This was written in 1862 (in the middle of the Civil War).
Excerpt: What shall be done with them [freed black slaves]?
This was written in 1862 (in the middle of the Civil War).
Excerpt: What shall be done with them [freed black slaves]?
This video is well constructed and useful. That this farce is likely a principal “outwardly cognitive” (as opposed to the “inwardly real”) reason so many people want global fascism is unbelievable to me.
The numbers don’t add up. The whole thing is ludicrous.
This is worth the watch. John Stossel does good work.
Ponder the lunacy involved in the fact that we are $20 trillion in debt, that we will soon pay more in INTEREST on our national debt than we spend on the Department of Defense, and that NONE of the media are talking about this, and that neither Hillary nor Trump have made this a major campaign issue.
If we survive with any connection with our past–if totalitarian censors do not wipe the past clean and rewrite it–future generations will wonder how we could be so fucking stupid in such large numbers.
They won’t release his name, other than to say it is a “typical Swiss name”. Here is the problem: in the comments on one of the stories, someone said that the name was anything BUT Swiss, and that their efforts to post it had been repeatedly met with comment deletion.
I read German, so I looked up the Neue Zurcher Zeitung article on it. They, too, say only that he was Swiss, he was not a registered foreigner, and that his name was “typical”. They then note in comments that there will be no comments, and they appreciate your understanding.
As I keep saying, how can you know what is being censored? You can’t.
Here is a plausible thesis: this guy is named Ahmed or Muhammad, and he was either born in Switzerland, or naturalized long ago. He was supposed to be integrated, one of them. The guy you can trust.
The people who do the censoring–the government officials who don’t want to trust the people they are responsible for keeping safe–would be panicked to learn that even long naturalized Muslims can be radicalized and weaponized, right in their midst. This puts at risk the whole narrative of multicultural integration. This makes it logical to question the loyalties of ALL Muslims.
We live in a very dangerous time. I am paranoid by nature, but that is the only reason I am wide awake. Most people prefer sleep, and I understand fully why. The problems in play are enormous, and seemingly incomprehensible. But all good has to start with truth, and that is a good start.
And I realize that in important respects the traumatized reenact things with the same automatism, and with no more consciousness than, insects. There is behavior, but it has no purpose. It does not meet any current need.
You can imagine little race tracks, little loops, next to people who have trauma. Their behavior and consciousness exists on that loop. It goes around and around. They never meet open ended lines. The only forward is in a circle. This is the only movement they can handle. Some loops are bigger than others, but they all repeat.
I remember times when my mother just wasn’t there. I realize now that she herself suffered and suffers from severe trauma. I can’t tell her this, because she can’t hear me. I am not there. I have never been there. For that matter, she has never been there. This is not her fault, mostly, although I don’t doubt some alarm bell has been ringing in her all her life that something has been missing from our relationship, and she has chosen to ignore it. She did not want to go there.
We have all seen vacant eyes, and met detached people. They are everywhere. Large segments of their consciousness are taken up with what I might call “Insect memory”. This is unconscious memory, continually reenactments of things they can’t remember. Even when nothing seems to be going on, even when they themselves think they are calm and feel fine, large subroutines are running continually, crowding out the pleasures of life, and open curiosity.
This is all very, very interesting. Large segments of human life are hidden. They are subterranean. We all see caves all day every day without realizing it.
And darkness is also where the rainbows are.
And I wonder if a large part of the reason the American Psychiatric Association is refusing to do the obvious thing and put this disorder into their DSM is that most of THEM suffer from it.
If you hate life, and feel unwanted, unloved, and disconnected, many professions want you. Engineers want you. Medical Science wants you. The military and Law Enforcement want you. All of them get to enjoy higher status for being “dispassionate” and “objective”.
And the people who seem to want to run the world: they, too, no doubt suffer from severe developmental traumas.
van der Kolk has not mentioned this yet–none of the books I have read have–but it would seem obvious that both sociopathy and narcissism are part of the spectrum of Developmental Trauma Disorders. They are grotesque failures of mirroring, and social engagement. I assume these therapists are trying to keep things positive, and allow other specialists to make these connections, but I’m just the man to go negative.
But the argument seems to be that they are screwed no matter who they vote for, and they don’t like Trump. If they are fucked, they may as well flip Trump the finger for stealing their party and their Party.
But here is the key: it is no doubt true that Trump may not do what he says. He may flip 180 once in office. He may be a Democrat in wolves clothing. Nobody would ever suspect a Democrat in wolves clothing. They are wolves in sheeps clothing.
But he MIGHT DO EVERYTHING HE SAYS. This possibility cannot be discounted. He may lower personal and corporate tax rates. He may rejuvenate our economy by encouraging confidence and liberating money for investment. He may overturn Obamacare and replace it with the free market solutions which have always made sense, and which I have argued for for some time.
He might negotiate an acceptable modus vivendi with Russia. He might get the Germans to pay some fucking money if they want our troops there. Same with South Korea.
He might do the same mass layoffs in government that CEO’s in the private sector have always been willing to undertake when needed, particularly if they were dead weight.
He might, in other words, be successful. He might do everything we hope and more.
So in Game Theory terms (actually, no, I forget the formal terms, but fuck it) you have one option where you can assume with 100% certainty that a left wing, anti-liberty agenda will be pursued. This is given. This is disputed by no one.
On the other you have a range of probabilities that Trump MIGHT betray us, ranging from very low, to, perhaps, 99% for the biggest doubters. But nobody can say with certainty that he will ignore EVERYTHING he has on his campaign website.
On the one hand, you have a chance. On the other, no chance. This should be a simple decision, for all but the most sanctimonious pricks. Those people should still come around eventually, or be damned to watching reruns of Roseanne and drinking Folgers for the rest of their natural lives, at which point we turn them over to the Big Man, who will also be unhappy.
It has become a commonplace that “kids nowadays” are weaker and less resilient than preceding generations. Would it not be interesting to ask if part of this–and given the prevalence of safe spaces and trigger warnings it does seem to be a “thing”–is that their mothers were the first generation working outside the home in large numbers, and also the first generation where divorce and single parent homes were common?
Could it be the case that the Greatest Generation was raised in comfortable, relatively affluent (compared to the past, and compared to most of the world) homes by stay-home mothers who had the time and emotional energy to devote a lot of time to them in their first two years of life?
On a related note–I need to be doing something but I am going to indulge myself, again: I was feeling in a space somewhere the other day, I can’t remember where, that we all have these little tentacles coming out of us which want attachment, which want stability, which crave constancy and “known-ness”.
And I was feeling how we are like balls floating in the air, always wanting to come down and settle, and how the circumstances of modern life keep throwing them back up in the air. What is the solution? Where is the safety? Becoming attached to motion and change for the sake of motion and change.
This is the essence of Leftism: a fundamenatl impatience with, and rejection of, what is, in favor not of what could be, but merely something else. There is no plan, and no genuine continuity between alleged motive and actual outcome. Burke wrote about this 200 years ago in regards to the French Revolution. I don’t speak French, but if we can say “L’Art pour l’Art” can we not say “Change pour change”?
And at the root of this, in turn, is the grinding of trauma, of black magic, of terror and horror. The leaders, the pushers, cannot remain still. Trauma does this. No psychological position is comfortable, but you are driven to constantly seek one. You are in pain, and the pain drives you, nowhere and everywhere. You rationalize it, you direct it, and you can create the illusion of purpose.
These people run countries. They run large banks. And in large measure, they seem to run our world, or at least are trying to.
Here is that speech:
Virtually everything he predicted is coming to pass. Even inflation. Our currency has been inflated some $50 billion a month for the past 8 years. We are not seeing price inflation solely because that money is not in motion. But the stage is set for hyperinflation the moment the group controlling this money wants it. And even absent hyperinflation, this is a MASSIVE transfer of wealth, an unbelievable, astonishing transfer of wealth.
The headless ones have been winning for a very long time. Trump is the first Republican since Goldwater who at least might get the big picture. Reagan won the Cold War, but at the cost of massive deficits, and in the context of large increases in social spending. And he never questioned our overseas commitments. Trump does. He is asking the people who benefit from the presence of our troops to pay for it.
Hell, we should tax the countries who use the sea lanes our Navy protects. That would be reasonable.
We have been ruled by lunatics for far too long. The hour is late, but it is not yet midnight. If we elect Hillary, it might be.
I can’t decide if there should be a comma after prevent, but you get the point. If not, well shit I’m going to explain it.
This popped in my head, and I am always willing to take direct transmissions from my unconscious, the Beyond, or whatever.
Here is the thing: Christians SUPPRESS what they call sin. There are 7 deadly sins. They are–and I had to look this up since I’ve never seen Se7en: hubris, greed, lust, malicious envy, gluttony, inordinate anger, and sloth.
If you feel pride you punish yourself. If you feel greed, you punish yourself. Good Christians might find themselves whipping themselves continually for sins of thought.
But every impulse in the human being has a positive intent. What happens is they get perverted by traumas and unprocessed unconscious content, and made obsessive. If they are not obsessive, they come and they go, and they are of no more consequence than passing clouds. You can watch them, feel them, understand them, and let them go. This is sinlessness.
Christianity is in many respects a dark and unpleasant religion. I doubt very much Christ would recognize much of his teachings in most churches, at least those which focus more on sin and eternal damnation than love and optimism and the promise of heaven.