

The following is written under the influence of fatigue.  It is meandering and, perhaps, in some places falls short of the lucidity which is my usual goal.  Nonetheless, here you go:

One of the hardest tasks of human life is to see people as they actually are.  To do this, you need to be emotionally engaged, but neither repulsed nor attracted.  You yourself need to be free from neediness, and free of those hidden triggers which create unnecessary and foreign (to the interaction, as they exist in a timeless space of their own) reactions.

Virtually everyone you meet, every single day, you either want something from, fear in some way, or react to in ways which are related to things and events of long ago.  They are never just there.  They are there, and YOU are there, and your illusions and feelings are there.  It’s a complex mix.

Growth, for me, seems to consisting in the realization that every negative emotional pattern I have is BEST seen as originating, now, in me.  When I sabotage myself, of course I can trace it back to someone outside of me.  But they are not there, now, are they?  That happened oh so long ago.

But surely, it is easy to think, I would not hurt myself.  That must be a relic.

No: that, too is you.  Part of you is an asshole.  And if you are an asshole to yourself, you are to other people too.  You have just learned to hide it from them and from you.  Nobody sees it, but your asshole self.  You have to get on speaking terms with your asshole self.

And don’t think you can tell it what to do.  It will get in your face and say I SAVED YOUR LIFE YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER.  And it has a point.  It did.

I think–and this is where I am at at the moment–you need to give it an alternative, by both staying emotionally present and doing the sorts of things which work towards success in various forms.  You have to give it reason to trust in a stable adult form of agency which does what it does, but better, with less stress internally, and which pisses fewer people off externally.  You need to give it a reason to stop telling you what to do by giving it an HONEST–and spotting bullshit is an essential part of this part–alternative.

It would be impossible to describe some of the feelings which are coming up in me as I thaw, feelings which evoke times when I was much younger, feelings which I had forgotten were possible.
Last night in some dreams I won’t recount, I realized that my conscious awareness, on an emotional level, was just flat gone for many years of my life.  I was hypnotized.  I was there.  It was my body.  I walked on the street, and drove my car, and met the expectations laid on me, mostly, but I wasn’t there.  It was an automaton.

My true self sees fucking everything.  I feel textures in the air.  I get whiffs of people’s personal stories.  As I have said before, I think at some point I will be able to read spirits–minds alone are boring.  It is astonishingly interesting.  I am fascinated by everything.

I play this game wherever I go, which Doris Lessing called “What do you see”.  I’ll sit in restaurants and wonder why an access hatch is where it is, or what work had to be done and patched there, or wonder why they only applied one coat of paint, or wonder where they got all the lamps, etc.  I see as much as I can, and am constantly trying to figure out the back story.  It’s an interesting hobby, and an antidote to staring at my phone.  Almost every room of almost every building has interesting questions.

Then of course you have the people.

When my kids were younger I took them to Pizza Hut one time.  There was a man sleeping in his car in the spot next to where we parked.  When we got done, he was gone.  I spent the next thirty minutes making up stories of what happened to him, from Big Foot to flying saucers, to ex-wives, to the FBI, etc. It was great fun.

I am getting off an a tangent, as I do, but I continue to believe that the spirits of curiosity and imagination are emotionally and culturally more important in many ways than logical and scientific rigor.  I would not want one without the other, but I feel we have strayed much too far from playfulness and completely open minded inquiry, in far too many fields.

The POINT I wanted to make, was that as I grow I realize that feelings, and the people who feel feelings, are stranded.  They have threads.  Take the feeling of happiness.  Is it never tinged with sadness?  Jealousy?  Fear?  Sadness?  Is sadness never secretly tinged with gladness?  Is loneliness never tempered with a sense of relief from people?

And the people who hurt us, to return to my initial point, finally, are never FULLY bad.  This holds even if they were and are bad most of the time.

Do you think Hitler–or his moral equal Fidel Castro–never inhaled the smell of blossoms on the air on a beautiful spring day, and took a stroll in a garden somewhere filled with colorful flowers, and perhaps laughing and ideologically acceptable children, and forgot for a time their self appointed missions to save somebody from something?  Do you think they never forgot even for a moment their manifest destiny to save the world?

Of course they did. Hitler smiled sometimes.  Castro was content sometimes.

And even people who torment us have moments where they are human, where they relax, even if only for a moment, perhaps at the end of an acceptably arduous day, or in a moment of forgetfulness of the misery they are bound to protect within themselves, who forget the monsters destiny has made it necessary for them to act the role of.

People are stranded.  They have moods. They have modes.  They have, even within viciousness, the capacity for reason and mercy.  They are small threads, too small.  That is why they are unseen.  That is why they still become monsters.

But true cruelty requires belief. It requires in the case of the ideologue the belief that morality is found in violence and pain in the service of some abstract cause embodied in concrete people.

In the case of the sadists, who derive short term satisfaction and release from their emotional confinement in the exercise of cruelty, the belief that this price–that of deepening the fear and social disconnection which has pervaded their lives–is worth this short pleasure and release.

No doubt sadists flock together.  But they are all alone, no?

My point is that even these people have moments of humanity, hard though they may be to see.

I listened to “In Cold Blood”, and both killers–even though they giggled for hours after the killings–had moments of moral lucidity.  Perry propped the father and brother up on mattresses, for comfort, even though he also slit the fathers throat and they blew his head off.

We are stranded.  We are all partly human, if not acted on by ideology.  Only ideology can make people fully evil.

And I have never considered throwing the Marquis de Sade an ounce of sympathy, but perhaps I will here.  Even he, the patron saint of cruelty, and in my view the patron saint of the political Left, found an ideology which preached cruelty to be unacceptable and horrible.  He loved cruelty, but he never sought to justify it.  And perhaps some remaining human part of him could see that the love of violence in the pursuit of factitious virtue was even worse than anything he had imagined.

I am, in my own way, preparing the ground in my own life for what I may or may not term forgiveness.  What I intend, specifically, is an attempt to see my parents as they ARE and WERE.  Such seeing sees good and bad, stupidity and virtue.  It sees textures, with no names, and no place holders for value, which are interesting, and worth exploring for their intrinsic interest and merit.

Nobody IS.  We are all many things.  We are all many people.  We are all many moods, many thoughts, many actions.

And for a full circle: seeing this accurately is fucking hard.  Really, really, really fucking hard.


Parking Lots

What do parking lots say about our culture?

What is the difference in feeling between a full lot and an empty one?

I’m not offering answers.  I am simply offering open questions.



If Amazon Echo is a problem, why wouldn’t Microsoft Kinect also be?  It is designed to detect all motion in the room, and take large pictures of everything and everyone, with audio.

I have one, but I refuse to plug it in, much less connect it or my XBox to the internet.

Anything connected is hackable, and if it is hackable, it probably has been hacked.

I use a paper planner for the same reason.  It is not paranoia to question the wisdom of putting your every last idea in the public domain.  Certainly, I put a LOT, but not all.  Not even close.



“A socially appropriate means of dealing with all the things a society takes most seriously.”

Edit: I’m not sure I agree with this.  It may be wrong or incomplete.  Take it as a Provocative Operation in the spirit of Edward de Bono.



In the Sanskrit that have this phrase, which means literally “happiness and pain the same”.  This is a goal of spiritual practice.  It has always seemed harsh to me, and I have written on it more than once (although I cannot honestly remember what I said, so I may be repeating myself).

On the face of it, you harden your heart, in the same way you harden yourself when doing some unpleasant task, like jumping into a cold swimming pool.  You just don’t think about it.  You teach yourself to not care.  You get comfortable with discomfort.
But a much warmer feeling came up in me today I thought I would share.
It is a fact of life that some people will like you, some will dislike you, some will be ambivalent, and some will change their minds.  It is a fact of life that some things you try will succeed, most will partially succeed, but not to your imagination, and sometimes through some combination of strategy, luck, and your own qualities as a person, they will “fail”, as they say.
Failure stings.  Success feels good.  These are truisms we have all seen in our own experience.
But I felt the possibility of remaining open in all circumstances.  As Churchill put it, in a quote I have cited more than once: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that matters.”
I would amend this: I would say “curiosity to continue”.  It is quite possible to find even difficult situations interesting.  It is like a movie, where you don’t know how it will turn out, where you are one of the actors.  Now, we are all naturally attached to a sense of self esteem which is influenced by events, by an attachment to life and relative comfort, but these are not NECESSARY connections.  It is possibly to privilege INTEREST above all this.
I feel this is the root of the thing: it is not disconnection, but HEIGHTENED connection, combined with a cultivated ability to process experience, and find the fascination in ALL of it.
I would add as well that I do have spells where I feel no need to speak at all.  I feel that healing for me is speaking less.  I was going to write a post on this but


Could we not perhaps define dogmatism as the loss of curiosity combined with strong beliefs?  Could we not define it as simple ideas applied to all situations indifferently, which is to say disconnectedly and in a decontextualized manner?

The longer I live, the more I see curiosity as the precursor of all other virtues.  You can infer much of what you would need to know practically about a person by knowing if they are curious and regularly learning, or if they spend all their time shouting out loud what they already “know”.  Likewise with cultural orders.  Curious societies have to be free societies, and societies filled with curious people continually discover things.  This is likely the principal cultural advantage of the Israelis, and the main cultural disadvantage of all Muslims.

Larger curiosity we term mystery.  Ponder the term “religious mystery”.  Then ponder the feelings evoked by the phrase “the mystery of. . .”.  For me, it evokes the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew.  What is a mystery?  Something unexplained, perhaps unexplainable, but fascinating and fluctuating in our imaginations.  It is the sense of a train whistle and the nostalgia for distant lands brought into being in front of us, emotionally.  What do we make of it?  Do we need to make anything of it?

Mysteries frighten many people.  This is why they seek from life simple and simplistic explanations, which they cling to even if they are wrong.

But curious people are attracted to mysteries, even ones they can’t explain.

Within the last day I saw some supposedly intellectually competent scientist say something like “if it existed we would know about it.  Since we don’t know about it, it must not exist.”  Much of our world is governed intellectually by such people.

Curiosity does not tell you where you are going when it takes you on a journey.  It merely shows you the next step, and its only promise is of a journey somewhere new.


CIA, Fascinating possibility

It seems obvious that the Russians had nothing to do with WikiLeaks.  Assange says they didn’t, and multiple US intelligence professionals have come forward with the more credible story that American intelligence agents hacked Podesta themselves, because for more reasons than I can or will recount here, they hated and feared her, and all the ideas and people she represented and represents.

BUT, what if the Russians DID hack the CIA, and WERE the source of the Vault 7 leaks?  That, to me, would be a game very well played.

They can’t outspend us, but since, particularly under Obama, we were not smart, there is no reason to think they could not outfox us.  They ran circles around us in the Cold War, and only lost because Communism is an inherently malicious and ineffective creed, politically and economically.

I am no friend of Putin, but I am likewise no friend of war, the global elite, or policy which is contrary to America’s interests. I am a friend of leaving things and people alone, rather than feeling a continual compulsion to shape them to our image, often to the financial benefit of people who will work across lifetimes without ever being known by name to the public, which is often forced to speak in generalities, when they are even that awake.

The Left is the enemy of this nation, here, and around the world.  Ironically, it may be an ex-Communist doing the most to prevent their eventual victory.


CIA, obvious point

All along, many of us were pointing to the fact that the NSA surveillance we knew about could be used by unscrupulous people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to gather damaging, blackmail-worthy, information on political opponents.

Lo and behold, that same obvious idea occurred long ago to the CIA, which seems to be “wire-tapping” (yes, I get the anachronism of this phrase, but that does not mean the basic idea is not entirely and substantively correct) people SOLELY to gather dirt.  After all, the fucking NSA is ALREADY doing that work.  The CIA, for its part, was doing it with even less transparency, and for no apparent valid intelligence purpose.  After all, is the CIA not FORBIDDEN from working inside the United States?  Does that prohibition not go back to the Church hearings in the mid-1970’s?

The CIA was founded to combat Communism, and it appears to have been instead infiltrated BY them.  Perhaps its useful time is done.

I wonder if we could get rid of the CIA entirely, by folding it, person by person, into the NSA and/or the DIA, trickling them through carefully to weed out all people suspected of totalitarian loyalties.




Norway, another idea

As I said, Obama sent a bunch of Marines to an old Cold War base in the north of Norway near the Russian border.  Maybe they fucked up something old and radioactive.