
Antifa is nothing. Stay calm

I read 92% of these Antifa children live with their parents.  I don’t know how anyone would know, but based on actual surveys of the usual suspects in these sorts of things, that sounds about right.  Everyone else has a job.

The deal is that they want to create a reaction which promotes recruiting.  It seems that virtually all of Charlottesville was false flag, but they still got a national reaction.

They only gain strength, though, when opposed violently.  That is why they had to engineer a violent confrontation, so they could claim innocence, even though they showed up in masks with baseball bats and 2×4’s.

Here is the truth: ordinary Americans occupy the moral high ground.  This consists in moderates of both sides, but since they are not attacking people with D behind their names, it means in practice political conservatives and anyone who calls themselves a Republican (obviously, there is some overlap, but distressingly enough, not as much as there should be).

Non-violent resistance is the OBVIOUS answer to all this.  Yes, of course MLK Jr. had the media, and we don’t.  But every time we feed the fire, it gets worse.

Trump remains President.  He has been attacked viciously and often all his life.  I’m not sure he likes it, but he certainly does not shy away from it.  Even though Congress is acting in a morally cowardly way, we do still have both parts of Congress, and absolute majorities in over half the States in America.

This is no time to panic.  This is no time to let anyone dictate the game to us.

It annoys me that they attack these monuments, but the fact of the matter is that they don’t matter to most of us one way or the other.  Most of us have never met anyone who had anything directly to do with that war, because it would have been a grandfathers grandfather.

We can’t let them get our goat.  Yes, violence is an easy answer, but it is an easy wrong answer.

The simple reality is that these are cowardly losers being funded by psychopaths, who want nothing more than to foment conflict they can exploit for political gain.  This is a harder game we are being asked to play, but fuck, we are not the whiny losers.  We are the winners.  And we are winning.  Let’s stay on track.

Edit: I am presently suffering compassion fatigue.  I think it was the nails one of them put on their 2×4 in the Boston protests, or perhaps a group of them accusing a veteran of being “Nazi scum”.

Time is on our side.  The optics on all this are horrible, and cannot but play to Trump’s strengths.  It doesn’t matter, OBVIOUSLY, what the media says, and it does not matter what the polling says.  All we have to do is stay in the game to keep racking up points they can’t match.


Human Connection

In this lecture he references a study of rats and addiction.  Gabor Mate–who seems to have written the best books on addiction also references this study.

In the study, a solitary rat, given an option of water, and water with cocaine, will choose the latter until it dies.  From this, it was assumed that something in cocaine was inherently addictive.

But rats in fun places, surrounded by other rats, rarely or never get addicted.  They are enjoying themselves too much.

Here is the interesting question: how is it that people feel so alone, when surrounded by people and opportunities, that they act like the solitary rat?  Can we not posit that even people who shoot heroin in groups still feel alone?



Self abuse

I feel this morning that substance abuse in any form–and more broadly that compulsivity we call “addiction”–is really self abuse.  It is a form of cutting, of denying, of saying no to something.

And what are we saying no to?  Positive feelings.  You might feel, when you are drunk, or high, or fucking another stranger, that life is good, that everything is wonderful.  But you also know that you will come down.  And you know the darkness that awaits you, the helplessness that awaits you.  You know the weight of the world.

And so why would any sane person not want to go back up again as soon as possible?  What sane person would want to live in the dark cage of their life, when there is another possibility?  Is it not the case that there is no need at all to explain this behavior, that it is utterly rational and predictable, for people with certain sorts of wounds?

And I feel the critical pivot point is trust.  We need other people, but some of us find it difficult or impossible to trust life and to trust other people.  We have been betrayed too often, too early, and felt too much pain.  So we create half of what we really want, but create it in a way we control.

What we suppress is a natural sense of open wonder, of spontaneous affection, of joy.  All of these things, we have learned, can be sucked up, used, and spit out by others.  So our addiction is really in important respects a barrier against authentic happiness.

I am slowly awaking from a long dream–and dream, not nightmare, is the word, since my numbness kept much of it from being too unpleasant–and seeing possibilities I never guessed were there.

For my part, given the strangeness of our world, I feel little surprise that so many people escape through work or sex, or alcohol.  I feel no wonder that opiates are surging through our alienated world.  Why would they not, when we have lost the ability to speak, to share needed truths, to feel who we are, to connect with ourselves and everything around us?


Kieslowski’s Decalogue

I have now managed to watch numbers 4-10, which are all that are available on NetFlix.  I will have to buy the rest.  I just want to say that I am a lifelong film buff, and no film or series of films has ever moved me more, or better probed deep human issues than this set of short films.

Because of his style and his spirituality, Tarkovsky will remain my favorite director.  But for dealing in nuanced, non-reductive and sympathetic ways with complex moral and emotional issues, for my money Kieslowski has no equal, and very few even come close.  He is–or was–one of the world’s truly great film directors and writers, and it is a shame he is not better known.

I suspect a primary reason for this is that his films are work.  They are so emotionally evocative I find myself weeping at the end of nearly every one–7 in particular was very difficult, and of course the music doesn’t help–and have to work myself up to watch them in the first place. This DVD has been sitting on my counter for two weeks.

This, however, is genius.  All of us need to do the adult work of understanding one another and ourselves, even though it is often painful when done properly.


Speaking politically

My sense that I am good at breaking down complex issues into simpler narratives, without reducing them in a manner harmful to truth and effectiveness, is I think well founded. I am intelligent. I am a good writer.  I am talented in some ways.

But what I am feeling right now is my essential inhumanity, my coldness, my distance.

These people marching in the streets–Antifa, BLM, et al–they are frightened.  What they need in their hearts is for someone they TRUST to quiet them, and tell them its all going to be OK.  You can calm down.  The future is not going to hurt you.  The world is not your enemy.

What they need is honest and heartfelt nurturing, of a sort I suspect most of them never got.  Most of us, any more, in this mechanical and passively hostile world never get what we really need.  Their parents were working.  Their culture values them mainly for their capacity to contribute economically, and goodness is close to being equated with wealth.  They were raised with computers with no souls.  They were raised without profound and soul-level music and poetry.  They were raised without communal dance and rejoicing.

We have no real festivals.  We rarely or never meet Life together and with good cheer and optimism.

The image I get is villages where, when you cannot sleep, you get up and go to the center–which is not far away–and meet others and listen to stories you have heard many times, which quiet the soul, and eventually inspire refreshing sleep, and a spirit of openness to life in the morning when the Sun comes up again, as it always does.

It is of course a truism to say that most of us are separated from nature, but it is even more obvious we are living in manners which separate us from one another.

I for one am continually drawing lines. I can tell you why psychologically, and cannot yet tell you how to stop, but this important reality needs to be acknowledged.  There are many like me.

This is a day, for me, for dreaming.  I will not share all my dreams here yet, although the broad outlines should be clear enough.  But I will say that I do feel a sense of destiny, that all my suffering has been for a purpose, that if God wills it, I may have a role to play in helping all of us out of our collective nightmares.


Judgement Day

Judgement Day is when the full truth is told and cannot be avoided.  It is when you feel fully what your actions have done in the world, what effect they have had on the lives of those around you.

True love arises from the feeling of Judgement Day, because it partakes inherently of the truth that we are all connected, and it can see, immediately and accurately, what is happening, how people are feeling, and what is needed.
Hell is feeling apart.  We can protect ourselves for a long time with intentionally foggy thinking, and particularly through the illusion of group membership bought with violence against another, but not forever. 
Today and tomorrow, particularly, feel what comes up in your heart.  Feel what the universe has been trying to tell you for so very long, with infinite patience, and infinite compassion.  No one is ever lost, but many wander far, far away from their homes.  Certainly, I have.  I continue to try and find my path back.


The concept of universal human rights is an abstraction.  So too is “social justice”, which can mean whatever the person using it wants it to mean.

Ponder how odd it is that we were able to build so much on one iteration of abstract thinking; and how that same style of thinking, with different content, is working so well to destroy everything good it touches.

Self evidently, the common theme is emotional detachment, and the differences are in the spirit of active and self reflective honesty, genuine good will, and attention to logical rigor, none of which matter in the slightest to most current academics.


The truth

I was feeling blue Wednesday for several reasons, and my therapist suggested a depression protocol for my neurofeedback session.  I really felt much better a few hours later.  I will continue to say that this process will over time replace substantially all psychiatric pharmaceuticals, and most traditional talk therapy.  Precisely because it works and because it is relatively inexpensive, I expect many special interests to work hard to get it more restricted, but the simple fact is that it is virtually impossible to do wrong, has pretty much zero side effects, and does what it is supposed to do.  Good news for humanity, bad news for greedy useless parasites.

Here is the truth, though: I truly think virtually everyone worked up about politics on all sides is depressed, but particularly the Left.  It is an old fact that many people express depression as irrational anger.

There is nothing wrong with opposing racism.  There is nothing wrong with wanting justice, defined in a reasonable way.  These are laudable, commendable goals.  I like most Americans hurt when I watched Roots.  I felt shame.  I hated the Nazis in any number of movies, and in books of history.  I could not understand the horrors of the Holocaust.  Most Americans are like me.  They want things to fair and just.  They want everyone to get their fair shot, and then some.  They want anyone and everyone, of any race and origin, who is willing to work hard, to succeed.  We have long been like this.

But the Left does not connect in any important way with Heartland America, with the values of most of the people who build and create in this country.  These people–Leftists–base their lives and actions on demonstrable lies.  They lie about our history.  They ignore much of the history of the world. Why?

Why, to take one of more examples than I can readily list, does no one ask why Mauritania only banned slavery during the George W. Bush era, just before Obama took office?  If slavery is a problem, carrying it into the 21st century as a legal institution should have been a problem too.

I really do think that in large measure they have nothing else.  Particularly atheists have nothing else.  There is no other ground to stand on, no other campaign to pursue, no other victory worth the winning.  It is anger or sadness, anger or a sense of uselessness and futility.  When they cannot find a cause, they create one, as with the monument controversy.

If they were happy, patient, and whole-heartedly dedicated to the long term good of all, they would be asking questions about, for example, how to get more charter schools in inner cities, how to attract good jobs to inner cities, and how to improve policing in all communities.

But they don’t do that.


Sanctimony, Smoke and Wind

So you tell me you hate racism so much, and you feel violence is the answer.

What, pray tell, is a sane person to make of your habit of calling anyone who disagrees with you even slightly a “racist”?


Honest blame

It occurs to me that if one single person is most responsible for the death of that woman in Charlottesville, it would be the person–he, she, or it-/who was beating the bumper of the driver. That was a nice car, and he probably assumed the windows were next. He rammed forwards to get room, backed up rapidly and sped away.

I wonder if this person has shed any tears contemplating their direct role in the death of one of their own, or is the hate thick and impermeable enough that nothing is left of nuance, of personal accountability, and of the possibility of conscience?