I write this blog for wonks. By now you know about the tape allegedly by Tim Kaine but which was in reality by
Alec Baldwin of him being a complete fucking douchebag yelling at his daughter.
Here is the point I will make: this false claim was CERTAINLY started by paid operatives of the DNC. We know they contemplated and may have actually placed, sexist ads on Craigslist which supposedly originated with Trump. We know they started a riot in Chicago. We know oxygen lady was paid money to provoke an assault on herself. We KNOW they plant people to ask certain questions of politicians.
Ponder the ethics and psychology of this. Winning is everything. Accomplishment is equated with electing your people. Do you then ask yourself: well, did they do ONE FUCKING THING TO HELP ANYONE, and that is not a question anyone wants to hear.
Corruption, in the service of failure. Not a pretty sight, or something to brag about.
And is there really any difference in these tactics and this mindset and that of the KGB when it was running AgitProp operations in the United States, and the rest of the world?
I have said this numerous times, but they had 4x the money committed to fucking our culture up and confusing everyone and fomenting conflict as they did actual intelligence gathering.
And I thought it was specifically interesting that the Wikileak about a dumbed down and comliant populace involved a National Endowment for the Arts operative.
Here is the quote:
“I’m certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly.”
This guy ran the NEA under Clinton.
And it is likely worth pointing out in the interest of the fairness the Left does not recognize that the unawareness he speaks of is people not agreeing with Democrat policies. Anyone who doesn’t toe their line is assumed to be stupid. They are assumed to be stupid because most of these clowns are unaware of any alternative economic theories, theories of jurisprudence, ethical and ideological diversity, etc.
I do think art was made intentionally ugly by Communists, and that we need art in our lives badly, but that we need GOOD art, and good people producing it.
We need heart. We need soul. Bad politics produced by bad people will not create those. It will instead steal from you your very sense of self, and do so so slowly, so insidiously, that you will simply start hurting and never know why.