You have many Obama operatives, of course. After 8 years, he will have attracted and promoted at least tens of thousands of people, at all levels of government, and in all agencies. Given Obamas’s patently radical agenda, we should feel both fear and relief that James Clapper and John Brennan were among his strong supporters. Those two are sneaky people, capable of a lot of covert damage. That was and remains their stock in trade, and there is no reason to think they are not good at it.
But overall I think you need to consider that Trump has inherited, for a time, a 3 trillion dollar corporation, with 2,650,0000 employees, all of whom are latently political, and most of whom lean Democrat, since Democrats love government. This corporation is, let us say, 80 years old, with the metastasis having begun roughly under FDR.
This is a vast landscape. This is a lot of unknown terrain.
I have called for a purge of everyone promoted to the top under Obama, and perhaps even anyone promoted more than once.
But here is the thing: a lot of the people IN the “Deep State” don’t see themselves that way. They don’t see what they are doing as wrong. Their loyalty is to their vision of America, not the rule of law, or the requirements of their job.
Things like the IG Report help to highlight how these things really do matter. It matters if you are in law enforcement, and enforcing the law unevenly, or worse, using your position for purposes of political sabotage. I guarantee there were FBI agents on the fence, who became converted to something like the Deep State notion when they saw that report. Who, to be clear, realized the danger and inherent lack of professional integrity in agents politicizing their jobs.
Trump has been around the block many times. Where I might have taken a club to the whole thing and started whacking people left and left, I might also have alienated vast swathes of an enormous group of people whose support I ultimately wanted to cultivate.
Maybe Trump is smart to bide his time, wait for the attempted legal coup to run its course, get through the mid-terms and see where he stands, then start pushing a bit harder.
I don’t know. It’s a very complex situation. Our culture is eroding, and our civil servants, so called, cannot but come from that pool of people.
This is certainly an interesting time, and I cannot but thank God every day that Trump, through a miracle, won that election, cast a light on some portion of the ugliness hiding in the shadows, and continues to be the scrappy fighter we wanted and got.