
Moralistic supply and the assault of the Squirrel Tamers

Psychologists speak of the need of Narcissists for attention, which some call “Narcissistic Supply”.

I would suggest there is a similar need among the psychologically weak, lost, and rudderless for “Moralistic Supply”.  They need to feel regularly and often, the sense that they matter, that their lives are not the utterly boring, utterly uncreative wastelands that they in fact are.
As I have noted for some time, the pun “Kos/Cause” at the Daily Kos cannot be accidental, even if that was his nickname–perhaps or even likely the one he gave himself.  Knowing nothing other than that he is the publisher of that site, it seems likely Moulitsas was not liked by many people, whatever he may say to the contrary notwithstanding.
To complete the thought, I am reminded of the Lion Tamer skit in Monty Python.
As Alex Jones and perhaps others have noted, there was a casting call that went out the day before the Charlottesville violence, for actors to play demonstrators.  The tacit assumption seems to be that they were to cast as Antifa, but why not toothless rednecks waving swastikas? (And he never said they were Jewish, by the way: this is more fake news).
I read too that the police were told to stand down, in what was a more or less open provocation to violence.
So, you have organizers only with effort–and one of the organizers is seemingly a falsely flagged Obama supporter and anti-white racist–get together perhaps up to 200 people willing to march behind white supremacists banners, in a nation of 350 million.  Antifa, so called, routinely gets much more than that.  Even when the Klan actually was marching on their own initiative, they were routinely outnumbered some 5 to 1 by protesters, and violence prevented by responsible, non-politicized policing.
But the Left NEEDS, in an apt metaphor, badness like junkies need their drugs.  They need it obviously to support their propaganda.  This is why so many leftists–and the number is high, something like 10-15 incidents at least which got national attention for a second–felt the need to fabricate hate crimes, so that their own hate would be, could be, justified.
But they were lying, as indeed they are now.  This is why they have transitioned from provoking and fabricating “hate crimes” to calling much of the public history of this nation itself a hate crime.
From the standpoint of provocation, this is much more potentially useful.  Many more people will react to the monuments of their history being destroyed by gangs of thugs and overly eager Democrat appeasers, than would ever commit to symbols of intolerance framed racially.  Thus, they get more white anger, which they can then use in tandem with their media relationships to paint all non-conforming whites as racist.
As with all military histories, though, many in the South are proud of their ancestors who fought and in many cases died for States Rights.  Yes, it is true the proximate issue was slavery, and yes it is true that fighting under the banner of freedom for the right to enslave other humans is hypocritical, but the core issue remains: what is the proper role and power of the Federal Government?  Can States leave?  Does the Federal government have the power, SHOULD it have the power, to tell any or all of us to violate our own moral conscience, under pain of being taken prisoner and held captive?
These are consequential, important questions.  And I will note again that they have never appeared in fully fleshed form before the Supreme Court.  Jefferson Davis was arrested, but never tried, because had he been acquitted, Secession would have been rendered permanently legal, and the invasion of the South by the North the war of imperialistic aggression the South always claimed it to have been.
All of the statues around the country were built to heal wounds, to rebuild a common polity by repatriating important heroes of a very violent, very difficult war.
And virtually all of them were built before 1930 or so.  They were not built in the living memory of virtually anyone, and as Charles Barkley notes he, like everyone else, had not spared a second in his lifetime to think about any of them, until this manufactured tempest in a teacup.  They don’t affect his life, or the lives of substantially anyone else, black or white, in any way.
I for my part get, but don’t get, the Republicans in particular who have criticized Trump’s response.  He did nothing more or less than speak the truth.
In Charlottesville, you have an angry, agitated man surrounded by protesters, some of whom are hitting the back of  his car with sticks or bats.  He panics, hits the accelerator and rams the cars in front of him.  This man then becomes the embodiment of hundreds of millions of people–all non-Communists, if we take the rhetoric of the Left to its logical extent–who don’t have one fucking thing in common with him.  These people–the Left–WANTED this outcome.  They provoked him.  They provoked everyone they could.  The Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor both told all the available police and National Guardsmen to do nothing, to stand down.  This is what I read.
Then literally within a few short days, in Spain we have a car ramming into a crowd, with no provocation, with the sole intent of killing, and the Left really doesn’t care.  That was not the act of a Muslim, even though the panicked driver is supposed to stand in for all conservatives.  
Leftism really is a creed of evil and mental illness.  It is to spreading Good what drinking saltwater is to slaking thirst.
Because no authentic good is ever done, the drugs must be administered continually, literally and figuratively, to keep the illusion alive.  That is what the media does, that is what stupid ideas do, that is what the continual evocation of anger does.  These people cannot ever be allowed to unwind, because they might then realize how batshit insane and destructive even to the people they claim to care about they really are.


Word just popped in my head.  I could riff on it, but you do it.  I may do it tomorrow too.


I have encountered demons in my sleep a number of times in recent days.  I haven’t mentioned it.  I don’t mention everything.

Imagine feeling fully awake but unable to open your eyes, and not even really wanting to open your eyes.  I may have opened my eyes, actually, in the dream.  I can’t remember.  If I did, all I would have seen was a black mist.  A malignant spirit enters the room and gets right in your face.  It is a spirit of anger, of hurt, rage, and violence.  It tries repeatedly to enter you.  You can feel the surging energy striking you.

Well, I have learned to mock these things.  I have told them “do your best to kill me”, and “fuck you”, and I have even learned to laugh at them.  They don’t like that at all.  I had a very odd conversation with one of them. I actually calmed it down a bit.

For my part I have always liked the metaphor of standing guard, or holding my place in the line.  I can’t know what my destiny is. I can’t know what will happen to me.  But I can say that I will do my part until the end.

These are interesting times.  All this hate in the air is exhausting, and I wonder if even the originators of it will tire of it at some point.  The seeming actual appearance of genuine racism was a shot in the arm for them, but not all of them can really be as stupid as they seem.  It has to be a fringe which needs continual reinforcement.

For me, I think these dreams are good.  These feel like actual spirit entities, but they could as well be manifestations of some complex, or some latent psychosis I have cast from my psyche which “wants” back in.  Whatever they are, they are outside now–they may have been a part of my everyday life for a long time–and cannot get in.  They are the spirit of fear, and I do not fear them very much, and soon will not fear them at all.


I feel better

I was a bit wobbly this morning, but I feel better tonight.  If you did pray for me, thank you.

All the hate in the air is hurting me, I think.  Rather, as I become more aware, it affects me more.

It is surreal, is it not, that most of the hate in this country is being practiced by the very people who claim they oppose hate?

I can’t help but think of the other hypocrisy of the religious right of the 1980’s, who preached love and did arrogate to themselves the right to label other humans inferior and defective.

In some respects, in some outer morphological respects, the Communist Left (Communist being in their use merely a more honest word for “anti-fascist”) does resemble the so-called Moral Majority, but of course they are much, much worse.

They want to be able to tell all of us how to live our lives.  They want into our bedrooms.  They want into our board rooms.  They want to hear everything we say and know everything we do, lest any of us commit thought crimes of any sort.  They are utterly humorless, utterly remorseless, and continually angry.

It is not a pretty picture.

I can’t help but think, though, that even though they no doubt convinced many of the usual suspects that Charlottesville was a sign of the connection between white people, Trump, and violence, that most Americans were readily able to see it as a concocted event, their outrage as something much closer to gleeful joy, and their overarching aims something dark, sinister, awful, and terrible.

By their fruits shall you know them.  The fruits of the Left are death, pain, murder, hunger, torture, mass imprisonment, and soul searing horror.


Pray for me

I am slowly remembering that I was once someone else.  I am not angry, nervous, or mean by nature.  These are all reactions to things done to me.  This is as good a time as any to try and remember, and if you believe in it, and are open to it, please pray for me, as I try to find my way back home.

To be clear, I am doing increasingly well, but it is a difficult process, coming out of a deep freeze.  I am realizing, particularly, how mean I have often been.  I won’t be changing any of my political views, but I might get to a place where anger and hatred do not motivate me, and where I am capable of recognizing genuine opportunities for teaching–and in some cases learning–and remaining silent where all I am doing is making the world a more unpleasant place, which I have done often enough.


Snap, Crackle Pop

I just suddenly got tired of dealing with anger and hate.  Since agitation drives much of what I post, I may post less.  I’m usually lying when I say that, but there has been a large phase shift in me.

Again, it may be this lunar eclipse.  It is a good time to clear out violent, warlike energy, which I have had in spades all my life.  It makes it hard to think clearly.  It is true I can think clearly on some topics, but not on myself, not on who I am, not on how people see me, and what opportunities for connection and happiness I am missing.



I cannot resist the idea that the “white supremacists” in Charlottesville were brought there by agents provocateurs.

I read one of the leaders may have been an Obama fan until Trump’s election:

True or not, I think the list of leaders needs to be gone through carefully, because I have a strong feeling that this was a concocted event, one intended to create exactly the sort of reaction it has enabled.



It hit me this morning that the core spirit of Buddhism is that there is no one, and no thing, to which you can reliably cling.  There is no one you can absolutely trust to save you, not even the Buddha.  There is no thing which will permanently make you feel better.

On some level, enlightenment is a very basic, primitive process, that of self calming.  Self calming is something all babies ideally learn to do, but which most I suspect never quite manage.  They need a mother.

But when we speak of inner peace, is this not what we are talking about?  Not getting upset by everything, and finding the courage to let go when we do?

I have had some griefs in recent days, and some mild betrayals.  I don’t like to speak of my outer life, and I won’t here, but I will say that I have been let down many, many times, in many, many ways, by many, many people.  For my part, I try to be loyal and true, but most people are much too preoccupied with their own worries to really register the lives of those around them.

As I ponder this, though, I feel that the logical response is not withdrawal and misanthropy, which are and long have been very natural to me.

What I feel is that with a mature spirit, you can be open to the gifts that God grants, without needing them.  This makes the good a delight, and the bad merely expected.  It is just life.

And I feel how ridiculous it would be to be mad at an apple tree which fails to bear fruit continually year round.  Apple trees are very generous with their fruit, but only at the proper time.  People are like this.  Practices are like this.  Ideas are even like this: understanding takes time to ripen and mature.

My life is not easy.  It is lonely, and I am beset daily with large confusions and strong emotions.

But something is ripening within me, something I chose, something good, and something large.


A new Inquisition

The energy of the Inquisition is in the air.  Maniacs are trying to make all normal people afraid, afraid of being called out, afraid of being called before a panel of Inquisitors, and not being found guilty, but rather being forced to prove their innocence, when no one present is willing to listen to, much less believe, anything they say.

That this is antithetical to everything good in the world–and certainly what we in the West have worked so hard to build–should not need to be said.

This is insanity.  I would ask “how has it come to this”, but of course it has been a long time coming, and the beginning, as I have commented numerous times, was when the distinction between truth and lie, between justice and injustice, was lost at the level of principle.
I have cited this scene a number of times, but now I have found it:
Judgment at Nuremburg.  The relevant part starts about 1:40.
I will leave the obvious conclusion to you. 

The Left versus the decent majority

I really think the Left would love nothing more than to see the rise of an actual racist movement among whites, one which would not have existed without their continual physical, emotional, and rhetorical attacks, so that they can USE that movement–which hitherto they have simply invented, because it was not a substantive reality–to distract people from real issues, like employment, the national debt, the subversion of the rule of law by power elites, the erosion of our Constitution, and American security and stability.

They want to use even a smidgeon of a hint of a whiff of such a movement to claim that ALL Americans are racist and all whites should kneel in shame.

There is no end to the demonic energy of these horrific human beings.  It is tiring. I am surprised genuine Liberals–Trumps electoral base–have withstood their continual violence of all sorts so well so long without striking out.

We are, though, the people who make, deliver, and provide things.  We are the sane ones, the ones with jobs, the ones able to resist ludicrous indoctrination in the worst possible anti-Humanistic ideas and assaults on common decency.

We can endure this, too.  Trump is President.  The people have spoken.  And we will speak again in 2018, to punish Republican liars and traitors, who promised over and over and over to act like Republicans if they won office, and who have failed, and continue to fail, miserably.

No decent human being should ever be forced to deny supporting lunatics.  This is the “have you stopped beating your wife yet” tactic.  It is a horrible, evil strategy, one pursued by monomaniacal power mongers.