
The pattern

Data points.

1) Stephen Hawking says that a global government may be needed:

2) Stephen Hawking has been to Pedophile Island:

3) Russia says it has placed “mole” nuclear weapons off our coast or coasts:

This last prompted me to share on Facebook an idea I had a while back.  Logically, if nuclear explosives can be made smaller and smaller–and we are well into the era of nanotechnology even in the public domain–then at some point they can be fitted onto warheads which would fit on model rockets, or which could be carried by a small drone.

People who are stupid and obsessed with fighting the last war better, rather than the next war adequately, seem to have reduced their imaginations to the idea that smaller warheads simply means more warheads on a MIRV.  Add to that some zigging and zagging to avoid missile defenses, and you have the current state of the art.

But what if Russian (or other) submarines could launch small drones off the coasts, infiltrate small land vehicles, and drive them, eventually, to all our inland nuclear launch sites, or within a few miles of them.  What if some of these could burrow in to be undetectable until; activated by a small antenna which remains barely above the surface?

What if the still unexplained radiation which began in northern Norway, which shares a border with Russia in the north, is a series of delivery vehicles which are being staged to create instantaneous havoc across the continent in the event of war, in ways which could not possibly be stopped by any possible missile defense system?

Here are the thoughts which came to me.  There exists a global elite which wants a global government.  They don’t believe in global warming because they are not stupid, but they do believe there are far too many people, that there are far too many moving parts, that deforestation, or oceanic disaster, or nuclear terrorism, or global pandemic, or who knows what makes it certain that a global disaster will happen at some point from which we may not recover.

The United States has been sufficiently indoctrinated that its people could be made to bend to a global government, or enough of them that the rest could be killed, locked up, or psychologically tortured into compliance in secret camps with Smiley Faces on the outside.

Europe.  Need I say more?  The rest of the world?  Please.

China, in this world view, would be the logical head of the global government, since they are already the most populous nation, and have already enslaved their people for over half a century.

Who is the fly in this ointment?  The unabashedly nationalist head of a once great but still formidable nation in the far north of the world. Putin no doubt saw Communism as it existed in the USSR as an extension of Russian nationalism.  And the people who now want global government are the very “capitalists” and power hungry oligarchs which the Communists once hated and fought, and who constituted the only real, valid, enemy that ever faced them.

Thus, any global government has to go through Russia, and the only way to take down Russia is a global war which destroys both the United States and Russia, in Mutual Assured Destruction.

Even before Trump got accused of working with the Russians, people were working behind the scenes to foment discord.  Mike Morrell seems to have killed Putin’s chauffeur.  Hillary was openly talking policy which would have led to war with Russia.  Obama apparently threatened Putin over the Red Phone (note the spin in that duplicitous news coverage).  Obama sent Marines to Norway.  Putin sent a flotilla past Britain.

And the unrelenting anti-Russian coverage has continued.  It is certainly intended to try and marginalize Trump, but it is also intended to create the climate for hostilities with Russia.

I have been saying for several months now that OBVIOUSLY somebody wants war with Russia.  But how fucking stupid would that be?  We spent over half a century of the nuclear era trying to AVOID war with them, because of the absolutely catastrophic costs both sides would pay.  What has changed?  Nothing.

But the Russians continue to stand in the way.

And what if they WON a nuclear war with the United States?  Would the power elite then, as they climb out of their bunkers, have created the possibility of a global government?  No.  It would still be a divided world, and frankly I would bet on the Russians against the Chinese.  It would be very important for these plans that Russia, for all intents and purposes, be destroyed.

For my part, I think Stephen Hawking, as awful as it is to say, is part of all this.  I think many people you would think beyond such considerations have in fact bought in.  It is much like the movie The Kingsmen, where the corruption is so vast it is nearly beyond belief.  They buy the idea that human beings are a virus on the Earth, and that our destiny is to either kill the host, or be killed in numbers sufficient for regeneration.

For my own part, I continue to believe people are not fucking lunatics.  It is an astonishing fact that these elites have sought not to make people smarter–and thus better able to make and support wise decisions–but rather stupider, and thus more susceptible to propaganda and bad ideas.

Thus, even if the Russians have developed these technologies, we should welcome them, because they make the risk of war on our side so much higher that it becomes much more unlikely, especially with Trump in the White House.  For his part, it’s hard to see why Putin would want to destroy his oil and natural gas markets, or global trading partners, unless forced to.

I do believe that if Hillary had won the plan was to use the wiretaps on Trump to charge him with treason, arrest him, and at least discredit him, and ideally imprison him.  If it was Hillary’s AG doing the work–much of the details of which would have been kept from the public because “national security”–that would have likely happened.  The war drums would have beat relentlessly, we would have had military battles in Syria, and who the fuck knows what would have happened.


Actual privilege

It is a necessity, given their atheistic and materialistic, Marxist bias, but modern Leftists invariably conflate “privilege” with, in effect, economic privilege, of which “class” or race privilege is supposed to be an expression.

Yet, the real gap is between children born into happy homes, and those born into miserable ones; and between those born into happy cultures, which retain a robust and spontaneous sense of connection, which dance and sing and tell stories by the firelight, and those like our own which force people into lonely boxes.

Where in Leftist discourse is there any native sense of the actual possibilities of human life?  They naively assume that if they attack what they term bad, that something better will spontaneously emerge, but why would this be so?  They use the abstraction of our culture to attack our culture, and in so doing reinforce what is worst about it, and attack what is best, which is to say that which was produced THROUGH abstraction, but which created the realities of human rights and economic wealth.

The logic of the Left is not dance, but the machine; violence, not love.

One could with justice point to the very real emotional disadvantages which often attend being born into poverty and a home missing a parent, and a home missing emotionally nurturing adults.

But, because they cannot imagine solutions–only violence–the Left refuses to go there.

Ponder what one can or should expect from people who deduct from all their equations all emotional realities except those of anger and grievance directed at people who bear no responsibility for actual harms.



The Social Justice Movement is an Emergent Property of the efforts of irrelevant people to feel relevant.

In my considered view, it has set actual social progress back by at least half a century.


Smoking, Anxiety and Modernity

I think I’ve got the drinking thing under control.  I am sleeping without alcohol.  The shaking is now manageable, and feels like the hind end of a major storm that has largely spent itself.

I’ve of course said this before, but in the past I felt either longing or antipathy to the MANY liquor stores around here (this is a drinking city), and now they feel like laudromats or TV repair shops.

I have squared with, taken a direct line with, the powerful feelings I used alcohol successfully first to avoid, then to manage, then to process.

Today, though, in an old story, I felt a need to smoke.  I’ve never liked cigarettes, but I am very fond of cigars.

And it hit me that anxiety is a natural emotion to feel in a world where intentional pandemics, nuclear war, and global economic collapse are all possible realities.  We live in a world where a lot of people want cultural and economic failure on the part of the mass of humanity.  This is not disputable.  Many of them, seemingly, live among us and drive Smart cars or Priuses.

Nor do we have reason to fully trust ANYONE who says they have it under control, or even that they have the best interests of the mass of humanity at heart.

I do think a credible case could be made that the addicts of the world are in some respects often the canaries in the coal mine.  They are the visionaries, and to quote Eminem, vision is scary.

To be an unconcerned member of a world where anxiety is a healthy reaction is to be in some respects mentally ill.

And being someone obsessed with the fissures within our culture, with the gaps between our culture (really, I should say cultures, shouldn’t I?) and actual human needs, and with the seeming irrationality on the part of large segments of the western industrialized world, I cannot but speculate.

What are ways of palliating anxiety?  The most obvious, of course, is to sedate it.

But could we not posit as well that it is also possible to break down in the face of an unrelenting, unnameable menace, and side with it?

If the prospect of the demise of Western Culture is a source of unmanageable anxiety, could one not simply start wishing for it?  When some doom seems over the horizon, is it not in some respects human nature to just wish it were fucking here already?  Just do it.  Get it done.  Then I won’t have to worry about it any more.

Can you not see people feeling this?

And can you not see surrendering primary responsibility for perception to someone, anyone, who says that they will deal with all the things which worry you?  With reverting to a childish dependence?  With gluing oneself irrevocably to a raft of people floating in the same flood, and clinging to them for very life?  You go up when they go up.  You do down on the waves when they go down.  Your relation is to them, not the oceans of emotion and change sweeping everything known away.

I do think in these speculations is a kernel of important truth.  This basic mechanism is, I feel, one of the most important factors in the disarming, of the Europeans particularly, of their ability to defend themselves and their cultural achievements from those who would destroy them.

You say outwardly “it will all be fine.  Nobody out there wants to hurt us.  Life will always continue as before”, while inwardly longing on some level for a global fire to put it all out.



North Korea

I will admit to having had fantasies from time to time about a preemptive strike of some sort on North Korea.  Their people have been starving by the millions on a regular basis for over half a century, their leadership is insane, and their remaining people beaten and brutalized into pale shadows of what being human should mean.  They regularly threaten the region.  They have nothing to offer the world but mental disease and violence.

But then I remember that violence is almost always a bad solution.  It seems romantic to those who neither have to commit it nor suffer its consequences.  And North Korea has many ways of committing violence.

It has thus long seemed to me that the best approach would be something akin to buying out the senior leadership.  Give Kim Jung-Un a tropical island somewhere, and lifetime access to all the luxuries and amenities he cannot get in North Korea.  He likely has no idea at all what he is missing.  Provide him with women much more beautiful than he can get there.  Build him an amusement park, or race track, or whatever else pleases his fancy.

And keep our word.  Don’t use it as a bait and switch.  Let him live out his natural life that way.  This basic method may come in handy more than once.

Think about it: how much do we spend annually on the troops in South Korea?  How much does South Korea spend in continual military readiness?

We could import enough food to feed the whole nation of North Korea for not much more, I would suspect, than we spend on the military.

And imagine the costs of rebuilding both the North, and likely large segments of the South, following a war, especially if nukes are used.  And how can we prevent at least nuclear artillery shells falling on Seoul?

This is where the TREASON which our intelligence agencies are committing with respect to Trump really come to matter in practical, immediate policy terms.  How can Trump negotiate with Kim Jung Un–and I really think it should happen leader to leader, as that is the only way a deal could be cut–when these mother fucking cunts are spying on the man they should be supporting, and leaking what they find out?

People need to be in jail.  Dozens at least, perhaps hundreds, and I would like to see it start with Brennan.  If he wants to start singing, and implicate Obama, so much the better.  Comey probably belongs in jail, too.  He OBVIOUSLY  needs to be fired.

Anyway, I’ll end with two related precepts:

1) Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.  I think Isaac Asimov said that.

2) Violence is the last recourse of an exhausted mind.  Father of friend of mine from long ago, both of whom knew something about violence.


The media

I have for some time that conglomerate of attention aggregators we call sometimes the “mainstream media” the complicit media.

Effective immediately I am going start referring to them as the Duplicitous Media. They are far beyond complicity, and far beyond remembering HOW to tell the truth.
The people who do so much to fill minds emptied by illiberal educations with shit, but who continue to lie about their commitment to truth, collectively view that word as meaningless, and by extension lies as functionally equivalent, and politically superior.
They warrant contempt, and they warrant being ignored completely.

Paul Ryan

I have grown to view Paul Ryan as contemptible.  He is in my view little better than Barack Obama.  Whatever credibility and personal integrity he signaled early on is gone.  There is nothing left but a will to cling to power.  He needs to be deposed and replaced.

His complete failure stands in stark contrast to Rand Paul, who continues to say the same words and fight for the same things he did when he first took office.

Fuck you Paul Ryan.  With friends like you, who needs enemies?

I am, obviously, very frustrated.  The shining light, the beacon of hope, though, is that Trump is still in charge, and there is no sign that will change.

Republicans still own Congress, and there will be a vote in 2 years to decide how many of this crop of crap Republicans get to keep their jobs in the House.

Part of the strategy of the Cultural Sadeists is to sow confusion and doubt.  I note that both of the articles I recently read on HuffPo and MSNBC did not allow comments.  8 years ago they LOVED comments.  They could rely on the usual people showing up and drowning out the few sane conservative voices who ventured into those dark places.

Now, all bets are off.  Virtually nothing is safe because far more of the nation than is obvious, and certainly far more than they will admit is WAKING THE FUCK UP.

And this is a waking up that cannot be reversed.  Once you realize these mother fuckers are lying through their teeth every day in support of policies that will hurt most Americans and enrich the people proposing them, you never trust them again.  There are no words which liars can say which will make sane people trust them again.

As much trouble as they continue to try to pretend Trump is in, the real existential threat to them is that this fucking pot may just boil over.  They are holding on to a few moderate people.  As much lying as they have done, as many stories as they have made up and CONTINUE to make up, there has to be a steady slide of people away from them.  Loyalty is built on trust and respect.  How can anyone respect people who lie as easily as they speak, about important things?

Yes of course they keep calling Trump the liar, but they have been doing that since he announced his candidacy, and he won the election, despite widespread cheating, despite continual attack by the media, despite being outspent by a third, and despite being wire-tapped by his opponents.

No matter what images they try to present, the REALITY has to be an on-going loss of trust on the part of a growing segment of Americans.

I know Trump has ordered an investigation into corruption, but regardless of the outcome, we need to rise to the standards of the rest of the world, which would include voter ID.

Obama Federalized the elections in the hope of using it as a method of attacking Trump.  I would say keep it Federal, but create a list of minimal standards all States have to meet in order to have their votes tallied on a national basis.

I continue to believe that Democrats cannot win any more national elections without cheating.  Eliminate cheating, and it becomes possible to have sane policy discussions again, from which the lunatics in their ranks can be excluded.  Don’t kick them all out: just the fascist douchebags.


How things have changed

Somebody was reminding me today of how Dana Carvey used to make fun of George Bush.  It was funny.  It was a good impression.  Dana and George were able to talk with each other later and laugh about it.

In the 90’s, Hillary and Bill and Harry Reid and others thought it insane that we would offer mass amnesty to people here illegally.

Barack Obama has permanently made politics in this country nastier, or at least for the foreseeable future.  NEVER before, in my recollection, and certainly not in the modern era, has a former President done so much, so soon, so openly not just to sabotage his successor, but start that process while STILL IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

The amount of cynicism on display, the contempt for decency, fair play, standards of behavior, and for tradition is mind-boggling.  Obama continues to show himself as the most contemptible, dishonorable, criminal person ever to disgrace the White House.  He can’t let one month elapse.  He was feeding information to Trump’s enemies, many of whom remain in the intelligence community, and well positioned for dirty tricks.  Even Nixon never had to contend with such open treasonous behavior.  Back then, at least many intelligence professionals loved this country, or their version of it.  Those days seem to be gone.

It is very late in the day.  Trump needs to stay within the rule of law, but the law breaking is so staggering that this is no practical obstacle at all.

Clearly, records have been destroyed.  All records have custodians.  Those people need to be arrested and put in jail until they testify who gave the orders.  Everywhere in the government, anybody who has altered, destroyed, or concealed the existence of any public records needs to be fired and then criminally prosecuted.  Turn up the heat.

And I continue to believe a decimation would be in order.  A 10% reduction in force, in addition to the firing of all Obama cronies.  Will this hurt performance and morale?  Of course, for a time.  But what is the practical alternative?  Pretending we do not have a massive infestation of traitors?


I am livid

A sitting President had his main political opponent wire-tapped during the General Election.  They have more or less admitted it.

And if you think Obama was not getting briefed on the results, stop reading this fucking blog, and go walk in front of a large bus somewhere and relieve this belabored world of your fucking stupidity. I’m serious: you are a fucking canker on the possibility of intelligence.

Here is the plain and simple truth: something less than half the electorate hates Trump, and something more than half our government hates him.

But over half the electorate–the part that matters–understands FULLY that our system is absolutely broken, and that thousands of heads need to roll, starting as soon as possible.

There is no compromise, and there is no point in pretending that ANYTHING he does will win sympathy from people who want nothing more than to see him shot.

He needs to start criminal investigations IMMEDIATELY on all the laws Obama broke.  Bo Bergdahl and the Iranian deal would be good starts.  He needs to start arresting people for the IRS targeting scandal.  He need to subpoena all public records regarding Fast and Furious.  He needs to get a detailed briefing on the likely arms sold or simply given to what became ISIS and find out what training they received.

Obama needs to spend the next eight years trying to stay out of jail, and at some point, he needs to fail.

Likewise with Hillary.  Why take the high road with that fucking lying cunt?  Throw the book at her.  If Comey won’t do his fucking job, find someone who will.

I think it’s time to circle the wagons and say “if you aren’t with me, you are against me”.  It is that simple.

I want to read about mass firings.  I want to read about prosecutions starting at the bottom, then pushing up and up until people start naming big names or go to jail for very long periods of time.

And as far as Obamacare, nobody who benefited from it voted for Trump.  My view now is “fuck them”.  They will not come back if the Republicans try to throw them a bone.  Not going to happen.

The people who put Trump in office–and now it is an even BIGGER miracle Trump won–are the ones who suffered and continue to suffer under Obamacare.  Give them what they want.  Nobody else matters.  They will never come back, no matter what.

This is a zero sum game played by amoral savages who hate everything decent about this country, and who ache to bring it to its knees.  There is no compromise.

Now is the time for winning.  Trump is in the Oval Office.  He calls the shots.

Start firing back at these people in the only ways they will understand: the pure use of warranted, legal, power.

And it occurs to me too he needs to start recruiting agents throughout the government, who will tell him about plots to sabotage his policies.

This is fucking Orwellian.   This is the infiltration of the government at the highest level by Fifth Columnists, who are uniformly LUNATICS.  Nothing they want makes sense.  The Nazis were at least rational in wanted to help ordinary Germans.  The fucking Left doesn’t even want to do that.  They want fiefdoms, and miserable peasants.  That is an inglorious and horrific vision.

And more than anything, they want moral death.  Not all suicides involve blood.  Most of them happen in silence, and afterwards, the body lives on for a long time.

I was reading about the attacks on Charles Murray, how these ghouls swarmed his car and yanked the hair of his female colleague so hard she was hospitalized, and is this not a literal depiction of a zombie swarm?  I am completely serious.  You have the hate filled eyes, the unthinking violence, and the complete rejection of everything that makes us as humans superior to savage beasts.



Can you derive an orgasm logically?  Can you make yourself physically cum through abstracts reasoning?

I hope not.

To me, proper morality has the same immediacy and physical character as sexual experience. It is an Emergent Property of a system in connection with a specific context. It is not denuded of abstraction, but it never separates itself from a sense of reality and intimate connection.

I may disagree with myself tomorrow, but that is what I feel at the moment.