all you did was fund current expenditures.  There is no “lock box”, like Al Gore talked about 19 years ago.  You paid out of your sweat for 30-40 years, and none of it is yours.  This by actual court decision.

Then of course you have local and State and regular Federal income taxes on top of that.  If you are a business owner, you might add to this half a dozen more taxes, particularly if you do work regionally.  And of course you pay Sales tax on everything.  You pay property taxes on your home, which continue even after you own it, in most jurisdictions.  It’s crazy.

Most of us are well trained monkeys, incapable of understanding the abusiveness of what is happening around us.


Global Warming

There are at least tens of thousands of people who have dedicated their lives and their life energy to understanding and “combating” global warming.  Other than those few who have done something interesting, like figure out how to store solar energy in batteries (very interesting), all of them have wasted their lives.  Global warming, aka human induced climate change, is a giant snipe hunt.  It is the dishonest in pursuit of the abusive, and perhaps even the diabolical.  None of us know how far the lunatic globalists are capable of going if we are ever foolish enough to give them the power they want, but I don’t think most of Lenin’s early followers anticipated induced famines killing millions, and rooms dedicated to political murder and torture.

But wasting your life: that is a hard pill to swallow.  This, alone, would be sufficient to account for the persistence of this error.



290, I remembered, and no booze.  Trifecta, other than that there was no weight loss.

My plan, which I have not mentioned, is simple, and has been run off the rails multiple times by my felt need to get shit faced so I could sleep.  2,300 calories or thereabouts, 150 grams of protein or thereabouts, 30 grams of fiber or thereabouts, all in reasonably healthy food, which in my world means reasonably lean meat, some fish every day, some good fat every day, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains and legumes.

I’ve had some work commitments which have made working out more difficult–I am climbing a 12′ ladder all day recently, which of course does constitute a workout in itself–but I’m going to get back into at least light weights.

I will add that I am a heavy, large man, but I carry my weight reasonably well.  I can do physical labor all day long.  I am very literally built like a typical construction worker my age.  I’m not IT geek fat.  I am Joe Six Pack fat, and for the same reason.

I believe I have discovered an optimal, for me, Neurofeedback protocol.  More on that in coming days, but the past two nights have been pretty good for me.


Anniversary of everything bad

I will remind everyone today that our government has lost, apparently, some 21 TRILLION dollars in the past 20 years or so.

Here is a small tidbit from Forbes:  The report indicates that just 170 transactions accounted for $2.1 trillion in year—end unsupported adjustments.  No information is given about these 170 transactions. 

These numbers are enormous, and beyond scandalous.  Obama’s “Stimulus” was less than these 170 transactions, and it required an act of Congress.

It is not unreasonable to grant some credence to the “kooky: conspiracy theorists who claim there is a parallel government, and even parallel society and military, which has existed for decades.

Seriously, ponder these numbers for a moment.  The entire budget of the United States government is typically 2.5-4 trillion in recent years.

Then pay your taxes.  Those motherfuckers will come after you if you don’t.  Who and what we are funding, though: God knows, but I don’t.

And I will remind you all that, among other things, this is the anniversary of the actual sinking of the Titanic, of the beginning of the Civil War (usually dated to Lincoln’s decision to form an army), and Lincoln’s actual death.



The essential mystical idea is that there is something out there which is also in here.

Hence: tat tvam asi.


Sanctuary Cities

What is cynical is pretending that refusing to deport criminals–and in many cases, refusing to even jail them even for serious crimes like robbery, rape, and murder, lest they be deported–is not injurious to the American people.  That we pay no cost.

Nancy Pelosi is literally willing to allow American citizens to die unnecessarily, from preventable violence, in order to pursue her agenda of importing new Democrat voters who can be depended on in ways the blacks and working class no longer can.  She is willing to make this country an uglier, shittier place, just to maintain her status and sense of self importance.  This is literally true.

What she is NOT willing to do is be PERCEIVED to be doing this, and releasing tens of thousands of God only knows what sorts of people in San Francisco would be an unmitigated disaster.  She knows this, and of course Trump knows this.  We all know this, other than the idiots who shoot their propaganda straight in the morning with their orange juice and tofu eggs and fakin’ bacon.

Why not ask these assholes to put their money, literally–as in a vastly expanded need for social services provided to people who should not even be here–where their mouth is?  My personal view is that if Trump can get this done legally–and I remember illegals being bused around in the Obama era to swing voting districts–then why not?  There is certainly no ethical objection which can be made.  In the contest between what is best for America and what is best for themselves, these politicians have already made their choices, as have the voters who keep putting them back in office every two years (in at least Pelosis’s case).



As I ponder this further, this is an eminently useful word in a pluralistic, market economy.  It amounts to “truth in advertising” within the realm of ideas, in a time when nearly every intellectual on the planet lies continually.  They sell snake oil.  They sell the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge over and over.

Let the best ideas about LIFE win.  This is my basic idea.  Let them all compete openly, with no interference, and let those which work best to make people happy, harmonious and peaceful win out.

What we face at the moment, the grim reality, is that all the misanthropes and emotional dimwits who have occupied our universities and media cannot give up their delusions and illusions.  They take from the idea of philosophy that there must be One Right Idea.  They cannot let this go.  This is the defining aspect of their claims to secular priesthood, and intellectual superiority.  It is the root of their claims to status, which is to say social capital–social capital which exists mainly in their own minds, outside of the naked exercise of political power.

So by and by the sense of the One Idea–and it is a sense, not a thought–morphs into the sense of One Ring To Rule Them All, which is to say, the One Government, the One Party.  It morphs into the Fasces, the many bound by force into one.  It morphs into Fascism, in other words.  It is the only way they can feel relevant.

Thus Antifa–which made sense in Hitler’s Germany, since his Brownshirts actually were beating up people in the street, as opposed to now, when no Trump supporters are beating up anyone else–makes logical sense as an answer to the question: how can we best prevent a rational examination of our own core claims, and own core beliefs, and their emotional underpinnings?  Answer: by a radical demonizing of someone else, some other group, and by ginning up a false sense of urgency in response to a person who is completely innocent of all the charges made against him.

As long as Trump (and his supporters) are evil, in other words, the lives of these people have purpose and meaning and they don’t have to look too long or hard at their own past, or the true structure of their own worldview.

It is a psychopathology, a narcissistic mania, which would be quite impossible if our society demanded of them emotional and intellectual clarity, and pointed out their hypocrisies and manifest inconsistencies.