
Fighting fire with fire

It’s not at all impossible that Democrats can still ballot stuff enough boxes in these “recounts” to influence the election.  As long as they want to pull these bullshit stunts, I think Trump ought to target States he lost, like Virginia, and any other states where it is likely many illegals voted, and ask for recounts within the timelines allowed.  It is conceivable that the Democrats could still pull off massive fraud–and I want to point out they are the only ones who have ever, to my knowledge, been credibly accused of it–and get the votes they need after the deadlines for recounts have run out in other States.

I don’t know all the details, but it is fucking obvious that these assclowns are doing exactly what would have horrified them if it had been done by Trump and his supporters, and they are doing something which has never been done in modern American political history.

My feeling is if they pulled it off somehow, many of them would die in the streets.  They think they are tough, but the people with combat experience and most of the guns will be filled with a rage that will not be quenched through pleas for calm, or fear of a law which will show itself as being useless and vitiated if we put Hillary in office.



It is astonishing to me–well, not really–that the same people who mocked conservatives for believing in rigged elections, and who excoriated Trump for refusing to say if he would accept the results of the election, are now doing all of the things they said should not be done, and they are doing it without a SHRED of recollection of propaganda memes they were repeating with enthusiasm three weeks ago.

What the Democrats have become really is emotionally and intellectually unwell. They are sick in their spirits.  Trump was honest: he said let’s see how things turn out.  Hillary was DISHONEST, in that she said absolutely, categorically she would accept the results without question, and yet has made no effort to call off the people trying to undo the election, as if a 5 million signature petition to State Electors should mean shit when over a 100 million people just voted.

In my lifetime, there has NEVER been a more sustained and organized to overturn the results of an election.  In 2000, it really was very, very close.  But even in that case they were not calling for recounts in multiple States as the Democrats are, and there was ZERO effort to influence the Electors. They did not even play into it.

I try to be patient. I try to pretend these people honestly believe that they believe something.  But the fact is they don’t.  They have no core beliefs.  There are no ideas which are sacred, other than conformity itself.  By the tens of thousands they blogged about how awful it was that Trump would not agree to accept the election results, and how wonderful and responsible it was that Hillary did.

Then they get a result they don’t want, and ALL OF THIS is forgotten instantly.

I have said often I cannot fit my mind into boxes that small, but it is worse: to be on board with these clowns, I would have to systematically transfer my consciousness from one small box to another regularly, all while claiming that was where I was all along. I would have to forget where I was, and avoid thinking about the fact that I would likely soon need to move.

None of this is consistent with mental health.


Let Blessings Be

From time to time, despite your best efforts at misery and woe, the tides will toss you moments of genuine grace, contentment, and joy.  When this happens, pay attention.  These are the seeds of genuine wisdom.  They come and go at their pleasure, but you can make their acquaintance in the process.

I have tried to do Gratitude exercises repeatedly, but they are swamped in the face of underlying negative emotions, underlying tensions, which I have found only give up their grip with focus and conscious unwinding.

But we are all blessed–admittedly very rarely for many of us–with the real deal, with genuine gratitude.  Pay attention when this happens.  Do not force these feelings, and certainly do not try and conjure these feelings.  Regard them like a deer that has happened on your lawn in the early morning.  Be gentle.  Be calm.  Be welcoming.  And when it leaves, reflect on what happened.  You have been gifted a small wisdom, a small spark, that over time can be turned into an enduring flame of, perhaps restless, but real well being.


Free Speech

I was talking with my oldest about the limits of free speech.  Some of you will recall a time when even Democrats would defend the right of the KKK to march in public, to express its views in public.  There was a particularly controversial march I recall as being in Skokie, Illinois.

Most college kids would say that there is a range, but we should not accept anyone outside that range.  My point was this: how can you engage in dialogue, and help evolve, people with whom you refuse to speak, and whose opinions you systematically denigrate and shut out of the public conversation?

Let us say someone IS a KKK member.  They have perhaps 5,000 members in this country.  What benefit accrues to the world, to society, to decency, when you shout them down and tell them they can’t talk, that their opinions are completely wrong, that they are evil and should die?

Do you change their minds?  No, in most cases, they will cling to them more tightly.  No conversation happened.  No meeting of the minds, no baring of the souls.

The intent of the Left, of course, is to give the shouting-down the power of law, such that non-conformists are arrested and hauled away to someplace they can’t talk any more.  This breeds fear, of course, which is their intent, but what it does not breed is social integration, openness, spontaneity, or the social complexity which alone enables GENUINE social evolution.  What it is, of course, is a retrogression to the Salem Witch Trials, or the Spanish Inquisition, or to any other social form which brooked no difference, and which punished it with death.

Genuine emotional intelligence WELCOMES the expression even of hateful views.  People can be influenced.  It may take time.  It may take generations, but influence is the only way in which REAL change happens in a world which is not a shitty disaster filled with people foaming at the mouth and a terrified populace living in the “dark” world the Left so easily projected onto Trump.


The next civil rights struggle

It has no doubt occurred to the authoritarian minds who represent the core of the current professional Left, that they could compile lists of names from social media and systematically discriminate against them.  The overt pretext would be the conflation of Trump support and racism and other -isms which in this present world constitute dissidence/deviance/non-compliance.

Logically, as objects of systemic discrimination, the remedy in the current world would be either judicial protection, or if we want to take the logic of the Left and use it against it, some form of Affirmative Action in places like universities which are systematically lacking in diversity.

Given the cauldrons of pernicious indoctrination so many of our public schools have become, I personally would support the latter option.

Consider this: it is certainly the case that people who lack practical talent, and lack professional grade social skills both gravitate to academia, and to Leftism.  But consider also that the practical necessity of conformity in any university career to the social norms of one’s colleagues is absolute, and you get a system which is virtually guaranteed to exclude conservatives.  On the one hand, conservatives shun such careers because they know they will be hated, and on the other only Leftists can count on promotions and tenure.  There is a both a self selection process and an institutional selection process.

The likelihood of being either forced to hide my politics for a long period of time, or to face an inability to get a good tenured job, was one of the factors which played into my own decision not to continue graduate school in the Humanities.

Republicans in many quarters literally are pariahs.  We are discriminated against, to the extent possible.  We are being beaten in the streets by people who proclaim love and practice extraordinarily prejudicial violence.

Now is the time for such policies.  Trump can simply declare that universities receiving public money must demonstrate a commitment to ideological and cultural diversity.



If you are not often on the edge of fucking up, you are likely complacent. If you are not aware of this, you likely lack the humility to hear what is being whispered in your ear.

Pence, Part Two

I try not to focus on trivia, but thought I might throw my two cents in and say I watched what the main guy said, and it was not insult, or particularly demeaning or awful.  I think, as I said, that the paradigm from which it came–that Trump is intolerant and that Obama IS tolerant–is misguided and wrong, but my goodness I don’t want us to start acting like the whiny crybabies on the Left.  Let it go.  It wasn’t that bad.  It really wasn’t.  For a New Yorker in front of a New York audience, it was in fact quite mild and even-tempered.


They called on Pence to stand up for ALL Americans.  Can they honestly claim to believe, without guilt or a long list of qualifiers, that Obama or the Democrats generally, have stood up for ALL Americans?  No, they have stood up for a series of special interest groups, which all together still do not constitute a majority of Americans.

Look at the red on the Electoral Map.  Those are the Americans who feel Obama and the Democrats failed to stand up for them. On the contrary, they felt it their duty to stand up TO them, to people who feel no shame in patriotism, or the path of our history, or in traditional families, or belief in God and the Christian faith, in hard work, personal responsibility, and the huge importance of political freedom.

To paraphrase James Watt, if we got two trannies, a queer, 3 jews, 5 blacks, a cripple, someone with an IQ under 50, a spastic, 2 each of @black women, @asian women, @hispanic women, @white women, and ALL OF THEM THINK THE SAME, we have a room full of drones, still.  There is no meaningful diversity.

Politically, the diversity that MATTERS is thinking differently, approaching problems differently, coming from differing cultures we do not have to apologize for.

Trump, unlike Obama, will in my view stand for all Americans.  It’s about damn time somebody did.

Edit: as I think about it, is literally seems to be the underlying thought process that you can commodify difference, that it is a measurable thing, and not something much more subtle, such as the difference in personalities between two sisters.

I had a related bigger thought today I am going to need to mull over a bit, and likely smoke on.


The Electors

I see the list of Electors in the States which did not swing Hillary has been published, and death threats are being made against some of them.  One, I would hope that the police are getting involved, because any threat against ANYONE, much less someone performing a role within government, is illegal.  Terroristic threatening should be punished, punished massively and punished publicly through announced arrests.

Second, though, even in the highly unlikely event this violence is making people more, not less, likely to change their votes, Trump could easily present a credible case that the election was unfairly influenced by organized, illegal activity, which could potentially be prosecuted under RICO.  Their threats are most likely going to have the effect of increasing the relish with which the Electors will vote Trump, but will in any event become a separate factor in the lawsuits which would undoubtedly follow an unprecedented Elector coup d’etat.



It is an unexamined and entirely inaccurate assumption that people who are diverse with respect to sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, etc., will somehow intrinsically differ enough that they can develop synergies that would not have happened otherwise.  This is the argument made for diversity, to the extent it is not simply a political club being wielded by the Left based on their assertion of what is right.

But if all those people think the same, what you have is dullness.  And in most cases, they do, if they are of the political Left.  Where you generate interesting Complexity–and that is what we want–is when you have people who THINK DIFFERENTLY, who have differing moral values, who have genuinely diverse perspectives.

This benefit of genuine diversity is suppressed in two ways: 1) conflating outer diversity with inner diversity; 2) hating and devaluing all alternative opinions.

When people think you can make general claims about people because they are not white, not straight, not male, you are dealing in the intellectually childlike world of primary and deep bigotry and prejudice.  You are in KKK territory.  It is that level of incuriosity, that level of ignorance about the Other.

How one can be ignorant about the largest demographic group in the country is an interesting question.  The simplest answer seems to be the long term practice of both telling and believing lies about them, while living in a world which accepts it, and rejects all alternative inputs and narratives.  By living in a bubble, in other words.

White southerners had a stronger case for judging black people–who as a matter of policy were kept ignorant (a policy which indeed largely continues today, in that the Left does not want blacks to have access to high quality educations)–than Leftists have for judging the white men who created this country, created the concept of tolerance, created the universities they thrive in, created the scientific method, and created virtually all the technology they depend on daily.  Those are no small feats.

As long as white people are the bad guys, Democrats are going to continue to contract.  Nobody likes racism, and we are no exceptions.