

Some people only know how to ask you to live in their cage with them. They cannot imagine more, and cannot imagine why you would want more.

Plus ca change

So, after sacrificing 50 million lives outright, and immiserating billions more–the vast bulk of several generations in the most populous country on the planet–China is set to return to an unconstitutional Monarchy.

What was the point of all that?  Why not at least have the human decency to burn every picture of Mao in the country, and admit he was a fucked up psychopath?


Yeah, this isn’t helping

Would this not make sense if the shooter was someone other than Cruz, who was reportedly exiting with the other students while the deputies waited?
Here’s the thing with conspiracies: the bigger they are, the more likely a leak. What those running them have to do is create excuses that are good enough for those around them to be able to justify not calling bullshit. Israel could simply call this s regrettable mistake, or better yet, a failure of communication/ crossed wires.
To take an obvious example of bullshit, the NIST “reconstruction” of the collapse merely had to be good enough to convince those who already desperately wanted to believe anyway. It did not need to be, and clearly was not, good enough to ACTUALLY explain the totality of evidence.
Very few people are willing to live like I live, reconciling an openness to the official stories, with a willingness to reach the sometimes difficult and scary conclusion that our highest officials are lying to us about extremely important things. How many millions of lives–I think it must be in the millions now-/were lost in the wars 9/11 made possible?

My paranoia

I’ve been going back and forth on this Parkland thing.  Am I being crazy?  I posted this on Facebook too.  My problem is that where most people can explain X in one of two ways, I can often come up with 5.  One of the two ways is usually right, and it is usually the most obvious one, but not always.  Sometimes the obvious is merely made to SEEM obvious.

The things is, only one person seems to have actually seen the shooter and lived to tell about it.  No cops ever engaged the shooter, and four refused to even try.  Cruz, according to the official account, seems to have brought a rifle to school in a bag he carried with him in an Uber, dressed himself up in body armor he would have had to have stashed somewhere, complete with helmet, shot and killed 17 people, taken the body armor off, ditched the gun, and escaped with his fellow students, after which he went and had a Coke somewhere, then got picked up at a 5 and dime or something like that.  This is the official story.

This story may be true.  I don’t know.  It may also be bullshit.  It takes time both to put on and to take off a full suit of body armor.  I would think it takes 15 minutes or more.

Cruz is almost TOO obvious as a candidate.  He purchased an AR-15 legally, despite being an obvious threat.  The cops were on a first name basis with him and his family.

And I think it is safe to say we can’t trust the FBI.  They failed to do their job with regard to 9/11, to the JFK Jr. crash, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, the Hillary investigation, and Las Vegas, which is a short list.  That they are corruptible is quite obvious.  Just look at the shit J. Edgar got away with, illegal surveillance, CoIntelPro, and that sort of thing.

I’m going to drop this.  Everyone who is going to have an opinion has likely formed it.  I continue to hope we have enough honest people out there to counterbalance the bad seed which has seemingly taken root everywhere.


Further thought

The most obvious candidate for doing the shooting would be the Broward County Sheriff’s office, particularly a member of the SWAT team. What if the whole office was in on this?  What if somebody has promised each of them $1 billion, once they get their polices in place, and independent media trampled underfoot?

Think about it:  The guy does the shooting, hides out somewhere, then comes out once the rest of the SWAT team gets there.  This would explain why none of the other sheriff’s went in.  It might even be the case that the murder weapon was checked out of the SWAT equipment locker.  Hard to believe anyone would check, but it’s possible.

And likewise in Las Vegas: the simplest way to hide other shooters would be to make them cops. Not fake cops: REAL cops, either shooting from concealment, or making sure to kill everyone who saw them. 

Oscar Wilde once commented that life imitates art far more often than art imitates life.  This rough scenario was the gist of the first Odd Thomas novel, just as the idea of flying a plane into a building as a weapon of terror first occurred in Tom Clancy.


Something is seriously screwed up here.

It is InfoWars, but they are sharing a segment on Good Morning America, which is more or less the definition of mainstream (complicit) news.

I find it impossible to believe Cruz shot the place up, in full body armor, then escaped with the other kids. 

There is a war being fought on our streets.  It is a shadow war, between agents of tyranny and pure evil, and agents of good and authentic patriotism.  Both sides exist both as factions within our government, and contracted agents outside of our government, but within its sphere.  And it is likely hard for them to tell one another apart.  There is no doubt thrust and counter-thrust going on.  As was often commented at the time, the Captain America movie “The Winter Soldier” was perhaps both prophetic and descriptive.

But I am going to say that the Las Vegas shooting was a part of this war, and so too was Parkland. I have no proof.  It is just a gut level guess, based on what I read, and the speculations of others.  But I’m adding all this up, and I’m not getting 2+2, and I’m not getting 4.

This whole thing FELT to me like it was a prepared event, like somebody said “be ready on Feb. X”, (whatever it was), and the media, and politicians and everyone was poised and waiting.  David Hogg had his narrative ready, and even had his little “coverage” during the shooting.  Did he know he was never in any danger?

All of this sounds crazy of course.  Conspiracy theory.  But in my view, that is where we are.  We are living in a movie where real agents are trying to take down our nation.


AR-15 marketing blitz

As usual, I can FEEL the glee and self satisfaction of the Left, following a well organized propaganda operation.  They got a number of companies to “divest” themselves of the NRA.

Yet, as has been increasingly the case for some years, the “victory” is Pyrrhic.  They dominated the airwaves and internet for a week or more, but, although this is only a best guess, they have likely on balance turned more people towards the NRA than towards an enthusiastic backing for banning effective weapons.

And things are changing, evolving, in odd ways.  I read Curt Schilling is in trouble, again, for retweeting a meme I had also seen about the use of “crisis actors” in Parkland.  Now, the very speed and organization–the readiness–to use this crisis to advantage did seem weird to me too.  The whole thing felt like it was on a schedule, and the shooting just one aspect of the overall plan.

But as I said, other than Hogg being an opportunistic asshole, seeking this as his big chance to get his name in front of people he wants to work for, whose water he wants to carry, there is no evidence this was something other than a preventable tragedy, following a long series of missed intervention points, which were, we now know, fed by bureaucratic greed:

How any sane person with an IQ above room temperature can think for a nanosecond that government officials can’t be greedy escapes me.

This whole thing will blow over.  There is no real thirst for taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens,  particularly after the long series of painful revelations about just how many times, in how many ways, the same government that would take our guns failed to protect us and our children.  Fuck them, and fuck these assholes that don’t care about freedom, safety, human decency, or the rule of law.


The messiah

I was feeling keenly this morning my separation from humanity.  I was broken at an early age, and recovered as well as I could, but am only now beginning to feel what was lost.

And what I see is if your social brain is off-line, if you find authentic and meaningful connection with others difficult, then the overwhelming tendency is to feel either superior or inferior.  If you feel superior, you become a messiah.  You become the completely certain person who tells others what to do.  You feel confident, because there is no loop with others which would induce doubt.

The alternative is to feel inferior.  This breeds anger and resentment.  Such people become criminals.

Both are, though, of a kind.  This is what I see this morning. 

Corollary: all Leftists, all TRUE Leftists, as opposed to the thoughtless lemmings who merely repeat uncritically what they are told to say, are aspiring Messiahs.  They want to choreograph dances which began long before they showed up, which they don’t understand, and cannot participate in.



I want to underscore that “outlaw” movements like the Black Panthers of old, and BLM today, are very much citizens of a system, and should be viewed as such. They aim not out or up, but in.

What I mean by this is that, as they frame the world, bad people–bad WHITE people, in the main, to be clear–are keeping black people down. They are living off their backs, they are stealth g the fruits of their labor. And rather than ask if this is TRUE–it emphatically is not–they simply seek to turn the tables, to create an equally unjust system with THEM in charge instead. This is, if I might coin a term, intraparadigmatic thinking. They are not saying it is unjust and immoral to abuse others, but simply that they want to be the ones doing the abusing. This story is as old as human history. It is perhaps hundreds of thousands of years old.

No: in my view the “outlaws”, who exist outside the system of compliance and patronage, are people like Alan West and Clarence Thomas, and Sheriff Clark. They are all called “Uncle Toms”. They are called traitors to what?  To the call for all persons of African ancestry to cling slavishly to the legs of white politicians and greedy blacks in the hopes of pickup no up crumbs from the table of life?

To my mind, the Uncle Toms are the ones who COOPERATE with this system of organized indignity.

And in my view, an outlaw is not someone who rejected the IDEA of law or a system, but rather who can visualize something different and better.

As a nihilist, it is quite possible to inhabit any system at all harmoniously, and to use the rules OTHER people live by to your benefit. For this reason you will find them everywhere.

And I don’t want to push this outlaw idea too far, but the notion of the noble outlaw runs deep in the American psyche, in my view, and perhaps other cultures as well.



You cannot escape a system within the rules of that system.

This means that to be liberated you have to be an outlaw.