
Someone else rationalizing/explaining my feelings

I just feel like the slate is cleared.  The fog is gone.  All the drama and lead up and creepy music just disappeared, a curtain was opened, and the sun is shining in.

Trump’s hands, in my view, are free, freer than they have been since he took office.  He can with justice tell Mueller to shit or get off the pot.  He’s had his fun.  He’s had his chance.  This is not the Inquisition.  He doesn’t get to turn the rack on anyone who opposes him indefnitely.

And to the point, he has TRIED, nonetheless.  He’s put the screws to everyone he can find a reason to torment, imprison, and grill.

And, to state the BLAZINGLY obvious, the 3 story bonfire surrounded by parading elephants, 21 gun salutes, and several thousand naked chorus girls, NOTHING MUELLER HAS PROSECUTED HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTION.

My own feeling is that both Clinton and Obama were bought by the Chinese.  They funneled them tons of highly classified technology, more or less allowed leaks, and accepted help in many forms from them in their elections.

My own feeling is that the Russia bullshit serves many purposes, but one of them is distraction from the nation we really should be paying attention to.  Not worrying about, I don’t think, but have on our radar.  The Chinese government is not popular.  Their economy is large, but unstable, and based on the continuing immiseration of the rank and file People the People’s Republic was nominally founded to help.

Hell, it may be China that wants us to wage war with Russia.  That would make sense from a number of perspectives.

And it needs to be pointed out, as Alex Jones has been doing, that it is very reasonable to feel that the Chinese government has formed close relationships with many tech firms–as seen, for example, in both Google and Apple making their authoritarian system easier to run, and dissidents easier to arrest, imprison, torture, exile to concentration camps and/or kill, as they see fit.  There is nothing the least bit Liberal, in any use of the word, cozying up to tyrants and their political mafia, even if it is for the profit motive.  It is sickening, actually, and likely something close to, and crossing over into, functional sociopathy.



For no reason, I feel like Trump has turned the corner for the BETTER.  I think all the bullshit is actually empowering him.  I feel like good things are on the way.

I have no reason for believing this, and I won’t try and conjure up a rationalization.  It is only a gut instinct.

I’ve been traveling and have a lot to say.  So much, in fact, that I am going to procrastinate and go do a Kum Nye session.


Spiritual technology

The flip side of the coin, of course, is that white people (I am, by the way, quite aware that the influence of women is everywhere in all ages, even if the names are not always known; I am equally aware that in the modern era at least, women like Marie Curie have often contributed directly.  I say this not to be politically correct, but in recognition that on this issue an accurate use of language is helpful and, to use an abused but still usable word, fair)  SUCK at what we might call Spiritual Technology.  We have Christianity, which is really a Semitic religion which spread throughout the Mediterranean.  We have Freud and Psychology and Psychiatry.  We have shitty philosophy, which, unlike the Ouroboros, has actually eaten itself and disappeared.

One could say are our psychiatric drugs are helpful, but the fact seems to be that most of the maladies we can, sort of, treat, don’t exist at all in other cultures, by and large, and where they do, can be cured using traditional methods.

And again, you cannot medicate people into feeling engaged and useful, happy and connected, when their culture militates against all these things strongly and ubiquitously, or nearly so.

I myself, as I share regularly, feel most strongly connected to Buddhism, although I like some of the Sufi schools of thought, and have read the Tao Te Ching more times than I could count.

As I have speculated, perhaps the role of the Communist invasion of, and subjugation and destruction of large parts of, Tibet might have been, karmically, to push Tibetan ideas out onto a broader stage, where humanity as a whole might benefit from them, if we can avoid being fucking idiots long enough to see what is in front of us, and to learn from it.

Like all other groups of human beings, whites have committed many atrocities.  Unlike most other groups of human beings, we have felt guilt and remorse in many cases.

But what I would submit is our most salient attribute is, in fact, the capacity to believe in the benefits of progress. It is precisely this optimism, this hopefulness, which is harnessed by regressive radicals to advance their anti-humanistic agendas.

But the possibility of GENUINE progress remains as well.  We can learn from other cultures, even as they learn from us by harvesting and using our technology.  We do not need to turn the planet into a McWorld.  Better ideas, better rituals, better living is possible.

We just need to turn our best minds away from destroying everything good, and towards improving what already exists.  Like everything else, it is easier said than done, but most things which do begin, to begin as words and the ideas they express.  This is part of the process too, or can be, if it is to be.


White Supremacy

This phrase gets used a lot.  It is used, self evidently, propagandistically, in order to equate David Duke with anyone who points out that Alexander Fleming was a white man, and that his discovery was made within a cultural context created by white people, and which at that time was somewhat uniquely white.  Which is something white people can take pride in.  If I take pride in my culture, I do not thereby denigrate anyone else’s.

But given how pervasive the discoveries and inventions of white people are, rejecting us is tantamount to rejecting modernity as a whole, which includes political liberalism, the use of technology to cure disease and provide food, and the scientific method itself.

And it is an odd fact, which I think I have pointed to from time to time, that the very people who want to criticize White Supremacy usually do so from the position of embracing OTHER white men, like Karl Marx, or Lenin, or Rousseau, or any of the sundry idiots who did their part to rationalize this imbecility over the past century or so.

Chinese Communism?  It’s based on the ideas of a white man, as implemented by a Chinese man.

It is true many Americans speak and think incoherently.  We cannot expect clear language out of them. 

But we can and should demand clear language from educated people, and using the term White Supremacist to describe anyone who is proud of America’s Liberal, tolerant, and evolutionary heritage is bombastic, wrong, and counterproductive. It breeds anger where none need exist, and this anger makes useful conversation less likely.  Useful conversation, in turn, is how real problems get fixed.

And to be sure, most of the people using this phrase don’t WANT dialogue, since demonizing SOMEONE–roll the dice, pick a card, but it will be white something–is part and parcel of their process.  This process, in turn, is a bastardization of everything good that should be present in a university, an institution of higher as in elevation not the quantity of drugs education.

I continue to believe that for most of the “intellectuals”–or as I like to term them, Thought Aesthetes–the true problem is what they are going to do with their lives.  They want less Them and more Me, but they have to pretend to care about Them in order to create a circle–a fatuous, disingenous circle, to be clear–back to them.

They want to be able to say “I am the sort of person who CARES about X, Y or Z”.  The content does not matter, because they never actually engage with X, Y, or Z.  What they engage with is how they SPEAK and THINK and FEEL about X, Y or Z.

It is solipsistic.  This is why, in 50 years of Leftist CARING about black Americans, something close to zero progress has happened.  The ghettos are still there.  The pessimism and fatalistic hopelessness is growing, seemingly.  No solid, honest leaders have emerged who have been embraced by poor blacks.   Nothing has been done, and by and large, no honest effort has been made to even TRY.  It’s all talk, quite literally.  Talking is the method.   Controlling language is the only outcome they care about.

I myself am half sane, half insane.  The sane part enables me to speak clearly.  The insane part enables me to see clearly how large segments of this mental institution we call Public Space are infested by little green men, magic, and princes on great horses who will always save the day at the last moment.

Really, how should I feel, seeing CLEARLY that most Academics in the Humanities–the people who teach philosophy, history, political science, English, anthropology, etc.–are fucking nuts?

These, by and large, are white people too.  We solve the problems, but we also create them.  That part of white habitual activity I too would be quite willing to reject.


South Africa and the White Man

I was chatting with a South African the other day, and at least until recently, the consensus among whites was “South Africa can’t go the way of Zimbabwe.  Nobody can be that stupid.”

But they seem to be going that way.  And if they go that way, mass hunger will follow, as night follows day.

Mugabe was eventually deposed, but as this guy pointed out, he did twenty years worth of damage.  You can’t reverse the effects of disastrously stupid policy overnight.  There are not just economic effects–such as uncertainty as to the security of property, and following reluctance to invest in or grow anything which makes anything, including food–but cultural effects, such as the belief that “what you make belongs to me”.

Here is the thing: hate us or love us, or treat us as one more tribe of clever humans who suffer from time to time from bad ideas, white people have invented nearly every life advancing technology in existence today.

Modern farming: by and large us.

Vaccines?  Us.

Cars, trains, steam engines, rockets, modern boats, airplanes: us.

The computer, modern physics, the cell phone: by and large us, although Asians have no doubt contributed some manufacturing techniques.

The skyscraper, modern roads, the philosophical protection of free markets, political Liberalism as an ideal: All white people, or so I believe.

The notion of universal, equal human rights: white people.

Here is the thing: when you get rid of white people, you get rid of talent.  You get rid of ingenuity.  You get rid of drive.

Now, on our beginning many new beginnings can be made. The Chinese don’t need us.  The Japanese don’t need us.  The Indians don’t need us.

But South Africa does.  South Africa will suffer from its racism.  I won’t excuse the history there, but the history since Mandela has not exactly reflected well on the natives.  If they want to claim equal abilities they need to demonstrate them.  They haven’t yet, and seemingly have no plans to any time soon.  They are walking into the fire, because it seems like the easiest thing to do.  This is stupidity, and the recent history of Africa SHOULD make this obvious.


David Betray-us

Do you remember the chanted slogans the slobbering fools who run most media enterprises, and who occupy ideationally dark caves as grunting were-children on our college campuses, were unleashing on a world and a person which did not deserve them?  I do.

Do you remember why David Petraeus, arguably the hero of the Iraq War, which we won before we lost it, as in Vietnam, was forced to resign as CIA Director?

From Wikipedia:

On November 9, 2012, he resigned from his position as Director of the CIA, citing his extramarital affair, which was reportedly discovered in the course of an FBI investigation.[20] In January 2015, officials reported the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors had recommended bringing felony charges against Petraeus for allegedly providing classified information to his biographer, Paula Broadwell (with whom he was having an affair), while serving as Director of the CIA.[21] Eventually, Petraeus pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information.

We KNOW, from the outstanding work which Judicial Watch, among others, has done, that Hillary “mishandled”, on the low side, dozens of Classified emails.  She committed vastly more crimes that Petraeus, yet she retains to this very day, to my knowledge, her ability to access Classified information.

And although I have not studied the details, can we not wonder about this “FBI Investigation”?  Who launched it?  Why?  Perhaps there are good answers, but when I did read up on it back then, I saw nothing but a set up, by the Obama FBI run, I believe, by James Comey, who had not then entered my world as the corrupt narcissist he has since demonstrated himself over and over to be.  I am glad his five minutes of fame seem to have faded, and feel safe in assuming few saw any reason to buy, much less read, his self serving, disingenuous book.

[Edit: I looked it up: it was Robert Fucking Mueller who torpedoed Petraeus.]

Bottom Line: If you are not infuriated by all this, you are a fucking imbecile.  You have understood nothing, either about how things do work, or how they should work.

My hope, and it is a long shot, is that Trump is simply biding his time until Mueller finishes his attempt to depose Trump through devious, illegal, and extraordinarily unethical means, and until the mid-Terms, to launch his counter-strike.  Maybe Sessions is a robust and courageous warrior simply masquerading as Barney Fife.  One can hope.

Trump: you said “Because you’d be in jail”.  It was a great line.  When can we expect people to start getting arrested?  You don’t even have to start with Hillary.  I”m sure there are plenty of people who know what time it is who have not yet been given immunity by a corrupt FBI.



The nature of the human psyche is wholeness.  What splits it is the necessity of protecting lies.  And we protect lies to avoid pain.

Perhaps only by accepting, in principle, everything that is, can we loosen up our gatekeepers long enough to hear needed truths, and the reconciliation and reintegration which follow.


The Belly of the Beast

I have decided to go back to school and get a degree in Neuroscience.  This is where the cutting edge work on consciousness, on who we are, is being done.  One day, I will speak that language fluently.

And I will note there are people in that field who are very receptive to the notion that our brains are, in effect, radios, which are playing a portion of the larger frequency which is who we really are.  William James argued this over 100 years ago, arguing for what he called, if memory serves, a Transmissive capacity.

Eben Alexander is one example.

And I will emphasize for the umpteenth time that we don’t really know what “Reality” is.  Our best science seems to say that consciousness exists, but matter does not.  This is not a hippy dippy misrepresentation of the actual science.  This is the science.  This is John von Neumann–who wrote what was and perhaps still is the foundational text on Quantum Physics–concluding that only observation collapses a probability wave.

Your hand is not real without you.  Your brain is not real without a thought.  Anyone who reads about all this cannot but conclude that we are children, who have been playing in the sandbox, but that there is a LOT that we still need to learn; or perhaps more accurately, relearn, and integrate into our particular modality of thought, which we call scientific.

Miracles remain possible.  And these miracles can be pursued soberly, patiently, and successfully, but only when the intention is set, and the path begun.


An interesting use of AI

There are many accounts, and I believe many of them, of spirits speaking through radios, through TV’s, and even through telephone calls.

What if, I am going to wonder out loud, Big Tech–and particularly Google, which employs Ray Kurzweil–spent, say, 10% of its Singularity budget on Electronic Voice Phenomena/Instrumental Transcommunication?

And specifically, what if there a way to make it relatively easy for a spirit trying to communicate to do so through some functional equivalent of the keyboard Stephen Hawking used, as rendered more able by a skillful use of AI as an interpretive algorithm?

To me, the keys to the future lie in meaning formation, and meaning, in turn, is contextual.  If you think the universe operates one way, then you perform logical operations on this understanding in creating your explicit or implied life philosophy, which is embodied in what you do and think and feel every day.  What you believe and who you are are two sides of the same coin.  It is by far the most important question.

And if we can establish scientifically that we are essences, spirits, packets of intelligent information embedded within a field of infinite information, then reasonable people who currently believe the contrary, will in short order change both their belief systems, and the way they live their lives based on those beliefs.

If you believe this is all there is, then the arguments against greed, pleasure and thrill seeking, and a perceptual horizon limited to your own life are not as compelling as they would be if you KNEW that some part of you carried on, consciously.

I’m not one of these people who say that atheists have no basis for their moralities, but I am very certainly one of those people who believes it is HARDER to take a long term view, to justify self sacrifice, to limit the one life you have for the sake of others.  Practically, via socialism, many make of the “Public Good” a religion, and a God of Society, but this in some respects is as related to wishful thinking as the notion that if you pray for something you will get it.

If we are simply evolved animals, and all our deepest impulses merely an expression of instincts which were once adaptive, then our very bodies lie to us continually.  And those of a philosophical bent–which is to say those who value ordered thinking and principled consistency–cannot with confidence posit any absolute principles.  They cannot even value an Earth populated with our species over one devoid of life, or one simply devoid of us–which outcome, indeed, is a wished-for outcome by some misanthropic environmentalists.

And why should they not hate themselves?  Why should they not rue waking up within a terrible dream, one which ends badly, and is filled with confusion, distraction, alienation, and frustration in the beginning and middle?

In all things, I try to go for the jugular.  I go for the core, the essence, the most important part.  The part which, when I understand it, causes all sorts of other consequences to flow freely.  Where is the beginning of the river?  Where does the water come from?  This is always an important question, even if answering it is difficult, and perhaps sometimes impossible.


Deriving Alex Jones

If we might apply the analogies of physics and math to human culture, we might assert that cultural motion, once initiated, tends to remain in motion until acted on by an outside force. Typically that force is some rival claim to power, in some combination with very gradual, nearly impercible evolutions over time, of which might make the example of linguistic evolution stand for all such processes.

Christianity is dead among our elites. The concept of truth, seen philosophically, is dead in many minds and hearts, and only vigorously defended in the sciences, and by those our elites want to call regressive. By conservatives, to be clear, who are conserving the notions of truth and principle based morality.

How could anyone marinated in this post-truth philosophical imbecility NOT want to seize power and suppress dissent?

I personally see no way. If Alex Jones did not exist, we would need to invent. Somebody needs to be saying loudly that we can ASSUME people who believe nothing are capable of anything. This is my own view, and it is revalidated nearly daily.

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, George Soros: their “moralities”, at least in many concrete specifics, are based in lies they tell continually. A “morality” based on lies which endures over time is nothing of the sort. It is something between an excuse and a cover.