

It feels to me like the process of integration–which is both bringing into awareness lost parts of yourself, as well learning to get them to work better together–is turning a circle into a line.  It is moving from repetition to movement.

And it feels to me like actual growth feels like open ended exploration, movement without purpose beyond curiosity, with ideally a touch of play and humor added in. What it is not is work.  Work is survival.  Work is getting through the grinding.

Effective work is learning not to work.  We have mechanisms within us which can, if we let them, take care of most things.  The task is to allow and trust.  That is very, very hard.

I”m not sure I agree with all of this, but I’m going to post it anyway.


Tim Kaine/Alec Baldwin

I write this blog for wonks.  By now you know about the tape allegedly by Tim Kaine but which was in reality by Alec Baldwin of him being a complete fucking douchebag yelling at his daughter.

Here is the point I will make: this false claim was CERTAINLY started by paid operatives of the DNC.  We know they contemplated and may have actually placed, sexist ads on Craigslist which supposedly originated with Trump.  We know they started a riot in Chicago.  We know oxygen lady was paid money to provoke an assault on herself.  We KNOW they plant people to ask certain questions of politicians.

Ponder the ethics and psychology of this.  Winning is everything.  Accomplishment is equated with electing your people.  Do you then ask yourself: well, did they do ONE FUCKING THING TO HELP ANYONE, and that is not a question anyone wants to hear.

Corruption, in the service of failure.  Not a pretty sight, or something to brag about.

And is there really any difference in these tactics and this mindset and that of the KGB when it was running AgitProp operations in the United States, and the rest of the world?

I have said this numerous times, but they had 4x the money committed to fucking our culture up and confusing everyone and fomenting conflict as they did actual intelligence gathering.

And I thought it was specifically interesting that the Wikileak about a dumbed down and comliant populace involved a National Endowment for the Arts operative.

Here is the quote:

“I’m certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly.”

This guy ran the NEA under Clinton.

And it is likely worth pointing out in the interest of the fairness the Left does not recognize that the unawareness he speaks of  is people not agreeing with Democrat policies.  Anyone who doesn’t toe their line is assumed to be stupid.  They are assumed to be stupid because most of these clowns are unaware of any alternative economic theories, theories of jurisprudence, ethical and ideological diversity, etc.

I do think art was made intentionally ugly by Communists, and that we need art in our lives badly, but that we need GOOD art, and good people producing it.

We need heart.  We need soul.  Bad politics produced by bad people will not create those.  It will instead steal from you your very sense of self, and do so so slowly, so insidiously, that you will simply start hurting and never know why.


Hillary versus Nixon

I know I wrote this on Facebook, but can’t recall if I shared it here: Electing Hillary now would be worse, much worse, than reelecting Nixon AFTER Watergate.  We KNOW she is a cheat and a liar and a law breaker.  The best her defenders can say about her is that she has never been CHARGED with a felony.

And I like to read Snopes.  They spin the fucking hell out of everything, but it is the nature of their particular beast that they have to put the fact out there.  And when they are forced to unambiguously support  viewpoint they don’t like, they just delete the story, like they did with the story about Obama’s mother being featured naked in Frank Marshall Davis’s porno mags.  They had a rebuttal.  I read it myself.  Then pictures were published with the stars on the tits removed, and it became impossible to argue the case.  So I understand. I’ve seen a lot of tits in my time, and they come in all shapes and sizes, some very distinctive.

But here is their treatment of Hillary’s time on the Watergate Commission:

What she unquestionably did was take part in a coverup.  Specifically, they were trying to deny Nixon the right to legal counsel, but there was a precedent, in the impeachment of a Supreme Court justice, that counsel was allowed.

What did they do?  They stole the files from the main library concerning this Justice, his last name was Douglas, and hid them where no one else could access them.  THEN they wrote a legal brief saying no precedent existed.  They lied, in other words, knowingly, intentionally.  Here is their supposedly exculpatory clarification:

Moreover, Zeifman plainly stated in his book that Hillary Rodham didn’t “confiscate” files related to the Douglas impeachment case. Rather, he asserted that it was her supervisor, John Doar, who — with Chairman Rodino’s assent — took possession of those files, writing that “Doar got Rodino’s permission to place all of our Douglas impeachment files in his exclusive custody.”

So Hillary engaged in a coverup, but one directed by her boss.  Can we just call this learning on the job, and being perfectly OK with being part of a corrupt system?

Some things never change. 



This is an interesting article on Dada:

I became very interested in Dada when I was 18 or so.  The reason why was not clear to me then, but I would suppose it represented to me a release of a wound spring that was otherwise impossible for me.

Without commenting too much (although I will relink my paper on it.  Actually, this is quote worthy

Through an interesting twist, we wind up in a position that since all narratives are equal,
we can only condemn our own. And since all narratives are bad, and since we have a
narrative, it needs to be condemned. And since we just deconstructed our own narrative,
we can no longer deconstruct anyone elses. We have no tools, no criteria, by which to do
this. Our own notions of justice have been jettisoned, so we will have to use those of

That was percipient, if I do say so myself.

But the point I had originally intended to make was that all this destructive energy also had the hope of creation behind it, and it was PLAYFUL.  There is none of that in the modern climate, which is angry, bitter, argumentative, divisive and mean.

And I will remind folks that Donald Trump DOES like to play.  He likes appearing on soap operas, and pro Wrestling, and things like that.  He thinks its funny.

And so, so many women have come forward to say that he is a gentleman and the charges against him fabricated.  But CNN and NBC won’t cover those, will they?

The fix is in.  We are living in an ugly, ugly time, filled with ugly, ugly people.  Trump is not one of them. 


Income inequality

If you think about it, in a dynamic system income inequality means you can do better.  It is one thing to have a fixed aristocratic system–which is the latent myth being invoked–but another entirely to have a meritocratic system like ours where most rich are recent rich, and where in theory you can only become wealthy by creating something of value (abuse of government and law breaking are also possible; but when the system is working, neither is possible, because government is small an relatively detached from the economy, and because law breaking is punished).

In a coerced egalitarian system, there is nowhere to go.  There is no hope for better, if better is what you want, and some people clearly want that.

It seems obvious to me that what people are really hoping for, emotionally, in seeking income equality is community, is a group where they belong, which shares their values.  But that has nothing to do with money.  It is a wish they dare not even voice to themselves, because it would reveal to them their spiritual and social poverty.

It further seems obvious to me that if you can build a society with a high average standard of living where some people, if they apply themselves, can become wealthy to an almost unlimited extent, then that is the best possible system, and except to the extent we have cheaters and government abusers (and lost wealth through monetary inflation) that is what we have.

Free markets combined with property law and relatively laissez faire government have exploded human wealth to an astonishing extent.  There is no close second to this system economically for wealth building.  As I have posted before, even overt imperialism (invading a nation and taking their stuff) is inferior.


Hillary uses the N word

Another story that will be suppressed by the media:

Former chef said he heard Hillary say of a server who screwed something up “That N–R”.

As Paul Joseph Watson admits, because he is a credible journalist, this is mere hearsay.  But so too has been the looping coverage of alleged assaults by Trump which remained unreported for decades, despite how ridiculously easy it would have been to sue him.  The first gal’s account was physically impossible, and her phone number linked to the Clinton Foundation.

As he also says, imagine if someone came forward and said they heard Trump use the N word.  It would be 24/7 for weeks.

Our media is broken. The first step to fixing it is denying them ad revenue by not watching them.



If Obama is willing to start a nuclear war with Russia to protect his fellow Democrats, imagine the kind of pressure he can bring to bear on Ecuador.

Jill Stein

I wonder if Trump can get her to stump with him. It would help a lot. She can obviously be vocal about her disagreements with him, but they can also share their areas of agreement, specifically that Hillary should NOT be allowed anywhere near the Presidency, that TPP is a disaster, and that nuclear might just ruin our day.  Certainly, it would not be good for the environment.

And obviously, she would get some sort of position in the Trump administration.  This would translate her now hopeless campaign into a potential engine of some change in the direction she wants.  Surgeon General would be a good choice.

Two further ideas occur to me: she also cannot have been a fan of the notion of a borderless hemisphere, as she ACTUALLY seems to care about American workers, and that whatever voters she might peal from Hillary would likely go to her, not Trump.


Right wing crazies

Hey you remember those crazies who thought some power elite was trying to make one country of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada?

They weren’t crazy. In fact the plan is ENTIRE HEMISPHERE. They weren’t crazy enough.


This fight

Like many, I am obsessing a bit about this election.  I really do feel like this is for all the marbles.  If we continue down this path, we get a softer edged but equally nasty 1984.

And it feels like a fight, but the fight is not really between voters, by and large.  It is between the public and the media.  It is trying to get needed information into the public space when all the major “news” networks are working HARD to suppress it.  Wikileaks, for example, has been all but buried by all the major networks, including Fox.  This is extraordinary, and extraordinarily frustrating.

A certain percentage of Democrats vote every election.  Most college educated people vote every election and always have.

What is different this year is that a LOT of people love Trump, and nobody likes Hillary.  She doesn’t set anyone on fire like Trump does. She can’t fill cafeterias, much less stadiums, and in any even at the moment she is not campaigning at all.

My personal guess is that this election will be like no other, and that many, many people with a high school education or less who normally sit the elections out, are going to turn out in droves to vote for Trump.  Romney had nothing to say to them.  Neither did John McCain, who may as well be a Democrat.

If we can avoid mass election fraud, we can definitely win this.