
Fake news

As I think most intelligent people have noticed, the Left, when running a coordinated propaganda offensive, likes everyone to use the same tested, evocative but vague words.

What are some synonyms for what they intend with the latest assault on truth and decency?  Alternative viewpoints.  False opinions.  Dissenting opinions.  Unorthodox ideas.  Unconventional ideas.  Untested ideas.  Unapproved ideas.

This makes the whole thing a bit more clear.  It is worth, perhaps, noting as one example among thousands, that the same people who want to tell us they have the only real news predicted a resounding victory for Hillary as late as several hours into the election coverage.  It was almost comical watching the New York Times prediction literally invert.  But it really wasn’t funny.  People telling lies about serious issues is not funny.  And it is even less funny that now that they have been outed, they are doing everything in their power to achieve full propagandistic control of all media. It’s not working, any more than their shameful agitating for Hillary did.

Thank God Trump is going to be our next President, though.  All of this was in the wings with Hillary–she already had her sights set on Drudge and Breitbart–and we are seeing even now, with the unprecedented efforts to bully the Electoral College into betraying the American people, how fully they reject the very ideals of democracy.  There is no good there.  There is nothing kind, gentle, understanding, loving, compassionate, or honest.


Note to Martin Sheen and his ilk

Did you motherfuckers give a rats ass when conservatives explained all the reasons they opposed Obama?  No, you motherfuckers called everyone who didn’t kowtow immediately to your Commie propaganda a racist and whatever else was handy to tack on.

Why should the REPUBLICAN Electors, not counting the meatstick who lied about responding to 9/11, needs to be fired, and who was likely never a conservative in the first place, give a flying fuck what all you butthurt assholes believe now?  You lost.  Fucking deal with it, the way you would have DEMANDED we deal with it if America had been stupid enough to elect that dishonest, treasonous cunt.

No, I am not feeling generous, and I suspect I have a lot of company.  You sons of bitches should have just said “OK, we lost”, like EVERY OTHER losing party in the history of this Republic.  Your disgustingness is particularly pungent NOW, though, since you swore to “accept the results of the election”.  Hey douchebag: that’s not what it looks like.  Go sit in a fucking hole somewhere and ask people to pour dirt on you until it all feels better.  For the rest of us.



Being an odd sort, I was looking at a Catholic cross with Jesus on it, and thinking it made no sense. Spikes through the hands would likely tear out, and who in Gods name would want to try and drive one spike through two feet, even if somebody was trying to hold the still? Ponder the logistics of that: starting the nail, having a foot thrash everywhere, then trying to get a second foot? Seems unlikely.

And why support the feet at all if the goal is slow asphyxiation?

Here is a link on crucifixion:

Here is what I propose: a T, which is simpler and easier carpentry, reusable as they point out, and attested to historically. You tie the mans wrists to the crossbeam, haul it up only enough to get his feet about a foot off the ground–two guys with stools could do this–THEN nails his hands down, just to be sure he doesn’t wiggle free. Then you lash his feet to the pole, so he can’t move around, but so they give no support to his upper body

His diaphragm is forced to work much harder. Most of us, we get some lung motion by raising our shoulders. This is no longer possible.  The ability to inhale deeply is compromised, and breaths become shallower and shallower. The death is like a slow drowning.

In Christs case, though, there was such a ruckus that he was pulled down prematurely by a Roman and killed with a spear, just to put an end to the circus.



I read today that Sweden is preparing for civil war, Rome is on the edge of it, and 1,000 Muslims tried to shut down part of London to call for an end to women’s rights, gay rights, and freedom of speech and religion.

And it occurs to me the situation is exactly analogous to what would have pertained in the Greeks had placed windows in their Trojan Horse and yelled “we are going to kill you” out the windows as the horse was wheeled in, and the Trojans reacted by saying “those Greeks are such KIDDERS!! Anyway, we don’t want to seem judgmental and risk hurting their feelings; and, 24 hours later, their city in flames, the Trojans weeping and saying “how could we have known it would come to this?”

As I see it, barring extraneous factors like a global epidemic, a general scientific epiphany that there is a God and it can be studied empirically (my hope), or some sort of revival from within Islam, either the modern era or the Middle Ages will prevail in Europe. There is not room in the long run for both, and as Mark Steyn argued some time ago, demographics favor the repudiation of women’s rights, gay rights, etc, and a return to public execution for all manner of non-conformities.

It seems obvious to me that calls for Jihad and Sharia need to be treated as the very real treason they are. Sharia, where found operating, needs to be treated as sedition. All customs which specifically single out women for differential treatment, and which use violence or the threat of violence need to be classified as “terroristic threatening” and prosecuted as actual assaults. Any mosque with repeated offenses, or which is home to frequent offenders, should be shuttered and destroyed.

It seems obvious to me that many Muslims are also disgusted by the violence and hatred they see in their own, and in much of what they read in the Koran. Islam, at root, is about the sense of peace won by submitting ones behavior to the rule of law, and to absolute fidelity to an Almight God, who is one.

We offer no support to moderate Muslims. If they speak up, they do so at considerable risk, and with little hope of effect. Leftists ignore them because they loathe their own culture, western media is not interested, and the radicals see, name, and punish them if they can.

The core untruth of Leftist discourse is that bigotry is the only possible lens through which to see the world. In this lens, all whites are guilty and all Muslims innocent. That this is stupid and childlike–and inaccurate–should not need to be said to anyone, but it remains the worldview of most academics.

Seeing the world as it is, and applying principles WE DEVELOPED, like that of universal human rights, is the first step in the also needed Western cultural reform. We have so many good things to offer the world. Our collective suicide is not one of them


Electors, hopefully my last post

I keep reading that even in States where they are required to conform to the will of the Electorate, the penalty for “faithlessness” is a fine. However these Electors also exist at the will of the State Assemblies and can replaced if they demonstrate an intention to be disloyal to their party and the people. This guy in Texas, for example, should just be fired and replaced by someone who does not have his head up his ass.

It occurs to me as well that as well as Republicans performed nationally at the State level, we have not been better positioned for a Constitutional Convention in a long time. I haven’t looked up the numbers, but with good deal making, much is possible.



Isn’t it interesting that the same people who were unwilling to call Alger Hiss a Soviet agent even AFTER he was found with stolen secrets, tried, and convicted of espionage; who have never really recanted “I’ve been to the future and it works; who defended and encouraged Ted Kennedy’s illegal and likely treasonous secret entreaties to the Soviet Communists; who have been supporting every enemy of this country, foreign and domestic for DECADES; now (fuck grammar, if I fucked grammar) claim to see Russians under every rock, behind every tree?  The Russians came, the Russians came.  They are only 20-30 years too late.

If we stipulate that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then I would suggest it is high time we became close friends with the Russians.  They are vastly less dangerous than the Democrats.  That much is obvious.



Milo: “The “fake news” crusade, which is an attempt to delegitimize conservative news sources as revenge for Trump’s election, will have only one result: even more damage done to the credibility of mainstream, left-wing news outlets and TV stations. Good!”

As I think about this whole thing, the absurdity that it has been advanced in public, I reach another conclusion: no one is saying the Russians told lies.  This is not the claim made.  No one is saying they hacked our voting machines.  What they are saying–this is the core claim being made by ostensibly serious people supposedly doing their jobs diligently–is that the TRUTHS they spread so influenced weak minds that they made a BAD DECISION.  This is what they are saying: we need a new election because the American people made a bad choice, because they failed to do EXACTLY what we told them to do, and the only possible explanation for that is that someone else got to them first.  It’s not that they understood perfectly well the choice in front of them and made a sane decision.  No: the vanity of our press is such that they CANNOT COMPREHEND the election of Trump in terms which preclude their own moral authority and ideational supremacy.

So Milo is absolutely right that the same people who told the press to go fuck themselves on November 8th are going to have even LESS faith in them now, and their numbers will no doubt grow, as more and more people awaken to these patent absurdities, grotesque hypocrisies, and efforts to vitiate the 1st Amendment.  Nothing in the 1st Amendment requires anyone to tell the truth about anything.  We all know that if you lie often enough, people stop listening to you, and if actual damages occur, then we have a court system.

Even though the media is adept at creating the illusion that large numbers of people hold whatever opinion they are pushing, in large and increasing numbers people are simply ignoring them.

I will add too that the very vigorousness and energy being used to attempt to invalidate this election means we PICKED THE RIGHT GUY.  If Wall Street was fine with him, none of this would be happening.


The core allegation with regard to the Russians is that they were the ones who hacked John Podesta, and released his emails.

They had nothing to do with James O’Keefe, and the resulting firing of the core of the Democrat dirty tricks team.  They had nothing to do with James Comey reopening the email probe, with Anthony Weiner propositioning an underage girl, or with Hillarys criminal background, utter lack of charisma (most people would pay NOT to hear her say anything), record of continual and long term lying about virtually everything, her failed policies in the Middle East (which she also lied about), or with Obama’s piss poor record on nearly everything.  Most Americans hate Obamacare, have seen the worst recovery since the Great Depression, feel our nation has become weak and despised internationally, and overall have rejected the DEMOCRATS period in a record number of States, in addition to returning Republican Majorities in both houses of Congress.

Most Americans did not want to go to war with Russia over non-existent American interests in the Middle East.  Indeed, many of us who have studied the issue believe that getting us to do Saudi Arabia’s dirty work for them was a core reason they funded roughly one fifth of Hillary’s campaign, in a blatant effort to fix the election for her.

And with regard to Podesta, the major revelations had to do with the dirty tricks played on Bernie–tricks Hillary plainly endorsed, since she immediately rehired the disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz–and the long term and successful efforts by the Democrats to manipulate the media in favor of Hillary.

From this toxic brew, we are being asked to believe that the REAL story is that the Russians, in revealing the sheer extent of Democrat corruption, somehow tilted what WAS a balanced playing field.  Bullshit.  They revealed how utterly unbalanced and crooked the media was and is; how it is a de facto propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

And that is if we even believe they did the hacking, which I don’t.  Steve Piezcenik has gone on record as saying it was AMERICANS, and this is vastly more credible.  Why in God’s name would anyone who loves this country want that lying, cheating, backstabbing bitch in charge of our security and safety?  She treated our secrets with absolutely contempt, our troops likewise, and lied about all of it, and GOT AWAY WITH IT as far as most of the media was concerned.

We have a HUGE issue with fake news, and all of it is coming from the people spreading this fake news meme.  It is a propaganda trick cooked up in a back room by people who knew and know exactly what they are doing, and is thus clinically and precisely Orwellian.  It is a message created by aspiring authoritarians, for whom the notion of truth is completely empty. Truth for them is what works, and what works is truth.

Again, that so many people COULD fall for this bullshit is unbelievable to me.  How do we fix so much stupid?


Fake news, part 2

Who smelt it dealt it.

Five words.  That is a masterpiece of concision, I must say, and I have also evoked the smell of shit.


The Russians

There is no evidence of actual vote tampering by the Russians.  Indeed, all the fraud which seems to have happened favored the Democrats.  We know that cheating is and more or less always has been a part of their strategy.  If nothing else, O’Keefes videos made that obvious.  The recount in Michigan seems to have been stopped in part to avoid disclosure of the sheer extent of Democrat fraud.

So the allegations must necessarily revolve around Russians working to create narratives which favored Trump relative to Hillary.  If we are to concern ourselves with organized propaganda offensives, then, why would we not stop to ask how it was that a horrible human being, failed leader, and blatant crook like Hillary was supported so aggressively that she was even in contention for the Presidency in the first place?  Is it not possible foreign powers worked hard to ensure their narratives were on the nightly news every night?  Did not the Saudis fund something like 20% of her campaign?

It does seem like the world is shrinking, that people’s capacity for attention, for memory, for critical and logical thinking is decaying.  How else to explain the monstrosities being presented as credible ideas, and the patent willingness of imbeciles in large numbers to swallow and regurgitate them reliably?  We literally live in a world where they can change their story 180 degrees, one day to the next, and half the country fails to even notice.  One would think DoubleThink would be something you had to force on people, that you had to break them so they would accept it.  No, it turns out all you have to do is teach them the importance of being a member of the herd, and to blindly trust the leaders of that herd.  As long as they are surrounded by people mouthing and agitating the same idiotic and contradictory propaganda, they feel not just OK, but SUPERIOR.