
The world is showing it has lost its mind

I keep watching, with disbelief and amazement, how completely seemingly normal people have separated from the capacity to weigh facts in an even and reasonable manner.  One might agree or disagree with Trump’s policy on immigrants, but it is certainly reasonable.  It is not a reason to call for his assassination, or to compare him with Hitler.

Hitler took people who had lived in their communities for very long periods of time, seized everything they owned, and put them on trains which more often than not led them to their deaths.

Trump is asking for a SLOW DOWN in the pace at which we let into our national home people who come from places where beheadings, bombings, rapes, pedophilia and the like are common.

Is it really so hard to see the difference?

Hitler talked relentlessly about Lebensraum, which all intelligent listeners understood meant at some point invading all their neighbors, which of course is what happened.

Trump talks about diminishing America’s direct role in world affairs, a less aggressive foreign policy, and focusing on making the best of what we already have.

Is it so hard to see the difference?

What Trump has done is crystallize the lunacy and hatefulness of the Left, for all to see.  It is an ugly picture, one filled with mind numbing atrocities against reason and proportion; the complete eradication of the ability to hear, much less rebut in an even and emotionally neutral way, any opposing viewpoints, with hyperarousal being an ubiquitous outcome of even encountering an ideational Other for most Leftists, even the nice ones;  and of course the physical violence that follows all those unable to engage in reasoned dialogue.

Here is the thing: most cops and most of the military–particularly in the Mattis era–support Trump.  Violence might be an answer if Hillary were in charge and willing to encourage it like Obama did and continues to do.  But Trump is in charge.  There are limits to overt attacks on our system and its elected leaders.  Most conservatives own guns, most veterans are conservatives, and all of us are simply watching these street spectacles thinking WTF?  These kids think they are tough, but against the mass of people arrayed against them, currently peacefully, they don’t stand a snowflakes chance in hell.

Again, I can only assume that Trump will continue to win.  The media can be ignored, and the protests can be ignored.  They claim to, but clearly do not, speak for most Americans.

Stay the course Trump, and put the screws to Congress to give you a repeal of Obamacare SOON, with Rand Paul’s replacement.



I have referenced shit in several recent posts, and I wanted to comment on this.  I of course underwent the de rigeur Freudian indoctrination, and am familiar with his posited and utterly unscientific psychosexual stages of development.  I took a class in college with Alan Dundes, who is one of the preeminent folklorists in the country if not the world, and he had a book titled “Life is like a chicken coop ladder (shitty and short)”.  He had a Freudian take on the Nazis and their obsession with cleanliness.

Here is what makes more sense to me.  References to shit are implicitly references to sanctity, to sacrality.  The Nazi reaction was one to crumbling institutions and mores, to pervasive Bolshevik efforts to destroy German culture.  What Hitler wanted to invoke was the sacred nature of Germany itself, which he valued all the more, like all recent converts, having been born in Austria.

Purifying is no different than a bird nesting, getting rid of unwanted “intruders”.  Dogs will not shit in their containers.  Why?  It is an act of impurity, understood completely at an instinctual level.  We share this need, this drive, with most animals.

Now, Nazism was lunacy, but all ideas taken far enough become lunatic.  Communism is the opposite idea: that we have no need of culture, need regard nothing but homogeneity as sacred, and that individuals have no right to assert any differentiated identity.  This is lunacy as well.

Something can be a good idea in moderation.  Nationalism is not something we begrudge Mexicans.  If they want to root for their team in the World Cup, then most Americans say great.  If they want to put that flag up on their wall at home, even though they are no longer Mexicans, fine.

But Americans have the same right.  We have accomplished amazing things.  There is nothing wrong with taking pride in that, and indeed something pathological in feeling shame for things we have not done.  No nation and no individual is perfect.  That does not mean that they are not BETTER as people and nations operating in the world with self respect, and an on-going intention of growing.

To make the latent obvious: self loathing is not a mechanism for growth.  It is rather the AVOIDANCE of growth.  It is the tactic of psychologically infantile people to substitute masochism for genuine self reflection.

My two cents.  Work to do.


Travel ban, or whatever the hell it actually is

Here is the thing: Trumps policy does not ACTUALLY affect, if I had to guess, more than 1 in 1,000 people living her, or more than 1 in 1,000 people trying to travel here.  I read that on the first day of the “ban”, some 325,000 people entered this country from somewhere else–this includes in my understanding all travelers–and out of those perhaps 150 were detained for further questioning, and most of those were released.  Even among those there was no significant inconvenience.

But the same people who would defend pedophilia and Islamic rape culture if told to do so, were out in the streets en masses, protesting what they were told was a “racist” ban.  They don’t a fucking clue what the order actually says.  They don’t have even a rudiment of a capacity to weigh this against past policy.  What were things like under Kennedy?  Reagan?  Obama?

They don’t have a fucking clue what the actual law says.

In a world of instantaneous media consumption, where news has all the substance of Diet Frosted Flakes, people only know what the media tells them.  They can’t remember what fucking happened two weeks ago, much less two years or God forbid two DECADES ago, which is recent history on most renderings of the idea.

So it is not a stretch to say our media is inciting riots.  They are willfully misrepresenting and underrepresenting important facts.  Now, I do not want any media bans, but I think those hurt by violence instigated by grossly misleading news stories should have the right to sue them for their blatant irresponsibility.  They never otherwise pay any price for lying to the American people, disrupting the peace of our streets, and continuing the long term process of diminishing the minds of ordinary Americans by feeding them a diet of shit and calling it gourmet food.  


Gauging policy

I’ve pretty much reached the point where if a given policy pisses off the Left, or Islamists, or pissant countries half a world away we have been giving money to for half a century or more, then that anger is sufficient to qualify it as likely sound policy.

The Left considers Western civilization to be the enemy, and thus we should rightly fear anything they find congenial, and welcome anything they find threatening.

As far as Islamists, their goal is our women herded into homes, chained up in the kitchen, and holes in the heads of anyone who misses one of his five daily prayers.  Fuck them, and anyone who wants to make apologies for them.


It could be said

that the Left has laid a trap for ITSELF.

You only get large numbers of people under a big tent if you can convince them you are good people with good ideas; or that you can deliver the goods reliably.

But the facade of kindness is gone.  The facade of moderation is gone.  And they didn’t even deliver the goods under Obama, to the extent they needed to to secure a broad base of support based on entirely on self interest.

Thus, the more they agitate, the more they drive people away, with no means possible of bringing in anyone who was not crazy to begin with.  Their present base of support should be viewed as a maximum, in my view, which will continue to decline, no matter how securely the complicit media thinks it has sealed the informational leaks.

The simple fact is that Rush Limbaugh is just one of HUNDREDS of conservative outlets, and Trump is not going to do anything to slow any of them down, ever.  Total Informational Control wanted a Hillary victory, and she lost.


Cultural gaslighting

I read a piece some years ago about how much of the effectiveness of propaganda depends on the sense that everybody else believes it, and that if so many other people believe it, there must be something to it.

This sense, of course, is created by repeating certain ideas endlessly as self evident, which are in fact completely wrong, and demonstrably so.  If you repeat it enough, though, with enough contempt for anyone stupid enough to believe otherwise, and if everyone around a given person seems to be accepting it, then you get away with it.  This is how you generate a ludicrous “Trump as Hitler” meme.

But as I said in the last post, such coerced consensuses can collapse very fast, from the weight of their own fraud.  You can’t fool everyone all the time, and once the yelling and screaming has gone on a while and accomplished nothing, a good part of the roughly one third of the electorate that has lost its fucking mind is going to start asking questions.

And the propagandists have no good answers.  The simple fact is that Trump voters are quite rational, and the people having nervous break-downs over him are not.  This is the truth.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to convince you that unless you agree with them, YOU are crazy.  You are not crazy.  Sane people are capable of having conversations, and don’t attack their enemies in the street.  We are the sane people.

And I would comment on Steve Bannon specifically.  The media has been extraordinarily irresponsible in how it portrays him.  He is a “rabid anti-Semite” because he told his wife in a divorce proceeding he didn’t want his daughter going to school with a bunch of LA Jewish American Princesses.  He is a “white supremacists” because he objects to being insulted for his racial heritage continually, and refuses to apologize for his very existence, and to kiss the feet of Social Injustice Warriors.

This whole thing truly is worthy of the Communists, or Nazi Germany.  I don’t know how ANY educator, at any level, could but feel a profound shame and self loathing if they participated in any way in this dumbing down of America to the level of intellectual groveling and rolling in shit.


Why I’m bullish on Trump

His approval–and specifically the approval for the temporarily added restrictions on travel from Islamic violence infected nations–continues to be around 57%.  His support goes UP the more people yell at him.  That has been a consistent pattern.

And here is the thing: Americans don’t like bullies.  We despise them in our DNA.  And the Left, not Trump, is playing the role of bully, and has been for some time. There is nothing fascist in wanting to have a good job.  There is nothing Hitler-like in wanting reduce red tape.  There is no incipient Holocaust afoot when Trump lays the groundwork to build a wall.

I am seeing, over and over and over, not just Trump supporters being attacked, but being sucker punched from behind, or from the side, by ghouls with their faces covered, traveling in packs like the mindless zombies they are.

A strong case can be made that this nation is not just Republican, but SOLIDLY Republican, especially now that the Unions have caved in to the radical Left, and stopped even pretending to give a fuck about protecting or building American jobs.  We will see the results, but it is my belief that Obama quite possibly did not win EITHER of his two victories without cheating.  They have Philadelphia as a vote-packing powerhouse. Detroit.  Milwaukee.  Perhaps Miami.  They have large cities controlled by Democrat thugs who stuff in enough extra votes to overwhelm the rest of the State and push it Blue.

But this cannot happen with sane voter laws.  No other major nation is so stupid as to not require ID to vote.  I suspect few other nations would be so stupid as to trust voting machines–which are electronic, and as such can be hacked and rigged–with no paper backup.

As I keep saying, more and more and more people are going to say to themselves “what is crazy or horribly wrong about asking more questions of people from nations filled with violent radicals”?  Why shouldn’t we want more American jobs?  What is Hitler-like about REDUCING the power of the Federal government and returning power to the people?  What is NOT Hitler-like about attacking people in the streets to intimidate them?

When we lost in 2008, what conservatives did is go back to the drawing board, and figure out how to convey our message more effectively.  Dennis Prager created Prager U.  Many speakers developed regular educational programs, like Andrew Klavan.  All across the board, people were figuring out ways to get the word out, to speak more clearly to more people.  This is because we have the ideational high ground.  We have more and better ideas than the goons in Portland.

What does the Left have?  Well, they are showing us, aren’t they?  Beating people up in the street does not play well in this country, not to ordinary people.  The media can only spin this so long before the WHOLE FUCKING THING BLOWS UP EVEN MORE IN THEIR FACES.

Trump is already a big, and unexpected, fuck you to the media and the ghouls who want to do their dirty work in the streets.  That fuck you will become louder, deeper, broader, and more comprehensive and Trump continues to clear the swamp, deliver jobs, and ignore everyone screaming at him, in his quest to end the suck.

Power to the people.  Power to Trump.



You can seek accomplishment, which leads to a feeling, or you can seek a feeling which lead to accomplishment.  I would submit that for many of the toughest tasks on Earth, seeking a feeling first takes you much farther.

Say you want to be a Navy SEAL.  Among many military friends I have, I have a couple ex-SEAL’s on my Facebook, one of which talks about it from time to time about it.  He has particularly good perspective since he was also a BUD/S instructor. The deal, as I understand it, is to make it through the next 20 minutes, or hour, or 3 hours, over and over again. If you focus on the task as a whole–becoming a SEAL–you fail. That was the most common motivational error people made: looking at the entirety of the process.

And he has not said this, but it seems obvious to me that at some level successful trainees have to grow to LOVE hard continuous work.  It is exciting.  Every evolution gives them a chance to feel engaged, alive.  Now, go hard for four or five days straight–Hell Week is not actually a week–and you’re not going to win any enthusiasm awards (an Air Force Spec. Op friend said they had them playing with sand in a volleyball court after 96 hours with about 30 minutes of sleep total), but something like that, in my opinion, has to be there.  You have to look at challenge as something you embrace–embrace the suck, actually, is a phrase I have seen a lot in a lot of contexts.

“I’ve never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline. “  Vince Lombardi.

 I read happy people get more done, and I would have to believe people who feel excited by life get more done.  John Wooden LOVED basketball.  He loved it.  And this love caused him to want to learn every day, to improve every day.  He never worked: he expressed his affection and passion in a structured way which simply happened to get him paid every two weeks, with a bonus for a championship.

This is all of course just a way of saying it is the journey that counts, but really at the end of the day we are all seeking feelings, and the closest feeling is the one you can feel NOW, without getting out of your chair, which you felt today and will feel tomorrow.  Let that fucker loose, if it promises to lead you anywhere.  Don’t set a fucking goal: determine to listen to who you are, at the core of your being.  It will not let you down.  We are all bad ass motherfuckers, but few of us ever get in touch with that energy.

And to be clear: I am talking to myself as well.  I have shit going on I’m not talking about.  But it’s all good. Truly, truly good.


Very short term memory

I continue to play Lumosity pretty regularly. I’m up to the 99.1 percentile for my age group, and of course shooting eventually for 99.9.  I will likely need to stop drinking for a long time and need to exercise much more regularly to do that.  And at the end of the day, I may not be quite smart enough.  Time will tell.

But I wanted to comment that I have noticed playing some games, like Observation Tower and River Ranger, which work your very short term memory, that odd feelings come up, like this is forbidden territory, and it occurs to me that even when emotionally dissociated, you have to teach yourself not to see certain things, to have a microsecond processing faculty turned on all the time to hide unwanted feelings and experiences from your awareness.  Both of these games make me uncomfortable, but obviously that means they are unlocking something that needs unlocking.

For the time being, I’m not seeking them out, but not avoiding them when they come up on my daily set of games.



The lies you tell yourself to survive something, which become true when they work.  Their truth was you getting through.