

What if the single most important thing Denmark does is ensure the mother (and in many cases, the father) is allowed time for stress-free bonding with her child, and supported by a larger community of friends and family?

Demographically, part of the reason this works is that they are not having many children, but does not our own entire society depend in some ways on the well being of the children being born today?

There is this tendency to treat children as lumps for their first couple years, since they don’t “say” anything.  But in important respects, these are the most important years.  Every template for life is being laid, or not laid.



Obvious, but needed point: true censorship isn’t televised.  It is invisible to all but those affected, and those doing it.

There is no way to know what stories should be front page news, but which disappeared, through voluntary or other suppression.


Putin and Trump

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me to ally with Russia.  We have been treating them as enemies for just about a century, and it would be a great thing to pull our people out of  Europe.

We have been treating Saudi Arabia as our ally for a long time, and during that time they have been exporting Jihadist ideology continuously.

We may need to ratify the de facto situation in the Ukraine–or for that matter, allow the troops of the two nations to continue to fight–but it is my sense that Russia and the United States share two common enemies: the globalists–who we might roughly conflate with the international bankers who run and benefit from the Central Banks of the world, which all come together in the Bank of International Settlements; and the power elites who rotate among corporate boards, political postings, and academic positions–and the Islamists, who are best represented, in my view, by the Saudis and Iranians.

My sense is that Russia has no compelling reason not to distance itself from Iran, and facilitating that alone would be a major reason to cozy up to Russia.  There are economic incentives, but across the board a deal maker like Trump could put something together which would satisfy everyone.

The frenzy we are seeing, the piranhas thrashing in the water, is plainly related, in my view, to a fear on the part of a power elite that for the first time in a generation they won’t get one of their people in office.  They hate Putin because he isn’t one of them.  He doesn’t want to be in that club.  He doesn’t need to be in that club.

Trump, likewise, calls his own shots.  He is and always has been a maverick.  When he was more or less a Democrat, they loved that about him.  Now that he is the candidate of all things they are told are evil, he is erratic and untrustworthy.  Possibly true, but we KNOW what Hillary will do, and all of it is bad.  She is absolutely trustworthy in that respect.

Billions have been invested creating a nearly hermetically sealed media, and the final touches could likely get done in Hillary’s first four years.  Just call Drudge “hate”, and the usual drones will accept it with their usual glass eyed complacency, and you can ban it.  Alex Jones would be even easier.

If you think about it, it is really astonishing that things have evolved so much that Jones has become virtually mainstream.  He is one of the only people who has chosen to retain his right to say whatever he wants to say, even if some of it is crazy.  The thing is: a lot of what he says is not crazy at all.

I can’t imagine even Ted Cruz talking about possible poll rigging.  But Trump did.  It’s a valid concern, but it would not have been considered polite enough by anyone else, certainly not Bush, who in any event is a member of the Uniparty.

History has seasons.  I know that good comes and goes.  Evil comes and goes. This evil could last a very long time, but not forever.  That is why I wrote my piece on “Perfection” some years ago.

I do fear political prison, torture, but not so much death.  I have faced death so many times, that I think I will be ready for it when it comes.

It’s hard to see reasons for hope.  This is one election cycle, but over the long haul, our youth are decadent, dependent, needy, stupid, and completely lacking in what was once called “moral fiber”.  They are raised with pornography and violent video games, by parents either emotionally detached or overly involved, and marinated in a continual stream of leftist propaganda.  What reverses this?  I can’t say I know.


Imagine my surprise

The guy who used his CIA credentials to lie on behalf of Hillary has done it before.

Wake the fuck up America.


ISIS, a more awful explanation

I indulged my inclination towards argument over the past day or so with a bunch of fools, whose stupidity I could not and don’t yet fathom.  People who should know better saying demonstrably stupid things.  But I read all the links, watch all the videos, consider the arguments, and despite their best efforts to derail me, I always learn something.

I had not realized that in 2011, in the early stages of a popular uprising against him, Al-Assad released a bunch of political prisoners who, if they were not radical when they went into his prisons, were certainly radical when they got out.  What many Syrians believe is that by putting on the street people who hated him and who were very violent, the peaceful voices of protest would quickly be drowned out by the radical ones.  This would free him to use violence against all of them.  That is the theory at any rate. 

But roughly a third of Syrians also believe that America created ISIS.  Why would this be?  As I keep saying, I believe we funneled arms to what became ISIS, and provided them training.  This is my gut instinct.

I have been believing this was simply bad policy, but what if creating ISIS were the GOAL?  What if the intent was to create an enemy who could then be used to create fear?  What if the goal of importing these people in large numbers, knowing many were violent, was as an end game the suppression of the civil liberties of Europeans?  You create the fear, and they react like we did after Oklahoma City and 9/11.

Anyone capable of bombing the Murrah building, or destroying 3 skyscrapers in New York, would certainly not balk at such a project. 

What if the little boy who did so much to build sympathy for the Syrian cause was drowned ON PURPOSE?

As I try to calm myself down, the world sure as fuck is not doing much to help.  Well: I believe I chose this life.  I’m going to make of it what I can, using the challenges that present themselves, and I will never quit trying to do so.


Oklahoma City

This is the letter he sent to most of Congress, who largely ignored him.

This is part 1 of a 19 minutes lecture which covers the highlights of his case.

I have commented on this from time to time.  The case he assembles is, to my non-expert eyes, irrefutable that numerous more bombs were in place in Oklahoma City, and that this fact was COVERED UP by the FBI and other Federal and apparently State and even City agencies.  Certainly, the fact that the evidence was disposed of nearly immediately is absolute.  And far too many people describe additional explosive devices being found for that not to be viewed as a reasonable certainty.

People can and should ask what Hillary has on the FBI.  Could we not start with the cover up in Oklahoma City?  The FBI seems to have allowed people it was supposedly keeping its eye on to blow up a building under their watch and under their noses.  That is the most generous explanation.  The more invidious one is that it HELPED, with the obvious political goal of helping bring about tyranny in the United States.

If the news doesn’t sicken you, you aren’t understanding it.  I don’t like it, but this is my time on Earth, this is my life, and this is what is happening.



It is really quite astonishing that in the present day stories are manufactured from whole cloth–such that Trump is quitting, or that his campaign is  in disarray–and without the faintest whiff of fact checking, are repeated endlessly.  Retractions and apologies are never offered.  This is Soviet era stuff.  We have mind control being attempted in a free nation, by a press which at one time considered integrity important (or I like to think so, at any rate).

Alex Jones has a good explanation, to my mind: Trump apparently raised $97 million in the month after the convention.  That is a strong showing, and shows a lot of support.

Julian Assange is also claiming he has even more damning emails on Hillary, which among other things put final evidence forward for the likely scenario of her funneling arms from Libya to what became ISIS.  And lying about it.  You can append that to virtually every claim made about Hillary.  They say of Muhammad, Peace be upon him.  You can say of Hillary “Lies be upon her”.  She’s talking: what further evidence is needed?

Finally, it is quite possible that in their demonstrable panic, at least some media outlets are doctoring polling data to create the impression of an unstoppable Hillary juggernaut.  They are peaking much too soon, though, which to my mind lends credence to a warranted fear about what is in those emails.  They are trying to close the deal three months early.  That is not good strategy, and there is likely a reason.


Anti-Trump hysteria

The media is in a dangerous place.  As fucking stupid and complacent as Americans are, we are not all completely stupid all the time.  Their bias has surged beyond the banks of the pretense of objectivity, and is flooding into everything they do.  They are openly attacking Trump continually.

At some point, more and more eyes will start to open.  People will start saying “wait a minute, they are not reporting news: they are trying to influence the election”.

There remain several months left before the election.  It’s still anybody’s game, no matter how desperately the media is trying to close the deal.


Scary stuff

This is out and out propaganda–self serving, conscious, carefully crafted lies–coming from the top of a key sector of our intelligence apparatus.  This is prima facie evidence of high level corruption, of the sort we already saw more or less in the open in the FBI’s unwillingness to do its job and prosecute her for the crimes she clearly committed.

Nothing is impossible if she gets in office.  Nothing.

Short except:

spent four years working with Mrs. Clinton when she was secretary of
state, most often in the White House Situation Room. In these critically
important meetings, I found her to be prepared, detail-oriented,
thoughtful, inquisitive and willing to change her mind if presented with
a compelling argument.

also saw the secretary’s commitment to our nation’s security; her
belief that America is an exceptional nation that must lead in the world
for the country to remain secure and prosperous; her understanding that
diplomacy can be effective only if the country is perceived as willing
and able to use force if necessary; and, most important, her capacity to
make the most difficult decision of all — whether to put young American
women and men in harm’s way.

Clinton was an early advocate of the raid that brought Bin Laden to
justice, in opposition to some of her most important colleagues on the
National Security Council. During the early debates about how we should
respond to the Syrian civil war, she was a strong proponent of a more
aggressive approach, one that might have prevented the Islamic State
from gaining a foothold in Syria.

First off, she fucking hates America and most of its troops and law enforcement officers.  She has made this obvious many times and in many ways.

Second, no mention of Benghazi.  Two of the 4 men killed were CIA employees, or so I understand.

Third, no mention of gun running to Syria, which almost certainly happened, and which he very certainly knew about if it did, since he would have been one of the people coordinating it.  That gun running armed what became ISIS.

I could go on, but if you don’t get the picture, you’re not going to.

This is a senior government official telling lies in the service of a corrupt candidate.  America, wake the fuck up.



I have long dealt with unwanted emotions by participating in arguments on the internet. It’s not just that I’m good at it, or that I feel like what I am saying needs saying.  Those are both true.

But I want friction, anger, fight.  And I was trying to trace this today.  What feelings lead me down that path?  How do they start?  What other possibilities exist?  Arguing is not wrong, but compulsivity is unhealthy.

Arguing consists in large measure in judging compulsively, in labeling things right or wrong, positions and people as right or wrong, defensible or indefensible.

And it hit me: the process of judgement is related to the primitive instinct of in/out, safe/dangerous.  It is related to the animal instincts that kept, and sometimes still keep, us safe, that keep us aware and switched on when we need to be.

As such, it is–without me knowing enough to be more specific–related to the fight/flight/freeze response.  Fear and judgement go together.

If we posit, as I do, that feelings precede explanation (Existence precedes essence, as a severely traumatized man once said), then compulsive judgement is a consistent outcome of developmental and other trauma.  So too would be the inability to judge. Hyper and hypo arousal.

So I manage my own fear by judging others, as well as–more or less continuously–judging myself.  It has been a not particularly funny joke I tell myself for some time that I’m fucked no matter what I do.  There is and can be no right answer to any situation concerning my emotions and behavior.  That is likely another reason I like abstraction so much.  There resolution is possible.  I land, or crystallize, my fear, my generalized anxiety.

But if we imagine ourselves as wild horses, running on a primitive and open prairie, we would not–even if we were talking horses–spend too much time on ethics, or political theory, or how to develop the prairie and get rich.  We would live in primary experience.

One could say that the cultivation of fear which has so characterized the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions has happened pari pasu with the ubiquity of strong moral judgements.

And I was wondering today if one could speak of “trauma cultures”, where children are acculturated through fear and violence, and who then develop those traits in their own children.  Children who are traumatized will naturally gravitate towards being highly judgmental.  Their culture will reflect that, and in a cycle, create it.  Fearful kids become judgmental adults who foster fearful kids.

There are so many things in the modern world which are CLOSE to important truths.  It is true that dogmatism is bad, and that most moral situations have many possibly valid interpretations.  It is true that competing dogmatisms–competing fears disguised as absolute judgments–often lead to violence.  Violence, too, is of course on the continuum with the already-activated fight or flight impulse.

One could view judgement as a sort of attack.

I fear I am meandering, but hopefully there is something useful here.

I will add that my own moral philosophy on judgement–moral decisions must be local, necessary, and imperfect–is quite consistent with a judgement which is not compulsive.  In some way, I saw all this long ago.

I have an odd mind that is perennially thinking thoughts I don’t have anyone else to share with.  That is where you, silent internet, come in.  Thank you!!!!!

Oh, and this:  I was judging my spelling, but it’s apparently all good.