

If 1% of the population of any given area showed up to any protest, it would be massive.  If 10,000 people showed up to a protest in an area with a million people, that would be huge.  America has about 300 million people.  That means if 300,000 people show up in Washington that is 1/10th of 1% percent of the population, or one person in one thousand.

Now, the AIM of the left wing fascists is to make it APPEAR there is a broad coalition of people opposed to Trump.  If one person in one thousand shows up to a protest, it LOOKS like a lot of people.

But the truth seems to be that roughly 57% of the population are active Trump supporters, and a sizeable number of the remaining people not lunatics.  But the lunatics want policy to be based on the perception they create because they are loud, aggressive, everywhere (living with your parents frees up a lot of time), and demanding.

Only a fucking moron–and I am speaking to our elected officials–would fail to grasp from the movement to the right that began in 2010, with widespread opposition to Obamacare, and has only continued to gather steam, that THEY KEEP THEIR JOBS ONLY IF THEY IGNORE THE LUNATICS.  The Democrats have lost 1,000 seats, and continue to double down on the same strategy.

It doesn’t matter what happens at town halls. It doesn’t matter what mail campaigns or protests or anything else they do.  They are a decided minority, most Americans hate them, and as should be obvious you only encourage bullies when they get what they want.

Fuck them.


Betsy DeVos

I didn’t really follow the Betsy DeVos hearing, but the main stated public objection seems to be her lack of experience. It seems likely few of us have really cared that much about past Secretaries of Education, but let us assume they had the qualifications people like Al Franken wanted them to have.
Here is a simple question: given measurable educational results, and assuming for the sake of argument both that national education is properly a Federal responsibility and that this office is capable of achieving the aims set it, in what respect should we not view EVERY Secretary of Education for the past 40 years as an abject failure?
In every city in America, and a great many rural schools, we are graduating kids from high school–giving them diplomas–who can barely read, who can’t do basic algebra, who don’t know even the rudiments of American history, like who we fought in the Revolutionary War or how to find France on a map.
Conservatives have been proposing school choice since the 1970’s, and been opposed on it since then by left wing Democrat backed teacher’s unions. The one thing I have read consistently about DeVos is that her mandate is to foster school choice. Given our long term failures–ones not tied to funding, since we vastly outspend many nations which run circles around us–I for one fail to see why trying something different could possible be worse than where we already are.
This graphic clarifies the armies of administrators with Ph.D’s making six figure salaries and delivering mediocrity, decade after decade:


Every Senator and every House member who does not take this opportunity to vote to repeal and replace Obamacare will face a, likely successful, challenge from the right in their next election.

We have Congress, a ready and willing President, and the most blatant mandate imaginable.  Obamacare was the beginning of the erosion of Democrat power in the United States.  It is a horrible law, which hurts 2 people for every person it helps.

All the Exchanges ever did was make available policies that the fucking Blue States would not allow ordinary carriers to provide.  They made individual policies available, where otherwise the options were COBRA or having a job with insurance.

Now, a lot of Obamacare, since it was a left wing creation, consists in subsides the rest of us pay–or which the government borrows on behalf of our children–and much more consisted in raising the amount of household income a family could make and still get Medicaid, but all this could be retained for a period of 2-3 years while people start self insuring on high deductible policies which we can still subsidize into the future.

There is something inherently better when people have skin in the game, which is what happens when you write checks to insurance companies, versus walking into government offices filled with slow moving fat people and demanding they give you things you deserve because you were born, and haven’t done much with your life.


Economic progress and social progress

It seems likely to me that in societies where everyone lives comfortably, racism and other -isms largely disappear.  Most of the time true -isms are based either on ignorance or on the sense that somebody else is getting an unfair leg up.  Americans are very tolerant because the overwhelming bulk of us are fat, dumb and medicated.

Universal free markets will breed universal tolerance, in my view. But to be clear, when large corporations develop incestuous relationships with government, that is not a free market.  And to be even more clear, the reason people like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos are Democrats is that a massive government is good for business.  Members of large governments can be bought.

Ironically enough, the very people claiming to want to protect the “little man” work consistently to fuck him over.

If you think ANYBODY consistently has your back, you are a fucking imbecile.  People do what is in their own interest.  Trump does not have your back, but he does have the fucking fuckers in his crosshairs.  He knows how they operate, what they do, how the tricks work.  He is the most honest national politician I have seen in my lifetime, even more than Reagan.  Trump doesn’t seem how to not be honest, even if in times he has designated in his own mind as negotiation periods, he does play both dumb and crazy.

Yeah, he’s so dumb he beat the Republican field without spending hardly any money, beat Hillary despite the overt and fawning support of nearly every media outlet on the planet, and survived both real and manufactured scandals to do it.


Leftist “medicine”

The basic fact of modern economic life is that economic progress fixes poverty.  Poverty is a problem which disappears when free markets are allowed to operate.  This has happened in country after country the world over.  And the converse has happened: any nation which seeks to control economic life empowers a small elite, usually protected by violent police, and impoverishes the mass of the people.

These claims are FACTS.  They are not subject to dispute by any honest economic historian.

What drives Socialists under their many names is not a benign desire to actually help people, but to FEEL like they are helping people, or in all too many cases, the obvious FACT that the larger the government, the easier it is to achieve tyranny.  If you depend on government for a job, for healthcare, for energy, for housing, for food, for education, then they have you by the balls, don’t they?  They say “let me take care of that” for the same reason men buy women drinks in bars: they want to fuck you later.

Here is the point I wanted to make.  Most simple, common ailments, like headaches, colds, minor flu, bronchitis, aches and pains and the like fix themselves.  Some minor palliatives like analgesics might be warranted, but basically most people’s bodies will heal themselves.  Our immune system does its job.  This is obvious, and the analogy I would draw is with poverty fixing itself if people are simply allowed to go out and pursue money their own ways.

Leftist economic theory, by contrast, keeping with the analogy, REQUIRES strong action in response to ALL ailments.  If there is any poverty, then all wealth must be nationalized.  If there is any inequality, everyone who is not a part of the power elite (don’t skip those parties!!!) has to be taken down.

All colds require STRONG medicine, the most powerful broad spectrum antibiotic, even if it doesn’t do anything, and destroys the digestive tract in the process.  All headaches need codeine, as much as needed, even if it breeds dependency.  The JOB of a doctor, on this rendering, is not to watch and wait, but rather in ALL CASES to prescribe the strongest “medicine” possible, even if it makes everything worse.  It is the process which matters–prescribing medicine–not the result–a healthy, independent patient–which matters.

I continue to think of China and India, which languished in abysmal poverty for decades prior to liberalizing markets and achieving something substantively close to instant relative prosperity.

Again: the FACTS are not in question.  The only possible debate is whether socialism IN THEORY is a moral creed.  In FACT it very clearly is destructive, angry, and hostile to everything in any of our cultures which gives people hope outside the State.

If I were in China I would argue for traditional culture, updated to improve the rights of women, minorities, gays, and others stranded outside that culture.

If I were in India, I would be arguing daily for the rights of the Dalits, for women, and others.  It was only the British who put a stop to the horrific practice of expecting widowed women to immolate themselves on their husbands funeral pyres.   They are also the ones who stopped the Thuggee cult.

Where in the world is sanity?  I continue to wonder why so many of our best minds preoccupy themselves with patent imbecilities.



“Uncle Tom” has the precise affective valence as “uppity negro”, or its uglier cousin, the N word.

It conveys disgust, contempt, vitriol, and latent violence. 


Political control

My youngest knows a guy who scored a 36 ACT, has taken for some 5-6 AP classes a year and gotten all 5’s on the tests, and still got wait listed for Harvard. I get that the competition is psychotic, but pondering it, could politics also not be weighed into the mix? We assume indoctrination happens at the secondary and college levels–and it clearly does–but particularly for the most selective schools, could the ideological in-breeding which is yielding so many intellectual stunted emotional dwarfs not start with the very first weeding? Might it be at some schools that anyone who is not ALREADY a mouth breathing fascist, conditioned to scream “compassion” and “tolerance” at the ring of the “racist” bell, has no chance of getting in?

If these are factories, and “quality” consists in perfect ideological relication–a zero defects model–then why tolerate “garbage”? Why add the additional hurdle of converting them, when the aim is AMPLIFYING and weaponizing them?



I’m the guy rubbing elbows on a normal day with ordinary electricians, pipe-fitters, carpenters and the like.  I think most ordinary people are vastly more intelligent than they are given credit for, and most elites–especially “educated” elites–vastly less intelligent in practical ways than many of them EVER realize, across lifetimes.  Paul Krugman may die as stupid as he is today.  We can hope not, but given a Napoleon complex and a vast ego, it’s hard to see how growth could get through his defensive perimeter.

Be that as it may, I wanted to expand on my previous idea, inviting “subalterns” from the ghetto to the White House, from Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia, even Washington D.C.  Security is manageable, and it would be a HUGE ego boost for many of them.

And specifically who I would exclude are “black leaders”.  They have done nothing in 50 years, and there is little reason to think they will now.  They can be made retroactively relevant, once ideas are proposed and adopted, and “leading” by staying ahead of where everyone is already going is something they well know how to do.

And it occurred to me that inviting COPS, and maybe even prospective employers, to the mix might be interesting.  And beat cops, not the suits.  The cops on the level with the people getting arrested.

When you see riots in the streets what you can assume is missing is dialogue.  The Left no longer dialogues.  It no longer seeks to remedy the sense of unpleasant difference through talking.  Trump can show them, and everyone else, how it is done.  That is the sort of thing he is a master at.



If Tarkovsky’s movies resemble dreams, my dreams sometimes resemble Tarkovsky.  He has a long shot, as one obvious example, in Stalker, just looking at all the detritus in a stream, in water, in feeling.

Water is emotion.  It is the sea we swim in, often while falsely believing we are standing on dry land, on reason, on fact.  Self evidently, the Left thinks it stands on reason, on fact, but it is in fact deeply, deeply submerged in a never ending eddy of primal and generally ugly emotion it lies about, to itself, and to others.  They call hatred compassion, intolerance tolerance.

Last night I was dreaming I was in a dream urban landscape.  Everything was ruined and covered in water.  There were bullets everywhere, and I found a half broken gun I was afraid might still fire, and I could not figure out how to open up the chamber to look, so I fired it underwater.  It shot.  Twice, then a third time.

Now, in my style of dream interpretation all dreams are first highly personal, but also sometimes transpersonal, collective.  I think this was one such dream.

In my own case, of course, there is a strong emotional residue of conflict, of battles fought long ago (like in Lord of the Rings and the swamps, which is a highly mythic and interesting image when applied to practical psychodynamics, how many of us are surrounded by ghosts ready and able to come back to life if we touch the water, the emotional space, they live in, and how fear of this prevents many people from on-going growth, and traps them in an emotional swamp), and discharging the gun was likely discharging unreleased aggressions and fears.  The feeling was one of the after-math of the battle.  Everyone was in shock, but the fighting was over.

But on a higher level, I would submit that this image describes many of our inner cities, and perhaps even our national political landscape.  Refuse from violence is everywhere.  There is a lingering field of latent emotion on the landscape (obviously if I tell the outer truth, that emotion is quite present, quite ubiquitous and very much expressed).

In any event, to make a short story long, in tandem with another dream I had I don’t want to share, here is what I would supposed: Trump needs to go on a charm offensive with his enemies.  But he should start by expressing caring for our inner cities that Obama NEVER DID.

I read some Chicago gangs have expressed a desire to talk with Trump about how to end the violence.  I say he should convene a conference of sorts, where he brings in gang members from a variety of cities, and allows and encourages open discussion about their problems, and what they need.  As a general rule “blacks” have been represented by people like Jesse Jackson who couldn’t care less about concrete accomplishments, as long as he gets to lead the march, and gets his cut of the shake-down money.

Not unreasonably, these people feel neglected, abandoned, and that nobody does, or ever will, give a flying fuck about them.  So why not engage in self destructive, even suicidal behavior?  What good could the future possibly hold?  At least continual violence makes life interesting, and sometimes you win a battle here and there, which you can celebrate with your actual family, your brothers and sisters of the gang tribe, the people who have your back, and who you cover for.  This seems emotionally logical to me.

And I honestly would not presume to say what the answers are, prior to listening to what they have to say.  I assume what they say will make sense to them.  It may not be practical, but it would represent a starting point for planning and acting in coherent ways to eliminate these emotional swamps where so much bad happens, and far too little good.

And to the extent he can, I think Trump should reach out to all the groups which feel threatened.  He should reach out to gay rights groups (since they keep adding letters, I’m just going to stick with Peking, Bombay, and the Koran, figuratively speaking), to Hispanic groups, perhaps even to the “anti-fascist” groups.  It is much easier to demonize and hate people you don’t know, haven’t humanized, can’t relate to.

And at some point he should invite in Hollywood, to help them understand that he is human, that he isn’t crazy, that he is not trying to do anything but PROTECT America from fascism, and that they don’t have to agree with everything he does and says in order to accept that they will get another shot in two years at altering the balance of power, but that in the meantime, he intends to help as many people as he can.  He will win a few converts, in all likelihood.

The core psychological reality is that most Leftists have the same emotionally rooted assumptions about conservatives that the KKK does about blacks, the Nazis did about Jews, the Soviets did about the bourgeoisie, kulaks, the Cossacks, and others, and that the Cambodian fascists did about anyone who seemed educated in any way in the old system.  They dehumanize them, depersonalize them, dissociate from them emotionally, and these acts open up the emotional logic of physical and emotional violence.

Trump is a normal human being.  He has flaws, like everyone, but if there is one group on this planet that commits and condones particularly sexual sins of all sorts, it is Hollywood.  Trump is vastly better than Roman Polanski, or Woody Allen, who MARRIED his own daughter, more or less.  Nobody cares in Hollywood.

Hollywood is in no place to judge these things.  And what SHOULD matter is whether or not Trump is fixing real problems.

Now, many of these people are lunatics. That can’t be fixed.  But not all of them are.  This is cause for hope.

The thing about a healthy morality is it is the by-product of emotional health.  Healthy morality is flexible, but clear about the dominant principle of making the world a more peaceful, happier, healthier place.  It recognizes the world is ambiguous, and that the right answer in one place may not be in another.  Every day is a new day.  Every moral decision must be based on an effort to understand the totality of the situation at hand, and must include both the present moment and the future, and not just those immediately affected, but to the extent possible predict who else may be affected in the future.  It is easy to do something good for one person, that hurts many other people down the line.  This is not morality, in my view.  This is what Obamacare did.  It clearly helped some, but at the expense of most.  Mainly it was congenial to the egos of emotionally superficial people.

Few ideas.


Unity in hate

I read the fascist “anti-fascists” at Berkeley last night were chanting “this is what community looks like”, while screaming, dripping hatred and starting bonfires. Could their bullying be any more obviously that of the black and Brown Shirts?

Do you not think the SA and the Italian fascists thought of themselves as s family, as a community of spirit, as the true guardians of decency and everything good?

And ponder this “community” on their own account. Anyone who is white, and not fucked up or poor is automatically excluded unless they hate themselves. These people want to spit on virtually everyone in America, including blacks, women, Hispanics, Muslims and in this case even gays who don’t agree with them.

Who can this attract? How can this become a mass movement? Unless you are an articulate gender queer, handicapped Muslim, they don’t want to talk to you. It is a coalition of fringe fuck ups, which thinks it can use violence to further its goals. The whole thing reeks of mental illness.