
Memories, some from a perhaps future

 walk back up there,

   Pass an indifferent sword,
    its flames now dimmed,
     its possessor absent

    And to find,
   that apple,
  two bites less.

 And to eat again–
such a sweet sin!!!
 –but it doesn’t
  matter now.

   Now to look:
    mists fill the air, but one
     senses that a fire built,
   here, for warmth and
 society, would
burn forever.

 The air contains an
  almost scent, as if the
   possibility of all scents
    felt us coming, and is even
     now hiding, or perhaps

 Scraps of paper litter the hills
in this garden, and the flight
 of birds fills the air. Where
  they come from, and where
 to, I do not know.

Slithering obliquely, a trail
of a snake extends over the
top of the next hill.  He who
perhaps WAS once welcome,
is gone, to return no more,
his work complete.

 One senses this is no place
  for banks, or post offices,
   Law clerks, or law.

  The air has ears, and poetry is
 never forgotten.

Ah, to remember is to learn!!!


Dreams and visions

Once in a lifetime,
  Perhaps twice,
One may stumble upon a
  City in the desert
Consecrated to a death,
  To a wound which happened
Long ago.

So terrifying!!!
  To put wheels on the shrines
And hoist up sails to capture
  Spiritual winds.
To set out with the hope,
  Of learning a new ocean.

So much lost of
  So much known.
Who will we be, and
  Where will we go?

But it does not do,
  To worship a hole.


Trump and the Electoral College

Especially since the Left–the whiny, violent, hysterical Left, whose true nature we are seeing on America’s streets, as we see flag burnings, and in at least one case someone literally crapping on everything Trump and the people who voted for him stand for–has made it an issue, if I were Trump I would assign a couple good people to the task of figuring out who the Electors are that he needs for his 270, and pull backgrounds on them, and any recent public statements one way or the other, and develop profiles.  Any that I think might flip, I would lobby directly, using as appropriate a combination of threats and rewards and old fashioned glad handing persuasion to make sure they do their jobs on December 19th.

Leave nothing to chance.



It is impossible for anyone to know their fate.  So I believe.  It is impossible to know day by day that you won’t be in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, or that something will not happen to someone you love.  Self evidently, bad things happen suddenly–and slowly, as in illness–to good people all the time. Most of the time it’s not us, but sometimes it is.

It seems to me the core existential element of faith is the ability to relax in motion, to do the work of the world, to move with its currents, and maintain the ability to relax and stay in the moment; specifically, to reject and distance yourself from worry and the obsessions it breeds.

To be here: that is faith.

I had some minor setbacks today, nothing major, and it occurred to me that we live in an inelastic world.  We have come to expect things to be run like a giant, predictable machine.  Everything is measured.  Yardsticks are everywhere, and deviations from those yardsticks are resented and feared.  We all have one measure, and fear a second.

Most people are accustomed to making a certain amount of money a day.  Your time, for example, may be worth exactly $30/hour.  If you work one hour, you expect $30.  You don’t expect $28 or $32.  It is $30.  But imagine if somebody was spinning a wheel hourly to see how much you make.  Every hour would be a surprise.

If you think about it, farming was always a crapshoot.  Hunting was always a crapshoot.  Sometimes it went well, sometimes not.  On balance things worked out for those who survived, and obviously did not work out for those who did not.  But the future was always uncertain, which meant that everyone had to have some means of calming themselves, of cultivating faith, of dealing with chance, and a universe of unknowns and uncontrollables.

We are so weak in large measure precisely because uncertainty has been largely eradicated in our world.  Dealing with chaos and confusion simply aren’t skills the mass of people need or cultivate or value.


The power of evil

It is in the nature of children to play, to pile blocks, one on the other, to minister to their dolls, to move sand around, to climb up and down from the couch, to experiment and explore.  This is how they find and use their power in a healthy way.

When they do not feel safe doing this, when this natural energy that wells up in them and is expressed in the world is stunted by chronic anxiety and experientially warranted fear, they do not establish a gut level connection with the expression of their power to move the world.  There is no easy in and out between in here and out there.  It becomes problematic, and when this happens, a feeling of relative helplessness ensues.

The nature of the human organism is it tries to correct deficiencies, and psychologically it tends to overcompensate.  Where there is fear, there will be aggression.  Where there is helplessness there will be a quest for power and control.

In an adult who has not been socialized properly, who is suffering from unseen because primal traumas, it is best to imagine the healthy quest for power as existing in a suspended, timeless, inactive state.  This is the wax museum I have sometimes described that I feel in Leftists, that I felt in Sade.  120 Days of Sodom could be seen as consisting in hundreds of dioramas that never change.  There is no actual motion anywhere in the book.  Everything is frozen, dead.  A paralysis is on the world, which can never change, never evolve.

I found the mythos of the Dr. Strange interesting.  The main villain seeks a world beyond time and death.  He wants the many to become the few, and the few one.  And the one to be suspended in one pose for something beyond an eternity, since time does not exist.  But what role could consciousness possibly play in a world without motion?  None.  His deathlessness is actually lifelessness.  To live is to die, and to move is to die, to change and evolve, to not remain the same.  If it is a death to change from moment to moment, then dying continually is our task if we want to live healthily.

But what a ritual dedicated to evil–and these can exist in many forms, as there is a ritualistic quality to much left wing activity–accomplishes is it creates a bridge between the present world of that person/those people, and the suspended power within them.  That energy comes flowing out, and in the process creates the illusion of motion.  It is a motion confined to that time and space, and so it is necessarily temporary.  It must be repeated regularly for that person to maintain some outer sense of wellness.

What it is NOT is integration.  What it is NOT is a movement towards wholeness.

Frits Perls used to say “the only way out is through”, and I believed this for a long time.  But pushing is often counterproductive.  If you attack a latent powerlessness in yourself with violence, it hardens and resists.  It becomes worse.

The way out is out.  That is my formulation.  What I mean is that we have to expand.  All of our limitations exist as a sort of knot within our psychospiritual energy flow, and they have to be ALLOWED to release, to grow, to add their pace, their sense of time, their unique contributions to our consciousness, such that over time we feel larger, more encompassing.  We can go more places and do more things and still feel at home in our latent power.


Now the fight begins

This election cycle has brought to the surface all the ugliness underlying the carefully crafted outer appearance of civility, caring and compassion that the Left has so assiduously cultivated for so many decades. The demons and ghouls are out in the open, and they are PISSED.

All of my work posting–my trying to understand and describe what I see–has had as its purpose helping to contribute to what I have always considered a fighting retreat.  We have been on our heels for decades.  Even Reagan had to contend with a solidly Democrat Congress for all of his eight years.

What Trumps election represents is an end to the retreat.  It is by no means the end of the fight.  Politically, it will be the equivalent of house to house, room by room fighting.  The shrieking will be continuous for a very long time.  Anyone who needs a safe space for protection from non-existent crimes and threats will obviously feel an existential threat in someone as unabashedly pro-America, pro-Progress as Trump.  Weakness breeds fear and fear breeds hatred and violence.

I do think we will see a lot of violence tonight, in many places.  You can’t plan a riot at 3am, but you can with a day intervening and a concession speech from Hillary.

But the riots will only prove us right.  We are not the violent ones.  We are not the hateful ones.  We are not the ones animated by spite, greed and anger.  The darkness is on them, those who lie, cheat and steal in the service of nothing, no meaningful principle, no carefully thought out program.  The Soviets did not care if their programs worked, and the Leftists in America don’t care now.  It was never about ameliorating the human condition, building bridges between people, or pursuing a deeper, more spiritual life.  Inherently, any cult based on conformity cannot but degrade humanity.  We need ACTUAL diversity to thrive, and we lack it in far too many places, but particularly in what should be hothouses filled with countless breeds of ideas–our universities.

Instead, generations of intellectual in-breeding and insufficient light have bred monsters.  And those monsters will not be tolerant in coming years.  They will not be silent.  And they will not be peaceful.  That is my prediction.  But bringing all this out in the open easily gives the lie to notions of their compassion and caring.

People may well wake up.  That was the point of my previous post.  There are degrees of moral and intellectual degradation, and it is the nature of human life to seek order, and I foresee many people suddenly taking an in-breath, and wondering why there is a knife in their hand, and where they were going, and how they got there.  These people should be treated gently and with patience. 



A lot of people are grieving right now.  Some are doing their best to hope for the best, and I think as conservatives we need to reach out to these people and reassure them.  We are and always have been the better people, and there is no better way of showing that than being magnanimous in victory.

Don’t hold these people in contempt.  Yes, if they react in reflexive anger and that hate they have been taught so long to value there is no reason to do anything but avoid them.

But if they are probing and questioning, if they are saying things like “will my son be deported”, or will black people be respected, etc. tell the truth, which is that Trump is a decent human being.  We probably will stop taking refugees from places where large segments of the population wants to kill us, but my honest guess is that after he deports the criminals among the illegals in this country, and shuts down Sanctuary Cities, and starts again enforcing the laws of our nation, that amnesty of some sort will be granted to the vast bulk of people here illegally.  This, after effective border control measures are implemented, including walls along long stretches of our border with Mexico.  This has been my vote all along.

I do think it would be reasonable to deport people who have come here in the last 4 years or so.  What exactly will happen is unclear.  Decisions will certainly be made, though, and executed.

But many of the fears people are expressing are ridiculous, and I guess what I am saying is that rather than laugh at and mock them, I would encourage people to comfort and reassure them that Trump really will be the President for all of us, rather than that of the elites, as Obama has been, and as Hillary would have been.
This is why he won.  


The obvious

To the very evident satisfaction at her correct answer on the part of the media, Hillary promised at least twice to accept the results of the elections.  No ambiguity.  Zero.  Self evidently, everyone assumed that the accepting would have to be done by Trump, but he can blast her relentlessly–he can run the video on loop– if she wants to backpedal now and pretend that whatever fraud there was, was done by Republicans TO Democrats, rather than the other way around, and open up multiple investigations, a lot of her people, in my view, are going to wind up in jail after Trump wins anyway.  The mood–the Tao–is clearly not in her favor.  The tide is going out, rapidly, and she may still stay out of jail if she keeps her fucking mouth shut.

He is not going to investigate too carefully if he doesn’t have to, but if she wants to raise a big stink, LOTS of her people will likely go to jail, and she has to know that.

Hillary: you lost honestly, and you fucking know it.  Concede, then go crawl under a rock.  Trump is not going to be pushed around, and you know these numbers were real. You lost PENNSYLVANIA for God’s sake, likely as a result of Amish and others in the middle of the State who have never voted in their lives. 

Move on.  Isn’t that a motto of yours?


Step One

We need to create a working group that will make our elections very, very hard to rig.  Paper, unduplicatable ballots, national voter ID like all other nations, and generous provision for monitoring by both sides.

If we take voter fraud alone off the table, Democrats may never see the White House again.  My personal opinion is that the 5% margin of victory last polled was about right, and that Trump likely did win by that much–but that vote switching machines, undetected ballot stuffing and the like deducted a few points.  The Democrats likely thought that would be enough, but as of this moment, it wasn’t. 

And after all the screaming about “accepting the election”, and given many instances of fraud helping Democrats and zero that I have read about helping Republicans, Hillary really needs to accept the result.


NYPD: three positive spins, one negative

It really seemed to me like Eric Prince had solid, highly plausible intelligence when he said that the NYPD forced the reopening of the email case.  They said that if the FBI didn’t do it’s job–and they didn’t–that they would release the emails to the public.  This obviously hasn’t happened.  Today would have been the day, since many Americans will vote on the way to work tomorrow, likely before they watch any news.

Positive Scenario one: Wikileaks has been under attack, and perhaps they could not upload them, but will soon, or will find an alternative distribution method, which, if the key allegations are true, will certainly result in a widespread outcry that no law enforcement will be able to suppress short of riot police and a mass violence that will make things WORSE. Which should, even in this Alice in Wonderland, or Machiavelli in his home turf, world, result in criminal charges, convictions and substantial jail time.

2) They are going to wait and see if Trump wins outright.  DoOJ–the Department of the Obstruction of Justice–has been threatening them, and it may be they are willing to pay the cost, but only if they have to.  They will release everything if Trump loses, and only if he loses.

3) My favorite: Comey, Hillary and what would amount to the Trump campaign reached a deal that if Hillary calls off all the people who were going to cheat to win her the election, and allows Trump to win, then they will close these investigations and she can finish her life in peace.  Trump might have even granted Obama the right to pardon her.  Me personally, I have always been a wheeler and dealer.  You can’t always get everything you want.  Very often you have to settle for the best you can get.  Trump knows this better than just about anybody.  I would assume that if he could get a deal like this, that more or less guarantees him the White House in exchange for not prosecuting the Clinton crime family, he would take it.  He can do so much good, and most of the Clinton crimes exist in the past.  With this deal, he would more or less prevent future crimes.  I would try, of course, to get the dissolution of the Clinton Foundation on the table, in exchange for dropping the investigation.  You do no more wrong in the future, and you stay out of jail for what you did in the past.

4) It is also possible that the usual methods of threat, bribery and coercion were effective, and the NYPD, or the parts that matter, have been permanently silenced.