
A post I should not make

I like to fantasize that I was Jesus Christ in a past life.  I am lonely and it is a congenial fantasy.  Judge me as you choose.  To be sure, the psychiatric wards are filled with Jesus’s.  As Mark Knopfler sang, of Speakers Corner “two men say they are Jesus; one of them must be wrong”.  It’s a good line.

But I would like to present to you some unique ideas, some notions that I have not seen presented anywhere else.  This is my burden: to be filled with ideas, which I have every reason to believe are highly useful, and to be understood, as far as I can tell, by no one.  To be sure I could be more determined and more effective at getting my ideas out there, more steadfast in working to find supporters.  But I do tire sometimes, trying and trying and trying and failing and failing and failing.

And I have actually been enjoying some peace the past few days.  The part of me that reacts with an electric jolt to the notion of our society failing is not reacting as much.  I am not caring as much.  I am not so much becoming apathetic, as realizing that no matter how much I excite myself, no matter how much I set myself on fire, most people will not care, and for the most part it makes no difference.  The illusion of control can be comforting, but accepting that it is an illusion also makes life much less serious.

Christ began his ministry around age 33.  Where was he until then?  He was politically engaged arguing with his fellow Jews against a suicidal rebellion, which would lead to the end of everything left of traditional Jewish life oriented around the Temple.  He could see that the Romans, while tolerant enough in peace, were quite willing and able to commit acts of mass murder and destruction if driven to do so.

He could feel the murder in the air, and the end of an era.  He begged people not to do what was in their hearts.  And at a certain point, he realized it was all useless.  It might be ten years, it might be a hundred (although that wasn’t likely), but their way of life would be broken.  Parts might remain, but the fabric would be torn.

And that is when he began his ministry, his highly impractical creed of love.  It was born in part of despair.  The larger project of saving the whole failed.  He was unsuccessful and he knew it.

So he preached let us love one another, for soon all will be for naught. Let us love one another as God loves us.  Let us forgive our enemies.  Let us no longer fight them, for soon all will be for naught.  Let us seek the good and the beautiful and the sacred in our hearts, and let us try to feel the ways of God in our hearts, for soon all will be for naught.  We must prepare, because our world is going to become dark, and ash will fill the air, and the screams of the guilty and  innocent alike will fill the air.

And he knew that after all the attacks on the Jewish leaders he had made for so many years that his new turn to the crazy would set them against him.  They wanted and preached victory.  They fought for Jewish independence, and they sure as fuck didn’t need some dirty beggar and rabble-rouser putting those sorts of ideas into people’s heads.  Victory was on their mind, victory of the sorts preached throughout their scripture.

And he knew this.  But he was a stubborn mother-fucker, and he didn’t quit.  He was a warrior, and warriors accept only victory and death.  And victory, now, was healing people hurting in their souls.  He focused on the down-trodden and invisible because they are the only ones able to listen, to hear with new ears, to accept new truths, to be taught in any way, shape or form. It is largely still this way, today.

And when they nailed him on the cross he felt fear, yes, but more sadness.  He had failed again.  He had been misunderstood again.  It was not the death that bothered him, but failing to be heard. He knew he had touched some hearts, but he could also likely sense the bandits and robbers–the wolves–already circling around the emotional effect they could see that his words had, and trying to figure out how to use them for their own benefit.

Maybe he came back from the dead, maybe he didn’t.  People come back from the dead, according to the reports of people I believe, many times every year around the world TODAY, albeit typically through mediums.  This would not be a unique miracle.

And over time the story persisted of something unusual, something inexplicable, behavior that did not fit within any good narrative other than those of sacrifice and love.  And over time the story grew.  A virgin birth was added, walking on water, loaves and fishes, magical healings.  The mother, who in fact he dreaded, became a saint, and was worshiped in her own right.

And for thousands of years a fossilized institution has preached of love, and practiced charity with the same diligence as the Goodfellas in Queens–who did distribute toys every Christmas to all the kids–with all the genuineness of wind up toys.

And thus a global, Catholic institution of immense wealth and power grew up on the seed of someone whose main virtue was being willing to risk everything he had and was at every moment of his life.

Is any of this true?  I don’t know.  I don’t tell my mind where it can and cannot go.  Once the notion of limits is in place it shrinks instantly.  I don’t share everything, and was not sure if I should share this, but it feels right, so here you go.

Whoever wins tomorrow, I am ready to change my life and my focus.  I think this is true.


NYPD: please save this country


A mandate for law breaking

As I think about it, if we elect Hillary EVEN AFTER ALL THIS, that amounts to a mandate for law breaking and crime.  It is the American people collectively saying: we don’t care if you love this country, or if you are for sale, or if you are mishandling daily our best kept secrets for years.  We don’t care if you lie, we don’t care if you steal, we don’t care about FUCKING ANYTHING.

Because, you know, you are a Democrat and a woman.

Jesus H. Christ.  I called it in 2008, but I am REALLY calling it this time.  We are done as a nation which deserves the right to govern itself. I can’t of course know what will happen, but the writing is on the wall.  Every sacrifice every soldier has made for this country is rendered null and void.  The work of our Founders will be undone.  Everything good we have created will come under attack and fall, over some period of time.  We are decadent, and is what happens to decadent people.


FBI and the Hatch Act

There is nothing in the Hatch Act about prosecutors doing their jobs.  Knowing nothing more about it than that it was passed in the late 1930’s, we can safely assume it was a Republican bill intended to curb FDR’s countless abuses of power, which often included what amounted to publicly funded bribes.

You can Google it and read it.  It simply says political leaders within the bureaucratic apparatus should not campaign for specific candidates and causes.  It says nothing about law enforcement doing its job, and it would seem obvious that the Americans of the 1930’s would stare in disbelief at our present political system, in which we stand poised to possibly give the most important job in the world to someone we KNOW is a crook, we know got good Americans killed pointlessly then lied about it.

This time is astonishing.  I know I can track the lies, who told them, and what their purposes were, but it is still a daily source of astonishment that people can be made to believe them.

As far as Hillary, if Comey waits for an indictment until AFTER the election, if Hillary wins, he is going to have rioting on the streets on both sides.  Trump supporters because he had a DUTY to tell us, and Hillary supporters because they will assume it is politically motivated.

Particularly if the charges are as serious as alleged, particularly pedophilia–and the evidence substantial, as alleged, then that needs to come out NOW.  If the American people then STILL want to vote for Hillary, and the voting seems on the up and up, then I will accept that result, and simply start making plans to move to a nation where people are not batshit insane.


Doors and walls

A door, especially a door with a lock on it, says “no, you can’t come in here without asking”.  The logic of allowing unlimited, unregulated, unchecked immigration into the United States because a wall is wrong, is the same as that which would be required if one were to not just leave the door to one’s house unlocked, but remove it entirely.

This is farcical.  We live in a world where people have been made so fucking stupid that the simplest elements of common sense escape them.  Every other country in the world requires some form of Voter ID, or so I am told.  In some cases it is a fingerprint, but there is something.

There are not any nations in Latin America, I’m quite sure, who do not assert the right to control their borders, even if in practice they are porous.

The stink of idiocy is strong on this country.  As I said in 2008, we can undo the harms of any individual politician, but it is going to be very, very hard to uncorrupt minds CAPABLE of not just believing, but embracing enthusiastically, the continual stream of lies, half truths, omissions and destructiveness streaming from the political Left.  We are being talked into national suicide and people are too complacent and ignorant to understand it.


Why so stupid?

I think many ordinary Americans, used as they are to a reliable power grid, water coming from their faucets, smiling faces on their TV’s, cars that start, freedom from violence, grocery stores filled with food, etc. have come to where anyone suggesting anything unpleasant is regarded with suspicion and fear.

The crimes of Bill and Hillary are plainly so large, so inconceivable, that most people simply cannot believe they are true.  If they were true, the media would tell them they are true.  But the media isn’t doing that.

Yes, they are a bit anxious.  They know there is a large stink, and their gut–if they still listen to it-tells them these people are rotten to the core.  But they don’t want to know that.  They don’t want to think that.  It is supposed to be a heart warming moment, of the sort they celebrate on daytime womens’ shows, when the first woman becomes President.  Aren’t they supposed to want that?  Has not a lifetime of conditioning led them to want this more than anything?

I have no idea if we will survive all of this, but my oldest has been saying for some time that a major disaster would likely be good in the long run for most Americans, certainly the current college generation, which is decadent, stupid, complacent, and deplorably ignorant about virtually everything. Their emotions and views are superficial, their loyalties highly mutable, their minds weak, and their sense of entitlement strong.

I feel like bitch-slapping the world sometimes.  It is regrettably a bit too big, and in any event, it would not understand.  Stupidity is the problem, and all you do is weaponize stupidity when you treat it with aggression.  Nobody gets smarter, but they do get more violent.  Everybody walking down every street in America and every other country is secretly convinced they are a fucking genius.  Dale Carnegie said this, in so many words, and he was right.  He didn’t say that is how it should be.  He just said that is how it is.


Obama is trying to lose the war with ISIS

It’s a good story, tough old bird, ex-PJ, fighting the good fight.  But then I get to this:

The line they oversee straddles the ISIS corridor to Syria, and is a key supply route to reinforce Mosul with both men and equipment. Yet even as the long-awaited move to retake Mosul is underway, the western front has been largely unguarded by the coalition of Iraqi army, Kurdish forces, Shia militia and U.S. advisersworking together against ISIS. 

“Conventional military wisdom says you encircle your enemy and defeat him,” Shumock said. “For some reason, they’ve left the western side of Mosul all the way to Syria open, and, as the general told you, we see 500 vehicles moving every day, resupplying Mosul and Tal Afar. And there’s nothing we can do.”

As Trump pointed out repeatedly in the debates, it is bad enough that we are giving ISIS notice.  It is much worse that we are simply allowing them to come and go at their pleasure.  We are not only letting the leaders out, if there are any left, we are allowing resupply.  Why?


Cultural Sadeism

At its root, I would perhaps say that Leftism consists in the separation of the frontal cortex, the reasoning centers, from the limbic system, the brain stem, and the body.  Behavior is irrational daily.  Nothing makes sense.  Everything is driven by unacceptable, unacknowledged emotional needs, even when it appears outwardly rational and goal driven.  Jon Podesta is reasonably good at getting and keeping power.  What he is not good at is understanding who he is, what the point of life is, and why he does what he does.

And periodic reconnection with the emotional core is established through cruelty and masochism.  This is the root cause of NEEDING objects of hatred, of building a system which by design has outsiders, Others.

There is no structural difference between a Kulak, and a “racist”.  Both are treated with extraordinary bias and bigotry, because they are needed within the system as sacrificial objects.

This madness has a beginning, and it can have an end, but only if we avoid a global flood of tyranny and pain.  I personally would prefer a nuclear conflagration to a slow descent into an Orwellian hell where every person I meet is smiling and lying to me.


Unless this guy is lying, Hillary is not going to be our President

New York City cops are now involved, as Weiner’s laptop was initially seized in their jurisdiction, and for their investigation.  And they are saying if the FBI won’t do its fucking job, they will do it for them.  This sounded like a 24-48 hour ultimatum.

Comey needs to either do his job, or his balls are going through the wringer.  There appears to me to be no third option.  Crimes are crimes, and charging people promptly when evidence is present is the job of law enforcement.  This is a very simple syllogism.

And charging Clinton now with a couple charges that will stick will be vastly better than risking letting her fraud apparatus win her the Presidency, then having to impeach her and remove her from office, leaving us with Creepy Kaine as our President.  Or worse yet, creating a situation where her very intricate and effective system of corruption keeps her out of jail completely.  As I posted a while back, whenever Bill Clinton was impeached, the fix was in at the outset, and there was never ANY CHANCE of him getting removed from office.  And he knew it.  The same may well apply to Hillary, although crimes against children turn everyone’s stomach.

Guys: she should have been arrested MONTHS AGO.  You know this.  Do it now.


Jade Helm

I saw it as a rehearsal for the invasion of Texas.  But it would be equally applicable to a coup.

Again, I have no special knowledge and I am not suggesting policy.  My vote is always for peace.