Saying that it is anti-Islamic to deny access to people coming from war-torn hellholes is more or less to validate the core claim: that most violence on this planet at the moment originates with Muslims.
This is very much like the much mocked meme put out by a thoughtless leftist that “blocking voting rights for convicted felons is racist”. The person, self evidently, was visualizing most felons as black, as indeed they are, at least seen proportionately. But that claim, too, simply validates the original point.
As I understand it, the ban in no way affects the vast majority of the world’s Muslims. It does not include Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia or Malaysia.
It DOES include Venezuela, which is not noted for its high Muslim population. It DID include North Korea, but it is possible Trump may change that.
The countries last year were Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Chad, and Somalia, at least according to the first list that came up with my DuckDuckGo search.
And it is worth noting that Syria, Yemen and Libya are largely hellholes because of the policy initiatives of Barack Hussein Obama, and his minions (sure I’ll go there) Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. Do you remember “We came, we saw, he died, hahahaha”? I sure do. The results of that policy had been, when I checked last year, some 40,000 war dead, most of them civilians. I’m sure that number has grown. Do you wonder why the media never talks about Libya? Just kidding. There is no serious doubt as to what is going on there.
And again, Syria: Obama armed, trained, and funded what became ISIS. In important respects he ENABLED them to become ISIS. As I have commented before, around 2012 they underwent a major and sudden qualitative improvement in their war fighting abilities. Somebody obviously trained them. And that training enabled their military successes, and all the horrors that followed them, the crucifixions, the rapes, the sex slavery, the indisrimate beheadings, the tossing of gays off of buildings, complete with laughter. This is all on Obama. It is a war crime, in a very real sense. There was no conceivable policy justification for it, and he can’t claim ignorance if I was reading on the internet about how the moderates were a fiction in 2012.
And Yemen, too: it all got worse under Obama. I have not studied the details, other than to know it is nasty war in which we are–or were–supporting the Saudis in a civil war which is killing a LOT of civilians.
So if you add these considerations to it all, the grotesque anti-humanism of the Left wing attacks on this policy become more clear. The Left does not care about people. They were not horrified, as I was, when ISIS put young girls in a cage, doused them in gas, burnt them to cinders, and filmed the whole thing as an act of piety. They didn’t care about any of these atrocities. They were told to care about Al-Assad, and they dutifully did. Everything he did was a crime, even if it didn’t happen. Everything ISIS did was simply ignored, and people who wanted to talk about it accused of Islamophobia, which in that region amounted to what they would no doubt consider an irrational desire for your head to remain connected to your body. Perhaps we should call it Homicidophobia, the fear of being murdered, or perhaps Psychopathophobia.
But of course, there is nothing irrational about realistic anxieties. Hence Trump’s policy.
I am glad to see we chalked up another win today for the rule of law, for common sense, and indeed for sanity.