
The counter “culture”

It seems to me the ” counter culture”, so called, consisted in the main in three shared attributes: drugs, alienation, and anger, often concealed, as today, by vicious pseudocomedy such as that of Stephen Colbert.

To state the obvious, this is not a culture in any meaningful sense of the word.  It is a collective and collectivist fit.

This last point is essential to grasp: the counter culture NEEDS Communism, or something like it, veiled with abusive and disingenuous language, because their whole enterprise rests, and has always rested on lies. Either they envelop the world in their lies, or they must be forced to admit the hard truth: their work, where not directly pernicious, as it on balance has been, has been irrelevant. No new, better world has emerged, at least not one which could not have been created more peacefully within our existing cultural framework.

Martin Luther King Jr. did not need the hippies, and when they started jumping on the Civil Rights bandwagon in the late 60’s and in the 1970’s, they set the cause of true equality back 40 years. We should be much farther by now. The polarizing and abusive rhetoric which got the worthless Obama elected should have been rejected by all as what it was: a calculated play on the sympathies of sentimental and thoughtless people, intended solely to support a bid by the radical Left for political power.


Je suis Alex Jones

Two undeniable–to my mind–contributions of Alex Jones are the terms Globalist and Deep State. He has been railing against the Globalists for years. 

And with the election of Trump, and all the illegal, coordinated chicanery which has been revealed, and continues to be revealed, by high level, Director level Federal employees, he has been validated, amply.
He was about the only one willing to say how bad it is. And it is that bad. He was right.  Hundreds if not thousands of Federal employees-/including a number of prominent politicians like Hillary and Barack–should, if we value the rule of law AT ALL, be arrested and sentenced to long jail terms. We need a redo, a reboot, on much of the system.
Jones has been saying this as loudly as he could, for YEARS. Very few people wanted to believe him. The picture is appalling, and daunting. But it is clear. The offensive against Trump has made that clear.
As one meme I saw yesterday put it, “when you cut out a mans tongue, you don’t prove him a liar, but that you fear what he has to say.”
My hope, of course, is that with this focus on Jones, more and more people will start waking the hell up. It’s much later than you think.

The Excuse

Other than a congenital psychopathic need for power, it seems to me the only reason tech giants coukd rationalize their complicity in eroding our democracy would be a bedrock, absolute faith in Globsl Warming.

I might note in this regard that this blog was CREATED to address this issue. Go back to my first post, in 2008, ten years ago, before ClimateGate, and before the ice caps failed to do their job and disappear, or at least shrink precipitously.

And before I perfected and simplified my argument.

Here is the core, absolutely ineluctable reality: for atmospheric CO2 to act as a climate forcing agent the upper Troposphere has to warm at about three times the rate of the lower atmosphere. This is because the core hypothesis is that CO2 accumulation in the upper Troposphere will create runaway heating there which will then radiate back down, warming the Earth at surface level, melting glaciers, killing reefs, disrupting weather patterns and ocean currents etc.

This warming is easily detectable with satellites, which deliver continuous, reliable, and over the past 30-40 years or so, long term measurements. Patterns are easily seen. Evidence, if present, is damning and incontrovertible.

But it is not present. This region is warming and cooling at the same rate as the atmosphere as a whole. It is clearly not a factor. The hypothesis has been falsified, and should surprise no one, since CO2 only absorbs about ten percent of the radiant spectrum, and has already been blocking most of it for some time. It’s role asa “greenhouse gas” reduces by half for every doubling, and there have been many, many doubling.

That, in this non-debate, models are ALWAYS privileged over observation, should tell any thoughtful person all they need to know, not just about the “science”, so called, but about the people funding and pushing it.

Edit: one of the few rational arguments I hear is that the stratosphere is cooling. This means, logically, that less heat is escaping. However this is easily explained: as the Earth warms, more water vapor is produced. Water vapor is the PRIMARY “greenhouse gas”, and as such, will absorb more heat.

And what would drive heat, other than CO2? That fucking enormous ball of incomprehensible energy we see warm the sky every morning. Not complicated.

Earth has been covered in sheets of ice, and it has had no ice anywhere on it at all. Everything between us thus, logically, possible as natural, unforced, variation.


THe world we live in

It is worth noting that the DIRECTOR of the CIA conducted a disinformation campaign directed at a Presidential campaign. This should not now be a controversial claim. This was not a rogue element in the Agency. It WAS the Agency. The rogues, if there were any, were those who supported the rule of law.

Of course I love this guy

Having grown up in a small town in Nebraska, Straka knew a lot of people who voted for Trump. “I was really on a quest to try and understand why did they vote for this man who was a racist, who was a bigot.” A friend who is a lifelong conservative contacted him, sending a link to a YouTube video titled “Debunking That Trump Mocked the Disabled Reporter.” Straka was skeptical: “I almost still sort of had that liberal rage inside of me, that sort of thought, ‘I can’t wait to watch this and then tell her how stupid she is for being brainwashed by this idiocy.’” The video was a compilation of footage of Trump performing the same flailing hand gestures and rambling voice that he had enacted when imitating a disabled reporter. Brandon was shocked. “It became clear to me that he didn’t mock that man’s disability whatsoever. Yes, the man was disabled, but what he was really doing was making fun of the fact that this person who happened to be disabled was caught in a lie. You know, it blew my mind.” 

As Straka dug deeper into the media’s coverage of Trump, he discovered more inconsistencies that disturbed him. “I even found footage where there were groups of black people who went to Trump’s rallies to support him,” he says, “and when [the media] got there, they actually framed up the shot to cut the black people out so that it appeared there were only white people there. … I started to see that I had been incredibly unkind and judgmental towards all of these people in the country who I thought were horrible people, because the media had made me believe that these people were terrible people, when in fact it wasn’t true.”

When he reached out to liberal friends and family, asking if they were aware of how the mainstream media was manipulating the public’s perception of Trump, he found himself shut out. “People were starting to disengage with me, they were starting to cut me off in real life, they were starting to cut me off on social media. There were all these different things that people were saying about me in order to be able to justify that I had sort of walked away from the camp and walked away from the groupthink.” 

For Straka, the turning point had come. As he sat down to write what he calls his definitive manifesto, it dawned on him that perhaps he could create a video campaign that would inspire others such as himself, former liberals who no longer identified with the left’s ideology, and also conservatives who felt their image had been misconstrued by the media, to tell their own stories their way: “Maybe it’s time for the silent majority to become unsilent.”

I will note his Facebook page had 165,000 members as of the day before yesterday.


Alex Jones

The Left is characterized nearly entirely by small bits of seeming information which sounds good, but which, on close examination, evaporates entirely. They speak of tolerance while praising the use of flash mobs and bullhorns to interrupt people at breakfast. They praise socialism while ignoring the poverty, authoritarianism, and eradication of human dignity which always follow. Etc. If you read this blog, I have, to put it mildly, not been reticent on this issue.

They also reduce complex issues to short statements which can be written on index cards.  Alex Jones, we are told–and this is the seeming universal argument, which I have seen repeatedly in multiple places–is evil because he denies the Sandy Hook shooting happened. What about the children?  What about the grieving parents? Where did the children go? How is such a conspiracy possible?

To this I will oppose one simple question: why do the official FBI reports for December 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut–Sandy Hook was the school–not record any homicides? Myself, I thought well maybe they don’t record statistics for children, although this seemed unlikely. But several teachers were also reported murdered. Adam Lanza, according to the official narrative, first killed his mother.

This is a damning fact, which I attribute to some unnamed individual or individuals within the FBI trying to send a coded message. Perhaps this report has since been amended, but I doubt it. It recorded no homicides the last time I looked it up about three months ago.

Now, you can say this is a glitch, an error, that something went wrong somewhere.  Fine. Do that. But is this REALLY an unreasonable question?

Do you know, personally, any of the parents or did you know any of the children? I don’t and did not. Everything I know came from the media, and everything the media knows is what it was told and which it accepted at face value. For 99.99 and a bunch more 9’s percent of the population, this is also true.

And there are other oddities. Supposedly grieving father Robbie Parker laughing and joking around before manifestly and in front of the camera putting on a grieving face. Seeming prior knowledge of an event going to happen. The immediate destruction of the building. An investigation in which at least one seasoned investigator reported never before seeing so many people who knew nothing. You can do your own digging. Perhaps YouTube has used this pretext to disappear some of the videos. I don’t know.

But what I mostly want to mention is how you engineer a conspiracy of silence.  Imagine you were a crisis actor and you get a crisis of conscience and discuss reporting your role to the media, and two minutes later you get a call from a spoofed number which plays your conversation back to you. The next day a credit rating agency calls to report your credit card has been stolen and used fraudulently.  The next day your boss calls you and tells you an anonymous source called to say you made some porno films you didn’t make, and is wanting to talk. The next day you get another spoofed call with someone crying out in pain. Dean Koontz has many twisted ideas in this regard.

This last, by the way, happened to me. I pick up a call, supposedly from Dayton, Ohio–although of course it could be from anywhere–and someone is just weeping in terrific grief and perhaps physical pain. It lasts fives seconds, then terminates. I call the number back, and whoever picks up says there was no one there who could have made that call. This makes sense. The number was spoofed.

Two days ago, I am doing my morning meditation, and a song I had discussed with someone appears in my playlist–which is quite fixed, and which has never happened before. Now, it was an emotionally important song to me, so I chose to think it was angels speaking to me, but it may have been demons (who by the way have stopped visiting).

Fear would be a not inappropriate response, but here is the thing: if “they” are coming, none of us will be spared. There is no hiding, not for anyone with s shred of brains or integrity. And we can all be broken.

But don’t break in fear. Break on the rack. Go all the way, to use Bukowskis phrase. We are eternal beings. All this has a purpose, in ways we cannot imagine. And there remain, perhaps, honest people in all our agencies of government. There remain people to fight back. They are perhaps even a large majority, and have simply lacked the capacity to truly GET how deep and awful the corruption among them is, how beholden to tyranny, to evil.

The hatred Trump has inspired is itself inspiring. He did not kick over a small beehive. No, it was a massive infestation.

Carry on. Believe good is possible, even when it seems impossible. Believe in the possibility of a good ending, even while swimming in lies, hatred, violence, greed, and profound stupidity.


Seen on the internet

“The Democrats went from complaints about foreigners interfering in our election to registering them to vote.”

The Republican pitch should be simple: if you want open support for political censorship, for street violence, for economic malaise, for open borders: vote Democrat.

If you support free speech-/however much you disagree with it–peaceful dialogue, more economic growth–which benefits the working poor and unemployed the most–andcontrol over who we allow in the country: vote Republican.

If you want a better world for Mexicans who come here illegally, and a worse world for everyone born here, or who came here legally, vote Democrat.

If you think we owe a social debt first to our own poor and our own veterans, then vote Republican.

The differences are clear. The Democrats have retreated from the middle. This case is easy to make, and hard to screw up.

And Jeff Sessions/Elmer Fudd: are you working on an anti-trust lawsuit? Perhaps I need to know more than I do–certainly, actually–but it seems to me a conglomerate that can disappear anyone they want following a lunch meeting at a country club warrants Federal attention.



So I snuck into San Francisco, and out, and was not outed as a cultural Other.  Apparently their screening technology is still in the process of deployment.  I even went to City Lights.  I even bought two books: a comic history of the Beats, and an anthology of their work.

As I have shared once or twice, the Beats, to me, are culturally important because they represent the moment that America became split.  Yes, of course Woody Guthrie sang his songs, of course FDR was surrounded by Communists and Fascists, of course Hemingway and Faulkner and others came back from Europe a bit different, a bit touched.  Bloomsbury had had its day, and the Fabian Society had been founded.  Yes to all this.

But still, the Beats really brought nonconformity into conformity.  They created the template by which you could belong by not belonging.  This was the beginning of the 1960’s.

And most of them were fuckups.  Cassady, according to some of the women who knew him, was a sociopath, Kerouac was an alcoholic who spent long stretches living with his mother and sister, who was in love with Cassady.  Ginsberg and Burroughs were both pedophiles.  Burroughs was one of these highly unattractive rich kids who went wrong.  He was apparently earning his money for a time as a fence and a literal “hold up your hands and give me your money or I shoot” mugger in the subways of New York. This before he shot his wife, and used the rich kid money his father sent to avoid a murder rap.

All this, in pursuit of prose which taught: something very close to nothing, where not positively pernicious.

Ginsbergs mother was clinically insane, but need the best minds of his generation have gone insane?  I don’t think so.  Alduous Huxley, as one example, was doing and writing some genuinely interesting things at roughly the same time, without, as far as I know–this is something I need to move on to, actually–being an obnoxious prick.

I will read Howl again.  I will likely read Kadddish.  But that Ginsburg was a NAMBLA supporter tells me all I really need to know about his ethics, and his mental health.

Here is the thing: I read about somebody like Slim Brundage, and I kind of like the guy.  His College of Complexes sold itself as “The Playground for People who Think”.  He said “there are No Trespassing signs on the minds of men as well as on real estate”.

Me, I like some creative anarchy from time to time.  I still like to get drunk. I believe strongly that we all need some form of “insanity” from time to time to remain sane.

But we need to do a much better job of pivoting from sanity to insanity and back again.  The Beats pivoted to insanity and stayed there.  This is not, and was not helpful.

But what if, as one example, it became routine for everyone to spend one week three times a year in retreat, where they do Ayuahasca or deep meditation?  What if?

People criticize the “Capitalist System” as if it had anything to do with cultural norms.  This is stupid.  Greed is and always has been the dominant motivation of people in large systems everywhere.  Capitalism, so called, merely makes it useful, creative, and generative of new wealth for all.

But our very wealth could be used for things like this.  If we ever fix our monetary system, this would become possible.  And I am not talking Soma and mood organs.  I am talking direct experience of elevated states which show the inherent value and meaning of this human existence.

It was sad, for me, when I picked up some of the magazines at City Lights and read them.  One was Adbusters, as I recall.  In the first 20 pages or so, flipping through I objected to nothing.  They talked about AI being used to manipulate people.  This concerns me too.  They talked about the vacuity of consumer society.  Again, I am right there with you.  I think they even talked about government spying and surveillance programs.  Ditto.  This SHOULD be a bipartisan, let’s put our differences aside for a moment to fix this, sort of issue.  But we remain divided.  Sooner or later, they started talking shit about Trump, the lunacy of his “regime”, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, ad seriously are you this stupidum.

I continue to dream.  I saw a fantastic picture of Belisarius, after he had been blinded, at the Getty, which I will get at some point.  I am going to get a wooden placard which reads COURAGE on it.

On my other wall, in my bedroom also, I will put a wooden sign which reads FAITH.  I have Matisse’s “Thousand and one nights”, the text on which apparently reads, in French, “She saw the morning light begin to pierce the night. She discreetly grew silent.”

Imagine not just the talent, but the faith required to be Sheherezade.  In some ways, this story is awful.  She marries a man who has killed a thousand women.  But she, herself, puts an end to the process.  She stops it.  And she stops it by cleverness and faith.

We cannot know what the dawn will bring, what awaits us each day.  But if we go with it, it is always interesting, is it not?

I fear for the future.  I don’t know how these psychopathic little brats we are raising up now are going to turn into good people.  I don’t know how we avoid the large numbers of extremely organized, well funded, and motivated people who want to subvert our democracy actually doing so.  They have so many tools.  They have intelligence.  They have will.

But it is my job, as I see it, to have the faith of a mustard seed.  It is my job to believe. It is my job to have courage.

So, I turned from commentary to confession.  The wine is taking effect.  I have several stories, several comments spinning around in my little head.  Perhaps tomorrow.  Some things, I need to think carefully if I want to share at all.  I have, perhaps, too many ideas.  I hope I am a good good guy–to the extent my values exceed my vices–but I would also be a horrible bad guy.   There, though, I suspect I would have a dismaying and dizzying amount of company.

Why this is, perhaps we will one day soon know.  This relates to one of the ideas I will most likely choose to share.



Fuck the bourgeoisie

One of the slogans being chanted at Candace Owens–who I might note is black, and perhaps might reasonably be supposed to be opposed to the White Supremacy of which she was farcically accused by a bunch of white people–was “Fuck the Bourgeoisie”. 

This is of course a Communist slogan, but I think it needs to be translated.  What it means is Fuck the Middle Class.

And this is true.  Communism is about creating a fascist state in which a small, connected elite live lives of privilege and luxury, while the masses live lives of forced labor, squalor, and deprivation.

It is the ugliest doctrine ever concocted by the mind of man.  This is my honest belief.  One could at least rationalize a King as the steward of God.  And some kings were actually good kings.  It was rare, but not impossible.  There are no good Communist dictators.

And this evil creed is growing, and spreading, among the very people whose “education” should have made them sufficiently critical and informed to be immune to its silly ideas, history of mass violence and death, and horrible, ugly, hate.