
Idealism versus Realism.

If an idea is implemented by someone who is incompetent and operating on the basis of a bad plan, you cannot blame the idea immediately.  If someone utterly unskilled in home building builds a home that falls over, you cannot say that it is impossible to build a home. What is needed is competence, diligence, and a good plan, which is to say good ideas.

It is not idealistic to dream of a better world, but part of the dreaming must involve clear ideas of better. In my own view, a better world would involve the progressive reduction of trauma, anxiety, compulsion, and related psychological disorders. On all scales this would translate to more harmony, peace, and sustainable prosperity.

The reason all past utopian projects failed is that they depended on abstractions and not qualities of being, qualities of INDIVIDUAL emotional health and balance. For the Nazi the Nation was everything. For the Commies the STATE was everything. In both cases power was centralized because there were–and are–no good ideas which work on the individual level, and which can thus be freely spread and developed organically in complex local and extended orders.

But another way, they had no way to enlist human nature in the service of genuine social improvement and skilled use of freedom.

If however we retain a coherent understanding of individual psychological and thus moral improvement, then without the State doing ANYTHING, growth is inevitable, if enough people do nothing more than internalize the idea that growth is good for them and everyone they know.


Realism versus Cynicism

I must observe, admitting I am sometimes a bit comical unintentionally-/that I am often at my most productive intellectually when there is work to be done. My money making today will consist in climbing a ladder more or less continuously for the next four hours or so. It’s good, well paid work, but I still know how tired my legs will be. They tree trunks, but they are also supporting a large tree.

Be that as it may, when I say seemingly cynical things , like “those who are already down get kicked the most”, I am speaking from personal experience. I am speaking from my own life, and on the basis of not-inconsiderable erudition. Human society and human history are filled with horrors. Unspeakable acts are occurring at this very moment in hundreds of places in this world of billions.  To claim otherwise would be ludicrous and naive. And to be naive is, in the practical solution of real problems, to be on a continuum between useless and part of the problem.

But where a cynic would say THIS IS HOW LIFE IS, a realist would say “this is how life is NOW, in far too many places, but better is possible.

And who can deny this? Are we not better off in nearly all ways than we were 500 years ago?

Clearly, many bad ideas have been and continue to be presented as good ideas.  Socialism and the political tolerance of political intolerance come readily to the fore as obvious examples.

But what we have not tried yet is GOOD ideas combined with global technology. And who is to say this marriage is impossible? Not a realist, although he might view the odds as being as abysmal of those of the Patriots at the start of the 4th Quarter in the most recent Super Bowl, or that Donald Trump would beat Hillary.

What are good ideas, you ask? Read my website!!!!!!


Self loathing

It is an odd fact of human life that the time you are most likely to be kicked is when you are already down. Small wonder that those who taste this early in life develop a hunger for power which can d more powerful than their attachment to life itself. Get rich or die trying.

And clearly some people have it easier than others. Those who have not been kicked in the head do not spend much of their life energy looking over their shoulder, leaving them more free for effective work and healthy relationships.

But pointing to relative privilege, OBVIOUSLY, doesn’t raise anyone. Acts of self hatred and self abnegation do not heal in others patterns of trauma, developmental deficits, or give them access to better opportunities.  If they have an educational deficit, for example, as is common in most cities and many rural areas, what helps is education tailored in an intelligent (which is to say SINCERE) way to their actual needs. Charter Schools are useful.

Checking your privilege is only useful for building an unwarranted and factually sanitized sense of self importance. Who needs the germs of facts–which promise only the diseases of confusion and self doubt–when a system has been perfected for perennial and effort free moral superiority?

Enough preaching. This started as a personal note. Preaching, clearly, is one of my best and most cherished defense mechanisms.

You can hate yourself for hating yourself. This was the observation I wanted to make.

From a neurophysiological perspective, trauma acts to create social isolation by taking the relevant social parts of the brain off-line. This gets processed as a sense of banishment and feeling hated. It FEELS like you were cast out for a reason.

But you can then get attacked by your residual social brain, which sides with what feels like the “masses” who cast you out for crimes unspecified. You are first convicted, THEN you put yourself into a perennial trial a la Kafka, who likely suffered from something like this process (Der Prozess).

It is all very interesting, and I do feel interest, curiosity, and relative kindness–of the sort you would afford a stranger–are the path back.


Possible indirect systemic cause of political polarization

As I have often remarked, we live (I am making a likely mostly but not completely accurate generalization about my five readers) in an era of muted emotion and compensating hyper abstraction .

In many of the best paying professions, “dispassion”, so-called, is a positive asset. Such people have cool heads, analytical ability, “objectivity” (which tends to turn both observer and observed into objects, into things).

What if the main ACTUAL product of most of news media–one developed in response to observations about what sells–is EMOTION?  What if people tune into MSNBC, or Fox, or any of hundreds of other sites, for a dose of daily FEELING? Happy, sad, self-congratulatory or mad: all if it counts. Such media offer portals into forgotten dimensions of human experience.

Think about this systemically: would a system based on feeling not inherently work itself into radical antipodes who NEED each other?

Self evidently, I argue for conservative positions consistently. I view them as better because defensible in depth. Emotion is not needed. But have we been infected?

Abstraction as a pervasive problem was pointed out decades ago by others. I believe Jacqued Barzun talked about it. But would it not logically affect all cultural systems?

Interesting idea.



It seems to me that dissociation might usefully be thought of as Affective Amnesia. The sense of self, of embodiment (to use a term common in Kum Nye), is just that: a sense, a feeling. When your feelings get turned ass over teakettle you lose your self. You are adrift, neither here nor there, belonging nowhere, not even where you are.

I feel this. And it is a good feeling. It is painful, but as I have said before, so is thawing a frost-bitten limb.

My true self, which was damaged badly before I could talk, is very very perceptive, and extremely persistent and agile. I can only be glad I am slowly and with great difficulty edging my way back in that direction.


Former NIST employee speaks out on blatant cover-up

NO ONE who studies the data can but conclude that Tower 7, at least, was the subject of a controlled demolition.  I see no wiggle room, no gray area.  Towers 1 and 2, possibly, although even there the preponderance of evidence supports controlled demolition.

But Tower 7 can only have come down in one way.  That this BLATANT FACT was intentionally ignored–and as he points out, these are highly competent people, so that too is the only real possibility–speaks volumes to the state of the American government, and what in recent days has been called the Deep State.

We don’t know who these people are.  We don’t know what they want.  But they clearly represent an existential threat to freedom, and in my view are our most important and dangerous enemy.



What is the “life” value of artificial experience?  What is the value of playing video games, or watching TV shows about zombies or, more accurately, about life with non-zombies in a zombie world?

When people who have spent one quarter of their lives watching TV get to their death beds, what of that experience matters?

I am asking questions.  I am not at the moment willing to suggest answers.



It really hit me this morning that everyone on this planet needs love.  There are no exceptions.  The ISIS members need love.  Every person walking down the street needs love.  Serial killers need love.  Children need love.  Babies need love.  Adults need love.  The elderly need love.

This is obvious, I suppose, and perhaps has long been obvious to people who had their needs met better than I did.

But all the same, this fact is hitting me today for some reason.

You the reader need love, and most likely more than you are getting.



Even if Paul Ryan had passed his bad amendments to Obamacare, it still would have needed to pass in the Senate, and there is no sign that that would have happened.  Rand Paul, particularly, would have opposed it as diligently as he opposed Ryancare, which was not even technically his problem.

Ryancare/Obamacare Lite was not defeated from the Left.  The Democrats had nothing to do with it.  Rather, it was defeated by conservatives, from the right.  What this means is that something much better–something much closer to, or ideally identical to, the ideas I and Rand Paul have proposed–is possible.  It is obviously possible. It is plainly possible.
But only over Paul Ryan’s dead body, which is to say, following a successful repeal and replacement of his tenure as Speaker of the House.  
Which makes me wonder: was the whole INTENT of this, of Trump’s apparent support for it, getting rid of Ryan as Speaker, to make room for much more aggressive, much more audacious, much more APPROPRIATE legislation–given our troubles and the sundry and manifold assaults on our liberty and future prosperity?
On the one hand we read about Trump’s “long game”.  In the next headline, though, we read yet again about what an idiot he is, and how badly he is failing.  But here is the thing: over and over and over and over Trump has defied expectations.  Over and over and over he wins where he was expected to lose.  He triumphs where defeat seemed the only possibility.  Can anyone, now, really argue that all this is just luck and chance, and goshdarnit the next time he’s really, really done?
I don’t think so.  People do not get lucky over and over and over.  This takes talent, instinct, intelligence, and a PLAN.
Paul Ryan is the fly in the ointment.  Mitch McConnell has shown a long history and pattern of pragmatism, and he can be expected to move in the direction of politically expedient winds.  He is not the primary problem Trump faces right now, and in any event, getting him out would be much, much more difficult than Ryan.
It seems to me that this defeat signals the weakness of Ryan.  It is hard to see how someone like Steve Bannon could have ever signed on to Ryancare, and it seems likely he did not.  It may have been that Trump was publicly lobbying for the passage of Ryancare, and privately opposing it, either personally, or through intermediaries.
The failure to pass this bill looks like failure, not for Trump, but for Ryan, whose job it is to represent his constituents, which is to say House Republicans.  He is plainly continuing to fail to do that.  The Speaker is supposed to represent a consensus among his parties members.  He is supposed to represent the interests and policies of the majority of them, and Ryan clearly does not.
Given the CLEAR move to the right on the part of the entire country shown in the changes since 2008 in the composition of Congress and various State Houses and governorships, it seems obvious that Trump with a willing Congress can vitiate many of the assaults on our freedom, and bring under control the metastasizing cancer of uncontrolled growth in funding and power on the part of the Federal government, which were so hardily encouraged under the Obama debacle.
We read daily that it is Trump’s WORST WEEK EVER.  He is really done this time.  There is no rising from the ashes.  End of the road.  Finito.  And yet, as he percipiently pointed out, he remains President, so obviously he did something right.
This will be a long, hard fought campaign.  But we have the troops in place to get things done.  Ryan is a General who needs to be replaced because he has forgotten who the enemy is, and lost his taste for struggle and battle.
We don’t yet know, for sure, who the traitors are who are using our national intelligence apparatus to damage Trump–presumably in support of a totalitarian state–but we can be sure investigations are on-going, and that at some point heads will roll.
There is so much that needs to be fixed.  All of this will take time.  But in Trump we do have someone who GETS what the problems are.  I continue to believe this.
Ignore most of the media.  Most of them are fucking imbeciles when they are not outright bought and paid for.

The outrage

Imagine the outrage if some toothless redneck in Alabama somewhere developed a considerable following based on a reinterpretation of the Bible in which slavery were not just still legal, but more or less encouraged; where rape of any non-members of the church was encouraged; where they had death squads who routinely killed people who were not members of their faith, more or less randomly; and where they preached that one day they would rule America?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  This is the creed of the Left, and based on their actual behavior, they consider their main enemies the United States, its history, and the people who in the main built and maintain it.