
“I think for myself”, he said, because they told him to say it.

When we are dealing with events we did not personally witness, self evidently the “news” has to serve as our eyes and ears.  If they provide video or audio footage of something, we assume it has not been altered, but you can easily edit things to mean something else, if you omit clarifying and contextualizing parts of it.

CNN, MSNBC and others have long histories, not so much of saying things which are patently false, but of cherry picking information to support their agendas.  If something does not fit the message they are trying to communicate, the persuasion and indoctrination they are undertaking (usually in coordination) at that moment, they ignore it.  This is lying by omission, and they do it DAILY.

What is interesting is the psychological trick you can play, in which you tell people “think for yourselves”, all while knowing what they will be repeating that day on the internet and around the coffee pot is exactly what you tell them to repeat.

This 1984 meme amounts to “think for yourself. see with your own eyes”.  People think that, because CNN is saying this, that they mean it, that their viewers can in fact, in their estimation, be depended on to think for themselves.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

What is interesting to me about this–and in large measure I am simply describing human nature as it has existed for a very long time–is the parallel with the Buddhist dictum “if you see the Buddha on the road, kill him.”, which I reference from time to time.

Nobody does this.  Buddhists do not do this.  I have said this often.  They dutifully repeat this injunction as part of their canon, and in so doing kill it.  They kill the life in the idea.  Killing the Buddha is about protecting the AUTHENTIC dharma.  The Buddha did not and does not need to be worshipped.  This is a travesty.  If we tore down every Buddhist temple on the planet but retained the underlying notions, we would perhaps SERVE the cause of Buddhism.  Buddhism is the very opposite of idolatry.  Idols don’t change.  The world does, and change is the essential teaching in this religion based on direct, impartial observation of life as it actually happens.

It is so easy to go wrong.  But I do think having balls helps in all respects.  Fearful people say “reject fear”.  But they don’t.  That, too, is a learned skill, done through long term, purposive activity.

In important respects, that is my own task.  That is what I am trying to figure out: how do you tame fear such that your insanity is reduced, and such that over some time horizon sanity becomes possible?

As far as these media prophets: they have become farce.  It is a bad joke.  As I said yesterday, I hope I have a lot of company in this perception.


A critical mass

You can’t really gauge public opinion by what is on the internet.  The Left is very good both at paying and attracting people who will type shit all day long everywhere.

But I am struck by how instantly and effectively conservatives seem to be addressing all the recent propaganda offensives by the Left.

By and large, most conservatives historically have focused on their jobs and their families.  This is what dignified citizens of a free and prosperous nation, when they are emotionally healthy, do.  You need politics from time to time to better calibrate some particular policy or other, but by and large you do your thing, the government does its thing, and you don’t need to worry about it.  This is the thought process, even if it has been lacking for some time.

But more and more people are GETTING, grokking, that for the Left everything is political all the time.  All problems involve government.  All disagreement is treasonous and despicable.  All people answer in theory to them and their ideas, until they can be made to answer in reality, at the point of guns (other people will be) pointing at them.

There is no humor (outside of politically advantageous mockery). There is no self deprecation, ever.  There is no looseness, no flexibility.  There is no listening.  There is no generosity.  There is no tolerance, not even for uppity blacks or Hispanics who don’t know their place.

There is no fun.  And there is no freedom.  It is a grim, dull, gray, AWFUL place.  And it is where they demand the right to take us all.  They want us there, dull, gray, hopeless.  And they want to be gloating over us, while mouthing bullshit about justice and tolerance, and “Human dignity”.

I really hope America is waking up.  What is planned is truly despicable, truly awful.


They must truly be desperate

Leaking a tape, which was seized by the FBI in pursuit of a very specific set of data, relating to a particular case–which is what justified the warrant which Rod Rosenstein signed to authorize an unprecedented police raid on the office of the attorney of the sitting US President–is illegal.  A crime has been committed, taking secure evidence, and feeding it to the press.  Some FBI agent needs to be charged with a crime, arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to a prison term long enough to send a clear message.

But everyone knows this.  They know you don’t raid the lawyer for the President.  They know you don’t dig through a decade or more of private conversations, then leak them for nakedly political reasons.  You know the FBI is AGAIN putting its very shaky–for me, nonexistent–credibility on the line.  You know they are weakening EVERY case they are trying by doing this.  This will not help convince the judges for Paul Manafort that Mueller is not on a witch hunt. 

We KNOW, now, that Carter Page was innocent, and that there was never any solid reason to survey him.  We KNOW, now, that one of the lead investigators into election meddling believed, based on the evidence, that there was “no there there”.  We KNOW, therefore, that there was never any real reason to appoint Mueller, and that the WHOLE THING IS A CONSPIRACY.  It is a Machiavellian deal, created by the leaders and senior officials at the CIA, the FBI, the DoJ, and of course the Democrat Party as led, then, by Obama, to do ANYTHING to sabotage Trump.

This becomes more and more obvious every day.  Whatever curtain might have been concealing the Wizard, busy at his levers, has disappeared, and is being replaced with blinking lights, with klaxons mere days or weeks away.  No sane person, who is informed, can deny the obvious.  That many among us choose insanity, given a choice, does not change this fact.

And the ringleaders, the people trying to bring Trump down, all know this.

They must be truly desperate.  They must be truly shitting in their pants, to think that NOW, after all this, that any of us give a flying fuck about a fucking Playboy prostitute, when it is OBVIOUS that senior agents of our own government are trying to reverse the results of the last election, are trying to completely vitiate the rule of law in this country–rather, continue to do so, since we already live in a land where breaking the law does not mean there will be a consequence, even when the crime is major and the evidence overwhelming and incontrovertible–and all in all, are doing all the things that TRUE autocrats do.

It is not even a stretch to think Bill and Hillary, like Putin, have engaged in political murder. Nobody can pin anything on Putin, and nobody can with certainty pin anything on Billary.  But the string of bodies, and their political convenience, are equally suspicious.  We easily believe Putin capable of ordering murders.  But why not Billary?  Do you really buy into their dog and pony show?  THEY STOLE MONEY FROM STARVING HAITIANS TO FUND CHELSEA’S WEDDING.  What are they not capable of?

Oi.  I really hope we get through this insanity with our freedom intact, and without massive bloodshed.


Jumping the Shark

I wonder if the anti-Trump hysteria, the ginned-up, manipulated, completely unnecessary and unhelpful emotion, has finally, at long last (have you no decency CNN? At long last have you no decency?) gone too far.

We have all heard the phrase “need to know”.  It is used with regard to sensitive information, and refers to the obvious and self evident principle that the more people know something, the more likely it is to be leaked or revealed.

Now, the CIA Director has an extremely high “need to know”.  If they are going to run the outfit, they really need to know everything.

But EX-CIA directors don’t need to know ANYTHING, any more than any other citizen does.  They are gone, done, retired.  John Brennan has no more need to be able to legally received classified information than I do.

And this would be true if he were sitting quietly at home writing his memoirs, but it is PARTICULARLY true when this asshole is using the credibility of the CIA–such that it is, apparently, among some–to attack the duly elected President of the United States as a traitor.

What is particularly egregious about this, is that the very rumors and innuendos he is referencing–the accusations amount to nothing more, which is why Mueller keeps digging–are KNOWN BY HIM TO BE FALSE.

He is using lies to launch baseless attacks, which seek to destabilize our democracy.  This is the CIA operating in America.  This is the CIA using the tools it has used for many years to destabilize other nations, being deployed here.

This, clinically, is treason.  We are not technically at war, but that Brennan’s effort is to delegitimate the people as the ultimate source of power is unambiguous.  That he seeks a “regime change” through disinformation is obvious.

And that CNN, MSNBC and others act as propaganda organs is made clear in their treatment of this issue.  They act as if some important principle is in play, that our very democracy depends on Brennan keeping his security clearance.

At long last, America, have you no fucking brains?



I don’t know what it never hit me before, but tea, in much of the world, equates to known pure water. It has been recently boiled.


For me, “meditation”–Kum Nye–is a continual struggle.  It is wrestling down on a mat.  

I saw/felt this image today of me rolling on the ground with a knife wound to my abdomen.  It hurt like hell.  No matter how I rolled, or if I sat, or tried to stand, it hurt.  There was no way around it, no way through it.  Time simply stretched on.  I hurt, and I did not die.
And I can see how abstraction, for me, is like taking the Blue Pill (I will note: is it not INTERESTING that in The Matrix, the Red Pill represents truth, and the Blue Pill illusion/delusion?  HOW APT!!)
You take that pill, and the landscape fades away.  My body is renewed.  The sun shines, and the world becomes a garden.  The only cost is I have to move regularly.  I have to stay in motion.  I have to “abstract” regularly if not continually.  I must constantly be seeking new ideas, new forms, new things to look at in my mind.
And this motion, when done by someone intelligent, leads to discoveries.  In my view, this emotional dynamic animates much of our world today.  We discover things, but it’s like a dog digging up a telescope: we have no idea what to do with any of it.  Our technology, in important respects, is wasted on us.  It is the output of sheer mania.
And it is worth asking what unde
Ah, I had to go somewhere.  Returning, I choose not to finish this.  I will share instead a poem, Poop, by Charles Bukowski:
I remember, he told me, that when I was 6 or
7 years old my mother was always taking me
to the doctor and saying, “he hasn’t pooped.”
she was always asking me, “have you
it seemed to be her favorite question.
and, of course, I couldn’t lie, I had real problems 
I was all knotted up inside.
my parents did that to me.
I looked at those huge beings, my father,
my mother, and they seemed really stupid.
sometimes I thought they were just pretending
to be stupid because nobody could really be that
but they weren’t pretending.
they had me all knotted up inside like a pretzel.
I mean, I HAD to live with them, they told
me what to do and how to do it and when.
they fed, housed and clothed me.
and, worst of all,there was no other place for 
me to go, no other choice:
I had to stay with them.
I mean, I didn’t know much at that age
but I could sense that they were lumps
of flesh and little else.
dinnertime was the worst, a nightmare
of slurps, spittle and idiotic conversation.
I looked straight down at my plate and tried
to swallow my food but
it all turned to glue inside
I couldn’t digest my parents or the food.
that must have been it, for it was hell for me
to poop.
“have you pooped?’
and there I’d be in the doctor’s office once again.
he had a little more sense than my parents had but
not much.
“well, well, my little man, so you haven’t pooped?”
he was fat with bad breath and body odor and
had a pocket watch with a large gold chain
that dangled across his gut.
I thought, I bet he poops a load.
and I looked at my mother
she had large buttocks,
I could picture her on the toilet,
sitting there a little cross-eyed, pooping.
she was so placid, so
like a pigeon.
poopers both, I knew it in my heart.
disgusting people.
“well, little man, you just can’t poop,
he made a little joke of it: he could,
she could, the world could.
I couldn’t.
“well now, we’re going to give you 
these pills.
and if they don’t work, then guess
I didn’t answer.
“come on, little man, tell me.”
all right, I decided to say it,
I wanted to get out of there.
“an enema.”
“an enema,” he smiled.
then he turned to my mother:
“and are you all right, dear?’
“oh, I’m fine, doctor!”
sure she was
she pooped whenever she wanted.
then we would leave the office.
“isn’t the doctor a nice man?”
no answer from me.
“isn’t he?”
but in my mind I changed it to, yes,
he can poop.
he looked like a poop.
the whole world pooped while I
was knotted up inside like a pretzel.
then we would walk out on the street
and I would look at the people passing
and all the people had behinds.
“that’s all I ever noticed,” he told me,
“it was horrible.”
“we must have had similar
childhoods,” I said.
“somehow, that doesn’t help at all,”
he said.
“we’ve both got to get over this
thing,” I said.
“I’m trying,” he 

Culture as crystal

I was reading this:  and came across this quote:

Researchers hoping to obtain new crystals from solutions, much as ice crystallises from water, have found that it can be maddeningly difficult. Yet as soon as a crystal emerges for the first time, a chain reaction appears to start up. Crystals emerge elsewhere until the procedure seems simple. Nobody understands why. The explanation usually given is that microscopic dust particles are carried to other solutions, ‘infecting’ them – a typical example of the way in which implausible ‘natural’ explanations are accepted, rather than have the door left open for unexplained action at a distance.

This stood out to me because I saw this once in a waking vision–I am always dreaming–and it hit me that this is a good metaphor for Emergence.  It is as if from entropy a latent order crystalizes.  In the case of culture, it emerges from what we focus on, what we believe, what we value, what principles–expressed and unconscious–order the behavior of the average member of that order.

It is perhaps what prophets do–think Moses–that they FEEL intuitively this order just below the surface, and they become the first “crystal”.  It is easy to create laws and rules, but difficult to craft them in such a way that they feel natural, spontaneous, obvious.  For this to happen, there has to be a connection, and a connector.  There has to be someone who can see what is there, just on the other side, and who then names it, and by so doing, makes it so, here.

There is a flicker, and then suddenly something that was not, now is.  This is magic.

Oh, we are so blind and stupid, now.  It is not hard at all to believe that we not only live in a fallen age, but that the falling continues apace.  Our slide into oblivion happens pari pasu with the elevation of our buildings into the sky, and the mushrooming of our cities into everything.

Feed the slow, nurture the small.  At long last, REMEMBER.  Who we are now, is not who we once were, and not as–as I believe–we are one day meant to be again.

But what do I know?  The stupid is strong in me too.  I feel it.



As I thaw, I realize increasingly how emotionally detached I have been.  I am very emotional, to be sure, but in response to my own thoughts of things, not to things as they are.

I see this, and I feel shame.  But I look around me, and I see it everywhere, absolutely everywhere.  It manifests in many different ways, but very, very few people are emotionally healthy enough to be truly present emotionally most of the time.  Women of course are better at this than men, but most of the women I know have so many emotional wounds that it is hard, I think, for them not to be mean and cruel.

It is in the nature of both men and women to be kind and compassionate.  Women start from a place of greater emotional awareness, and ideally intelligence.  But this can go both ways: it makes the wounds in them hurt more, I think.

We all spend most of our days interacting with shapes and colors, and ideas about them, and only rarely get a glimpse through the cracks at the people on the other side.  Well, this is my experience, which I think is slowly, slowly, slowly changing.

At a very slight risk of oversimplifying, I think I want to state that the main purpose in life is to be able to see and interact with productively the people and events in front of you.  So few of us do, in this fallen, abstract world.

It is a source of regular amazement to me how excited people get about some new technology that does x, y, or z.  It makes our clothes brighter, it mows our lawns, it improves videoconferencing.  Where is the excitement about spiritual technology?  Do we not already have plenty of things?

We lack for much, but things is not one of them.  The poorest among us have shit everywhere.

And again: if we want to reduce our load on the Earth, is it not important to develop new cultural values consistent with being happier with less?  Is this not a process which can be done with more and less wisdom?  Is it not seemingly the goal of some to create this result with a boot on our throats?  Technology might certainly help with that, but that is an imbecilic ideal, as seen from anything even approaching a pro-human, pro-freedom, pro-dignity perspective.  And the ones wanting to oversee the stomping, of course, intend nothing so vulgar for themselves.  They are superior, you see, even when they cannot define that term outside of the naked fact of their ability to deliver and express power, as cloaked in pseudo-benign rhetoric.

But I abstract again, do I not?  This is not healthy.



I think one of the most useful things you can do as a parent is individuate, yourself.  Grow up.  Demonstrate it is possible.  Have a mature personality, a sense of self, convictions, beliefs, things you stand for, and things you won’t stand for.

If I might return to my analogy with Buddhism, what the Buddha provided was an example of escape, or, really, transcendance.  The Buddha was to ordinary people as an adult is to a child.  But likewise, adults need to BE as adults to children, and far too often, in this world, and in the past, this has not happened.

It may or may not be true the Buddha was raised as a prince, but structurally, for the story, it is useful: he had everything any ordinary person could want.  He was happy, in a conventional sense.  There was nothing lacking.  He had power, the esteem of others, a wife, and children. He had a home, and a larger family.


Framing the Russia issue

The core question is: did Russia determine the outcome of the election, through anything it did? 

The obvious answer is no.  The Left avoids this clear and unavoidable conclusion by speaking in generic, non-specific, weaselly ways.  They speak of MASSIVE interference.  They speak of clear evidence of collusion (there is none, by the way), they speak of highly orchestrated campaigns, etc.

Russia had some Facebook profiles supporting Trump (and Bernie and Jill Stein, by the way), some Facebook ads almost no one saw, and they–we are told, and I am still skeptical–successfully hacked John Podesta, and revealed, through Wikileaks, how the Democrats were cheating to win the Primary for Hillary.  This does not seem to have mattered much even to Bernie voters, who dutifully did their part voting against Trump, to “avoid fascism”, despite the fact that election tampering is pretty much exactly what fascism looks like, and that Hillary was already showing every possible autocratic tendency, including chronic mendacity, and an absolute and even reckless disregard for the law.

So look at your chosen media source through this prism.  Ask yourself if the language they are using is warranted by the evidence.  Or are they choosing language intended specifically to obscure the true facts, and sway your political opinion in a particular way?

And I will recollect for you the Democrat Dirty Tricks team which was uncovered by James O’Keefe, and how their senior on-the-ground operative Scott Foval tweeted “Hillary just lost the election” when he was fired.  That is my recollection in any event.  I can’t find the story.

In any event, that four senior DNC staffers were fired after the expose seems clear enough, and that they engaged in organized voter fraud and dirty tricks for many years seems equally true.

Actually, looking around, I came across this, which I had forgotten, if I ever knew it: